Chapter 6

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Is he drunk?

At first I was just watching him trying to figure out is that just one of his jokes.

After a while I could see he wasn't joking because he was pretty nervous and busy with yourself...I mean like..With his thoughts. I know he was wondering what would I say but actually I had no clue about my answer.

This is the one of the moments when your brain is about to explode just like your heart while thoughts are running and making circles in your head like they are trying to escape but they can't.

What should I say now? I thought he have a girlfriend or at least crush..crush on someone else..Not on me.
I think I like him too....but..I am not sure yet..Will that hurt him or?

"Look..I am so sorry. I am stupid. You don't have to give me an answer."

Then he let go notebook which was in his hands and stood up on his legs in shame.

What??? That's not stupid Jeon Jungkook! That's actually really brave and cute.

"No!...Jungkook that was brave.."

I stood on my own legs too looking him in the eyes but we couldn't make eye contact because he was avoiding it.

We were just standing there. Between us was awkward silence and that was something what we always hated.


He suddenly rose hid head and looked at me.

"No (y/n)! Its okay if you don't like me..Just..please don't say it. I know it already."

You know it huh?? You know nothing Kook...


"(y/n)!!! Its okay!!!"

"Kook I will tell you-"

"You don't have to. We will be friends forever. I am not mad!!"

"Jeon Jungkook would you please stop interrupting me so I can tell you something I am sure you don't know??"

Then I hit him in the back of his head and smiled. I tried to signalize him everything is fine and that he can relax. He was sweating like crazy.


At first he was shocked but then he laughed too.

"Okay okay!"

We sat down on the floor again.

"Jungkook I would really want to talk about that because.. Because I don't consider you like "just a friend" anymore...I am not 100% sure yet but I know...I know I have-"

"Great then!"

He immediately jumped up took my hand and pull me with himself down stairs. I felt like my mom is holding my hand because he held my hand so tight and I couldn't escape.

We were in the hall for the less than a second and he handed me my coat. When I was wondering where are we going and why,he just said to boys I'm leaving. I didn't even had time to say goodbye or to thank them. Jungkook practically pushed me trough the door.

"Where are we going??"

"You will see. Trust me (y/n). After all..I am your best friend!"

I signalised with my head that I understand and I sat into the car.
I didn't understand why is he so hyperactive suddenly?
I haven't finished what I had to say also..It doesn't matter. I will tell him later.

10 minutes of driving is over and we were where we probably should be.
In the center of Seoul.

When he parked his car we went to the park that was nearby the parking lot.

"You wanna hot dog?? I am hungry!"


This is totally weird. Ask whoever you want but it is. We came here to eat hot dogs?? I don't think so. Jungkook maybe wants to talk about something whats bothering him or he maybe wanna talk about boys because this wouldn't be weird since we got out of house away from them...I will see..

He bought the hot dogs to us and we sat on the bench nearby to eat them.

"Thanks for the hot dog Kook!"

"No problem!"

Conversation between us started unusual like always but later it was much better.
We talked almost about everything..when we finished with eating Jungkook was hungry again xd.

I decided to ask him why are we here now? Its weird. Like everything we're doing.

"Umm..Why you wanted to go here with me??"

In that moment he instantly turned his head to the other side and pointed to the playground that was across the park.


After that he started running towards the swings. That little kid. He is avoiding our talk so much. Maybe he is ashamed of what he said or because he thinks I don't like him..It could be so much things.

I finally walked towards the swings where Jungkook was.

"You like swings,do you?"

I smiled softly which made him to look at me no matter what. Then he gave me a smile too.

"Hell yeahhh!!"

Aww haha..That's cute..

"And what about you??"

He surprised me with this questions. I like swings but..oh well..I am not that crazy like he is haha.

"Well..I like swings."

He just smiled and started to swung even more and I was just pushing him from the back. He was so funny. Like I had to take care of a child.

After a couple of minutes he suddenly stopped.

"What happened? Why did you jump from the swing?"

"You know what?"

What kind of question is that..ugh..


"Let's go get some ice cream. I know you like it!"

"Well dammit! Kook you know me too good..How did you know I wanna eat ice cream right now?"

"Well what can I say..Secret powers!"

He tried to walk towards the ice cream shop but he was pretending like he was some kind of superhero. The thing he was doing there were absolutely embarrassing and so funny so I couldn't do anything but laugh.


He bought himself a chocolate ice cream with a little bit of vanilla.

"Pick a flavour!"

He smiled to me.

"Chocolate and cookies."

I really wanted to do that. He blushed when I said "cookies".

"Yes!! My plan worked!!"

We said that in the same time and we looked at each other totally surprised.

He wanted me to take cookie flavour??

Jungkook's p.o.v.

She wanted me to give her a smile?

My p.o.v.

That was awkward. We started laughing after a couple of minutes and then left ice cream shop.

As we were walking thru the city we came on the same place where we were before fifteen minutes. In the park. I didn't expect any kind of serious talk anymore. In fact, I thought he will drive me home after eating.

"Kook its getting darker and darker. You will drive me home,right?"

"Are you scared??"

He came closer and our shoulders touched. Now we were walking close to each other.

"...I'm not scared!!"

In the corner of those lips,which were looking soft and sweet ,that smile appeared again.

I'll kill you Kook!!

The smile was more dirty than cute...I hate smiles like this one! It confuses me always.

"Are you sure (y/n)?"


My voice was a bit shaking bc it was getting colder. I wanted to go home but then again I wanted to stay with him longer.

"If you say so."

As we were walking so close next to each other our hands accidentally touched.

Wow..his hand is so warm..

Jungkook's p.o.v.

Oh..her hands are so cold..

My p.o.v.

He stopped walking and stood behind me. That move made me to face him bc I was wondering why he stopped walking. Plus that I tried to focus on him and everything what happens because it was so cold...I couldn't feel my hands and my face was like ice but red.

"I know you're cold. Here,take my coat."

His hands put his coat around me.

"B-but..Then you'll be cold.."

" doesn't matter. We don't want you to be sick."

He probably notice I was shaking and suddenly he hugged me tight.

You know what? I was fucked in the brain.

Before, I was cold but,when I felt his warm arms around me,when I felt his warm body close to mine and when I felt his warm calmly breath on my shoulder and neck that cold suddenly disappeared.


He let go of hug then looked me into the eyes.


(When I was writing this part till the end I was listening the song Thinking out loud from Ed Sheeran. From the beginning to the end. You can do it too.)

"You remember what we were talking about today before we came here?"

Umm...we talked about something? I can't really remember when we talked and where. Oh God (y/n)..just remember now! Its'll hurt him if you say you don't remember. That could seem retarded..The talk he mention was before a couple of hours..I will just say yes and maybe I will remember..

"I remember.."

"Well yeah...I'm so sorry if I shocked you or if I made you sad. I just want you to know you are perfect and you are great...But than again..I'm not supermodel..I am not perfect..sorry because of that."


I don't know what kind of talk is this but its serious. This could end up on so many different ways..In fact, I'm scared of his words..he could say anything..I can expect everything.

"Yes (y/n)?"

"I have to say something to you too... First thing,thanks for everything what happened today and before. Second thing, the things you've said today when we talked were so beautiful and....and that was brave Jungkook...You know the song you've sang today? It is beautiful! You're so talented.."

He scratched the back of his neck while he was blushing.

"Thanks....but..If you really liked it I can tell you the secret..You heard words of that song properly didn't you?"

"Of course I liked it...yeah I heard everything and it was beautiful. I am proud of you."

"Well..(y/n)..That song is about you."

Oh really? Joke right? Or

I didn't move. I was just looking into his eyes which were nervous the same as him.

"I told you I love you..and I didn't lie. I would never lie about such a things like that. I'm hundred percent sure in this."

So this is what he wanted to say? Water please!! Can someone take me to the hospital?

"I know you weren't lying Jungkook..and I don't want to lie to you..I like you so much. I told you I don't consider you as just a friend anymore. The feeling is strange but its true. And you are perfect to me-"

His soft and warm lips crashed into mine before I even finished my sentence. His strong arms hugged me and held me tight while he was kissing me passionately. At first I was confused but I felt something and my nervousness completely disappeared. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Kiss lasted for a couple of minutes. In that moment,which was the best in my life,I forgot about all my problems and worries.

Finally,we moved a little bit from each other.

This was amazing...Gosh..

"I'm so sorry (y/n)!! I swear I didn't want to make you feel confused.."

How the hell he knows I am confused?

"Jungkook..shh..It was amazing.."

He hugged me without thinking so tight I almost stopped breathing but it was worth it. I felt safe like never before. I thought I felt the tear that fell from his eye when he hugged me.

Aww Kook please don't..I am here..

"I wanna ask you a question.. Can I?"

"Of course you can Kook. I am listening."

"(y/n)..Would you like...would you like to be my girlfriend?!" Girlfriend? His? Did he just ask me..? Omg omg omg omg..

I felt headache in the same time as the heartache. I was afraid I would just fall unconscious on the ground. I thought he would find someone better than me and I was really disappointed when I heard his love song. I was automatically thinking he has a girlfriend or a crush on someone else so I was a lil bit down.


He turned his back to me after a while and took a deep breath. He was about to make a step while I spoke:

"Yes! I will be your girlfriend."

He turned immediately shock written all over his face.

" sure?"

"I am 100% sure now. I don't have reason to lie Kook."

He run towards me and when he get closer he lifted me up and spined me in the air.

"Honestly, I never thought you will say yes.."

"Haha..honestly,I never thought you would ask me such a things like this."

We both laughed and he put his hand across my shoulder before he kissed me in the head and we decided to go home bc it was late.

Jungkook drove me to my house and he stayed with me one hour then he left.
I took a quick shower and lied in the bed. I was so tired and exhausted. Who could say things will be so interesting like today. I finally have someone who loves me. I love him so damn much and I will never let him go. He is my world now.

Yoo guys.
Its me again. This chapter is a bit shorter than the last was but I guess its okay. The thing I like in this chapter is song from Ed Sheeran. I wanted you to read the part where they kissed with that romantic lyrics in the head: Take me into your loving arms,kiss me under the light of a thousand stars,place your head on my beating heart. Hope you enjoyed it and hope you'll keep reading! Sorry for grammar mistakes. I'm sure I will fix them thru the some time.
That's all for now. See ya in the next chapter. Take care.

Love yaa😘

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