Chapter 39

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Chapter 39: Maria

"You know the holidays are coming up, we won't see each other until after Thanksgiving and then again on January," Scott said driving me home.

"I know." It's gonna suck not seeing him but I couldn't wait to stuff my face with delicious food. "What are you getting me for Christmas?" I asked him, still a bit tired but refreshed. His bed was more comfortable than mine, I didn't want to leave this morning while cuddled next to him. He had to get me out before his mom saw me in his room in his clothes.

"I'm supposed to get you something?" he frowned, I hit his arm hard. "Ow! I'm driving!"

"You're an ass."

"What are you getting me?" He questioned innocently.

"I'm not anymore since you're not."

"I was joking," he pouted his bottom lip to me. I gave in because he's so cute.

"You'll see." I'm still stuck between getting him a new lacrosse stick or a video game. Would it be impersonal or lame?

"Ooo a mystery." I laughed at his spooky tone, coming to a full stop in front of my house I unbuckled my seatbelt and exited his car. He followed me to the front door before I could enter he caged me with his strong arms beside mine, my back on the wooden door. "I'm gonna miss you," he whispered against my cheek.

"I'm gonna miss you too."

"I'll send you so many sexts."

"If you even think about sending me a dick pic I'm not touching it ever again."

"Yeah, right."

"I'm serious."

"So, no tit selfies from you?"

"No. We can dirty talk, sexy gifs maybe but no nudity. I refuse to let anyone find my breasts or your dick on my phone and accidentally get it to on the wrong hands. What if your mom saw it?"

"Wow, that would be not good. Ok you're right. No nudity from either of us. The things I do for you." He sighed, the pad of his thumb brushing on my cheek, his scent still strong of cologne. Leaning in I moved away quick so he could kiss my cheek.

"Scott, I didn't brush my teeth yet." I hated the way it smelled in the morning I barely open my mouth wide when I talk to people and keep a distance. Grabbing my chin he placed his lips against mine for a soft kiss.

"I didn't either."

"Which is worse." I tasted his stink breath but he didn't care. He darted his tongue in my mouth and licked my entire side of my face, a bit of spit dripped on my skin.

"EWWW!" I yelled and pushed him away on his chest, Scott laughed uproariously and ran to his car before I could catch him.

"BYE CURLY!" He yelled out of his window, I flipped him off as he drove off. Wiping my face from his spit I opened the front door, the house silent since mom and dad weren't home yet until Thanksgiving week. Maybe Jason was still sleeping; it was 10am on a Sunday. I took off my jacket and shoes, letting out a yawn I slowly walked upstairs. I headed over to Jason's first to see if he's awake, turning the knob the door opened fast.

"AAAHHHHHH OH MY GOD!" I shrieked at the scene on his bed: Jason's bare butt and on top of a girl so gross! I ran to the corner, possibly traumatized for life. His bed mate unfazed, straight blonde hair, skinny and blue eyes, wrapping the sheet around herself. She asked where the bathroom was, I pointed with a shaky thumb to the right.

"You never heard of fucking knocking?" Jason appeared from his room, finally wearing pants.

"I wasn't expecting that," I told him shaking my head in disgust.

"I regret nothing." He ran his hand through his hair. The girl came back dressed too, and said she had to go, kissed my brother passionately as I stood there rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. She waved at me, I waved back meekly as she left. I looked to my brother he just shrugged at me.

"Ugh," I shivered, heading to my clean and untainted room.

"Whatever, like if you didn't do anything with your boyfriend."

"We slept, an activity you can do without taking off your clothes."

"Good, if I found out he deflowered you I will kill him."

"It's my body, Jason."

"I know, and you're my little sister. It's my right to protect you."

"Aww, big bro! So protective." I wiped a fake tear off the corner of my eye.

"Only if you are in danger," he said in a deadpan tone.

"Mmhmm. Where's Aaron?" I asked, changing the subject as I sat on my bed.

"I kicked him out." I sat there shocked, his body language nonchalant against my door frame.

"Whoa. Why?" I questioned.

"The way he's treating you and he told me about the two of you."

"Nothing happened."

"He still broke the code, harassing you like that."

"So are you guys not moving in together anymore?"

"No," he simply said.

"Oh." I guess I won't see him anymore. Jason grinned and left to his room. I loved my brother so much. He could be a jackass at times but he's the best.

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