Chapter 6

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With Ash...

The doors to the barn flew open and banged hard against the wall. The pokemon all raised their heads to see what had caused the disturbance. Their gaze was meet with a very upset Ash. He didn't care, he barely even noticed them he just ran up the ladder to his beam. Muffled sobs could be heard by the pokemon down below. They all felt for Ash, they had come to like him very much over the 13 years he'd been living with them. It pained them all greatly to see him upset (or rather hear him). Pikachu hopped up into the beams and tried to comfort his master. Ash was grateful for Pikachu's company but still felt very depressed. He sat in silence for while, just staring down looking shadowed in sadness. He kept turning it over in his mind but it always made him feel worse.

His thoughts were broken by a call from down in the barn. "Hey Ash."

Ash didn't respond.

"Come on man you can't sulk up there forever."

Ash sighed. He'd been in this position time and time again. 'Might as well give in' He thought and slid over then edge of the beam onto the hay stack. He sat up dusting off the straw when a hand extended under his face. Ash looked up. As he expected the hand belonged to none other than Drew.

"Bout time." Drew said helping him up. "Although you gave in a lot quicker actually, normally I have to come up and get you."

"Yeah I know." Ash sighed, "Thanks for covering for me today."

"No sweat man. What are friends for right?" Drew said, he then walked over and sat on one of the hay bales. He gestured for Ash to sit next him.

Ash sat down reluctantly and waited for Drew to speak.

"So what do I have to do to get it out of you this time?" He joked. Drew and Ash had been friends ever since they were little, Drew was a couple of years older than Ash and was a farm hand back when Ash's parents owned the place. Most of the workers left when Ash's uncle took over but Drew refused to leave Ash to face things on his own. he was like a brother to Ash and was use to comforting him when something awful happened.

"You don't have to do anything." Ash said. "I might as well just tell you and get it over with."

Drew nodded with interest and Ash proceeded to tell him about his adventure with the princess Serena. When he was finished he looked over to Drew who was now sitting in silence with his mouth hanging open.

"This is the part where you say: don't worry Ash everything will work out." Ash said doing a funny imitation of Drew's voice in order to break the tension. Drew laugh lightly.

"Well from what I hear it sounds like you had a great day. You met a beautiful princess, made a new friend and got out of your arrangement with Trip." He said smiling. "Whats the down side in that?" He asked, suddenly serious.

Ash sighed. "The problem is when we were watching the sunset together we actually cuddled. And I felt, felt something special, like I wanted to be with her forever and always hold her." He cried dropping his face in his hands.

"Ah, I see so you've fallen in love with her." Drew said patting his friend on the back. Ash just hid himself further. "Look from what I hear it sounds like she really likes you to." He said.

"Get real." Ash said bluntly. "She's a princess why would she waste time with a loser like me?"

"Well considering she spent the whole day with you I'm guessing she had some kind of reason." Drew said, he was trying to catch Ash off guard but it didn't work.

"Come on Drew. I'm a muck boy, she probably just felt sorry for me. I must of looked so pathetic to her." He said sounding even more depressed.

"Nah. I bet she thought you were kind and friendly." Drew stated.

"Pika, Pika." Pikachu said patting his master's head. Ash reached up and stroked pikachu provoking him to make his blissful "Cha" noise. Both of the boys shared a laugh and got up.

"Thanks Drew, I needed that." Ash said.

"Anytime." Said Drew smacking him on the back.

"Well we better get some sleep." Said Ash settling down on his hay bed.
"Ok. See you tomorrow." Drew waved then exited the barn. Ash just sat quietly stroking Pikachu until he was to tired to continue. He didn't find it quite as hard to get to sleep tonight, for some reason he felt more relaxed than usual...

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