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I want cheetos
"So, I'm guessing you took up my suggestion of letting some Park Jimin into your life?"

Jungkook frowned as he poured himself a bowl of Cheerios. He had just gotten out of the shower, definitely needing it considering that he fell asleep the night before without cleaning up from his.. Activities.

"What? No." He lied, looking to Yoongi and scowling. "Why do you say that?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"The walls aren't soundproof Kook." He laughed. "So tell me, glad you listened to me?"

The frown stayed on Jungkook's face as he ate a spoonful of his cereal, walking to the living room. He sat on the couch, water dripping off of his still bare torso.

"Just because I might've jacked off doesn't mean that I was watching anything related to Jimin. I wasn't." More lies. He didn't want to tell Yoongi the events of last night because he knew for a fact that the older would through the whole 'I knew you weren't straight!' At him. Jungkook was still pretty confused himself, he had always thought that he was attracted to women and women only. So then how did he get so turned on by Jimin?

"Might've jacked off." Yoongi laughed following Jungkook into the living room and sitting down next to him. "Jungkook when you have a go at it, everyone knows. You're probably one of the best in your company because your moans are so damn loud."

"Whoops." Was the only comment Jungkook had on the matter, shovelling Cheerios into his mouth as he became engrossed in the baking competition that was playing on the TV in front of them.

"But anyway, that girl from my work? I told her that you were free today at one so, you've got a date Kook." Yoongi stated, leaning back and smirking at something on his phone.

Jungkook's eyes widened, nearly choking on a Cheerio he swallowed too fast and looked over at the older.

"You got me a date with Mina?" He asked, all questions about his sexuality leaving his mind as he thought about the alluring brunette who worked at the desk next to Yoongi at the older's work.

Yoongi nodded, pulling out his phone and snapping a discrete photo of the younger's shocked expression. "I saw that!" Alright, maybe not all that discrete.

"I'm gonna send it to Mina." The older laughed, opening up the messages he had with the girl and composing a new message.

"No don't!" Jungkook whined, leaning over to try and snatch Yoongi's phone away from him. "Hyung I don't even have a shirt on."

"Exactly." Yoongi smirked, captioning the photo with 'This was his face when I told him he had a date with you." Before hitting send.

"I hate you." Jungkook huffed, finishing his cereal and leaving the bowl on the living room table. "I'm going to go get dressed." He spoke before leaving to his bedroom.

Yoongi nodded, grinning as Mina answered his message.

"Mina says that you're hot!"

"I know I am!"


"You look uh... Really nice."

Jungkook smiled as he met Mina at the spot the had agreed on, eyes taking in the sight in front of him. Her hair was down, bangs framing her face as she smiled. A black crop top hugged her figure, denim shorts and a flannel completing the look.

"Thank you." She smiled, walking beside Jungkook down the sidewalk hair blowing in the wind as she spared glances at him. "You look nice as well. You have every time I've seen you."

Jungkook grinned, chuckling and looking down at the shorter girl.

"Oh yeah?" He smiled, Mina nodding and catching Jungkook's gaze.

"You got it." She answered, slowly moving closer until their shoulders brushed against each other. She was older than him by two years, but Jungkook had always mentioned to Yoongi how he liked someone who was older than him. "Ah! This is where I wanted to stop!"

Jungkook laughed softly at Mina's enthusiasm, eyes widening as he looked at the shop she picked out.

"The bakery? You sure?" He asked, cursing internally as she nodded and smiled sweetly.

"C'mon please?" As soon as Jungkook finally gave in Mina took hold of his hand and pulled him into the shop, sighing softly as the sweet smell embraced them. "What would you like Jungkook-Ah?"

Jungkook browsed the selection of cakes and pastries, eyes darting to the kitchen doors every so often and praying that a certain blonde male didn't walk through them.

"Um... I was thinking the plain vanilla one. What about you?" He had never liked sweets, but Mina seemed so happy being here that he couldn't help but play along a bit.

"The raspberry." She grinned, pointing to a pink cupcake with a smile that had Jungkook's lips turning upwards as well. He nodded, noticing that she still hadn't let go of his hand as they walked over to the cash register.

"Oh hi Jungkook-Ah!"

Jungkook wanted to bury himself alive when he heard the familiar fairly high pitched tone that was none other that Park Jimin's. The older must've walked out without him noticing, and now Jungkook wanted to disappear.

"Hi Hyung." Jungkook smiled nonetheless and looked down at Mina. "Noona, this is my friend Jimin. Jimin, this is Mina."

Jimin nodded and smiled, eyes darting down to their intertwined fingers.

"It's nice to meet you." He smiled at Mina, before turning to the cash register. "What can I get you two?"

After giving their orders and paying, Mina offered to go find a table, which Jungkook agreed to.

"So you're bisexual then?" Jimin asked as he got out Jungkook's order after Mina left.

"I'm straight." Jungkook corrected, picking up his order and sighing.

"That's not what your moans were saying when you fucked me." Jimin shrugged, causing Jungkook to look around and make sure no one heard with widened eyes.

"It's just acting Hyung." He responded, voice low. "The gay stuff pays better."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, before nodding.

"Fair enough." He answered. "I guess I should stop fantasizing about you then, because now it just seems irrational."

Jungkook's breath caught in his throat.

"You fantasize about me?" He asked, Jimin smirking and nodding in response.

"Sometimes. But I guess I'll stop now, don't even worry about it."


My current mood because I have sO MUCH SHIT TO DO HELp:

also idk if you guys can tell but I really like the name Mina and have named so many female characters this in my books I need to stop

- Charlie :)

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