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*sighs heavily* I'm sorry mom and dad
"I still can't believe you did a shoot with Park Jimin."

Jungkook rolled his eyes as Yoongi brought up that topic for the billionth time that day, taking a bite out of his toast and shrugging.

"It's been a few days get over it." He laughed, Yoongi sighing and shaking his head.

"Let me switch jobs with you please. I haven't gotten any action in like a month." The older whined, stealing Jungkook's toast out of his hand and finishing it.

"How tragic." Jungkook pouted, walking out into the living room and slipping on the shirt he had been lacking for that entire conversation. "Did you know that Jimin told me I'm one of his favourite actors?"

Yoongi's head popped out from behind the kitchen doorway and furrowed his eyebrows together.

"You?" He asked confusedly, "Why?"

"Rude." Jungkook laughed, "But I don't know he didn't say. Because I'm hot?"

Yoongi shook his head.

"No that can't be it." He grinned cheekily and dodged the sock that Jungkook picked up off of the floor and threw at him. "Have you ever watched his stuff?"

The younger shook his head and flopped back onto the couch, searching around before turning the TV on. "Dude you're missing out."

"My porn tastes usually involve more women, sorry." He looked over to Yoongi, laughing softly at his doubtful expression. "The ones I watch, not star in."

"Jungkook I'm saying this as a bro to a bro." Yoongi spoke and sat down on the couch next to Jungkook. "Jimin will change your life."

Jungkook shook his head.

"Just because I occasionally partake in gay sex doesn't mean I want to watch it. Remember? I'm-"

"Straight. I know." The older chuckled, leaning back into the couch cushions. "But aren't you curious? Like you told me you didn't even look at Jimin's face when he came - which still baffles me - so don't you at least wonder?"

"Nope." Jungkook shook his head, turning back to the TV. "He came, I came, video turned out good, that's all I care about."


That's what Jungkook was saying a few hours ago, but now with Yoongi asleep in the room across from him and the only source of light being his laptop screen... It was a bit of a different story.

He originally wasn't going to, but well, his curiosity got the best of him. Which would be the reason that he was currently typing Jimin's name into a website that was all too familiar to him.

"Have you ever watched any of his stuff?"

Jungkook bit his lip at some of the thumbnails that popped up and skimmed through the titles. Like many of his own, some of them had Jungkook chuckling a little bit, but one of them... Oh did one of them catch his eye.

Only Jimin was seen in the thumbnail, and the tags had Jungkook's breath hitching. Because, this was a solo video.

A bit of an internal struggle battled in Jungkook's mind as his cursor hovered over the video's thumbnail, biting his lip before standing up and walking over to lock his bedroom door. Yoongi had walked into his room at three am before, he just wanted to be sure.

Jungkook looked to his screen once more, biting his lip and furrowing his eyebrows. Could he still be considered straight if he watched this? He had been sure of his sexuality for so long...

Jungkook shook his head, chuckling softly. No.. Just because I watch this doesn't mean I'm suddenly gay. There's nothing to worry about.

"I'm just curious." He mumbled to himself, plugging in his headphones and sticking them into his ears. "Curiosity never hurt anyone did it?"

The saying "curiosity killed the cat" was nowhere in Jungkook's memory as he held his breath and clicked on the video.

The video loaded and Jungkook's breath hitched as Jimin came into frame, hair still his signature blonde and dressed in what Jungkook could recognize as a school's uniform.

"Empty room, good." Jimin's voice sounded through his headphones. He watched as Jimin locked the door to the room he could recognize as a classroom, and Jungkook took a deep breath as he began to wonder what he got himself into. He watched with wide eyes as Jimin's figure slid down the door, seating himself on the floor and slipping his blazer off.

Jungkook bit his lip as he watched Jimin's muscles flex beneath the fairly tight dress shirt, eyes widening as he watched the actor's hand slide down his chest until it rested over his clothed crotch. Jungkook felt his face heat up as a shaky sigh flooded his earbuds, not being able to tear his eyes away as Jimin's slender fingers undid his belt buckle first, then pulling down the zipper of his uniform pants.

It was when Jimin slid his pants down to his knees that Jungkook had to look away, feeling himself burn up from his neck to his ears because Yoongi wasn't kidding about his thighs. He didn't look away long however, because a moan that he remembered hearing in person sounded through his headphones and caused his head to snap up once again and focus on the screen.

He watched with wide eyes and heavy breathing as Jimin palmed himself slowly, head tilted back and eyes fluttering shut as his increasingly heavy breathing could be heard.

It was if his hand had a mind of its own, Jungkook slipping his hand slowly into his sweatpants and gasping softly as his fingers grazed over the hard on that he already sported.

"A-Ah!" Jimin gasped out, finally pulling himself out of his boxers for the camera to see. Jungkook subconsciously mirrored Jimin's actions as the actor spread his legs further, hand moving against his dick. Jungkook's eyes were willing to close as he squeezed at the base of his own, but the image of Jimin's mouth opened in an 'O' shape, gasps and moans becoming louder... It was too enticing to look away from.

A low groan escaped Jungkook's mouth as he dug his thumb into the slit in an all but gentle manner, the familiar warmth pooling in his lower abdomen as he watched Jimin's thighs begin to quiver. "S-Shit!"

He listened to the obscene sounds as Jimin's wrist flicked at a quicker pace, his own hand matching his speed and not being able to help the fairly loud moan that left his lips.

The sounds Jimin made egged him on, and although he knew that they weren't produced for him specifically, he couldn't care less.

It came to the point that he couldn't tell if the heavy breathing he heard was  Jimin's or his own, a shiver travelling from the tip of his spine to his toes as he choked out a moan that he knew was loud enough for Yoongi to tease him about in the morning - but God, he didn't care. He was too far gone to back out now.

Shaky breaths left his lips as his watched Jimin throw his head back and arch his back against the door, a strangled moan leaving his lips as he came hard. That was all it took for Jungkook, eyes all but rolling back and muscles tensing, the knot in his stomach coming undone as he came across the front of his t-shirt. He stilled his hand as he tried to catch his breath, eyes opening slowly as he used his clean hand to close his tabs before collapsing back onto his mattress.

And that was when an emotion best described as shame took over his mind, a groan (of despair this time) leaving his lips as he brought his clean hand up to cover his face.

"Why did I do that?" He asked himself softly, eyes fluttering shut because the straining against the darkness began to sting. "Oh god..."

I'm just curious, he had told himself beforehand, but know that he had fed his curiosity... Now what?

Now what?

Those two quiet words were the last that Jungkook muttered before allowing himself to fall asleep, sleep the only way he could think of that would cease his mental dilemma - at least for a little bit.

Is this edited? Kinda.

Lmao hey sorry that the updates for this book are so inconsistent and that some of my other books haven't been updated in like months. Here have some doodles I did of Jimin in an oversized sweater as an apology:

real talk: sweater paws keep me breathing

- Charlie :)

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