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My regrets are nonexistent
His hands roamed across my torso underneath my shirt as his hot breath fanned against my collarbone. His fingernails dragged across my skin as he caressed my sides, nudging my shirt up and pulling the fabric over my head as quickly as he could.

He waisted no time placing his hands on my shoulders and pushing me down to my knees as he tangled his hands within my hair.

"Be a nice boy won't you Jimin-Ah?"

His voice was husky, the gentle command causing a rush of hormones to be sent to my lower half. His shirt was already off, his prominent v line enticing me even further.

"Of course, daddy."

My hands were drawn to his belt buckle and I eagerly undid it, before tugging down the zipper of his jeans and biting my lip.

"What are you waiting for?"

His grip on my hair tightened, causing a shy moan to slip past my lips as I finally pulled down his pants, palming him lightly before slipping my hand into his briefs.

"Alright that's a wrap!"

Jimin sighed softly and smiled goofily and he sat down on the floor of the set, breathing heavily as the other actor attempted to regain his composure. He smiled gratefully at the crew member who tossed him a towel, wiping the aftermath of the shoot off of his face.

His hair was extremely disheveled, and honestly his scalp kind of hurt from the amount of pulling this actor decided to put his hair through. But he couldn't complain, he never minded a bit of hair pulling.

He couldn't help but cringe as he thought about the fact that the video would probably end up being named something along the lines of "Baby boy gets his mouth fucked mercilessly by his daddy" in all capitals but what could he do? Embarrassing video titles were basically something you signed up for when you joined this industry.

"Is that it for today?" Jimin asked, sighing softly as he stood up and wiped off his chest as well. The director nodded in response to his question, handing him his shirt with a smile.

"That's it." He answered. "Oh but Jimin-Ah, your manager told me to tell you that you have a shoot with the other most successful actor under our company in about a week. That is if you want to do it."

Jimin raised an eyebrow.

The other most successful actor? That would have to be none other than-

"Jungkook?" He asked, the director nodding in response.

"You and Jungkook make the most money in the company Jimin-Ah, if you agree that'll be one hell of a pay check for you."

Jimin shrugged, pulling his shirt over his head and nodding.

"Sounds good to me." He nodded, smoothing out the blonde locks atop his head and smiling. "That should be enough time for these to heal over right Director Kim?" Jimin pointed to the hickeys that were left on his neck.

"Should be, if not we have waterproof makeup that we can use to cover them up."

"Alright sounds good."


"Yes Hoseok-Hyung! I'm going to get fucked by Jungkook!"

Hoseok's eyes widened and he covered Jimin's mouth with his hand, looking around to see if any of the customers in the shop heard him. Luckily, they didn't.

"Jimin! Holy shit, I get that you're excited but you can't say things like that in here! I thought you didn't want anyone to know that you-" Hoseok lowered his voiced even more, "-do porn."

"I don't." Jimin nodded, noticing how Hoseok glanced at the way his lips were still fairly swollen from his shoot earlier that day. "But my face is on the Internet, it's always nice to see who has a good Friday night whenever I get the question 'Do I know you from somewhere? You look really familiar..'"

Hoseok laughed softly as he iced the cake in front of him, looking over to Seokjin who worked at the register. Jimin picked up a cupcake as well, going for the frosting before the older stopped him.

"Please tell me that you washed your hands." He cringed, Jimin giggling before nodding.

"Don't even worry, I've already taken care of that." He smiled. "But anyway! Have you seen Jungkook? He's godly!"

"Are you asking me to admit that I watch porn to you?" Hoseok asked, the blonde rolling his eyes and nodding.

"Hyung if there's anyone who's not going to judge you for watching porn it's me." Jimin smirked, leaning on the counter and wiggling his eyebrows. "Have you ever watched my stuff?"

"Jimin!" Hoseok's face burned red, looking down at the cake he was still frosting in order to not make eye contact with the younger.

"Oh my god is that a yes?" Jimin giggled, brushing his hair out of his face and leaning closer to Hoseok. "I wouldn't care, it's not like you haven't seen my dick before."

"That was an accident."

"Still happened."

Hoseok huffed, setting down the blue frosting and looking for the green.

"But yes, I've seen Jungkook." He mumbled, Jimin nodding vigorously and bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Isn't he hot? God, ever since I learned he was under the same company with me I was just waiting for the day they asked me to do a shoot with him." He sighed. "I swear he's just going to look at me with those eyes and I'm gonna be done for."

"Jimin please." Hoseok whined, looking around at the customers again and making sure the younger's words were going unheard. "This is a bakery. Nobody came here to hear about your endeavours."

"It's not my fault if they hear."

"Jimin there are children here."

alright alright alright

I wish I could say that I edited this well, but alas

- Charlie :)

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