Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: Maria

I'm glad mom and dad came back two days before the holidays began. They told me and Jason of the fun they had; after the convention, they went to see a Broadway play. Dad called it 'Witches', mispronouncing the actual title, Wicked.' Dad had to be the one to inform me that one of his partners pulled Scott over. Me and him had a little argument about it, he paid for the ticket since he said it wasn't a big deal. I had to let it go since he didn't get arrested that day. Dad was warming up to him, though, telling me that Scott seemed like a nice boy to me so he backed off. However he did state he would still keep a close eye on both of our actions.

Me and mom cooked the food for Thanksgiving while dad and Jason watched television, one of my favorite holidays in the cold months because of all the leftovers. Feasting on turkey, stuffing, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, cranberry sauce and mom's special chicken and rice casserole, my brother announced that he found an apartment finally, but he's living alone. Dad wondered what happened with Aaron being his roommate, Jason explained about a disagreement, not sharing any further results of him leaving. He told me if I saw Aaron I should stay away from him, I agreed without hesitation.


With Christmas on its way and no shifts for me until the middle of January, I'm cozy in my bed with a cup of hot cocoa and reading on my kindle app. While reading Hopeless by Colleen Hoover, my phone buzzed and notified Scott texting an image. It was empty fishlike cylinder bowl, Confused but I texted back heart emojis. My phone vibrated again.

Scotty: hows ur holidays so far?

Me: filling and relaxing. urs?

Scotty: same. My parents and i went to a hockey game.

Me: thats great Scotty!

Scotty: Guess what i'm doing?

Me: ew! do that when ur not texting me

Scotty: wow ur mind is way into the gutter. Dirty girl 😏

Me: 🙄

Scotty: are you sure no sexting?

Me: 😒

Scotty: fine. But you didn't guess yet

Me: does it have something to do with the empty bowl pic you sent?

Scotty: something like that

Me: are you gonna fill it with gummy worms?

Scotty: it has something to do with worms

Me: Omg its a lifetime supply of candy! Yaaay!

Scotty: no

Me: ur putting real worms in a bowl?! gross!

Scotty: ur bad at this

Me: dont send me cryptic messages. Tell me!

Scotty: you will find out soon...

Me: pleeeeeeaaaaaassssseee?

Scotty: nope

Me: ur so annoying

Scotty: you know i like to annoy you

Me: such a romantic

Scotty: you'll say that again soon. Night Curly

Me: goodnight boyfriend

Growling to myself, I wracked my brain to what he's going to do. Nibbling my bottom lip at how things have become good lately. A knock interrupting my thoughts I shouted "come in!"

The door opened and mom entering slowly. "Hey sweetie," she came in fully but stood in the doorway. Sporting a black hair in a bun, flowered nightgown down to her feet.

"Hey mom." I responded, smiling back.

"What you doing?" She asked, shutting it completely, approaching the bed she sat next to me.

"Reading," I answered.

"Really? How?" she frowned.

"Ebooks mother. Technology."

"I know about technology. I play Candy Crush," she said proudly.

"Of course mom," I giggled, swiping off my app and locking the screen.

"So about you and Scott-" she breathed in, arms crossed over her chest.

"Uh-huh?" I placed my phone on my dresser, eyebrows raised and hands on lap ready for her next words.

"Is everything good between you too?"


"Anything else?" She inquired, I shook my head as an answer.

"Are you sure?" Her brown eyes were full of inquisition.

"Mom what's with the questions?" I wondered.

"I need to ask. You didn't tell me much about Tyler only that he left and broke your heart."

"It wasn't much to say. We moved on." I shrugged.

"It seemed so sudden, you really liked him."

"That's how it goes."

"You can tell me and your dad things Maria, don't shut us out." She wrapped her slender arm over my shoulder, rested her head against mine and rubbed my arm for warmth.

"If it was anything important of course I'll tell you guys," I hugged her tight and we let go. I told my parents that me and Tyler broke up because he left, leaving out the sex part. Aaron consulting me and almost sleeping with each other would be too much. Dad would have castrated them both.

"Make sure you practice safe sex," she said suddenly.

"Mother please!" I cringed, arms over my ears so she doesn't continue.

"Sweetie, hear me out-"

"Both you and dad talked about this already." Oh did they talk about in every detail, dad warning me about the statistics of young pregnancies and stds. Mom informing me whenever I have needs to come to her for birth control and condoms. I tried to tell them that I knew about it and the scare with Lucy but it went on and on for an hour, I winced at the memory.

"Yes we have but now with a new boy you're putting trust in him. He doesn't take advantage of you, right?"

"No. He's a gentleman." In his own perverted way but he is.

"Ok," she breathed out a relief sigh, "Like I told you last time, I still have condoms. Love you." She kissed my temple, patted my shoulder and stood from my mattress. "Goodnight."

"Love you too mom, goodnight." I responded with a tight smile, flabbergasted at the conversation. She exited my room, left the door wide open. I huffed out in annoyance, they never shut it all the way and I'm so lazy to close it myself. Groaning I sluggishly stood on my feet and closed it tight. My phone buzzed again, flipping it over another text from Scott. Opening it again, a gif of a shirtless guy blowing kisses and winked. I laughed, locking the screen once more I entered my covers. The reading and food made me sleepy so switched the lights off and headed for bed early.

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