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"That . . . was . . .AMAZING!" Rumble and Frenzy exclaimed in unison, I smiled shyly.

"Thanks." I took a drink of the water given to me and sat down at the bar.

"How much do you sing?" Starscream asked.

I shrugged. "Once a week or whenever I can."

Dalton came up to us and I hit him in the chest. "Ow . . .what was that for?" He rubbed his chest.

"You just have to do the songs that are complicated." I said glaring at him.

"But you were amazing, now get back up there they want you." He said pushing me toward the stage.

"Ew." I said, taking "they want you" the wrong way.

"I didn't mean it like that, get up there." And the next thing I know is that I'm on stage, the crowd cheering and a started, I like this song.

"I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a . . .

My Shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone . . ."

I caught my brother's eye and he gave me the finger, my mouth opened defensively and he smiled smugly. He's so gonna get it later . . .


A few hours later I was done singing and was now cillin with the cons, of course after I got pay back for Dalton flipping me off.

"Hey Ryan when did you start singing?" Starscream asked.

I put my drink down, thinking. "Mmm . . .six? Maybe. I've been singing for 11 years."

"No wonder you're so good, eleven years, that's long for humans."

"Yeah . . . I'm gonna go outside, the toxins of drunk people are getting to me." I stood up, walking towards the door. Welcoming the fresh air as I opened the door.

Leaning against the brick wall, rubbing the side of my face. I heard the door again and looked up at who came out. "Hey Sou-argh-Walker what are you doing out here?" I asked as he stood by me, he shrugged, fixing his hat.


I sighed, rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. "Of course . . ."

"Why was he so protective of me? I'm seventeen . . . I mean really, I can take care of myself."

"He is only trying to protect you, Ryan."

"I know, but its getting out of hand he won't even let me stand outside by myself . . .no offense." I gestured my hand toward him, he shrugged. "But really, what next? Someone taking a shower with me? . . . which I don't want." I grimaced in disgust at the mental image.

"You're his only 'sister' and youngest sibling."

"Yeah and having five Decepticons living with me doesn't help . . . once again no offense, but I'm also outside a bar . . ." I hissed, "startin to get the picture. Still hate it though." I muttered looking away.

"Then tell him to be less protective."

I turned and focused on him, thinking. "As easy as that sounds it's not . . . I've already asked him." I stared at the building across the road, I remember that fire. The fire that left the building chard, cracked, run down. The front windows were shattered, rough edges blacken with shoot, blackness inside and out. Nothing left but a shell of an old building.

I looked back up at Soundwave, he stared down at me, we were quiet as I stared at his hidden emerald eyes. "Why do you wear those anyway? The sunglasses I mean." I asked. He just stared, I shifted uncomfortably. "You don't have to answer if its personal - "

"My visor." He interrupted, I stopped, closing my mouth.

"Your visor?" I repeated, he nodded.

"They are the closest resemblance to my visor."

"Oh, sorry I asked."

He shook his head. "No need."

Suddenly the door busted open and the twins ran out taking cover behind us, Rumble behind Soundwave, Frenzy hid behind me.

"What are you - what did you do?"

"Uh, nothing." They answered as the door burst open again with an angry Starscream. Frenzy hugged me tightly as Starscream tried getting at him, as instinct I kicked him in the shin.


Ah the shin the second most sensitive body part for men.

"You kick hard." He whined, stumbling as his injured leg gave out. "Ow."

I grimaced. "Sorry, instincts . . ." I glanced back at Frenzy. "Can you let me go now . . .please?"

He looked down at his arms wrapped around my waist and smiled slightly, apologizing. "Uh, sorry."

"You haven't let go yet." I said uncrossing my arms and pulling his arms off me. Turning to him, crossing my arms again. "What'd you two do this time?"

"They . . . shook up the pop I was drinking and it exploded all over me." Starscream answered and I then noticed he was wet and smelled like . . . cherry cola?

"Cherry cola, really Screamer?"

"How do you know?" He asked, shocked.

"I can smell the cherry . . .quite obvious." I answered, looking around. "Where's Meg-geh-Mike?"

"In the bar . . . getting highly intoxicated." Screamer answered nonchalantly.

I stared at him. "He's what now?"

Please let it be wrong please, please, please, I don't want a drunken Decepticon leader at my house.

Starscream's blue eyes moved left to right, repeating himself slowly. "Uh . . . he's getting highly intoxicated."

"Fuck no, he is not going to do that." I said marching into the bar finding Megatron drinking whiskey, five empty bottles lined neatly in front of him.

"Mike." I said sternly to gain his attention, he looked over at me.

"Ryan . . . nice to see you again . . . ah good old Cybertron . . ." he looked away then turned back to me. "I love you . . ."

I stared at him wide eyed, leaning away slightly as the other came in. "What?" I asked, my voice high, the other watched intently.

"I . . . love you . . . didn't I make myself clear the first time?"

Okay he's definitely drunk, three out of four mouths dropped as he repeated what they missed.

"Ooo-kay . . . you're definitely drunk . . .time to go!" I exclaimed dragging him out of his seat, he stumbled.

"Did you know that I am the leader of the Decepticons?"

"Yes, I know." I answered, opening the door.

"Megatron! The mighty leader of the Decepticons!"

"Really? Megatron?"

"Yes . . . did I ever tell you that . . . Starscream's an aft?"

"Yes, Megatron, you have." I sighed as Starscream groaned. I leaned toward him. "He's drunk . . .don't make a remark who knows what'll happen."

"Fine . . ."

Megatron then began mumbling lyrics to Take It Off and Crazy Kids and I stared at him. This is exactly why I didn't want him drunk . . .

"Starscarem!" Megatron yelled suddenly. "He sounds like a femme! And is highly annoying."

Starscream growled beside me, I glanced at up at him, limping.

"Sorry." I muttered.

He glanced down at me but didn't answer.

"Optimus Prime! Where are you old friend I want to rip your spark out!"

I stared at Megatron awkwardly.

"Can I frag Starscream?"

I sighed. "No, you cannot frag Starscream, I already fragged up his leg."

"Ohh . . .can I-"


"You didn't know what I was going to say-"

"No . . . you're probably thinkin of killing him."

He gasped, mouth agape. "I was . . . are you telepathic?"

"No, I'm not telepathic."

"Did you know Soundwave was telepathic?"

"Yes I did. What gave him the idea to get high?"

"No fraggin clue." Screamer answered gruffly. I heard a metallic bang and a slurred. "Ow." Looking toward the noise I found Megatron rubbing his forehead in front of a street light.

"I can see the light . . ." he muttered, staring up into the light like it was heaven.

I facepalmed. "Guys please never get drunk . . .again."

"How'd you know we drink?" Frenzy asked.

"Because . . . I've seen you drink before and even how hilarious it was . . .it's not fun."

"Radiostream, did you know there was something in front of me?" Megs asked.

"Yes, Megatron, I did."

Confusion crossed over his face and he looked down. "Why do I feel odd?"

I looked down too, eyes widening, hand slipping off my face. "Well . . .you're happy for some reason."

I stared at his crotch . . .why did he have a boner? What was he happy about?

"What is that?" Rumble asked taking notice.

"Uhh . . . something I'll tell you later."


Hey sorry for the wait I was real busy, so I got bored dug this out of one of my writing binders and reread it all, and I groaned. I've only written up to page 52 on my written copy and I have . . . 284 pages total in this book. So I need to get workin.

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