Chapter 6: As One

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

*The story until now. So far, only Lizards have been showing up.*


Narugami: We've got a lot of reptiles here today. Maybe 'cos of the time of year or the weather ?

"Like we'd know..."

'We should probably leave already...'

"Wow, when was the last time that happen... us not debating..."

*Our human readers must find all these scenes quite hard to watch, so... Please enjoy Meidri's egg-laying instead.*


Meidri: Haah... Haah... Mmf ! AH... !!


Meidri: Ugh... R- really... ? You've gotta be kidding me... There's still one left... !

Auctioneer: Okay, everyone ! Feast your eyes on Krokko's freshly laid eggs ! The bidding will start at 100G !

Narugami: 200G !! 300G !! HEY, WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOING ?!

Zel: I think we should head out...

"He said to feast our eyes, but after that? I feel more like bleaching them..."

Stunk: We've gotten more than our fill...

Narugami: What ?! It's only been an hour !! Hey, come on !!

Auctioneer: Next up... Deli the winged woman will be taking the stage !

Stunk: Well... I guess we could watch a little more, since we're here already...

Zel: yeah. We're broadening our horizons.

Crim: A winged woman... Glups...

Narugami: ...

"hey, don't look at us like that; You've got no right to judge us."

Deli: i'm Deli... the underwater idol !!

"... the hell is that... ?"

Zel: Oh, a penguin-type winged woman. Never seen one before.

Crim: She's really cute...

Zel: Yeah. I'd like to meet her at a regular succu-joint.

Narugami: That glossy, easy-to-swallow body drives me crazy...

Stunk: ... Am I the only one here bothered by her stumpy body... ?

"Do you ask yourself that when Zel is smashing Mitsue ? Penguin's cute and all, but I wouldn't hit it."

Stunk: Eh, well... She's pretty cute once you get used to her... I guess ?

"Don't look to the right, there's two of us a tad bit too much into her..."

Stunk: Man, that's a tricky thing... Each species' taste...


Deli: ... Tee hee ! I think I've got one more in me !


Stunk: WUH ?!

"Okay, why is everyone getting so excited for ?!"

Narugami: ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN !! Winged women normally lay just one unfertilized egg at a time, sometimes even two. They won't lay three unless their physical and mental desires are significantly unsatisfied ! In other words, she's been spending her days not knowing what to do with her burning body !!

Stunk: I see. So she's like a guy who ends up shooting a shit-ton because he's so backed up...

"That... Another way to put it, I guess..."

Narugami: Still, she's in a state that couldn't be reached by a lewd girl who frequently takes care of her own needs. This makes her highly valued in the egg-laying community... As proof, look at those merman with an egg-laying kink. Half of them are so excited they can't hold it in for any longer.

'It looks like literal hell in there...'

"It sure is... Naughty boy."

'Wh- What ?'

"Don't think I haven't noticed what you just thought about Meidri."

'Th- That's-'

*Watch an egg-laying show and... Get ready to be Egg-Cited !

Stunk/Human: We went to a store that does egg-laying shows this time. I'll admit that we went hoping to see some cute winged women, but when nothing but lizards showed up, we were forced to watch some stuff I didn't want to see. Since there's no constant supply of girls due to the nature of egg-laying, who shows up will be up to chance. You might also find yourself waiting awhile before a girl appears. Apparently, there are times when none come at all. In exchange, there's no time limit in the store, so you can be there for as long as you want. It might be pretty enjoyable if a cute winged woman, harpy, or Lamia shows up... But strip clubs seem like the better choice in more ways than one. 3.

Ran/Human: No... Just, no... I can understand why some like that, but it's just... No. Not even the egg-laying in itself, but the girls that shows up are random, and I'm terrible with luck. It was kinda interesting the first 10 minutes, but I really feel like I wasted both my time, my money, and whatever was left of Sei's innocence. 2.

Zel/Elf: Because this store deals in something as specialized as egg-laying shows, it can't accommodate specific tastes in girls. To be frank, lots of girls showed up who weren't my type. On the flip side, that made me all the happier when a cute girl did show up. That said, it didn't feel to different from a girl at a strip show putting an egg inside her and then pushing it out as a tick... It doesn't seem like there's much meaning in going to this store unless you're someone who values the fact that these are the girls' real eggs. You can buy the eggs in auctions too, but I don't need that. 3.

Narugami/Male Lamia: The egg-laying shows themselves are a nice little treat, but I think the only species who enjoy that first and foremost are merfolk. They're able to get off just by watching a girl lay an egg. The real reason to go is to buy them. You can swallow the girls' freshly laid eggs ! What better store is there for a Lamia ? There's no guarantee that you'll get an egg, since they're auctioned off, but it's great when you're able to buy one within your budget. I highly recommend this to any Lamia. 9.

Crimvael/Angel: Um... How should I describe it ? ... yeah... It was like a new world unfolded before my eyes... It made me realize that there are a variety of people with different interests out there... It's nice when a cute girl shows up, but after 5 minutes, she's out of the door... I don't really feel like going again, especially when you compare that to the total waiting time... 3.*


"I... Can't even deny that one... Maybe I should follow Ran's example and just drink it off until I forget..."

Stunk: Hey, we sure learned a lot.

Zel: So that's how you pop 'em out, huh ?



"... ... ... Uh... ?"

Lamia: Huh, looks like a nice store. I'd love to slurp down a fresh, hot egg from a winged woman...

Meidri: ... Ugh. Ew, ew, ew ! Gross... It's one thing to get dirty looks from pervs, but I physically cannot deal with Lamias... No wonder they're banned from winged woman stores...

"... Why didn't she hit me... ?"


Stunk: Hmm... If we accept this request, I doubt we could return to the village for a good week...

"But just look at that pay, man. This isn't something you see everyday. With such conditions, I can't see myself turning that offer down."

Stunk: Yeah... Guess we'll do it after all. But in that case...

"Ohhh, you're thinking about going 'There' aren't ya ?"

Stunk: Devilishly.

Crim: Stunk ! Ran ! Here's your orders ! Thanks for waiting.

"... Thinking about it now, I don't think Crim went there already."

Stunk: That's right. Not yet, at least...

Crim: Been to what ? What are you talking about ?

"Welp, I guess it's settled then. I'll go grab Zel and Brooz, and then we're off !"

Crim: Off to where ?!

Stunk: C'mon, man ! It's the root and cornerstone of all sucu-joints ! Their origin and their peak ! A LEGIT... ALL-NATURAL SUCCU-JOINT !!

Crim: Whoa. Yeah, I don't think I've been there yet.

"Well, things are simple. This tower has sixty floors and around a thousand rooms. They're all succubus stores."

Crim: IT'S WAY TOO BIG !! ALSO, WHEN DID WE GET HERE ?! Weren't we in the inn like, 10 seconds ago ?!

Receptionist: So long as a man's rod stays erect... So will the succubus tower. What kind of girl are you looking for today ?

Stunk: Hr-hm, well... Super long, jet-black hair with huge breasts that look like watermelons. Long legs, tall, and slender, also, kind of muscular, the type that's got some abs. Proud, with slightly sharp eyes and a cool-older-sister attitude. Aaand... Let's go with no hair downstairs.

Crim: What are you being so specific for ? There's no way a girl that specific would be...

Girls: How about me ? Pick me ! Am I no good ?


"Crim, Crim, Crim... You're underestimating Succubi. These girls are the real deal. Not only are they able to transform their bodies to some degrees according to a man's desires... But there are thousands upon thousands of girls working in this tower alone... You can ask for just about anything here, and you'll get it..."

Crim: B- But... It's expensive, right ?

Zel: Nope. Succubi are generally half the price for twice the time.

Stunk: They'd go cheaper for longer, but... They aren't allowed to go any lower because it'd affect tax revenue.

Crim: Seriously... ?

"Yep. Now, with all being said... It's time for us to be serious for once."


"Ahhhh... Now we're talking. Back in business."

Crim: ... ... ... Fwi ?

"Alright, so... A head shorter than me, nice and curvy, with nice hips and rather firm breasts, soft and supple, a tomboyish attitude and face with glasses, kinda short silvery hair, and slightly tanned. That'll do for starters."

Crim: ... For starters... What is "Fwi"... ?

Zel: What are you mumbling about, Crim ?

Crim: I heard "Fwi".

Stunk: "Fwi" ? What are you talking about ?

Crim: I mean, when Ra and Sei switch, it makes a "Fwish" sound, right ?

Zel: yeah, so ?

Crim: It only made a "Fwi" sound here...

Zel: is that so... Now that you mention it, it's the first time they agreed so fast on the girl... You think... ?

Stunk: For starters... It's definitely that... The legend has been revived...

Crim: ... What ?

Stunk: If they switch with a "Fwish"... Then the "Fwi" is when they join...

Zel: The two sides are as one here... If it's really that, the girl will really be just appetizers for them... Well, for him.

Crim: Okay, I'm lost...

Stunk: No wonder... You haven't heard of the man, the legend himself... Like their two sides have reunited, try combining their names...

Crim: Sei... Ran... What ?

Zel: Not like that. Ran and Sei... He's the legendary... the man that is said to be able to please any woman...

Receptionist: R... Rance-Sama... ?

"... Gyahahahaha !!"

Stunk: He's an absolute legend in our line of work... But no one know he's in fact a construction of two different personalities...

"Hehehe... Well, let's get going, shall we ? You guys better pick a chick, and fast. 'Cause I'm going on a foray here."

Girl: he's right you know. Now stop all that silly worrying, and hurry up and choose, so we can have some fuuuun !

Crim: Er, wait- Not so many... I- I just want one in a private room...

*Whoa !! There's boobs all around me all of a sudden... the scale, sexiness, and service here have been on another level so far ! So this is a real succubus joint... !!*

Crim: In that case... Y- You... ?

*... Huh ? Hold on. I haven't seen any downside to this place yet. Why don't Stunk and the others... Come to real Succubi stores that often... ?*

Receptionist: Thank you very much !Come back next time you're feeling backed up~ !

Crim: ... Wait, someone's missing...

Stunk: Yeah... he's not out yet... Guess we'll have to wait a little...

Zel: Okay, this is troubling. It's been hours and he's not out yet. I know who he is, but that's just-


"Guh... Ugh..."

Stunk: Rance ! H- Hey man, you alright ?!

"Ugh... S- Stunk... I..."

Stunk: What ? What happened ?!


Receptionist: TH... Thanks for your patronage~... Hope to see you again... But not too soon, please...

Zel: Did... Did she just hang an "Out of order" note at the door ?! What happened ?!

"I... I won..."

Crim: Don't tell me...

Stunk: He managed to exhaust them all ?! Thousands of real Succubi, down in one go ?!

"Heh... Sorry you guys had to wait... I'm not in my prime anymore, it would seem... Gahahaha..."


Crim: ... And there goes the "Fwish"... Guess things are back to normal...

*Need to get all that white gunk cleaned out of your tubes ? You know where to go ! Legit Succubi !

Stunk/Human: This time we went to a Succu-joint that anyone who frequents the succubus district has surely gone to. You're guaranteed to get great service from a beautiful girl, but they just take so much out of you... I didn't think about sex for days. You might even find yourself not caring about women for a good ten days... I mean, it's scary ! You seriously can't get it up ! As a man, it was a rough time spent. You're basically in forced celibacy for a week or so. That's why I've been going to these stores before heading off on long adventures that keep me away from the village. 7.

Zel/Elf: I don't think I need to explain it to you... The service gets perfect marks, but you end up doing it so much that you're clearheaded for too long. I like cuddling and pillow talk after doing it, but if you've got that kind of energy left with a succubus, she's just going to squeeze even more out of you. If you want to do any cuddling, do it before you head to bed. They're not going to let you leave until you're done, or else it'll hurt their pride. Basically, go if you want to get cleaned out. 6.

Brooz/Beastman: These girls are not gonna let you go until you're all out of juice, but unlike lower demons, their persistence doesn't make you hurt or suffer, which is a plus. Still, they work you too hard all the same. You don't just feel refreshed once you're done, but more like your soul has been sucked out, so I can't say the afterglow is too good here. The service and smells are perfect, so if they could just change that one thing... 7.

Crimvael/Angel: This was my first time with a succubus. They take about eight times more from you than a normal store... Even when you'd normally feel like giving up, they use something like magic to bring you back, and you keep on putting out the same amount like it's your first time every time... Even when there are no more dirty thoughts left in your heart or mind... By the end, it didn't even feel goo. I was just plain scared, worrying if I was going to be okay... 7.

Rance-sama/Human: Haaaaaa... Houston... We have noooo problem~. 10.*

Customer: Hey, Meidri ! Can I order ?

Meidri: Yeees !

Customer: Three more ales over here !!

Meidri: Okaaaay ! Coming right up !


Meidri: Eek ! No ! Sorry, Crim ! I wasn't looking, so... Er... You were completeny in...

Crim: No, not at all. I wasn't careful enough. This rush sure is something today, huh ? Whoops, heh heh heh...

Meidri: E- Eh... ?

"Don't mind that. They'll be like that for a little while."

Meidri: ... Which one...

"I mean, it's what usually happen when you get drained of your cream by the cream to the top of succubi."

Meidri: Oh, that disgusting pervert...

"... You know... I can take that. The insults, how you look at me like I'm some sort of garbage dumpster, a Stunk 2.0, I can take it. I don't even deny it, after all. But..."

Meidri: ... But what ?

"When will you come to terms with the kid ? You know how he feels about you, and I'm not stupid or dense enough to not know it's reciprocate."

'... Rzzzzzz...'

"Good thing he's sleeping the succubi event away. Otherwise, it would be like having a hangover with a jackhammer on steroids trying to build another tower inside your skull..."

Meidri: ... He's not the problem, and you know it.

"... It's me, isn't it ?"

Meidri: Why ask a question when you already have the answer ? Now if you excuse me, I have work.

"... This will be hard... If I want to make a change in this... We'll both have to sacrifice a lot... Next time..."

'Rzzz... U- Uh ? Did something happen ?'

"Nothing much... Just a decision. A long-lasting one at that..."

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