Chapter 5: Hell Birdmaid's wrath

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Stunk: Nymphs... Humans... Elves... Hybrids... Pixies...

"Yeah, no matter how you put it, I ain't feeling it for any of them..."

Kanchal: Yeah...

Zel: I can just write reviews on these based on memories alone anyway.

Meidri: ... They seem to be awfully deep in discussion...

Crim: Looks like they can't decide on what store to visit next.

Meidri: Yeah, I know that. Ridiculous... Why don't you just go with whatever species walks through the door next ?

"You know what ? I can work with that..."

Stunk: Yeah, that's not a bad idea.

Zel: We really can't make up our minds today...

Meidri: 'You're really going to do that... ?' Ah-

Meidri: W- WUH- WELCOME !! Pfffrrrr !!

"... Okay, but are there even golem stores to begin with ?"

Zel: I don't know if it's good news or bad... But yes.

Stunk: I gotta say, I've never seen Meidri so happy as she sent us off.

"And you can believe me I'm gonna get her back for it. Probably expecting there's only girls like that... Thing we saw earlier."

Stunk: Damn... I could deal with it if they're at least android-level cute...

Crim: And why am I here ?

"Because shut up."

Receptionist: Welcome ! Oh, it must be your first time here !

'Alright... I think I can work with that.'

"You're gonna ask for her ?"

'Shut up.'

Receptionist: Here at this store, you combine hair, eyes, and other body parts, to create and enjoy a girl of your liking.

Zel: DIY ?!

Receptionist: Yep. Once you're done, you can choose a girl with your desired personality to be its "Core". Once installed, you're good to go. We've got a full range of bodies, from stick-thin, to chubby... To macho, and we even have Lamias. We also have quite the huge collection of clothing. In short, other than titans and species of indeterminate form, you can make about anything here.

Stunk: What about... Downstairs ?

Receptionist: You can choose one from our selection of magical holes found over there.

Crim: GROSS ! What are those things... ?!

Zel: O- Oh... They're magical creatures, so they're kind of like golems too... ?

Stunk: They probably feel real good, though...

Kanchal: Get used to them and the real thing won't feel good enough anymore...

Zel: Yeah, they say that only succubi can get you off if you overuse 'em when you're young.

"... is this why it feels like they'll suck out my soul along with my d*ck... ?"

Crim: Why are you talking about all this like it's common sense... ? 'Whoa... These do seem pretty amazing...'

*MAGICAL HOLES ! Made of soft materials infused with magic, they can perform basic actions such as contracting, sucking, and squeezing. These products are sold at magical goods shops for adults. They can be cheap or expensive depending on the type of material, quality, size, and more. Premium holes have features such as automatic lubrication and cleaning. They stop moving after a month, regardless of price.*

Receptionist: Okay, then. Let me know when you're done.

Crim: Once we're done... ?

"Given the amount of work... This will either be a total failure or the best day ever... there's no in-between..."

'Heh heh... In-between...'

"Shut up..."

Crim: I... I can't make it cute... But then again, there are thousands of eyes and eyelashes alone to choose from... All this freedom actually makes it harder...

"Tell me about it... Having a clear idea of what you want in mind, but unable to give it form. This is the worst."

Crim: I know... Maybe we should pick a pre-made doll instead...

"Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of this store, though... ?"

Crim: Gh...

Kanchal: Hey, guys. C'mere and check this out.

"Haa... What... Nooooooooow.­.. ?"

Kanchal: This real enough for you ?

Crim: WHA- ?!!

Zel: Ohhh, quite dexterous of you, my thief friend. The maid outfit's not quite right, but oh well.

Stunk: I like it. Make us two more. You guys want one too ?

Crim: I... Don't think this is a good idea... But... *Glups*...


Stunk: Alright, he's approving. Kanchal, three more of these.

Kanchal: Coming right up !

Zel: What about the personality ?

Kanchal: I want a masochist. One who gets off on being bullied.

Stunk: Gimme one who's as dirty as it gets.

"Ahh... Gjj... I..."

Zel: ... Mmmaybe you should let him talk... ?


"The kid is in shock. Let daddy handle things right now, you will have your fun."

Zel: So, which one do you want ?

"Oh, no, not me. The question is 'Which one does he want'. And the answer would be, give this kid a big sister."

'*Incoherent shrieking*'

"He's okay with that. He just don't know it yet."

Stunk: Well, if you say so. You sure you don't want to take part in it ?

"Are you kidding ? I'm not letting that opportunity for him pass by."

*An infinite number of combinations !! Make a golem that's just for you !

Stunk/Human: this place lets you create any kind of girl you want by freely combining parts, but it's no easy feat. Just like how it'd be hard for most people to draw the kind of attractive person they're into, you need some considerable modeling skills to make your own ideal woman. At least, that's how it was for me (I created an ugly lady I'd never want to do anything with). All this is to say, bring a friend who knows how to work with their hands. If you do, you'll be able to get exactly what you want, and it really will become the store of your dreams ! Go off the high score if you can handle the modeling. If not, subtract three points. 8.

Zel/Elf: i'm gonna be honest here. I can't make one of these on my own. I tried for an hour straight and came up with something really ugly before giving up. If you have someone who can make one, though, your world will be rocked ! You can make any kind of girl you want. I know what you might be thinking: It's still a doll. But once there's a soul in there and they start moving, you barely notice. As far as differences in feel and skin, just think of them as the different specie they are and it's not so bad. As for the naughty bits, they might actually be better than the real thing, since they use magical holes. You can even choose the girl's personality, making this a perfect store aside from the DIY difficulty. 8.
Sei/Human: let's be real, i'm sure everyone already pointed out about the DIY part, and how we couldn't get it done. At least until our thief messiah showed up and saved the day, otherwise all notes would probably be halved. In short, this store... Is just overwhelming. So simple yet so unbelievably difficult. Even though... Think about it, if there was one place where you could get the girl of your dreams, it would be here for sure. It worked for me...

P.S: Ran here, after writing the review, because Sei was waaaaay to busy to even think about doing it. This store was perfection incarnate for him, but as always... DIY. 9.

Kanchal/Halfling: Only experts will be able to handle the extreme freedom in choosing the modeling parts they have to offer. You really can make any kind of girl you want. I couldn't have been happier. Also, all you have to do is jot down the part numbers that you use and it won't take much time at all to remake one of your old creations. You can even put the soul of your choice into your girl before getting started with her ! What a perfect place ! I fell like I've come across my ideal store ! You know I'm going back there more than once. They also let you take the hole you use, so you even have company on your way home. 10.

Crim/Angel: I had Kanchal make mine because I couldn't do it myself... Even if you don't know anyone who can make one of these, they do have a lot of premade dolls ready for you to use, so even in the worst case it won't be too bad. Also, if you give up on trying to build one yourself from the start and go straight to a premade doll, they'll give you a discount... Um, yeah, that's it for me. 8.*

Meidri: Oh. So you actually had fun... ? Hmph ! Oh, and, Crim. I'm curious... If you made your own... What'd you make ?

Crim: Uh... Um... I... i'm sorry...

Meidri: ... Eh ?

Meidri: And now...

"Before you brutally murder me in a blood rage, which you will obviously do, no matter what I say... there's one thing you must know."

Meidri: What ?

"He... Had nothing to do with this. The decisions, from the moment the doll was made, were all taken by me, and me alone."

Meidri: I... Will keep that in mind. Any last words ?

"... No regrets."


Meidri: Criiiiiim !

Crim: Y- Yes ?

Meidri: Sorry. I'll be back in about ten, okay ? Take care of the store for me.

Crim: Ah... Okay. I wonder what's wrong. She looked kind of pale...

Stunk: Bet she's gotta take a dump.

"Stunk, everyone. The man who wonders why he keeps being beaten to a bloody pulp by Meidri."

Zel: My money's on it being her "Day".

Crim: You guys are always like this... Look, she went back to her room, too. Not the toilet.

Zel: It's her "Day", for sure.

Crim: But wait ! What if she really does feel sick ?!

Zel: if is her "Day", that gives us all the more reason to leave her be. Sei, little lesson ?

"Of course !"

Crim: Where did that board come from ?!"

*Biology lesson of Professor Sei:

"Meidri's a bird, birds lay eggs. Thank you for your attention."*

Crim: Wait, that's it ?!

"I know, I know. I'm good at explaining stuff."

Crim: That's... Not what I meant...

Zel: Listen up, when that day comes around for winged women... they take of their panties, spread their thighs... And push out a fat old unfertilized egg.

"That's another way to put it, I guess."

Crim: Oh... Then it'd be bad to bother her...

"You have no idea."

Stunk: Just so you know, she beat the crap out of me once when I asked to watch her birth one of those unfertilized eggs.

Crim: Of course she did... What were you thinking ?!

Zel: Though... All this talk had make me want to see... Some egg-laying !


Stunk: Of course, we know that. But it's all good if we go to a succubus joint where they do egg-laying shows.


"Crim, there's one rule you learn really soon in our line of work: 'If it exists, there a joint about it.'. And if we just thought about it, egg-laying is a pretty common fetish for some species."

Receptionist: Hello. Thank you for stopping by. Have you four come to this store before ? It seems like this is your first time, so allow me to explain how it works here. Entrance to this store is 2,000G. Once you enter, you may stay for as long as you want. However... There's no guarantee that any girls will show up to lay eggs here. They're eggs, after all. Some days you can wait for hours and not see any.

Receptionist: Please bear that in mind. Now if you'd like, please pay the entrance fee and come inside.

'That's what she sai-"

"No. Stop that."

Zel: ... Is she right, Narugami ?

Narugami: Yeah, there are days when literally no one comes. It's pretty rare, though. Around one girl will usually show up if you wait for an hour or so.

"Hold on... You already went here ?"

Narugami: of course, more than I could remember. I mean, they lat you eat freshly born eggs on the spot !! What Lamia wouldn't get hooked on that ?!

"See what I was talking about ?"

Crim: Y- Yeah... Please hold on a second... ! Aren't there ethical issues with taking freshly born eggs and eating them ?!

Stunk: Maybe if they were fertilized. But they're unfertilized, you know ?

Crim: S- Still... !

"How is that different from eating chicken eggs ?"

Zel: Plus, you've made girls drink thousands of your own seeds.

Crim: HUH ?!

Stunk: So what's wrong with switching it up and having a guy eat a woman's egg ?

Crim: Er... U- Um... That's... well...

Stunk: Check and mate.

Narugami: Okay, let's go !!

"Just one sec... ..."

Receptionist: Hm ?

"... Can I headpat ?"

Receptionist: ... if no one's coming, you can.

"Yaaaaaaay !"

Stunk: man, there really are a lot of Lamias here...

Narugami: Well, yeah. There are more merman than anything, though.

Crim: Y- You're right ! WHY ?!

"Silly Crim. There's no such thing as a merman without an egg-laying fetish."

Stunk: What were you doing ?

"Kid wanted to headpat the receptionist. He'd still be at it if I didn't drag us here by force."

Stunk: Oh ok.

Narugami: And over there's a famous gourmet and a chef.

Crim: WHY ?!

Narugami: You can get some unusual eggs here that you can't get in markets... Once a girl gives birth to an egg, it's auctioned on the spot. If they get involved, you're not going to win, so just give up then. But of course, they're after rare and delicious eggs, so they won't bother with common eggs like ones from winged women and harpies.

"Well... Everyone's their own thing, you must accept it. Even things like leftism, you've gotta tolerate it."

Crim: ... ... What... ?

Zel: If an egg sells, how much does the girl get ?

Narugami: All of it.

Stunk: Ohhh, so the store only takes the entrance fee. In other words, everyone here is waiting for a girl who needs some extra pocket money to show up and lay an egg.

Narugami: yep, yep. That's why you get more amateur girls here than succu-girls.

Stunk: So like girls who show up to sell their used panties.

Crim: 'if that's what we're here waiting for, doesn't that make us huge perverts... ?'

'You do realize who you're talking to, and who we are, right ?'

Crim: '... How... ?'

Narugami: OH !! We've already got someone !!

Girl: ... HRAAAGH ! SHAAAGH !!


Narugami: Ooh~ ! Nice, that's it !! She seemed like a real amateur, but she wasn't bad. I think I'd pay around 500G for that.

Zel: 'Crap, I really wanna leave now...'

Crim: 'Father in heaven... Why did I ever come to this store... ?'

'I feel like I'm gonna throw up...'

"Silly, you can't throw up, you're inside our mind-"


"... How the bloody hell did you... ?!"

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