Chapter- 6. He is not that bad, is he?

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Author POV:

After their little repartee Adita advanced towards kitchen. Kaushal has picked the task to ordering food but for now a cup of tea or coffee was imperative  there. Entering the kitchen she had another shock. Completely opposite to the living room, kitchen was neat and clean. Actually, extra neat where even jars were empty and fridge was looking like someone just swept it.

Hearing boisterous voice of crying she ran toward the room Kaushal earlier claimed solely his. As expected Priyam was wide awake after completing the quota of his sleep and was crying his heart out.

Kaushal was walking back and forth with little shake in his body while his hands were busy in patting the back of their son. His face looked panicked on his futile attempt to calm the little baby. Adita walked little more to reach them and stretched her arms asking him to give Priyam to her.

"No, I'll handle. He just woke up suddenly. I can pacify him." Kaushal argued increasing his speed to walk.

"That I can see you will handle but for now give him to me. He is hungry. Last time he has milk before boarding the flight."She said taking Priyam in her arms against his wish and used her sarcasm,"And I have seen the neatness of kitchen. Of course I'm impressed but my son won't appreciate so will you please bring some milk for my son?"

"MY son!" Kaushal raised an eyebrow to on her 'my'.

But seeing confused raised eye brows of Adita he dismissed the talk and grabbing pair of keys with wallet walking out of the gate not before yelling on the door,"I'll be back in jiffy."

Adita now concentrated on entertaining the Priyam. He was calm for now but his face still looked troubled like he will cry any minute.

"Bhawt aapend chu my baby. Bhy choo much klying. Daddy tobled my Pliyam. Ha?"
(What happened to my baby? Why so much crying. Daddy troubled my Priyam? Right?)
Priyam continued looking at her without blinking.

"Bhuku lagi hai mere bete ko? Ha?"
(Is my baby hungry? Yes?)
And this continued for next few minutes.

Their mother son talk was interrupted by doorbell.
"Pliyam ke papa aa gye dudhu le ke. Abhi pliyam dhudh piyega."
(Priyam's Papa has came with milk. Now Priyam will have milk.)

Adjusting him in her arms Adita went to open the door for Kaushal but at the place of Kaushal there was a lady standing at the door.

"Yes?" Adita interrogated the lady bringing her eyes up from her scrutinizing gaze at Adita and Priyam.

"Hello, I'm Vrushali Iyyer. I live here next door to this flat with my family." She said pointed towards the door opposite to Kaushal's apartment and Adita  found a little girl peeking through the mentioned door.

"This is Kaushal's baby right?" She said pinching Priyam's cheeks.

"Yeah, he is our baby. Please come inside." Adita opened the door wider to welcome the stranger guest after having look on the nameplate of opposite flat.

"Just few minutes ago my husband came home from office and told me that next flat's door is open. So I came to meet this cutie." She said tickling the little baby's tummy.

Adita just smiled and adjusted the cushion on sofa gesturing her to occupy the same. She too sat beside her but didn't know what to say and Mrs. Iyyer didn't too. After few moments of awkward silent Mrs. Iyyer decided to break the ice by asking her name.

"I'm Adita. Priyam's Mom. We rece-" Adita began introducing herself but was interrupted by Kaushal's booming voice. It came loud than usual because of silenced room.

"Why did you leave the door open? Don't do suc-" He stopped seeing the lady next to her "Hey Mrs. Iyyer. How are you?" And continued with changed tone.

"I'm good Kaushal but what's this? Came and didn't meet your Anni." Mrs Iyyer said smiling.

"We just came half an hour ago Anni. You meet Adita, I'll be back." Replying he disappeared in the kitchen with a packet of milk.

"I'm sorry Anni. I didn't even ask you tea. Actually we are out of grocery... Umm we just cam-" Adita started needed hospitality but Vrushali didn't let her complete.

"No no, its fine Adita. In fact I came here for that only. Tonight I'm sending dinner for you two. Don't bother about that."

"But Anni he is ordering the food. We will manage. Don't bother yourself." She tried to deny the offer but Vrushali was not in the mood for denial.

"There is nothing to bother about. Kaushal is like my younger brother. We are neighbors since a long time." She smiled.

"Umm.. Okay. Let me once ask him whether he has already ordered?" She tried to avoid the topic till Kaushal come out to give his opinion. This lady seems nice but still we can't judge the book by its cover. She thought Kaushal knows this lady better than her so better he handle this situation.

"You also from Mumbai?" Vrushali tried to know more about her but before she can answer Kaushal came out of Kitchen.

"Here its ready." He said tightening  the screw ring on the neck of milk bottle,"Give him to me. I'll feed." He stretched his arm to fetch Priyam out my lap but Adita quickly secured him tightly on her lap.

"No, you give this bottle to me and go change. I'll feed him. You won't be able to handle his tantrums." She opened her hand in front of him. He stood few seconds stubbornly but reluctantly gave up sensing the  guest's continuous gaze on them in this entire time.

"Adita was saying you going to order food? Have placed yet?" Vrushali asked him once the feeding matter was settled.

"Oh I forgot. Yeah I'm going to." He immediately took out his mobile from front right pocket of his trouser.

"Perfect. Don't do now. I'm sending dinner and I'm not taking 'no'." Mrs Iyyer chipped happily and widened her eyes to scare the man.

He just smiled knowing the persistent quality of Vrushali and after little thanks to her he started going to balcony while Adita put the milk bottle in Priyam's mouth after confirming the temperature by putting some drop of milk on the back of her hand but Mrs. Iyyer was not satisfied with her scrutiny yet. Her gaze still following couple's every movements with their son.

"Aww, what a lovely site. You care for him so much. Which stepmother does such things nowadays? But I'm happy he got you."She adored the scene in front of her.

"MOTHER!" Once Adita sternly said this Vrushali instantly looked up at Adita confused on her sudden change of tone.

"I'm his mother Anni." She panicked at her words whereas Kaushal's step were halted on the words of Adita but nevertheless he went a ahead. Vrushali didn't said that with any evil intention but after saying and seeing Adita's reaction she realized it was not pleasant words for any lady.

"Oh yeah, of course. Of course. I must take your leave now. Have lots of chores in home." And she immediately left for her house before she make any other blunder unintentionally.


In spite of knowing reality well still digesting this word was a bitter morsel for Adita. Although she knew Mrs. Iyyer was just saying casually and her smile held genuineness and concern, she felt all those as mockery.

Next morning, Adita's beauty sleep was broken by a heavy kick on her abdomen.


She opened her eyes to know which earthquake has came but the sight in front of her made her bit her own tongue.

Earthquake? NO! This is the most beautiful spring of my life! She thought.

There was her baby fully awake showing his toothless smile on his victory to wake someone who can entertain him now. Adita smiled and pecked his forehead and cheeks.

"Is thiz a way tooo wakey Mamma? Ha?" She tickled his tummy to gain a giggle. He kicked his legs in the air and stretched his body with a yawn. She got up and taking Priyam with her left the room leaving Kaushal sleeping on the edge of bed as it was early morning.

Kaushal woke up due to loud howling cry. The intense of voice was so high that he sprang to find the reason of his son's trouble. He came running towards the drawing room and his eyes popped out of socket to sight.

There Priyam was crying like someone was snatching his life out of him and his face turned red confirming he was crying since long.

"What the hell are you doing with my son? Are you planning to kill him?" He pointed to his face," His throat will dry. What are you up to?"

Adita ignored his rant and continued massaging Priyam's body. Even she looked troubled.

"Are you even listening to me woman?" He was now irritated.

"Yes, I'm. Now please stop disturbing me, can you? I'm already having handful of his tantrums and your interrogation is not helping either." She snapped at him. "I know what I'm doing. Babies needs massage too and they cry sometimes. We can't give up on their crying.",she gave gentle press his back vertically on his spine. "Mom has strictly told me to give him massage daily. Ah! Mom! At least she was helping me in Mumbai but you had to ruin that too." She completed with glare on Kaushal.

Kaushal stood there few seconds seeing his poor son helplessly and lastly made a call to the root of this problem.

"Hello, Mom! What have you told her to do with Priyam? He is continuously crying and she is still not leaving him." He yelled on phone looking at Adita.

"What is she doing?" Subodhini asked from the other side of call calmly.

"She is massaging him applying so much force. He is crying." He complained.

"Shut up you! Let her do what she is doing. I have taught her how to do. Its for his growth only beta." As Kaushal expected, Subodhini took the side of her Daughter in Law. "Your son has got all your habits. He shows all his tantrums. My poor girl, facing all this alone. Ab muh kya dekh raha hai. Phone rakh (what are you doing now uselessly. Hang up phone) and help her." With this she hang up the call.

Kaushal huffed and kept the phone on table. He sat there doing nothing but giving some "sambhal ke" (Be careful) as there was still some time left for him to get ready for his job.

He was feeling bad for the poor soul but not for long time. Soon that little boy started giggling once Adita started throwing him in the air.

"Surrounded by women this boy has surely learned all dramatic tantrums. One moment he is crying and the other giggling and laughing." He muttered under his breath.

Adita wrapped him in a small towel and went to bedroom giving Kaushal a 'I told you' look. Kaushal trailed behind her picking bottle of baby oil and and pair of fluffy towels she left on the floor.

Inside the room Adita was picking pair of baby clothes while Kaushal was showing her drawers and a mini cupboard he and Kanak prearranged for their baby.

"Let's go baby. Today we will manage in bathroom only but Mamma will buy Priyam a small baby bathtub for tomorrow onwards." Adita was busy with her son.

"No, wait. I have already bought baby bathtub." Kaushal interrupted them, "Let me just take it out."

Adita checked the temperature of water to make it warm enough which will not burn the baby skin.

They both were giving bath to Priyam when Kaushal suggested Adita,"Why don't you come with me to supermarket? I'll drop you on my way to office. What say?"
"Why going to outside when we can order while sitting in home?"
She countered his suggestion,"May be after some days but for now I don't want Priyam to get infectious by this climate. He need some time to adapt Chennai,no?" Saying she poured some more water on Priyam and rubbed soap.

"Yeah, that's fair!" He smiled and passed the towel to her.
Wrapping their baby in that tiny towel both came out of bathroom.

"You are having off today?" Seeing him not in hurry She voiced out her mind's question.

"I'm going in an hour. My shift starts at 10a.m." He replied.

"You want to say something?" Still finding him around them Adita voiced out her doubt.

"Uhh yeah. Wo..Actually.. You know I work in a hospital right?" He started nervously but after hearing his own words he mentally smacked himself and continued getting grip on himself,"Today is the 63rd anniversary of hospital where I work, so every staff is invited in the party." He paused," with family. "He looked at her to see her reaction.

"Oh! Fine. But is it okay for Priyam? I mean won't it affect him? He is new and above all there will be crowd. What do you think?" She voiced her worry.

"I think you are right. We should not take Priyam outside this soon." Kaushal consented too on this.

"So this was the reason you hurried to here from Mumbai?" She asked with raised brows.

"Hmm.. Kind of." He shrugged.

"Oh, I thought you were lying." She bit her lip embarrassed on her false assumption.

"And why did you think so?" He frowned.

"Your gestures and the way you were nervous I thought-" she trailed off helping her helpless situation.

"So you think you can judge anyone on your own?" Kaushal said keeping his face hard.

"Nahi, wo..wo." Seeing his hard expression she started stammering.

"Haha, Realx! Actually that was half lie. There is no seminar but this function in hospital is true." He smiled making her too and went to get ready for his job.

Kaushal left with a cup of coffee only saying he will get something to eat from the hospital canteen and Adita emersed herself in placing the grocery order online. In the noon she was busy in arranging their luggage and soon arrived grocery on the door too got include in the list of things to be arranged when she got a call flashing Kaushal's name on the mobile. She picked up and before she can say anything Kaushal himself started,

"Hello, Adita?"

"Yeah, say." She wondered on his hurry.

"Actually you and Priyam have to come in the evening with me. Here everyone wants to meet Priyam. Is it okay with you?" He asked from other side.

"Its okay. I'm fine with that. You will come or we have to come there in ourselves?"

"Can you get ready till 7? I'll come to pick you at home."

"Noted. We will be waiting here."

"Great. Bye."

"Wait. You got something to eat?"

"Yep, I had my lunch. You?" He asked out of worry as there nothing edible in the home till he was there.

"Grocery has arrived so I made some instant food."

"So soon? How did you pay them?"

"Card obviously. I have my card with me." She said but didn't get any reply from other side.

"Hello, Kaushal you there?" Adita wondered if he has hanged up already.

"Yeah, okay fine. Bye. Get ready on time."


In the evening Adita was ready with Priyam and was waiting for Kaushal to pick them up. She wore a olive green print saree with maroon border while Priyam was in red tee with blue short pants.

Soon the car horn was heard by Adita indicating Kaushal has came.

"You two all ready?" He was surprised on her punctuality and she nodded proudly.

"Great. I'll come in jiffy." Saying he went to bedroom and as said came back in five minutes only looking fresh. All tiredness was wiped from his face.

"Chalen?" He asked fastning his watch on the wrist.

Soon they were in car, Kaushal behind the wheel while Adita occupied the passenger seat with Priyam on his lap. Complete silence in the car but neither awkward nor peaceful. They didn't even bother to break the ice. Priyam utilized the half an hour journey to have a short nap and woke up just before to reach.

Kaushal parked the car and helped her too. Party was in an impressive banquet hall which looked remarkable with the beautiful decoration. They went ahead in  that hall and soon Kaushal was greeted with many people which made Adita to wonder about his reputation. On the other hand, she didn't miss the long stares with some whispers on them.

"Hey buddy! Kaha mar gye the? (Where you have been dead) You completely forgot us since you had gone to Mumbai. Even didn't invite in wedding. Bhabhi ji se nahi millvaoge?" (Won't introduced to Sister in law?)

"Nothing like that Sudhir. Actually the circumstances were such I couldn't. Well my wife is here. Now you can meet." Kaushal muttered scratching his head.

"Adita, this is my colleague cum friend Dr. Sudhir and she is his wife Dr. Kiara. She recently has joined us in hospital." And there went their introduction to each other.

They folded their hands for greeting saying "Namaste".
Soon few more joined them with greetings and intros followed.

"Your arms must be paining, you are holding him from quite long time. Give him to me. I'll handle him now." He took Priyam to him,"I'll be here around with my colleagues. You enjoy with ladies.. I'll be back in a while."

Adita nodded and joined the ladies present over there but soon she got bored of their boring talk on recent technology in medical science and gossips about their colleagues while some other nonmedical professionals was busy in fashion and their own homestory. Kiara and some other females tried to devolve Adita too in their talk and she too gave her few opinion on whatever she understood topics but it was futile due to complete irrelevant topics. She looked again and again in the direction where Kaushal went with Priyam wishing them to come soon.

After a couple of hours, one by one each started to leave the group and went in the direction of food stalls. Many with families whereas many in groups. Kiara had also gone with Sudhir to have dinner not before asking her to join but she preferred to way for Kaushal.

Seconds turned in minutes and minutes into an hour, still no sign of Kaushal yet. When guest started to leave the hall she got panicked and called Kaushal.

'The person you are calling is not answering your call. Please call again later.'

After hearing this lines from a melodious voice for 15th times her anxiety reached on its peak. She tried few more times getting the same reply.

In the middle of unknown faces where she was complete stranger, her husband got missing?


Again delay! I know, I know! I'm really very sorry again but please believe me I'll never, never delay the update intentionally. I'm really stuck in something very serious.
Coming to the chapter, how did you like the chapter? Good? Bad? Not up to mark?

What do you think for their First day in Chennai.
One humble request, as you all know I'm a new writer here so I would really love to know about the improvement you want to see in the writing style or anything you would like to suggest.
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See ya in the next update!✋

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