Preparing for the first day

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3rd POV

???: "It was early in the morning and everyone was sleeping, when all of a sudden a small noise from an alarm clock went off in a certain room." said a disembodied voice that sounded exactly like Y/n.

Y/n: "Shut up, it is too early for thi-


???: "Our main protagonist turned off his alarm and will now praise the voice that woke him up." said the disembodied voice

Y/n: "What the hell? I thought you said that it was a small noise, not a fire alarm." he said with his hand on the alarm clock.

???: "I was being sarcastic, now get up! You have to report for your job, that's why you set your alarm for six in the morning." said the disembodied voice

Y/n: "Yeah yeah." he said, tiredly.

He got up and took a hot shower to fully wake himself up. When that was done he put on a pair of blue sweat pants, a red star wars t-shirt, and a grey "puma" hoodie. He walked to one of the cabinets in the kitchen and pulled out a small bottle of glasses clean to clean his glasses. After that was done he put it back and went to the closet door, where he had hung his uniform for school and stuffed it in a bag.

He then grabbed his earbuds and left his room with his bag, and school bag and locked the door with his room key. He put his room key away in his school bag and put his earbuds in and hit shuffle, and began to walk to the school.

Time skip brought to you by Y/n doing the joker dance down the stairs while listening to this song

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


I got to the gate of the school and I stop walking. I take a few seconds to just look at the school in silence before I take a deep breath threw my nose and let it out through my mouth.

Y/n: "Save." I said.

I walk on around the school and got to the building next to it. I open the door the inside of the convenience store and see Mr.Kotsubo standing behind the counter, that had a cash register, some flyers, and "Yokai lotto" (basically a school lottery system that gives out candy or pencils or erasers as prizes, or on the off chance, tickets to a movie, concert, or play). He was looking at me as I enter along with the twins, Yua and Hajime Keniki. Hajime was doing one of those "cool" poses by leaning his back against a wall with his foot on it while sleeping and Yua standing in front of one of the stands reading a magazine.

Besides what was on the counter the store had some freezers that had frozen snacks and treats, as well as meals. There were also three refrigerators that were used to store milk and other cold drinks. There were also shelves that were completely empty.

Mr.Kotsubo: "Ah Y/n, you finally here. Now we can begin." he said, waking up Hajime and getting Yua's attention.

Mr.Kotsubo is Yokai academy's gym teacher. He has brown eyes, and hair, tan skin, some chin hairs and gold or yellow earrings. He always wears a blue and white tracksuit. He's one of many teachers who had the pleasure of finding out I'm human when I accidentally cut myself, causing myself to bleed. He somehow managed to catch a whiff of it and later wanted to "talk" to me at the bus stop, turned into a "Kraken", I believe that's what he said he was, then proceeded to kill me. Also, he's a pervert and secretly takes glances at the girls when they are in their gym uniforms, but that's their problem. As for age, I think he's in his late twenties or early-mid thirties.

As for personality, on the outside, he's professional, straight forward, and somewhat strict. Though on the inside, he's pretty much your generic monster villain. I.E cruel, sadistic, evil, etc, etc.

As for these two, the girl on the left is Yua and the boy on the right is Hajime.

???: "No shit." said the disembodied voice

Hey, this is my description/monologue, so stay out of this. Now, where was I, oh yeah the twins, They both have blue hair and eyes, pale skin, and blue jeans along with a necklace. Though Yua's necklace has a heart, a clover, and a lock, while Hajime's has a heart, a stack of cash, I think, and a key. Hajime also wears a black jacket over a white t-shirt and Yua wears a smaller jacket over her white t-shirt. She also wears a pair of fingerless gloves.

I don't really know what they are, though I managed to narrow it down to either a succubus/incubus (basically a demon that fucks people to death), a mermaid/merman (creatures that use their charms to trick people (humans/unsuspecting prey) then draining their life force (it doesn't say why they do this but it's rumoured that they do this to keep their beauty and youthful appearance)) or a siren, which are deadly creatures that can "sing" their "song" which can attract people and unsuspecting prey, along with there beauty and eat them.

Thanks to their beauty, they have managed to "charm" there way to popularity on the first few days they got here, and are now given the nicknames "prince and princess of the school". Hell, they even have their own fan clubs.

As for how I have some idea about their identities, well there are rumours about them both being demons, along with some research I did online in the school library, which matched what the rumours about them claim. The best thing about that place is that computers are connected to the human world, so I can access human and monster websites.

Now for their personality.....well they seem to be kind and nice, as well as helpful, but I don't know if that's a front or not. In all honesty, I haven't really talked to them, I mean we weren't in the same classes last year, and I didn't care or was interested enough to try and find out.

As for why there here....well I guess we're going to have to find out don't we?

Mr.Kotsubo: "Good morning you three. Now the reason why I called you here early in the morning is so you can help me replenish the stock. I would also have you take up inventory throughout the week, but thanks to Y/n for being here this last week to help me take up inventory here, so you don't have to do that. Hajime, Yua, since your both new to this, me and Y/n will help you both restock the areas that are empty. Any questions?" he said.

None of us said anything.

Mr.Kotsubo: "Okay then follow me into the back." he said.

He then goes into the back, behind the counter and we follow him. As we enter we see multiple boxes on the ground.

Mr.Kotsubo: "I need you three to take a box and put what's in it into the correct place. Y/n, you and Hajime can take the frozen food and school supplies boxes, while Yua and I will do the others." he said.

We went to our designated boxes, and Mr.Kotsubo and Yua took theirs and went to the front.

Y/n: "Okay you can take one of the frozen food boxes and-."

Hajime: "Actually could you do the frozen foods? I wanna do the school supplies." He said.

Y/n: "Alright." I said, not really caring as long as we get it done.

I grabbed my respective box and went to the freezers.

Time Skip brought to you by chibi Y/n putting his hands in his armpits, trying to warm them.

We manage to finish about 20 minutes before school starts and we put the empty boxes back in the back, and Mr.Kotsubo gave us our schedule for this month.

Y/n: 'Looks like I have the first shift from 3 to 6 tonight.' I thought

We then went our separate ways. I walk towards the school seeing all the new students walking towards the auditorium for the school assembly washroom, once I got into a stall, I began to change into my school uniform. After that was done, I put the clothes I wasn't using in the bag and went to my locker where I put the bag with my clothes in and close the door.

After that was done I felt my pockets only to realize what I was looking for wasn't there.

Y/n: 'Damn, I must have left my cigarettes at the dorm.' I thought.

Instead of trying to sneak onto the roof to smoke, I put my earbuds in and put on a song as I walk to the stairs and up them. Once I reached the second floor, I start walking towards my homeroom. I opened the door revealing an almost empty classroom. It had everything a normal classroom had, Desks that were 5 by 6 (5 columns and 6 rows), a teacher's desk, and a Chalkboard that had....well chalk, as well as the last names of all the students in the class.

???: "Again no shit." said the disembodied voice

Stay out of this!

???: "never, now how many times do you think you'll be killed this year?" said the disembodied voice again. However this time it seems to be coming straight ahead.

I look straight ahead and saw myself leaning on the most left and back deck looking at me. Except for this version of me had red hair, eyes and he had a red version of the male Yokai Academy uniform on. He was wearing a Japanese mask that had an angry expression.

I look behind me and turn my head to the right and left, making sure no one was around and then I closed the door. I look at the red me and walk towards him.

Y/n: "Hopefully less than last year, and next time, don't narrate me trying to get up, that was annoying as hell. Also, where were you and the others during the summer and yesterday, when Chris arrived?" I asked. I then placed my school bag on my desk.

???: "We thought that it would be appropriate for you to have some quality time with mom and dad as well as Chris during the break." Another disembodied voice coming from behind me that had a hint of cheeriness.

???: "Also we won't be a burden for you while you with mom or dad or Chris." said a different voice that was a little muffled, and with a hint of sadness.

I turn around to see two different versions of me. One was the same as the red version, but green and wearing a white t-shirt with a green dress shirt and tan dress pants. His mask had a happy/cheerful face on it.

He was standing two feet behind me. The other one was wearing a blue hoodie and had sweat pants on. However his mask was very similar to the first on, but it was blue and looked sad instead of angry.

Y/n: "Well thank you guys, and to be honest there were times I wish you were there. Though it was nice not having to worry about mom or dad thinking I'm crazy." I said.

???: "But next time." said the guy behind me.

I turn my head right to see his left hand on my right shoulder and his mask looking at me.

???: "Come up with a better joke than an old meme. Seriously it's not funny anymore and just cringy." he said.

He then walks to the other to and sat on a desk and looked at me.

???: "How much time do we have until school starts?" asked the one in the happy mask.

I pull out my phone and check the time and it shows that there are ten more minutes left.

Y/n: "Ten minutes." I answer.

???: "Alright we should get going before people start to come." the green one said.

???: "Yeah yeah (gets off the desk and stands up) now before you go remember: this time you have to watch out for Chris, god forbid one of these freaks ends up killing him. That and you neglected to tell him about things this place has in store for humans." he said.

I widen my eyes as he said that, now regretting to tell him what Oni said.

Y/n: "Oh my God, I'm so stupid. I-fuck, I don't want to deal with this shit on the first day!" I said, causing me to stress out.

???: "You are not helping him Oni." the green one said before getting up and going towards me. He then put his hands on my shoulders.

???: "Y/n listen to me, you going to be fine, alright. If something happens to Chris, try to get to him and discuss the situation, try to solve this with your words and peace." he said trying to reassure me.

Oni: "Orrrrr better yet, you could let me take control and I can save him." he added in.

Happy turn his head and looked at him and what I can guess gave him a 'you're not helping' look. He turns back to me.

Happy: "Point is Chris will be fine, sure there will be times where he will be found out, just like you last year, and you will have to help him out. Besides, he's going to find out sooner or later about this place, and when he does, we'll help him out as best as we can. If it comes down to it then, try to bargain with them, after all, some of these guys might just let him go if we offer them something. Okay? Take deep breaths." he said, trying to calm me down.

I took some deep breaths and calmed down.

Y/n: "Your right, you're absolutely right Happy." I said.

???: "You could also just go to the roof of the school and jump to reset or go to the closet where they keep the cleaning supplies and drink some bleach." Grumpy added.

The three of us look at him and he looks back.

Grumpy: "Sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the moment." he said.

Happy: "Don't apologize, your right to say what you said. If it comes down to it then do what you must. Don't apologize for trying to help out." Happy said, trying to cheer Grumpy up.

Grumpy: "Okay." he replied.

Then the sliding door opens revealing Ms.Kagome, walking into the almost empty classroom. As she entered she saw me and I turn my head towards her.

Ms.Kagome: "Good morning Mr.L/n." she said.

Y/n: "Good morning Ms.Kagome." I replied.

The door then opens and we turn our attention towards some students start who entered the room.

Happy: "We should be going." he said.

Y/n: 'Alright, I'll see you guys later.' I told them.

The second I blink they disappeared without a trace and I go to my desk and sit down and put my earbuds back in and listen to some music while going through my phone before the bell rings.

Happy: "Wait I just remembered." he said.

I look up to see them standing in front of my desk, with happy right in front of my desk, and with the other two stands next to the desks behind him.

Happy: "Remember: No matter what happens always try to have fun." he said, with a cheery voice.

I blinked and he disappeared, while Grumpy takes his place.

Grumpy: "Don't get upset if you can't change the outcome of things. Sometimes if it's going to happen it will happen." he said with a hint of sadness.

Just like with Happy, the second I blinked, he disappeared and Oni takes his place.

Oni: "And above all else, if you think or feel that you can't be patient, or you are losing your patience, then push through and stay determined." he said.

I blinked one last time and he disappeared. I look around the classroom to see they're still here, only to be meet with students chatting to each other, students entering the classroom and the school bell going off, signalling the beginning of school.

That ends this chapter. Before I go I just want to let everyone know that due to the Coronavirus, I don't have school until April 6. This means that I will (hopefully) get to work on more chapters for this book and the others. With that being said, have a wonderful day.

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