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I should be doing my math homework
"I have like, the whole week off. Do something with me Hyung."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow and looked up from his laptop, shaking his head before turning his attention back to the screen. "Why?"

"Because I'm lazy and I don't want to. Don't you have other friends?" He mumbled, turning up the volume on his headphones and shifting his position on the couch.

"Rude." Jungkook huffed, walking over the door and slipping his shoes on. "Fine then, I'll go out without you."

"Oh while you're out, I have a sweet tooth. Come back with something sweet for me and I'll love you forever." Yoongi called, Jungkook rolling his eyes at the older's words.

"I don't want your love." He responded as he rolled up his sleeves.

"Jeon Jungkook I have never been more offended..."

Jungkook merely laughed softly before walking out the front door and closing it behind him. He and Yoongi only lived on the second floor so he didn't bother taking the elevator.

It wasn't sunny that day, but it also wasn't horribly cold, so Jungkook was glad he decided on the light long sleeve shirt.

"Come back with something sweet for me."

Jungkook frowned as he walked down the sidewalk, wracking his brain for any place that sold sweet things within walking distance. There was the coffee shop about five minutes away, but Yoongi always fussed about he hated everything there except for the coffee so that wasn't an option.

Ice cream? No it would be melted by the time I got back.

He continued thinking as he walked, kicking a few pebbled and feeling the breeze blow through his hair. And Jungkook didn't really believe in fate, so he merely applauded himself for his amazingly good luck as he looked to his right after walking for a good fifteen minutes and saw a bakery.

He wasn't surprised that he never noticed it before, he wasn't really one for sweet things.

Unlike Yoongi. Jungkook was surprised that his teeth hadn't rotted by now.

He shrugged before pushing the door to the shop open, a bell singing above him as he did so. It was even colder inside, the air conditioner obviously cranked up to its maximum. The store was full of pastel colours and sweet smells; everything Jungkook pictured whenever he thought of a bakery.

Jungkook scanned the glass case beside the cash desk, smiling softly at all of the different cakes and cupcakes that lay behind the barrier.

"How may I help you?" Jungkook looked over at the cashier who smiled at him, walking closer and returning the kind expression.

"I'll have one of that one." He spoke, pointing to a cupcake behind the glass with pink icing.

"Vanilla cupcake with strawberry icing?" The cashier asked, Jungkook nodding in response. "Coming right up." The cashier paused before going to get Jungkook's order. "Say, do I know you from somewhere?"

Jungkook couldn't help but smirk, that question always being an extremely amusing one for him.

"I don't know, do you?"

Before the cashier could respond, a new face walked out of a door that Jungkook assumed led to the kitchen. His hair was blonde, ear pierced in several places, and t-shirt sleeves rolled up.

Needless to say, Jungkook was very confused when said person's eyes widened as soon as they made eye contact and pulled the cashier into the back.


"Jimin what the hell?"

Jimin's eyes were still wide as he smiled softly and bounced on the balls of his feet.

"Hyung! That's Jungkook!"

Hoseok's eyes widened as well and he muttered out a quiet "oh". "What is he doing here oh my god no I'm not dealing with this."

"Well you've already made yourself completely obvious by making a scene as soon as you saw him so..." Hoseok took off his apron and handed it to Jimin. "I'll take kitchen duty now, have fun at the cash desk."

Hoseok disappeared behind the corner, leaving Jimin with an annoyed expression and a twitching eye.

"Alright sure I don't care." He muttered to himself, tying the apron at the back and walking back out front to face Jungkook again; who now had a very confused expression.

"You alright?" Jungkook asked, leaning against the counter with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah I'm good." Jimin smiled, swallowing his nerves as he spoke. "You just reminded me of someone I saw somewhere."

"Oh?" The younger asked, signature smirk making Jimin feel weak in the knees. "Where?"

Jimin's lips curled up into a sly smile, leaning down to grab the cupcake Jungkook wanted out of the glass case.

"You reminded me of one of my favourite actors, but it's probably just my imagination right?" He spoke, watching as Jungkook's expression morphed into a surprised one.

"I guess that's up to you to decide." He responded, smiling as he reached into his pocket for his wallet.

"Guess so." Jimin nodded, making eye contact for a few seconds before ringing Jungkook's order into the cash register. "That's ₩5000."

Jungkook nodded handing over the money and picking up the order that Jimin had packed into a small box.


It was then that Jungkook's phone rang, and he paused while walking out of the store. "What is it Yoongi-Hyung?"

Jimin tapped his fingers along the glass case as his ears picked up Jungkook's conversation. "She likes me too?... No that's great but what if she finds out about my job, she'll get the wrong impression... I don't know, I don't plan on telling her but what if she finds out on her own?"

Jimin was a bit surprised to say the least.

"Okay." He heard Jungkook sigh, "Tell her that I'm interested, and get a good word in for me."

With that Jungkook hung up and walked out of the store, Jimin still in a state of confusion as Hoseok walked out of the back.

"Hey Jims how'd it go?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at Jimin's expression.

Jimin was silent for a few moments before speaking.

"Is he straight or..?"

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wait what?" He asked, looking to Jimin for the answer.

"No..." Jimin mumbled, tapping his chin. "Bi? Maybe pansexual?"

"Jimin what are you even talking about right now?"

My seat in French class is right next to the window at the back.

am I the protagonist in my own anime

- Charlie :)

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