Chapter- 5. I'll miss you!

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Adita's POV:

Here I was standing in front of the building which was a second house for me.

My Office!

Or shall I say my ex office?

I moved ahead towards the entry probably last time scanning my identity card on employee identification machine. Everything same as I last time saw. Liza sitting in reception area fighting the battle of frequent phone calls, Shyam peon running with files, others immersed in the piles of file and screen of PC; but everything on its own systematic way. Seeing me Liza waved her hand up and signalled me to come.

"Yes Miss. How can I help you?" As expected.
"Oh please Liza. Cut this crap." I tried my luck to dismiss the upcoming fight with a fake annoyed face. But my luck! She saw Shruti coming towards us. She called her name loudly and next moment she was beside me visibly ignoring me.

"Shruti, Do you know this girl? I don't know her but she knows my name." She asked her while rolling her eyes at me.

"Nah, I also don't know her. Who allowed by passers in the premises? And please spare me in such cases. I'm in a hurry. I'm going to file FIR for my friend Adita. She is missing."

I rolled my eyes on their antics,"Will you two stop your melodrama?"

"Melodrama? We are doing melodrama? What about you? Just once Ekta kapoor get to know about you and long daily soap can be framed on your life."  Shruti took the charge from Liza.

"You didn't even tell about your wedding. This is heights!"Liza also didn't leave the ground.

"Okay fine. I'm sorry Li. Sorry Shruti. Now happy? I know you have all rights to be mad on me but first listen to me least. Circumstances were as I cannot do anything." I said in my best convincing tone.

They huffed but didn't say anything."You are resigning we heard." I just nodded.

"Well, who are we to tell you this. Now a days you are deciding everything on your own. So go ahead." Shruti didn't miss the chance to mock but I knew I was at fault this time so I kept my voice low, "Please don't say like that. You know what position you two have in my life."

"Only us? You are not in your mind Adi. Have you forgotten your struggle just for this CA certificate? And your are letting go all of this in vain?" Liza exclaimed gaining attention of others too.

"I'm moving to Chennai. In fact tomorrow is my flight. I'm aware what I'm loosing resigning at this stage. I take your point but would I have done without any reason? You think?" I stated the bottom line of argument.

They sighed and Shruti said,"It must be something worthy otherwise you wouldn't had taken this sudden step. I will not say I can understand. Because I know I can't. Nobody can. Its you who is in this situation and you even don't say us. But at least stay in touch. Don't forget us Adi." I smiled and they hugged me.

"Jug Sir has came? I need to meet him as well." I inquired about our CEO breaking the hug.
"Is this even a question to ask? In Mr. Jugalraj's case CEO means 'come at eleven o' clock' and not 'Chief Executive Officer'." We three giggled on Shruti's remark.

"He is in meeting with HR. Wait few minutes. They will come out any minute." Liza said.

Soon my other colleagues also joined us. Everyone wondering the reason of my sudden wedding. Meanwhile conference room opened indicating meeting is over. Jug Sir saw me and smiling pointed at his cabin to join him there.

'Even in his late forties how he manage to smile after long meetings.' I wondered.

I followed him to elevator and we entered his cabin together. After settling in our respective chairs I gave him a box of sweets.

"Hmm wedding sweets right?" He rubbed his palm together in excitement seeing sweets,"Congratulations Adi. Wish you a very long and blissful married life." He grinned ear to ear seeing laddo, his favorite sweet.

"I will not say I was not shocked when I received your message about resignation but at least it helped me to not freak out when HR head passed me your mail regarding this." He complained still in cheerful tone.

I didn't know what to say. It felt like I have done some crime resigning without any notice.
"I'm sorry Sir." This only I managed to say.

"Don't be Dear. I know its not about our company. Its about you only. If it would have been us then I'm sure till now I had to repair my cabin door due to ur bang when you would have came to to discuss this." He smiled and I chuckled now when I came to think of the way of opening the door by me on any uncommon news.

"I want to focus on my marital life for now Sir. I'm shifting to Chennai. Its not like I'm giving up on my career but a long break we can say." My voice getting weaker with each passing moment.

"Then why this poker face? Wonder how the gateman recognized you. Our Adi is not like this. Its break dear. Second innings is there for us." He said in his ever positivity dripping words.

"I'm afraid sir. Break at this stage and this long too will definitely block the path of second innings." I voiced out my doubt.

"Have you scanned your thumb prints on entry gate?"

"Huh?" I looked at him confused at this sudden irrelevant question.

"I need to scan your thumb prints. I'm sure that not my Adita." I tried to find any humor in his voice but got none this time. Seeing my silent response he continued,"Seriously you are saying this? A crazy who only knows how to jump and then remember we have to swim also."

"You have seen more days than me sir. Will there be any chance for a fish out of water tomorrow?" I voiced out my biggest fear which was nagging me since I took this decision.

"Ask yourself. I can only say we cannot stand in the same water of river. Change is inevitable. You have to go with the flow. Survival in the competition depends on you only." This is the words may be I wanted to listen.

"Thank you so much Sir. Thanks a bunch! You don't know what your words has done to me. That's exact what I wanted."

"Don't thank me, girl.Pity on your self. Tomorrow you may find your career again. You will find a nice corporate or may start-up but you are loosing a very precious thing in this haste decision." He said in same tone but I didn't miss the mischievous twinkle in his orbs.

On my furrowed expression he took out a pen refill from drawer. I rolled my eyes and he laughed out loudly making me join too.

In our company every Saturday HR department conduct a meeting in which everyone has to report their task. After meeting we all has to participate in games in which winner used to get the prize and who has not completed their weekly target has to bring the prize to reward the winners. A pen. But not any ordinary pen.
Winner used to get refill of the pen and runner up used to get barrel of pen while second runner up has to be satisfied with pen's cap only. I bet its the only place where such weird award has been distributed but the enthusiasm made it more special.

"You had won last week?" I asked raising my eyes towards the refill in his hands.

"Nope. I haven't completed my target this week so carrying this to award someone. I'm sure there must be many giving me company so they must arrange other parts of pen. He sheepishly grinned and I shook my head laughingly.

"And this is for you." He took the pen out of his shirt pocket and forwarded towards me. "I know you have won many pen. Oops! I mean parts of pen but this is the first time I'm giving whole pen to someone but why should I break the rule? And yoy didn't even play right? So I'm giving this to you to take back when you will join us again and fail to complete your target. I will win this pen from you. And I'm eagerly waiting for that Saturday Adita." He urged me to take it.

"What if I ne-" I started but he didn't let me complete.

"No ifs and buts. I know you will come back.I will wait for my key personnel. But if you decide to explore your career by starting your own practice then you may replace this with a sweets box." He kept that shiny pen in my palm.

"I promise you sir, very soon I'll made your words true." I said with my determination clutching it tightly.

"Have you distributed among others?" He raised sweet box picking one laddoo for me and made me ate. I shook my head with stuffed mouth and raised my index finger towards box indicating that was only pack I brought.

"Not fair Adi. You should have brought for them too. I'm not going to share my sweets." He whined.

I picked out another packet from my handbag to show him and laughingly started to moving towards exit but his next words halted my steps.

"Have you talked to Deepak about this?" I turned and shook my head.

Deepak Sir. CFO of Phynix Ltd. Not only a senior but also a Godfather in my career. I didn't tell him. Tell? I can't even voice out my word regarding this break to inform him.

"He is out of country for a important project. Don't say anything if you can hold it up for few days. Otherwise he will come back running to eat your head for this resignation." And here he again on professional mode.

I nodded and exited the cabin joining others.
At length, bidding bye to everyone I came back home.

Home? Yes, my home. If home is made with family then the house Kaushal brought me is home. His family is my family. Although he never give me any chance to call it my home but his family made sure I call them my family with whole heart.

I entered home to find it transformed in a mini mall. Mom was sitting in the middle of living room shopping bags and stuff scattered around her and Koshi Di handling two little babies with her Priyam and Siya, her own daughter.

"Mom will you please stop unpacking them right now? Let her come first." Koshi Di said irritated.

"But let me check if we forgot something. Where is this girl?" Mom said dialling some numbers in her mobile.

"Here is this girl." I said letting them know my presence and picked Siya from Koshi Di's lap.

"Have you purchased entire mall or what? What's this Mom? You know we can't take this all with us." I exclaimed having glimpse at countless shopping bags.

"I told her the same. Air companies will not understand Mom's love but she thinks she will adopt them too to make them understand." Swara said sarcastically making all of us laugh.

"They are just making fun of me. Adi, you can select whatever you want. You don't have to take all this." Mom unpacked more.

"Try and she will make you need them all." Swara whispered in my ears but Mom heard and flying invisible white flag I changed the topic,"How about we start packing after dinner?"

They all nodded making faces but at last we all immersed in kitchen for preparation of dinner.

After dinner we all ladies were in Swara room to pack my bag where Dad retired to his room and Kaushal hadn't came yet. Well, we thought to do Kaushal's packing too but 'Mr. I do everything on my own' decided not to bother us do we left him on his own.

"Mommm, we are not going to migrate there. Kaushal has everything already there what we need. I need just my clothes and belongings." I whined when Mom zipped the bag sitting on that when she could not do it normally due to overstuffing.

"I know love, but this things you will need there." With this she kept 17th Saree in my travelling bag I'll carry and surely not to forget shawls, bangles and countless cosmetics.

"Told ya, but you only decided to be lovely DIL and has to included Mom too in packing. Now bear the consequence of her over excitement." Swara remarked.

"This is too much. Blanket seriously? Why don't we pack grocery too Mom?" This was another shock.

"I have chose this with only for you, Adi. Please keep this with you." I shook my head side ways and there she decided to play other way,"For me? Please. Whenever you will touch this you will feel my love." Mothers' emotional blackmailing. I bet no one has solution of this.

"Then better she don't take Mom. She and Bhai won't like to remember you when they will need this blanket at night. You know those nights? When they wi-" My eyes widen on Koshi Di's imagination but I immediately interrupted her before she complete the sentence.

"Shut up. Umm... Mom pack whatever you want. Its Priyam's sleeping time, I must go."With heavy and red cheeks I ran out of that room but their laughter I could hear even out of room. I can't even imagine those things and they are discussing already.

Coming out I saw Sujoy playing with the kids. Once he saw me he grinned. God, I really feel bad for his jaws due to his continues smile.

"Finally, one out of four. I thought you all will come out once I'll get certificate of perfect nanny." He said sarcastically giving Priyam to me.

I laughed out on his petty joke,"You better call out your wife now only if you want to go your house tonight otherwise be comfortable in this house only. They are not coming any soon."
His eyes widened on my news and he ran towards Swara's room with Siya in his arms yelling,"Koshiiiii, I have to go office tomorrow too. How much- woah! What's this. Entire shop!"

I went to my room and was trying to make sleep Priyam when Kaushal came looking exhausted. Without exchanging any words he disappeared in the bathroom with his clothes.

After coming back he was packing his bag for tomorrow as in the not so distant past I told you 'without anyone's help'.
"Here my bag. I have kept it light as you will have more luggage. Its your first time so you might be having more bags right? But don't pack much. Only essentials." He showed me his single bag pack.

"I know. Nothing much few bags only I have too. Here three, one there and yeah one with Mom. Just five." I replied.

"FIVE! What are you taking with you? We are not going on any Iceland. In Chennai too people live so we have shops there too." He screeched in loud voice.

"What do I do? Tell this to Mom. She is packing bags after bags." I defended myself.

Before he can say anything we were interrupted with a knock.
"Adi, here your bag. Something are left but it will be overweight so take them next time you come." Mom said while giving last bag to me.

Kaushal looked at bags horrified
"Mom, those will tear apart. What have you stuffed in that? For your kind information they weigh the luggage and not count. So stuffing all the things in a bag won't help us on airport."

"I know. And here I'm your Mom not the other way round. So I'll decide what to pack and what not. You don't worry I'll pay extra charges." Mom was still giving him cold shoulder.

"But you also don't have money tree. You pay or anyone. We should not pay unnecessarily" Kaushal tried last time to make her understand.

"Wish you had said these things in childhood while begging for pocket money." And with this he totally mum. She surely knows how to keep his mouth shut. I decided to give them Mom-Son time as my mobile rang flashing PAPPA.

I woke up with the help of my annoying alarm but seeing reminder of flight I jolted up and ran towards bathroom to get ready.
I quickly came down to find everyone running here and there. Reason? Our flight

"Adi, what are you doing here? Go, get ready. You will get late." Mom on her anxious mode.
"Mom, its 6:45 there is still five hours for flight."
"Exactly. Only five. Now go. Don't dare to come in kitchen territory."
'Mr. I do everything on my own' was already ready with Priyam.

We were having breakfast when doorbell rang. Swara opened the door and I sprang towards the door leaving the food as it is. My parents and siblings were there. Pappa was first to catch me in hug. He didn't leave me for minutes until Mommy nudged him to do so. His glossy eyes made pang in my heart. I know he has cried whole night after he hang up the call but now won't show. Mommy was no different too. Seeing all of them like that made me cry too. I hugged all of them one by one. Ozal and Reyansh gave me a huge gift packet but told me to unpack later.
"We are also in the que to meet." Nitya Di said sliding a packet in my hand on which Kaushal eyes popped out probably thinky on increasing number of bags.

Sujoy also came to drop us but I decided to sit with Pappa to spend some more time and Priyam not ready to leave me settled in our car only ditching Kaushal with my in laws in Sujoy's car. Whole ride I was speaking to cheer up Pappa and to stop my tears on which everyone just hummed or gave some short nodding. Nitya Di was also looking sad and if not wrong then avoiding Jiju.

Reaching Airport we got down to find their vehicle ready there. Bidding adieu I hugged everyone. Taking out Nitya Di separately I asked he question bothering me from long time.

"All good Di?"

"Yeah, just will miss you." She said dismissing the topic.

"Between you and Jiju?" I raised my brows.

She sighed,"Its nothing. Just some random fight."

"Sure? Random. This long? Let bygone be bygone Di. Jiju was never at fault."

"They played with your life." She snapped.

"He didn't even know those things. Now don't expect him to take responsibility of his cousin's doings." I explained further. She nodded and took me back to everyone.

We moved ahead towards departure gate and step by step I was feeling like my soul was snatching away from me. I turned to look at my family and that was last nail in my courage to fight back my tears. I couldn't control anymore. I dropped the bag there itself and ran to my Pappa and hugged him tightly and this time crying endlessly ruining his shirt. He didn't hild back himself too this time and broke down. We both were crying there not caring about surrounding. Priyam too started bawling his eyes out seeing me like that so Ozal took him out of my arms.

After few minutes, my crying subsided in hiccups when someone parted us. That was Kaushal. While he handed me a water bottle too. He talked to Pappa while Mommy and Mom consoled me. At length we entered and went through all those checking leaving behind my family, my Mumbai, my career.

'I'll miss you all.' My subconscious was already bawling its eyes out since a long'

While boarding the plane I noticed Kaushal hasn't removed his hand from my shoulder since we left our family on gate. I looked at him with surprise but the thing shocked me more was he smiled at me,"Don't worry we will come back soon to meet Pappa and Mommy." I smiled back.

It was already evening when we reached Kaushal's flat. Tired from the journey we got down from cab in front of a huge building. It was looking like a reputed society. Watchman shared some bag from Kaushal's hands and we all walked to elevator. After moving out of elevator watchman dropped bags at door and left replying Kaushal's thanks, "Enta piraccinaiyum illai (No problem)" something in Tamil.

Kaushal opened the door and I was dumbstruck by the view. No doubt it was elegant and amazing house but the mess was making me faint already thinking how to clear this .

'So this man is neat freak only when others are there to do his works and clean the room. On his own his true colours are this.'

"I was in hurry while going last time. I'll call housekeeping service tomorrow. You don't have to worry about this." He mumbled looking down like a child.

I nodded and asked where to keep luggage.
"That room in right side is your bedroom. I will drop your belongings there." But before he pick my bag I stopped him.
"Don't bother. I will. You are already tired. You shift your luggage and please order something tonight. I'm too tired to cook something." With this I moved to said room holding two out of my all bags.

"Which one is Priyam's in this? Give that to me. I need to arrange that." He asked looking at all bags.

"Why don't I arrange that in my room only? Then I won't have to disturb you every now and then to take out his things." I stated the obvious thing.

"Why would you disturb me for his things?" He chuckled unsurely.

"Because he will live in my room" I said in duh tone tired from this questionnaire session and his chuckling subsidised with this.

"He will live in MY room. Kanak and I had done so many decoration and all arrangements in that room." His sweet face long gone.

"Do you even know what you say in your 'I, me and myself' attitude? You will keep disturbing his sleep every night when you will have to go hospital just because you can't see him with me." I said losing all my patience this time.

At this he didn't say anything and looked down as I have caught him red handed stealing something. He loosened his hold on the bag as well. Nodding his head he turned to leave but my Mother Teresa subconscious immediately opened the faucet of her eyes and melted my heart.

"I have an idea. Um.. You can sleep with Priyam in my room if you don't mind." I sighed imaging my dancing subconscious.
"Really?" His eyes twinkled on my words. "But can't we make the same arrangements in my room. I have prepared everything you know."

"I never said anything about room and staying arrangements, did I? I'm okay with either." I smiled.

"And you won't have in problem in that?" He was shocked for I don't know what.

"No. Why would I?" I said and signalled him to shift luggage.

"Well, she should. No? Leave it, women. They are out of understanding power. If you talk with them frankly, they will call you pervert and here she didn't even give a second thought to say yes." He was walking ahead carrying two heavy bags clueless I was right behind him and heard him clearly.

"Mummyyy!" He shouted once he saw me behind him when he tuned after keeping those to a corner.

"Kaushallll! Keep you voice down. My baby is sleeping." I scolded in low tone.

"Sorry I got sacred." He muttered.

"Well you should. What did you say you say about women and that too in front of a women?" I asked him after tucking Priyam on the bed.

"Nothing new. Its universal truth. Haven't you heard that song
'Aaj phir jeene ki tamanna hai
Aaj phir marne ka irada hai.'
(Today I have a desire to live again,
Today, I have an intention to die again)
In that how that lady dance on this meaningless song." Here welcome the same arrogant.

"But lyrics of that song was written by a man so basically its men who are not able to think properly." I retorted.

"It was for a women." He shrugged.

"But came from man. And whatever it is are we seriously going to argue on a song now? Look I'm too tired to continue . can we have this later sometime may be with snacks?" I said tapping my feet.
"I didn't even start." Saying he went to place rest luggage to his room.

'If this the start, what's the next?'

Firstly thank you so much for your love which I have recorded carefully on the description board. RANKS of book!
I know I'm late. I'm so sorry for delay.

Reason? Nothing. Really nothing. Its just I was not satisfied with the chapter and wanted to improve little bit. Hope I'm progressing. Once entire changes got delete so that's also a reason for delay.
So here goes the next update.
Finally they are in Chennai and our Adita without her savior MIL.
How are they gonna live? They showed you trailer right?
I loved the corporate environment of Adita's office, do you?
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Thank you.
See ya in the next update!

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