~Chapter 24~

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^^ picture of what Ginger wore to the date ^^

"You look beautiful, Pumpkin!" Antony grips two strands of my my hair, bringing it over my shoulders so it laid flat on my chest. I scoff, I surely didn't feel beautiful, rather disgusted with myself if I was being honest. "Grey is waiting in the car. I'll be out in a sec."

I nod my head and walk to the front door of our house, opening and exiting through it. The warm but fast wind causes my hair to fly behind me, and I hurry to the car, getting in the backseat while Grey sat in the front.

I let my head fall to the window, after, sighing dramatically.

"C'mon Ginger, what if you actually like the guy." I raise my head to see Grey turned around in his chair facing me. He held an optimistic smile as he looks worriedly at me.

"I won't."

Grey's smile falter a little.

I use my hands to brace myself up off the seat of the car, so I was now sitting straight. "Let's say hypothetically; I really liked someone, and I wanted to be with that person." I fold my arms thinking of Alex. I didn't even know why I was telling Grey this.

Silence surrounded the car for a minute as I thought about Alex's and I's time in his garden.


My head quickly rose at his name, and I stared back at Grey with wide shocked eyes, he knew?

"Yeah." Was all I said, there was the no point in lying. I knew Grey wouldn't tell Antony, and maybe I was a little glad that he knew, maybe he'll stop this whole madness!

But sadly, I was proven wrong when Antony slid in the driver's seat and took off, Grey not saying a word.

And again, my head met the glass of the window in frustration.


It didn't take long for us to reach the restaurant, and when Antony parked in the parking lot, I could feel my palms becoming sweaty. It was like when Alex and I kissed in his garden. I felt a smile creeping onto my face at the memories, and I realized that the thought of Alex was the only thing that was going to get me through this date.

"See, I knew you'd be happy!" Antony exclaim. I look up to see him standing in front of me with the door to the car opened for me to exit. I quickly erase the smile off my face, walking pass Antony to the restaurant.

"Pumpkin, we will be out here, so when it's over, come outside." I nod my head and continue to walk.

As I enter the restaurant, I pull out my phone and texted Alex to pick me up from the name of the place. To which he immediately responds with an 'Okay.' I smile and a guy waves me over, I took him as George.

After ordering a meal, George begins to speak and I slowly study his features. From his brown eyes to his shoulder length brown hair, I cringed.

"Hello? Um.."

"Oh, sorry what did you say?" I push my hair behind my shoulders.

"You are very pretty. I really like your orange hair." He smiles, reaching for my hair. I pull back just in time as his fingers were close to a strand.

"Please don-" suddenly, my phone buzzes and I knew it was Alex.

"Sorry I-" I hold a finger up, silencing George, as I check my phone.

Alex was here! "I have to go!" I say standing. I walk to the exit of the restaurant and proceed to walk out.

I didn't hear any protest from George, but as my feet met the ground outside and the inside of Alex's car, I did hear some from Antony.

I frown as I strapped in, I felt bad for walking out on George, but I didn't agree to this date in the first place, I reminded myself. My brothers did.

"Hey babe." Alex leans over and pecks me on the lips.

"Hey." I say out of breath, a deep blush taking over my pale cheeks.

Alex drives off and I couldn't help but feel at peace, knowing it was just him and I.


Tell me what you think of Alex and Ginger! 

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