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I walked into the bar sighing.

Why did they come?

The cons had followed me to the bar.

"Alright.....don't leave this bar and don't case any trouble, please." I said. It was 9 pm, the bar was crowded and everyone was expecting me to sing.

" to ya later guys." I said going towards the stage. Once there I took the mic gaining the crowds attention and I waved.

"Hey everyone.....Dalton." I greeted sighting my brother.

"Hope your ready Ryan gotta lot of singin' tonight."

"I need a raise." I sighed as the music started, everyone laughed.

(Don't feel like putting lyrics.)

I took a deep breath as Take It Off by ke$ha ended, people cheered and clapped, I smiled breathlessly.

I pumped my fist in the air once as a guitar and someone whistling began and I shook my head slightly.

"Hello, wherever you are." I waved very girly, making men whistle. "Are you dancing on the dance floor or drinking at the bar?"

(That's all I'm putting. Wait the last line)

"We are the crazy people." I ended in a whisper.

They cheered again and I jumped off stage, I was parched, I need a water.

I walked over to the cons, I couldn't help but laugh.

Rumble and Frenzy shared a look of astonishment, their jaws slacked, eyes wide. Starscream stared at me like I just told him I was going out with Soundwave, which I'm not. Megatron, now he looked like he just found Cybertron's core all over again. Soundwave.....wasn't much but his eyebrows were peaked over his sunglasses and he was clenching his jaw tight so it didn't drop.


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