Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: Scott

"Why won't you tell me where we are?" Maria asked in a deadpanned, blindfold over her eyes.

"Stop asking me questions and enjoy it," I told her, pulling her arm behind me. The entire drive here while blindfolded she wouldn't shut up if we arrived yet and kept asking what town we're in if I'm gonna murder her. I promised her that I'm not gonna murder her but the thought of putting duct tape over her mouth until the destination was tempting.

We planned a pre christmas date to exchange gifts before the day took a week. Dates and gift giving, what a change for me from a few months prior. She brought a big box wrapped in sparkled grey paper and white bow in hand, looking amazing in her green blouse and skinny jeans for tonight. Mine was inside already, wrapped in gold and a small box until the date is over. My feelings on the precipice of something more but the four letter word can't be said yet, I hope she likes what I did tonight.

"Enjoy it," she said in a bored tone shaking her head, "Scott if we're on a cliff or airborne I will hurt you," Maria tapping her left foot on solid ground cautiously I chuckled at her behavior.

"We are inside, on the ground and safe, bear with me babe."

"You got me?" She smiled facing me.

"I got you babe," I grinned back. Closing the door behind me, dark but can still see her profile. Since the owner of the place knew my dad, he let me rent it for three hours.

"Now can I take off this stinky cloth?" Her hand went up to her face ready to remove it and placing her present under her arms.

"So impatient," I said. Untying the knot off, it slipped off her still closed eyes. Opening it one at a time, she took in the dark theater with plush blue seats.

"The movie theater," she turned around once and met my face, "we're watching movies?"

"For free." She nodded in appreciation, sat on one of the seats.

"Nice. So what are we watching? Where's the popcorn and nachos? And what was with the glass vase in the text?" She crossed her legs, putting the gift under the seat.

"It was a metaphor for watching movies on screen. Like how we watch fish in a tank. Plus I didn't want to give it away so easily."

"Oooohhh," she understood, "then where's the food?"

"No popcorn or nachos but I do have tacos, red vines and lemonade," I pulled out the blue cooler I packed for us.

"Yay!" Maria stood happily and grabbed the bag, taking out one of the beef filled fried tortilla shell and sat back down. "Are we exchanging presents before or after- wait what movie are we watching anyway?"

"We are watching Superbad, then we exchange gifts," I announced sitting down on the plush seat.

"Cool. I never watched it in the theater before, start the reel," she said, crossing her legs together jumping up and down in her seat. The theater lights dimmed to dark, the screen lighting up to recent previews before the film began.


The movie reel ended two hours later, our ribs aching and tears down our face from laughing so much. The room lit back and I saw her cheeks red and hair up in a ponytail, "time to open presents?" Maria turned to me raised eyebrows and giddy.

I chuckled, bringing out the box from under the seat and handed it to her, she grabbed it excited but halted to open it. "What is it?" She shook the box near her ear for a guess.

"Open it and see," I told her clasping my hands together waiting for her to unwrap it.

"Oh wait." Holding up her index finger she reached from under seat, handing it over in the same mood. I took the big box, light weighted I was curious.

"Tell me you didn't pack a gift card or letter in this big ass box," I deadpanned.

"I'm not going to exaggerate a present for you," she responded with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah right."

"Just open it."

"Same time?"

"Mmmhmm." Both of us unwrapping our gifts fast, I lifted the lid revealing a polished lacrosse stick. The net readjustable and has my name engraved on the bottom, "wow, Curly I-" words stopped from my mouth, one of the coolest things i've gotten, especially the net on mine was beginning ruin. She hasn't spoken yet, I turned to her as she stared at the present I bought her: a silver bracelet and matching necklace with ruby jewels.

"It's beautiful," she whispered, smiling a little.

"I wasn't sure what to get without being a jerk, I asked my mom what to get and she said to go with jewelry. Remembering our twenty questions game that your favorite color is red, plus it's one of the Christmas colors."

She brushed the rubies on both the necklace and bracelet, nibbling her bottom lip. "Thank you." Sanding from the seat she came on my lap, straddling my hips she kissed me passionately. She grinded her hips on my groin. All the blood from my head heading to my pants, tongues caressing her hands she threaded my hair.

"Whoa curly, I should buy you jewelry more often," I said against her lips smirking, grasping her thighs to my pelvis.

"Oh my God," she said shocked, removing herself off my lap, knowing she felt my boner and stood.

"I-no," she stuttered, shaking her head and cheeks flushed.

"It's your fault and your dance like hips." I adjusted my pants standing in front of her.

"Dance like hips. You are such a horndog."

"You like me though, to be able to do that."

"Yeah I do," Maria sighed, rolling her head, "I mean not here though. There could be cameras." She cocked her hips.

Did I hear that right? "Maria, are you saying?" I queried.

"Like I said, not here." She smiled suggestively and then giggled, "we should start going." Checking the time on my phone, reading 10:50 p.m., my dad's friend would be coming soon to lock up. Texting him that we were leaving the theater, we both headed to my car.

Dropping her off thirty minutes later, I escorted her to the door, squeezing her wrist I turned her to me.

"I'll see you at school." She nodded, wetting her lips as she inched closer. Cupping the back of her neck, she placed her lips to mine for a soft kiss. "Merry Christmas eve."

"Merry Christmas eve," she replied, our foreheads touched, she pinched my cheek and heading inside her house. I sighed, that warm feeling again whenever I'm with her as I approached my car. 

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