Chapter 5

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It wasn't till the sun finally set that Serena came out of her trance and realised she should probably be getting back.

"Well I should be going." She said getting up and slipping her hood over her face again. Neither of them wanted to leave, they wished they could stay in each others arms forever. But sadly they also knew they had to face reality.

"Ok." Ash said. "Here, let me walk you back." He took her hand and began leading her out of the forest. Unfortunately the two didn't realise, they were being watched.

"Should we get em' now?" One asked.

"Not yet wait till there at the forest's edge, them we'll make our move." Said another.

When Ash and Serena came to the forests edge they both paused for a moment. They really hated having to say goodbye as this was by far the best day either of them had, had in a long time.

"Well I guess this is where we part ways." He said.

"I wish we could meet again." Serena said sadly.

"You mean there's no way I can ever see you?" Ash asked.

"No I am afraid I shall never be allowed out again, but thank you so much for making my first and last trip to the world a memorable one." She said. She smiled under her hood and Ash let go of her hand. They were just about to leave when Ash was suddenly flung against a nearby tree by none other than Paul and Damien.

"Ahh!" He cried in shock.

"Well, well, well." Trip laughed as he stepped out of the shadows. "Thought you could get away from us eh muck boy." The other two sniggered. Ash felt himself weaken with fear. Trip raised his fist in the air prompting Ash to shut his eyes and brace for the impact. When...

"Stop!" And they did. All four of them turned to look in the same direction, the direction of the one who had spoken. Namely Serena. "Unhand him this minute." She yelled.

"Mind you own business." Paul said.

"Yeah this loser promised us he would do anything we asked, so we're just here to collect." Damien stated.

"Come on guys can't you let me off just this once." Ash pleaded. Serena was even angrier now, how dare these men be so horrible to someone so kind.

"You will unhand him now or else." She said.

"Or else what?!" Trip smirked, not the least bit concerned by Serena's threat.

"Or else I shall call my royal guard and they will punish you." She said removing her hood so the boys could see her face. They all gasped (except Ash)

"Oh my it's the princess Serena." Damien said.

"What?" Ash whispered.

"That's right. And if you do anything to harm my friend Ash you will be sorry." She then raised her hand formally. "I hear by remove Ash from you debt, now leave." She said staring Trip down to make sure he understood. They all got the message and without hesitation they let go of Ash and ran as fast as they could. Serena smiled triumphantly glad to have helped Ash out. She looked over to check if he was all right, but to her surprise he had vanished!

Sorry for the short chapter i promise that i will make a longer one next time
Review and Share :)

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