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I just had a four hour nap
"Hyung I just don't know what to think."

Jungkook sighed as he sat curled up on the couch, a cup of tea that Yoongi had made him still steaming as he held the hot mug cautiously. The younger had been seeming really distressed when he came back from work earlier that day, so without second thought Yoongi had made him a drink and sat next to him on the couch if he needed to vent.

"Well talk to me then, tell me everything. I'll give you the best advice I can muster up." Yoongi smiled and patted the younger's knee.

"I just..." Jungkook bit his lip. The new shoot with Jimin had been earlier that day, and his confusing attraction towards the older male hadn't dissipated one bit. He could still feel the way Jimin's touches felt across his skin, could still remember how his stomach fluttered as he saw the older throw his head back in pleasure. That baffled him to no end, because just a day beforehand he had prints from Mina's red lipstick left on his neck.

"I'm twenty, Hyung." Jungkook sighed, "You'd think I'd know my sexuality by now."

Yoongi's eyes widened as he watched Jungkook take a sip of his tea, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you saying that you're... Not straight?" Yoongi asked, looking to Jungkook with a calm expression as the younger shrugged.

"I don't know Hyung." He mumbled. "I've always thought that I was. I've only ever had girlfriends, I've only really ever been attracted to girls, it never even crossed my mind that I could be attracted to a guy; even after I got this job but..."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

"But what?" He asked, Jungkook muttering something indecipherable. "Sorry I didn't catch that."

"But Park Jimin!" The younger huffed. "He makes me feel a way that I've never felt with a guy before and it kind of scares me! Because my stomach gets all fluttery whenever he touches me, and I've liked it every time he's kissed me, and he's just something else."

The older furrowed his eyebrows, allowing Jungkook's words to sink in.

"Every time he's kissed you." Yoongi repeated, "How many times have you two kissed?"

"Outside of a shoot? Twice." Jungkook answered. "And is it bad that I want there to be more times?"

"But Mina-"

"I know.." The younger interrupted. "Mina... She's beautiful, stunning really. I love being around her but.." He paused. "Jimin's beautiful as well, in his own way, and he's just so enticing. And I.. I don't think this is acting anymore Hyung."

Yoongi bit his lip as he thought of a response for Jungkook, tapping his fingers along the fabric of the couch.

"Jungkook, just know I'll support you with whatever you decide on. Just chill for a bit okay? You don't need to label yourself just yet. If you like girls that's cool, if you like girls and guys that's cool too. If you find out you identify as something else, that's also cool. No one's rushing you to decide." He spoke, flashing his roommate a smile at the end and leaning forward to ruffle his hair. "I can't really blame you for being attracted to Jimin though, have you seen those-"

"Thighs? Believe me, I have."


"H-Hi Hyung."

After the incident in the bakery about a week ago Jimin had given Jungkook both his phone number, and his skype. Jungkook had decided to call the older using the second option, wanting to see his face.

"Woah you actually called me!" Jimin laughed, Jungkook feeling butterflies as he watched a smile appear on the older's face. "What can I help you with Jeon?"

"Yoongi-Hyung left a about an hour ago and I got lonely so..." He watched the smile never leave Jimin's face, his own lips curling upwards as he watched the older. "What are you up to?"

"Me? Um..." Jimin blushed a deep shade of red before answering. "Just watching some... Shows."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, chuckling softly at Jimin's reddened face.

"Shows huh?" He laughed, "What type of shows?"

"You know..." Jimin trailed off, looking away and attempting to hide his face. "Just shows."

"Alright I get it." Jungkook giggled, running a hand through his hair and smiling.

"Say Jungkook," Jimin suddenly spoke, turning to his webcam once more. "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Jimin nodded. "Yeah why?"

"Come over to my place." Jimin smiled, wrapping his blanket around him. "I want to hang out with you."

Jungkook's eyes widened, his smile widening as he nodded.

"Yeah I'd like that." He answered, Jimin grinning and clapping his hands.

"Alright great. I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked, Jungkook nodding.

"Sounds like a plan."


I have three tests tomorrow kms

- Charlie :)

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