Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes. I was laying on the sofa covered with blanket.

Seems everyone got up already...

I rose my head and heard some noises in the kitchen and bathroom.

Yup..they are awake.

I lied my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes because I was still tired. The thing that happened between me and Jungkook in night was just wow..

I heard someone coughing.
I rose my head one more time and I saw Jungkook sleeping on the floor.

Hmm..he obviously didn't put me on sofa..Then who did?

I got up and walked closer to Jungkook. He wasn't covered so I put my blanket on him then I walked into the kitchen.

"Yoo (y/n)!"

"Did you sleep well?"

"Are you hungry?"

I haven't practically seen who was there and they started bombarding me with questions already.

"Morning guys."

I opened my eyes widely so I could see them better.

All of them were there. Just Jungkook  slept there.

"What's up?"

"Nothin' much. We were just eating. Come and join us!"

When Hobi said that I wanted to ask them who put me on the sofa but I didn't..Never mind.

"Yeah! I will come. Want me to call Jungkook?"

He likes food so I thought maybe he will want to eat his breakfast. Also, it was 1:00 pm. Its not weird I woke up that late when we watched movies until 2:00 am. That's life.

"Believe me he will wake up soon!"

Namjoon smiled and looked other boys who were there. All of them laughed and me too because we knew Jungkook likes food more than anything.

"That's right!"

Just when I wanted to make a step towards the table I felt like tornado passed me by. That was actually Jungkook. He passed me by for a less than a nanosecond while he was yelling:"Let's go to eat!"

"Woow it seems oppa is hyperactive today! "

"Taehyung you shouldn't say that!!"

Yes he shouldn't. We all know Jungkook don't like to be called oppa. Its something he hates and Tae is always joking with him.

"Sorry oppa! XD"

Then he left into his room as quick as he could in that moment.

"Haha Jungkook don't bother with that kid! I will hide his videogames.."

Then Jimin left too. Probably to Taehyungs room too.

"WHERE'S THE MILK?? Did Tae drank it??"

Jungkook was out of his mind when he opened the fridge. His upset cute voice stopped our conversation so we all looked at him.

He immediately closed the fridge and started running towards Taehyungs room.

"And then Jimin said Tae is kid!"

Jin burst into laughter so we all did. After all it was true...but I kinda always liked that. Its cute and attractive.

"Let's just eat. They will come back."

"You're right (y/n). They will come back soon. Jungkook first."

As he said that Namjoon handed me a plate with sandwiches.

"So guys when did you woke up?"

"Actually Jin woke up first..."

Yoongi said that somehow tiredly with sense of anger. He obviously wasn't happy with waking up this time.

"Now I know everything. He woke you up then?"

"Of course he did! Ugh.."

"Haha its okay Yoongi. Go and take a nap now!"

"Good idea. Bye."

And then Yoongi left. That sleeping beauty. He fall asleep first yesterday. I think he was even sleeping when we started watching the movie.

When we finished with eating I cleaned the table and washed the dishes. Jin left to the market because he needed to buy some food for the lunch and milk to Jungkook. Jimin,Tae and Hobi were probably playing videogames in Taehyungs room while Yoongi was sleeping...Namjoon was with me in the kitchen.

"(y/n) I need to leave for a while. Can you please take care of house until Jin comes back?"

"Yes of course. Don't worry."

"Thanks sis."

He gave me a kiss in forehead and then he left.

I was sitting in the kitchen on the bar chair and I was texting Eryet after a long time. She comes back for one week . I am looking forward to it so much.

While we were texting each other I got a message from someone else.

"Hey can we talk?"

The message was from Jungkook.

"Jungkook we r in the same house! Come down and we'll talk."

He was texting me and we were in the same house..Oh God haha..

"R you alone downer? "


"Good! I'm coming."

What happens with that boy? He is so weird. He actually started acting like this before three weeks. Every time when we try talking he is avoiding me..and even if we found a way to talk to each other it is when we are alone. The thing that surprises me as well all these days is that he is better friend to me than other boys..I mean..we spent more  time together than I did with the rest of them. I can remember when we were in the cinema and he wanted to drink milk instead of coke and because of that we didn't watch that movie. Instead we went to the playground. At first I thought Taehyung is kid...well..Jungkook is too...If you were with him that day..Actually he is probably obsessed with swings (I think its not true but I put this because its cute.) so we swung all day . We had so many moments like this one...I think we are actually besties but when we are all together he's trying to act serious and he is pretending like he is older that Tae and Jimin. He is so awkward but then again sweet when he's doing that.

There he is. He walked slowly and confidently into the kitchen avoiding eye contact.

"Hey Kook!"

He blushed a little.

"Hey (y/n)!''

I stood up and then sat on the island in the kitchen.

"You wanted to talk about something?"

"Well..I guess so.."

He was scratching the back of his neck with arm while he was watching is there someone coming.

"Tell me..Why are you so shy now buddy? Relax! You told we are best friends. What happened to you?"

I smiled softly and punched him in a shoulder. As soon as I did that he laughed and punched me back.

"Ahh stop itt!"

"Haha see? Everything's fine. Now talk to me."

We smiled to each other and tensed atmosphere wasn't here anymore.

"(y/n)..Are you remember all of those fun moments we've spent together??"

How could I forget that? I can't forget even if I want. Everything what happened to us was really awesome and without those memories we wouldn't end up like best friends.

"That is something I can't forget...after all..because of them we are best friends."

"Yeah! That's right. I wouldn't change my past for anything in this world. We are so happy to have you."

My face turned red before he even said the last word. I really appreciate his thinking but I can't believe someone is actually happy to have me.

"Thanks Kook. I am happy to have you too."

"You changed our life (y/n)! ...You changed my life and all of those things I did for you its because-"


When Jungkook said I changed their lives I tried to listen what he wold say next but then I heard some noises from the hall and living room and I immediately looked in that way at the kitchens door. There I saw Jin. He had a couple of full bags in his hands. I automatically jumped from the island and hurried to help him.

"Do you need help??"

"No no its okay. I can do it. Go and finish your talk with Jungkook."

But when I turned Jungkook was lil angry and lil sad ran out of kitchen.

I ran to the kitchen door and saw him running to his room. He closed that door so hard and I thought they would fall down. All of the boys were thinking that and he scared them with that noise so Jimin,Tae and Hobi walked out of Taes room to see what's happening. He even woke up Yoongi.


I put my hand on my head which was a little bit confused. I felt so guilty and rude now...

Why have I done this?? I could listen to him. That was so rude of me.

While I was thinking Jin came closer to me and put hand on my shoulder.

"Go and talk to him. He have something important to say."

Jin knows what Jungkook wanted to talk about with me?

"I don't know will he wants to talk with me after what happened."

"Look dear...Believe me he will. Just apologize and he will forgive you. You really need to listen what he needs to say to you. Its very important to him."

Maybe Jin has right..I hope Jungkook will forgive me. Anyways if that talk was so important I really need to listen. He is important to me like they all are. Boys are my brothers and we are always here for each other..but Jungkook...Jungkook is somehow more than just a friend..

A lot of thoughts passed trough my head this moment.

"Thanks Jin. I will talk to him."

As I said that I started walking towards his room. I hate this feeling. My heart almost jumped out. But this time it wasn't because I am scared. I didn't feel like this since high weird. I felt like I would jump from the skyscraper.

Keep calm. Everything will be fine. He will forgive you. No one is watching you. Stay calm. After all its just a little talk. You won't die.

I was telling that things all the way from the kitchen to the Jungkooks room.

When I finally stood in front of his door my thoughts were lost. I heard Jungkook singing and playing the guitar.

Oh God..this is...

Like I enter another dimension. I forgot why I was there. I just tried to listen his beautiful voice which was singing so softly and full of emotions.. I didn't want to enter yet. Song was really beautiful and now I tried to focus on words.

"Whenever I see her,
I am always amazed

I stop breathing. It seems so weird.
This is the feeling of the love that I have heard of

Since the beginning,
my heart has been beating
because of you."

Those words touched me a little..

Is that mean he has a crush?? Or a girlfriend?..Oh God..
Its okay. don't like him right?

I didn't answer to myself on that question. I just couldn't. I didn't know the real answer.

I decided to come in no matter what. He maybe has a crush and he maybe have a girlfriend and he maybe won't forgive me but I need to end this talk.

First I knocked. He stopped singing immediately and all I could hear was just silence.

"Jungkook its me. Can I come in?"

No one was answering. Like no body was actually in there.

I didn't wait too long and I came in. He was sitting on the floor next to window with guitar in his hands.

"I am so sorry for what just happened downers- "

He interrupted me without thinking.

"Its okay."

Then he looked out trough the window again. It seemed he was in his own world..maybe I am just bothering him..

"Sorry for bothering..I should leave.."

I turned my head to the door and I was about to open them when Jungkook put his guitar on the floor and stood on his legs.



I was surprised and I turned back to him.

"I am the one who should apologize. Please stay..."

I don't really know did I blushed but I was nervous and somehow scared..I can't explain that feeling.

As he said that I decided to stay and I sat on his bed while he was still on the floor next to the window.

"What you wanted to talk about?"

He blushed in a less than a second. Maybe blushing is his shame too because he wanted to hide it. It was cute and I smiled.

"You said I changed your life and something else but sorry I didn't heard the other part of the sentence."


Please say something..what happened? You are acting like something terrible happened..

I couldn't wait for him to explain what he wanted to say. I hope everything is fine.

"...Did you heard..what I've been singing??"

"Yes I did. The song is beautiful Jungkook. Did you wrote that?"

"Oh..glad you like it. Actually I did...before two weeks.."

I was surprised with his talent. The song is really good but who knows why did he wrote love song...

I got up and took the notebook that was next to him on the floor. I sat next to him too. Name of the song was DNA.

As I was reading the song that he wrote I finally came to the part I heard he was singing:

Whenever I see her,
I am always amazed

I stop breathing. It seems so weird.
This is the feeling of the love that I have heard of

Since the beginning,
my heart has been beating
because of you.

He interrupted me in reading.


At the same moment I stopped reading and I looked him in the eyes. We actually made eye contact after a long time and we started blushing.

"Can I just finish what I've tried to say you in the kitchen?"

"Yes,yes of course. Please finish."

My look caught his nervousness. His cute fingers were playing with those rings he had on. Maybe he was sweating....because I know I  was sweating like crazy..

"You...You didn't change just our lives.."

What else could I change? I fell so special now.

I was just looking at him while he was embarrassed to make eye contact again.

" changed us! You And all of those things I didn't say before and all of those things I did for you was because...because you mean a lot to me and you are more than just a friend to me.. Please don't get me wrong but...I think I love you (y/n)..."

Then he started looking trough the window again and my heart almost stopped.

Hello lovelies.
New chapter is done and its here. The song that was in this chapter was BTS-DNA on English. I hope you like it😊
Sorry again for grammar mistakes. I will try to fix my writing trough the some time.
That's all for now. See ya in the next chapter😘

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