First day

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Chris's POV, ten minutes before school starts

After the ceremony, I started walking towards my homeroom. Hopefully, I can make some friends here. I look at my schedule to make sure I'm going the right way. Also, I need to talk to Y/n later, for some reason he's acting a little shady and I feel like he's keeping something from me. I mean it's okay to have secrets, but something seems to be bothering him. Oh, here it is!

I found my homeroom and reach for the door handle. Someone else was also reaching the door at the same time I was and we both pull our hand back.

Chris: "I'm sorry I didn't see you there." I said apologetically.

???: "It's okay, I didn't see you either." the person said.

The boy was my age with slightly tan skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing the same uniform as me. He was also shorter than me.

Chris: "My name is Chris L/n, what's yours?" I ask him.

???: "My name is Tsukune Aono. It's nice to meet you, Chris. I have to admit you might be the first normal person I have come across." he said.

He then began to nervously laugh and scratch the back of his head. I began to do the same. What he said wasn't exactly wrong, I mean, the homeroom teacher scratched Y/n's face and the outside of the school looks like a haunted house.

Chris: "I can't argue with that." I said, agreeing with him.

I put my hand back on the door handle and slide it open, showing the teacher's desk, the blackboard, which some writing on it with a long ruler and chalk on the metal holder and a student in the front row. I walk in the room and see a few more students sitting away from each other, minding their own business.

Chris: "So Tsukune, are you excited? I've never been to a private academy before, what do you think it will be like here?" I said, making small talk with his new friend, as they were walking towards the back of the class.

Tsukune: "Hopefully it won't be too stressful. I heard that some are kind of tough on their students who have poor grades, but I don't think that will happen with us...I hope. Hey, this is a weird question, but are you from overseas? I only ask because your name sounds American." Tsukune asks as he sat down on the seat furthest from the teacher's desk and next to the window.

I sat diagonally from Tsukune.

Chris: "My mom's Japanese and my dad's American. When my older brother, Y/n, was born my mom named him, and when I was born my dad got to name me." I explained.

Tsukune: "Is your older brother at Yokai? Maybe we can have lunch together, I can bring Moka along." he said, happy to have made new friends already.

I raised an eyebrow.

Chris: "Who's "Moka"?" I ask.

Tsukune: "She's-

The school bell went off, cutting off Tsukune before he could finish his sentence. Then the rest of the students walk into the room with the teacher, Ms.Nekonome being the last one to enter. Almost all the students wherein their seats, except for whoever was supposed to be in the seat in front of Tsukune and behind Tsukune

Ms.Nekonome: "Well good morning students, since your new here, welcome to Yokai Academy! My name is Shizuka Nekonome and I'll be your teacher! I'm sure everybody knows this, but I will mention it to the students who need a reminder. This is an incredibly unique school, one that's exclusively for monsters. Yep!" she said enthusiastically as she walks to the left end of the blackboard.

I lean back a little and use my hand to cover my mouth as I had a small smile as a reaction to what the teacher said. I mean really "monsters" is this one of those prank shows or something?

Chris: 'Of course there is, as well as the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny and all the other monsters you see at Halloween.' I thought, not taking her seriously.

Ms.Nekonome: "Currently this planet is well under the control of humans so in order for monsters, like you and I to survive class, the only option we have is to learn how to co-exist with humans in secret." she said seriously as she walks to the other end of the board.

She then grabbed a ruler from the blackboard and pointed it at the blackboard, drawing everyone's attention to the writing.

Ms.Nekonome: "And that brings us to our first rule: Except in special circumstances, as long as your on campus, you must never be in your monster form. Did everybody got that?" she said back to being enthusiastic.

I can't believe she's still going with this act. I shake my head while I try to hide my ever-growing smile. It's taking almost everything I have not to break out and start laughing at this.

Ms.Nekonome: "Rule number two: Never ever reveal your monster identity to another student. I'm sure you can guess why." she said, leaving the class to think about what she said.

???: "Tch what a bunch of boring rules." said a male voice behind me.

I turn in my chair and see Tsukune with his arm half-raised as if he was trying to ask the teacher a question. I look at the guy who spoke and saw a guy with the same tan skin as Tsukune. His light brown hair was brushed back, except for a hair or two. He also has small...what were they called again? Oh right, Iris's that were smaller than everybody else's, except for Ms.Nekonome, because she doesn't open her eyes for some reason. He has gold piercings on his lip, and ears and his uniform was the same as mine and Tsukune's and every other male student in the room, except his collar, was slightly open, the same goes for his jacket and his tie was loose. His hands were behind his back.

Ms.Nekonome: "And you arrrrre Saizou Komiya." she said.

I look back at the teacher and see the attendance book in her hands.

Saizou: "If we do find a human why don't we just eat it? At least that's what I would do." he said, without shame.

I look back at the "monster" to see if he's trying not to laugh himself because this is really starting to get old. I look at him and see a...oh god that's disgusting. The guy sticks his long tongue out and acts as if he thought of something tasty. I turn around before the guy could see my reaction. My smile went away the second I saw his tongue. Wait a minute.....

The teacher, Ms.Nekonome, when Y/n introduced me to her, she had a cat-like tail and when I talked about it, she tried to scratch me like, Shit! she's a catgirl!

Ms.Nekonome: "Chris....Chris L/n?" she said with a worried look.

I blinked and saw everybody looking at me.

Chris: "Uh..sorry Ms.Nekonome I was in deep thought. What did you say?" I ask.

Ms.Nekonome: "That's okay, try not to daydream in class okay. I told Mr.Komiya that there's no chance of there being a human because at this school all the students and teachers are monsters, so no exceptions, got it?" she said explaining it to me.

I see something white moving below her in the corner of my eye, and as I see what it was it only confirms my suspicions that she is a catgirl, which is her cattail.

Ms.Nekonome: "You see, this school is enclosed in a giant secret barrier, but even if a human got through it somehow, and wonder in here. They would be killed immediately." she said with a smile.

There was a small noise, I look back and see a notebook on the ground and Tsukune hesitating for a moment before grabbing it quickly and covering his face, as he shakes from fear. Saizou looks at Tsukune for a second and lets his long tongue out for a few seconds, wiggling it back and forth, before sliding it back into his mouth, and looks forward. I quickly look straight ahead, at the blackboard and my leg starts bouncing as I put my hands on the desk, and trying not to freak out......or at least do a better job then Tsukune.

Saizou: "Say whatever you want, but I swear I've been smelling a human this whole time." he said.

I'm internally screaming as I try to calm myself down. Then the sliding door that I opened earlier open getting my attention.

???: "I'm so sorry I'm late." said a worried female voice.

Ms.Nekonome: "Don't worry it's alright go ahead and introduce yourself." she said.

The girl walk in and stood in front of the class. She has pink, knee-length hair that has bangs hanging on the right side. She also has green eyes and a cute girl-next-door face. she is wearing the girl's school uniform, with some sort of necklace which was a goth-like cross.

???: "Hello my name is Moka Akashiya." she said, introducing herself to the class.

She's beautiful, she's..she's.....a monster just like Ms.Nekonome, just like Saizou, just like-

Moka: "Tsukune it's you! I'm so glad we're in the same class!" she said excitedly.

I look at Tsukune and see that she practically teleported to the other side of the room and hug Tsukune, with her arms around his neck. Tsukune yells as Moka scares him, due to her speed. I was left baffled with only one thing I could think of at that moment: I need to talk to Y/n, immediately.

Timeskip, 10:55 am, lunchtime, 2nd floor, Y/n's POV

Now that English with Mr.Maki is done, I'll just grab some lunch from the caf and head somewhere private. Maybe I'll ask if Chris wants to eat lunch with me unless he's eating with friends then I'll just leave him be and tell him about Yokai tonight after school. I should probably buy him something to calm his nerves. Maybe a cold drink or-

Vrrm Vrrm

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and walk to the windows so I can get out of the way of the other students. I lean next to the windows and see the field that the track and field team uses. It was maintained very well as the grass was cut, the white lines were painted again to keep it from fading, and the benches around it look clean. I pull out my phone and it shows my lock screen which is a picture of me with my family. It was a message from Chris saying that he "needs to talk to me immediately". I unlocked my phone in order to text him back.


Sunday 4:48 PM

Nah, I'll come to you

Today 10:56 AM

Meet me behind the
school, there's something
I would like 2 talk 2 u
about. Please come as
soon as you can
Is everything alright?

I don't know, I just
need 2 talk u about
something. Get here

K I'll be there soon

I put my phone away and make my way to Chris's meeting place. I walk down the stairs, seeing students walking to the cafeteria or somewhere else to eat lunch with their friends. What stood out to me as I walk down the stairs is a blue-haired girl with a yellow sweater vest over a white long sleeve shirt with a mini-skirt version of the yokai academy's skirt and long socks and dress shoes, talking to a group of guys. She might be one of those monsters that can get a guy's attention like how Yua is rumoured to be. I should warn Chris about her and them.

I walk down the hall and out through the wing and walked alongside the building until I got to the end of the building. I turn to see no one there. I stop and blink in confusion for a few seconds, then I realized he was on the other end of the building near the fields. I let out a small sigh as I walk from one end of the school building to the other. As I walk, I see through the window of all the people talking with each other and eating lunch together. I envy them.

I envy how they all got along, how they act so friendly towards each other, despite even being different species. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a reflection of a person with a dark blue hoodie and what looks likes a yellow horn looking at the other students through the window. I look back and they disappeared as if they were gone with the wind. It was probably Grumpy, I don't blame him for showing himself when I saw this. I turn around and continue walking towards the other end of the building.

Chris: "There you are! What took you so long?!" He said irritated that I was taking my time.

Y/n: "Relax, I'm here now, aren't I? Now, what did you want to talk to me about? Is it about a girl?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

Chris: "No it's not a girl! It's-

He stops talking and looks around as if he heard something. He then walks towards me and when he got close, he leans forward and put his mouth next to my ear and put his hand sideways, connecting his mouth with the back of my ear.

Chris: "The students here are monsters." he whispered into my ear.

He steps back, waiting for my reaction. The only thing he sees is my blank expression.

Y/n: "Well yeah, of course, the school is filled with monsters, you really think I didn't know that? I'm in my second year after all." I said.

He looks at me with shock and utter surprise.

Chris: "Y-you knew all along! Why didn't you tell me?!" He yelled.

I put my finger over my lip.

Y/n: "Shhhhh! You want the whole school to hear you? Yes, I knew about this school and I meant to tell you. I didn't know you were coming to Yokai until I finished my first year and came back home for the summer. I was planning on telling you but I ended up putting it off because I thought I had the whole summer to do it, then I got lazy and forgot about it. I was also going to tell you when you got here before school started, except got excited that you were coming and we'll you know how that story ends. Anyway, that doesn't matter now. You know that this place is for monsters." I explained.

Chris: "I can't believe this. We have to get out of here before they kill us." he said, panicking about the consequences of staying at Yokai any further.

I put both my hands on Chris's shoulders and look him in the eye.

Y/n: "Chris take a deep breath and calm down okay? Take a deep breath." I said, trying to calm him down.

Chris then starts to take deep breaths and when he seemed to have calmed down I take my hands off his shoulders.

Y/n: "Listen, Chris, I know you're scared, hell I'm still nervous about this place, but we can't just up and leave this place. I thought about on my first day as well, then I thought about what would happen if I did. They went through the trouble to bring us here, they might just drag us back, or they'll threaten us, or they might try to tie up loose ends and kill us and tell mom and dad that it was an accident." I said.

Chris: "Wh-what?! No, they won't....they couldn't, they-

Y/n: "Chris I hate to break it to you, but almost everyone here doesn't care if we're buying their drinks or pissing in them. All they care is if were human or not, and if they find out we are, then that's a good enough reason for them to kill us both." I said.

Chris was silent and didn't say anything as he was still processing the information.

Y/n: "(sigh) Look Chris I need you to be strong, okay. I need you to be calm, okay?" I said.

Chris nodded.

Y/n: "Listen I'm getting pretty hungry, and I bet you are as well. Let's go to the cafeteria to get something to eat then we can go somewhere private, I can explain everything else there, alright?" I ask.

I start walking towards the cafeteria to get some lunch, leaving Chris there. I get inside and I walk to the nearest tray station. I grab a clean tray and I walk to the end of the cafeteria line. After about a few minutes of waiting, I'm at the front of the line.  I feel someone lightly tapping my shoulder. I don't look back, assuming it's Chris, as I continue to look forward to the lunch menu posted on the elevated glass that goes over the food.

Y/n: "Let me get my lunch first, then I'll talk, okay?" I said.

I order my lunch, which isn't anything special. It was just a bowl of rice with some barbeque sauce and fish. I got my lunch and walk to a table that has room for two on the edge. I sit down with my tray in hand and get my utensils out as the person behind me sits down in front of me.

Y/n: "Now before I explain, do you have any questions?" I ask, not looking up as I put my napkin to my right side with my chopsticks in hand.

???: "Do you want to join the swimming club this year, Y/n?" a female voice said.

I look up only to internally scream as I realize who was speaking to me. The girl in front of me has white skin, turquoise hair with a gold crown, yellow eyes, about 5'3 and was wearing the Yokai academy girls uniform. Her name is Tamoe Ishinose, president of the swimming club, and a mermaid.

Y/n: 'Not this bitch again.' I thought with a frown on my face, showing her my displeasure.

Y/n: "No." I said.

Tamoe: "Come on Y/n, you said last year that you would give it a shot." She said, trying to convince me.

She reached for my hand and as she got close, I pull mine away from hers.

Y/n: "I lied so you would leave me alone and stop bothering me. Now can you pleased leave me alone I'm waiting for a friend." I said, being as rude as I can be, without insulting her, in order to get her to go away.

Her smile wavers for a second before standing up and moving her tray out of the way. She then sat down on the table where her tray use to be and she uses her hand to flip her hair back in order she's so beautiful. Her silky hair, her pretty eyes, her seductive movements.

Tamoe: "Do you want to swim with me now?" she said.

As soon as the words left her lips, and I stop hearing her hypnotic voice, I thought that maybe.....maybe it wouldn't hurt to join the swim club this time.

I open my mouth to answer her.

Chris: "Hey Y/n, who's this your talking too?" he asked, getting Tamoe's attention and snapping me out of whatever trance I was in.

Tamoe: "Oh? Who's this young stud Y/n?" she asks, with her full attention now on Chris.

I narrow my eyes, knowing what she's planning.

Y/n: "He' of my parent's friend's children." I lied as Chris has finally arrived at the table.

Chris: "Hey Y/n, who's this your girlfriend?" He said jokingly.

Tamoe: "No, I'm-

Y/n: "Leaving." I interrupted.

They turn their heads towards me.

Y/n: "Also Tamoe, the real reason why I keep turning you down is that I don't want to smell like fish fillet every time I get out of the pool. It messes up my sense of smell." I said bluntly.

Her left eye twitched a little, as she tried to keep smiling, which quickly turn to a look of anger. She then raises her hand and as it was coming down I duck my head, only for her to hit the top of my head instead of my face. A loud slap sound could be heard, as I hold the top of my head in pain as she storms off, leaving her tray with us. As I raise my head back up, the pain of her slap lingers as I put my hand on the top of my head, trying to ease the pain, I see some people still looking at me with disgust before going back to their meals.

Chris sat down with his tray in front of me.

Y/n: "Thank you, Chris." I said, in relief. 

Chris: "You really know how to talk to the ladies, don't 'cha?" he said.

Y/n: "Yeah well let me tell you something: if a girl from Yokai is interested in you, then she probably wants to either eat you, rape you or both. In fact, that's the only thing that I like about the guys better than the girls. The guys will just eat you or kill you, but the girls? What they do will be worse." I said.

Chris put his hand up in a jokingly giving up manner.

Chris: "Alright alright, you made your point. Now can you please tell me what the hell is going on here?" he asks.

I took a bite of my lunch and swallow it.

Y/n: "So as you already know, Yokai academy is a school built by monsters, for monsters. Their main goal is to secretly co-exist as humans and live among them. They have multiple clubs, which you will be introduced to in about a week from now. It is mandatory for you to join a club, so you can't just go home. You could try and see if you can work at the school convenience store with me, but theirs already me plus two others, so I can't guarantee anything.

Chris: "This sounds really crazy like this is all some sort of manga or anime." he said, taking a minute to process the information.

Y/n: "I felt the same way when I first learned about it. Sadly I realized that it was as real as you and me. As well as how incredibly dangerous they are as well." I said.

Chris: "I figured that. Is there anything else I need to know?" he ask.

we both took another bite of our food before resuming the conversation.

Y/n: "On the third or fourth day of my first year at Yokai, fights started to break out. It would usually be like one or two fights a week here, unless there is something important coming up like parents day, exams, the school festival, then there aren't any fighting for the week, or week and a half. Either way, when the fighting starts you have to get out of the way." I said.

Chris: "What do you mean? (gulp) Shouldn't we try to stop them? And how come they fight so much?" he asks after swallowing his food.

Y/n: "People here fight for all kinds of reasons, some are personal, some are business, some are big, like for a gang or a club, and some are small like someone insulted someone, or was seen with someone's boyfriend, or because they were bored. The teachers can stop the fighting, but can't sometimes or won't 'cause they aren't exactly required to stop the fighting. The principal or "headmaster", which we're supposed to call him, does nothing besides sit in his office all day, so he's not going do anything about it. As for your first question, do you really think two of us can stop, let's say, some sort of tree monster and a goblin from fighting?" I said.

Chris: "Good point, also what do you mean "they can't?" He asks.

Y/n: "In the monster world there are different ranks for monsters. The ranks for these monsters range from E-class to S-class. E and D class monsters are considered the weakest but don't underestimate them just because they're the weakest. They can still kill you and other monsters. C and B class monsters are considered to be mediocre because they can still be easily beaten by monsters of higher rank, but they are strong and fast enough to beat weaker monsters. A and S class monsters are nothing to joke about, they are the most powerful monsters, the monsters of all monsters if you will. They are the ones you definitely do not mess with ever. If they ask you for something, you will do it understand?" I said.

Chris nodded in response.

Y/n: "Now I know I already to run away the second a fight breaks out. The reason why is because I don't want you to end up a casualty. If you do get hurt, like let's say a fireball grazes you and leaves a burn mark on you, do not go to the school nurse. When you can, go to the school's convenience store and buy bandages and polysporin or something like that. If you can't buy any, come to me and I'll give you some and help you." I said.

Chris: "Why not?" He asks.

Y/n: "If you show up at the nurse's office bleeding or burned or injured, then the first thing they do is check your profile and see what monster you are, so they don't accidentally give you something that is considered poisonous to other species. And guess what they do when they find out that your hu-

I stop myself before finish my sentence and look around quickly to see if anyone was listening in. Everybody was busy eating lunch and talking to each other, to notice us. I then do a hand gesture for him to get closer and he does.

Y/n: "That your human." I whispered to him.

I back away from him eat the rest of my food, as does he.

Y/n: "We still have some time left, I'll walk you to your next class." I said.

Chris: "Alright, but I still have some questions to ask." he said.

Y/n: "You can ask on the way." I said.

We both put our tray at one of the tray stations with the other dirty trays and walk towards Chris's next class. We got about a few feet away from the cafeteria before Chris started asking questions again.

Chris: "Wait you said that they would check your profile if you go to the nurse's office right? Then wouldn't they know what you are?" he asks.

Y/n: "You have a point, however scratches and bruises are common and easy to get rid of without worrying about the species. That's why I was able to go to the nurse's office. Plus the store wasn't open just yet." I explain.

Chris: "So we can go if it's for small reasons like that, but not if it's something big? What if one of us has internal bleeding?" he said, making a valid point.

Y/n: "Hmmm you have a point. If that does happen let me worry about it, but you should also make sure you don't get into any trouble." I said.

Chris: "Okay." he said.

We walk around Yokai for a bit in silence before I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and turn it on, seeing a notification from YouTube. As I was about to put my phone away, something bumps into me, knocking me down on the floor and landing on my ass, making me drop my phone as well.

???: "Sorry!" A male voice said, apologetically.

I grab my phone and look at the direction of the guy running away. I couldn't get a good look at him as all I saw was a boy in a male uniform, and brown hair, running away. I stand up and dust myself off.

Y/n: "What's he in a rush for?" I said, showing my displeasure towards the student.

Chris: "Tsukune?" he said.

I turn my head and look at Chris

Y/n: "You know him?" I ask Chris.

Chris: "Yeah, we are in the same class. I wonder what he was running from." he said.

Y/n: "Doesn't matter right now, the bell will probably ring in about 10-15 minutes, so let's get to class." I said.

I continue walking again and take a few steps before looking back and seeing Chris looking at Tsukune running through the halls.

Y/n: "Come on Chris." I said trying to get his attention.

Chris then look back at me.

Chris: "Sorry Y/n. I was just thinking about something." he said as he catches up to me.

We continue walking through the halls until we get to the front of Chris's next class, which is science with Mr.Kamada. Chris walked to the front door and-

???: "Excuse me?" A female voice said.

We both turn our attention towards the source of the voice, which came from a very beautiful girl, with pink hair, pale skin, and wearing the girl's Yokai uniform.

???: "Do you know where my friend, Tsukune, went?" she asks, with concern in her voice.

Chris: "Yeah he ran past us about a few minutes ago. Did something bad happen between you two, Moka? he asks the girl that was called Moka.

Moka: "After the class was over, we went to the vending machine to get something to drink. Then a bully from our class interrupted our time and hurt Tsukune. After that, we went to the school roof and talked. He then started acting weird and ran off. I have to find him!" she said, in a distressing tone.

Chris: "We have to find him! Come on he went this way!" Chris said, helping Moka in her search.

Chris and Moka were about to leave, but not before I put my hand on Chris's shoulder, grabbing it in order to get his attention before he went anywhere with this random anime character looking, girl.

Y/n: "Uh Chris, you do remember what we just spent the last 30-40 minutes talking about right?" I said, with a deadpanned expression.

Chris: "I know, but he's my friend too. I have to help him even if he wouldn't do the same." he said.

He then brushed off my hand.

Chris: "Come on Moka!" he said, before running away with Moka right behind him.

I let out a small sigh and walk in the opposite direction, towards my next class which is art with Ms.Ishigami.

Y/n: 'I'm not going to help him. He needs to realize the dangers of this place on his own. I mean, I can't baby him forever until I graduate. I need to have faith in him and hopefully, this will all turn out for the best.' I thought as I walk to class.

After my thought, I take a few steps before pulling out my phone to text him.

10:57 am

K I'll be there soon

11:43 am

Chris, I'm not going to go and chase after some guy, even if he's your friend. However if you, somehow get into trouble, then let me know so I can help you out. I have a little influence here so I might be able to do something. Text me when you see this.

I put my phone away and walk into the art room, were several blank canvases were on easels with many different size paint brushes in cups on them. In front of the room, there was an easel that is meant for the teacher, as it was facing the other easels. I see a few people, two of them were the twins Hajime, and Yua, who was at easels next to each other. I took the easel in the second row in the middle column. I am in front of the easel that is in the middle of the room.

All I need to do now is wait and be Patient.

I'm going to end it here before I stay awake any longer. I have to get back into the motion for school which means waking up early and being up at 12:26 am isn't gonna help. Please comment and let me know if their is any mistake or if you see and names that are out of place. Other then that the word count is 5468, and with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, have a wonderful day/evening/night.

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