Chapter 2: Encounters of the strange and violent.

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Location: Tool Shack, Save Room.

Soejammy: Samurai Edge: 15 bullets.

Blanc: G19 Handgun: 15 bullets.

Vert: G19 Handgun (Dot Sight): 15 bullets.

Once the group was back together, they delivered the fire hose to where they needed to bring it to extinguish the fire in they alley. Once in the Tool Shack, they found some bolt cutters to unlock the next door with. But before they could advance after cutting the chains Soejammy looked towards Blanc and Vert.

Soejammy: Before we continue, when you two were with Noire in looking for the fire hose, did you see any chains blocking access to other locations or items?

Vert thought for a moment and nodded her head.

Vert: Yes. But we needed the bolt cut- Oh. I see what you mean already.

Soejammy: Good. You and Blanc head back and gather any supplies you couldn't access before. I'm sure you three found a shotgun, correct?

Blanc: We did. It looks like it could pack-a-punch. And I want it.

Soejammy nods his head at Blanc's request.

Soejammy: Understandable. Go ahead and do that. Noire, Neptune and I will keep pushing forward. Since you will have the Shotgun Blanc, go ahead and give your gun to Noire.

The group looked at Soejammy weirdly as he inspected his gun.

Noire: Wait, why me??

Soejammy: Practice makes perfect in needing to hold a gun. Safety reasons and for self-defense. If one of us goes down, we need to protect each other the best we can. With someone trying to kill us in here...

Soejammy looked over his shoulder towards the girls with just one eye.

Soejammy: ...I'm going to need to rely on EVERY information I can remember to get us out alive, while putting trust in EVERYONE's skills.

Based on what's happened to the group, someone had hacked the two games of Resident Evil 3 and connected data from Resident Evil: Operation Resistance and brought in data of another Nemesis that is controllable. With having to have everyone armed, that meant trying to split up and use whatever necessary to obtain the items or gear.

Blanc: He does make a point. We never had to use guns before and the only thing for projectile weapons were our skills...

Neptune: But can't we just summon them still? I mean, what's the worst thing?

Neptune tries to summon her weapon and then lights up due to shocks being produced onto her. Neptune falls to the ground while Soejammy held back a laugh.

Neptune: What the HECK was that?! JAMMY!!

Soejammy: I'm sorry. *chuckles* When I intended for us to have fun, I put a special code in to strip you of your weapons secretly. I wanted the game to play the intended way.

Neptune: Hacks! I've been hacked!!

Soejammy: You'll live.

As the team prepared on splitting required ammo amongst them, Blanc gave Noire her gun while Vert kept hers.

Soejammy: So, be ready for when you two are finished with all the chained up areas. When we get to the substation, we'll be unlocking the door there with the required lock pick. Once we're done with using it, you and Vert will focus on the locked items and doors requiring it. There you will get the last gem which will be green as it will unlock a part for the shotgun. How you'll get it is through the inventory storage crate.

Blanc: I see. Hitting multiple targets at once, while getting out of this game.

Soejammy: Right. Now, if you encounter the fake, there is the matter with using a frag grenade or using explosive barrels. Explosions can stun the monstrosity and buy time to run. There's even a thing over the chest area that's grayish. Dealing enough damage will also down it too. But takes more bullets than anything. No matter how good you two could down it, the Nemesis will always keep getting back up from a downed state.

Vert: Good to know. Glad it can be hurt in some way.

With the last of preparations are made, Blanc and Vert went to go gather supplies and a new weapon.

Party Leave: Blanc and Vert.

Turning towards Neptune and Noire, Soejammy nods his head to begin continuing forward. Outside the TV, the Candidates talked to each other about the current events.

Uni: Jeez... That was nuts.

Nepgear: How Sis and Jammy were in that sticky situation? Yeah.

Ram: That big guy mainly aimed at Jammy though. One shot and BOOM!! He would have been a goner.

Rom: It was scary to see...

Putting a laptop onto her lap, Nepgear was looking at the coding in the game the group was in.

Uni: Whatcha doín Nepgear?

Nepgear: Looking about the coding and limitations the Nemesis my Sis and Jammy faced against. See if there's anything we can try and figure out.

Ram gave a thumbs up to Nepgear on her thinking.

Ram: That's why you're the brains of our group Nepgear!

Rom nods her head in agreement as Nepgear blushed from being praised.

Nepgear: It's really nothing. Honest. Just some simple data crunches to look out for is all. Would anyone like to help?

Ram and Rom: Nope.

Nepgear became surprised a little by hearing both say that at the same time.

Nepgear: Huh??

Uni: Even if we help Nepgear, some of us should pay attention to help the others make sure they don't get caught off guard.

Nepgear hung her head down softly at having to hear that from Uni as a notification pops up next to her.

Nepgear gains the Abandonment Affinity: Being left to do all the hard work while the others get the easy task after asking for help.

Nepgear becomes surprised to see that as she looks at the camera.

Nepgear: Did Jammy watch a playthrough of Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory?! Not this whole thing again! I thought this was all behind me?!

Nepgear gains the Unexpectedness Affinity: The affinity to not see things coming before they happen.

Seeing another affinity was gained that wasn't to her liking, Nepgear freaked out.


Current Party/Gear:

Soejammy: Samurai Edge: 15 Bullets

Noire: G19 Handgun: 15 Bullets

Neptune: No Weapon

Back in the game, Neptune, Noire and Soejammy continue to move ahead in the game. When heading into the next room, they see a guy leaning against a red car in a Automobile Workshop. The man was part of the U.B.C.S. with a brown beanie on his head while having a green vest that had the logo of the Umbrella Corperation on his left shoulder. Soejammy heads over to where the soldier was as blood covered most of his body.

Soejammy: Seems to me you're in pain pal.

U.B.C.S. Soldier (Injured): No duh, Sherlock.

Soejammy: Heh. Funny. My last name IS Sherlock. First name No Shit.

The soldier looked at Soejammy slightly and chuckled at the joke.

U.B.C.S. Soldier (Injured): Someone's a comedian...

Soejammy: I dabble.

Noire and Neptune approached the two as Noire held the gun slightly. Feeling that this could be a trap. The soldier looked at Noire and spoke what he was thinking. Soejammy continued to look over the injuries of the soldier if there was anything he could do to help.

U.B.C.S. Soldier (Injured): Hey. Don't look at me like I'm infected. 'Cause I'm not...

Soejammy: No one said you were. But first... Neptune, Noire... Move from the door.

Neptune: Uh... Why?

Soejammy: Move.

Doing as they were told, the door suddenly swings open as another U.B.C.S soldier comes walking in fast and pulls out a pistol. The weapon was trained towards the head of the injured soldier. This worried the U.B.C.S Soldier in what he saw. The soldier who walked in had short grey hair and a rugged look. He wore a black vest with the Umbrella logo over the left side of the vest. Under it, he wore a short sleeved shirt as it revealed his muscles with fingerless black gloves.

U.B.C.S. Soldier (Injured): No no no wait! Please!

Soejammy: (Not this time...)

Soejammy quickly got up and pushed the gun away from being trained on the injured soldier. The bullet fired hits against the car as a bullet hole was made right beside the injured soldier's head. Soejammy and the other U.B.C.S Soldier, otherwise known as Nikolai Zinoviev, struggled against each other. Nikolai spoke with a Russian accent as he was angry in the interruption.

Nikolai: Let go! You're getting in the way!

Soejammy: Grr... Not happening pal! You just tried to shoot him in the head!

Nikolai: Not trying, going to do it!

Soejammy: Got to get past me first!

Soejammy swung his arm up to uppercut Nikolai in the chin. Stunning him for a moment as Soejammy reached to quickly press on the release hatch for the clip of the pistol to slide out. Soon following up on pulling the top back to have the bullet loaded to pop out.

Ram (Outside TV): Get him, Jammy!!

Rom (Outside TV): Teach that meanie a lesson!

Nikolai: Pesky little runt! GET OFF!!

Nikolai quickly retaliated at Soejammy in the head with his elbow. The blow blurred Soejammy's vision as he held his head for a few moments. 

Soejammy: Gah!!

This enabled Nikolai to have enough time to reload his gun and finish what he came here to do. In hearing the gun shot from Nikolai, Soejammy quickly pulled his gun out and trained it at Nikolai. Just mere moments before Nikolai aimed towards him to catch him in a standoff. The body of the injured U.B.C.S. Soldier now lied on its side, indicating he was dead now. Noire and Neptune stared at the Soldier that was shot in the head.

Soejammy: What the f**k!

Nikolai: He was infected.

Soejammy: He MIGHT have been infected!! I was searching for wounds when you came walking in gung-ho and shot him!!

Nikolai laughed as he pulled his gun away from Soejammy to begin walking. Soejammy kept his gun trained on Nikolai in case it was trained at him again.

Nikolai: Are all survivors stupid and soft during times like this?? No wonder so many are dead or turned.

Soejammy: I rather be cautious than be stupid. You?? You just SHOT your own damn ally.

Nikolai: Eh. He was dead weight from the looks of his condition. I did him a blessing in just ending his pain.

Soejammy frowned in anger on what Nikolai had said. Nikolai looked towards Noire and Neptune as he approached both of them. Noire continued to look at the now dead soldier on the ground as Neptune hid slightly behind Noire.

Nikolai: What's this? Two scaredy cats?? One holding a gun? Ha. What a joke.

Uni spoke in over the earpiece as she heard what Nikolai had said about Noire.

Uni (Outside TV): What?! He can't talk to my sister like that! Noire!!

Noire soon softly looked towards Nikolai as she could see the look in his eyes. It was one for not caring as her breathing was uneven as she was visibly scared. Nikolai laughed as he looked at Soejammy.

Nikolai: And how is she going to help?? Looks to me she will pass out any second. Not one who can survive in a world such as this.

Soejammy: Watch your mouth! Who in the hell gives you the right to speak to them like that!?

Nikolai: A person who survives and will do anything to get what he wants.

Nikolai looked towards Noire again as she then quickly raised the gun to point it at Nikolai. Nikolai scoffed as he walked closer to have the gun pressed against him. Noire began to feel the beat of her heart race faster with how intimidating he was.

Nikolai: Going to shoot?? Hmm?? Maybe not??

Noire continued to shake as Nikolai raised a gun to point it at her. Noire was frozen in fear from the position she was in as Nikolai took this as entertainment for himself.

Nikolai: Bang!

Noire's eyes widened in fear as she fell to her knees and a blank look on her face as the gun escaped from her hands. The gun hitting the ground was the only sound made from Noire's lack of courage. Neptune looked at Noire and then towards Nikolai.

Nikolai: You want to try instead?? See if you have what it takes to shoot someone??

Neptune backed up slowly from Nikolai approaching her as Soejammy got in front of Nikolai and pushed him back.

Soejammy: Stay the F**K away from them! You did what you wanted to do in shooting the soldier! Leave now, OR ELSE!!

Soejammy and Nikolai stared at each other while Soejammy glared in anger towards Nikolai. Nikolai chuckled softly before he turned to go walking up the steps in the Workshop.

Nikolai: You're all going to die. It's only a matter of time. I would ditch the two if I were you. But they will be the death of you if you keep babysitting them. So keep doing that if you wish.

Soejammy felt angered from how Nikolai treated his friends while tightening his grip on the gun.

Soejammy: That's not your call to make... How dare you talk about them like that? I will protect my friends, even if it kills me.

Nikolai: Then you are the biggest fool here then. You are standing in the city of a... How is it you Americans say it? "The mother of all Omelets"? Oh well. You catch my meaning.

Soejammy: You better watch who you mess with. Or else I will be the death of you instead, Nikolai.

Nikolai stopped in his tracks at hearing his name as he looked softly back at Soejammy, who had his back to him. Nikolai continued to go through the door as Soejammy began to try and help Noire recover.

Soejammy: Noire?

Noire: ...

Soejammy: Noire??

Noire had a blank face in having been scared from what she seen and experienced. Neptune was the same, only that she was recovering slightly faster from the shock of everything.

Soejammy: Noire, snap out of it. He's gone now. Pull yourself together...

Noire still remained where she was as Soejammy gave a sigh in seeing how much this affected her.

Soejammy: Damn it...

Soejammy held Noire softly as he raised a hand to slap Noire in the face hard. The pain of the slap shocked Noire back to her senses as the fear left her eyes, returning her to normal.


Soejammy: Back in the world of the waking, Princess??

Noire: Stop calling me that!  You didn't even answer my question!

Soejammy: You froze. You know that??

Noire looked at Soejammy as she then took in where she was. She remembered how Nikolai entered the room and what followed up to this point in time.

Noire: I-I didn't freeze. I-

Soejammy: Cut the bullshit. You know you froze in the face of real danger. That's the case for many people who aren't used to being in situations like this. I know because I learned this in college when learning Homeland Security. Many instances of shooting situations that people freeze from fear. Being still and lifeless in the face of danger as it had sometimes saved people's lives or got them killed. Because you don't have your powers, you know you're weak like myself in being human.

Noire: What?! Don't be an idiot!

Soejammy placed both hands on Noire's shoulders as he looked into her eyes.


Noire was surprised from Soejammy's reaction as she saw the worried look in Soejammy's eyes. Soejammy gripped Noire's shoulders more with what he had to say.

Soejammy: Even though he was human, HUMANS are more deadlier than any enemy of a game!! They can think, they can plan, and most of all that they can SHOOT others!! HE COULD HAVE SHOT YOU!! DO YOU KNOW THAT!?

Noire kept looking into Soejammy's eyes as he made a statement to her.

Soejammy: That's why I didn't let you shoot Carlos at the beginning of the game. If you killed him and saw his lifeless body, you would be in a deeper state of what you felt. Scared, mindless and frozen in fear of how a simple tool can take a life! One bullet is all that it TAKES!! YOU GET IT NOW!?

Soejammy took deep breaths at having to yell at Noire before he gets up and retrieves the clip and bullet that was dropped by Nikolai. It was forgotten in the heat of the moment as he examined the clip and loaded in the bullet to the cartridge. Making it a total of 14 bullets in it to use in the next reload.

Soejammy: Get this through your thick, tsundere skull right now and listen good. You may be the most intolerable woman who always takes situations too seriously or not serious enough that you underestimate your own limits.

Noire: How many times do I have to tell you-!

Soejammy turned around quickly, he shot a glare at both Neptune and Noire in how serious he was.

Soejammy: I AM TALKING!! SHUT UP!!

This spooked Noire and Neptune as both looked at Soejammy as if he was someone different. From the CPU Candidates perspective, they could see Soejammy's face in how angry he looked.

Soejammy: If you hesitate, you will die. If you lose focus, you will die. If you FREEZE, you will DIE!! I WILL NOT LET ANYONE DIE IN THIS WORLD ON MY WATCH!!

Soejammy breathed with how hard his heart was beating in having to speak what his mind had been worrying about. He went to lean against the table as sweat was going down his face. Gripping the table in trying to get his heart back under control.

Soejammy: With how much we're able to interfere with the game, I thought I could save that soldier! DAMN IT!!

Soejammy pound his fist into the table in how frustrated he was. Putting his finger to his earpiece, Soejammy contacts Nepgear outside.

Soejammy: Gears?

Nepgear (Outside TV): Yeah?

Soejammy: Look up the soldier on this game called: Murphy Seeker.

The CPU Candidates outside wondered why Soejammy would make a request as Nepgear opened a laptop to search. Upon getting information, she skims some of the details to Soejammy. Soejammy went to the body of Murphy and found a book lying next to him, picking it up and opening it. Inside the book were detailed thoughts of Murphy based on his time from when Umbrella brought him in and trained to get back his usual skills as a sniper.

Nepgear (Outside TV): It says: "Murphy Seeker was an ex-US Marine officer known to be an impressive marksman. Having returned home from a tour, he found that his two brothers were killed by thugs. In the heat of the moment and armed with a Hunting Rifle, he tracked them down and was able to kill 20 of them before the police and gave him a life sentence."

Soejammy: That's where the Umbrella Corperation comes in and gives him a preposition to work for them. Getting out of the life sentence to train in getting his groove back. The journal ends with how he can shoot from up to 600 yards with zero misses. He got into shape from how long it took as the first field operation with Umbrella was this specific town. Talk about shitty luck...

Uni (Outside TV): 600 yards?? Impressive.

Ram (Outside TV): Uni, your gun obsession is showing.

Uni (Outside TV): Be quiet Ram!

Nepgear (Outside TV): Jammy? Are you okay...?

Soejammy could be seen with a look on his face as he looked at Murphy's body. Soejammy reached towards Murphy as he closed his eyes.

Soejammy: Requiescat in pace... (Rest in peace...)

Soejammy stood up and kept looking at Murphy's body longer with thoughts going through his head before looking at Noire and Neptune. Soejammy looked to the gun on the floor and picked it up before approaching the two.

Soejammy: You two finally calmed down yet?

Neptune thought for a moment as she looked at Soejammy.

Neptune: If I can have a pudding cup.

Soejammy: *sigh* Only that would be your answer...

Soejammy hands Neptune a pudding cup and a spoon. A bright smile appears on Neptune's face as she takes in the contents of the pudding given to her. Noire rubbed her arm softly as Soejammy approached her.

Soejammy: Are YOU going to be okay??

Noire looked at Murphy's body with how he died as Soejammy placed a hand on her cheek to divert her attention back to him.

Soejammy: You're stronger than this. Powers or none, you girls have handled the worse of the worse. Being captured, being controlled by the enemy, finding a way even from in the deepest situations. You have taken out enemies that were either stronger than you or even the size of a building! That bastard Nikolai should not be the reason you get scared from. You only feel scared because you are in an environment you are not familiar with and have rules placed against your usual abilities.

Soejammy soon held the hand of Noire and gently placed the gun into Noire's hand. Soejammy kept eye contact with Noire as he spoke his mind with what he wanted to tell her.

Soejammy: In no circumstance should this world make you feel fear. You faced anything the world has to offer, and this world should present a challenge. I promise, within my own power, that I will NOT let anyone in our group die. I don't care if I have to give my life. If I have to make this promise a thousand times, I will. I don't go back on my promise.

Noire looked at Soejammy with what he was saying to her. Having a calm expression as he told her what he wanted to convey.

Soejammy: Do you trust me?

Noire: Y-Yeah...

Nodding his head, Soejammy held his gun and was about to walk to the stairs before remembering to pick up a pack of Shotgun Shells that totaled up to 4. Once collecting the ammo he calmly walked up the stairs with his back towards Neptune and Noire.

Soejammy: Then let's go. By now, Blanc and Vert should be nearing on getting the items that they were tasked on getting. We need to get the lock pick and transfer it to them by storage device. We're almost there in handing it off. I'll make sure to have Blanc transfer the shotgun over to us along with a grenade or two they find any out there. But right now, my focus is keeping you two safe along with getting out of here alive.

Neptune: But what if they run into that robo-controlled Nemesis??

Soejammy: You're talking about Blanc and Vert. Powerhouse Blanc and MMO Vert, right? Are you really worried for them considering what they do in their spare time? Blanc can literally punch a monster into the air and Vert has strategy experience when playing MMO games online in her guild.

Noire: Um... Remember that our powers are suppressed? How would Blanc punch the thing??

Soejammy looked at Noire with a look that could speak a thousand words.

Soejammy: Must I explain in a way from how Blanc's attacks felt when I angered her earlier...? I can go in depth based on how each punch felt...

Noire sweats in having to struggle on answering Soejammy in his logic.

Noire: On second thought... No... No you do not...

Soejammy: Splendid then.

Neptune: One thing? I have a question.

Knowing what Neptune was going to ask, he looked at her.

Soejammy: No. You may not have another pudding, Nep.

Neptune: Aw dang it... I knew I should have saved it for later.

Soejammy: Don't worry, I'll place you on confetti duty when we successfully escape the game.

Neptune: Awwww maaaaan... I've become Grif now...

Outside the TV, Uni looked towards Nepgear with a question in mind.

Uni: Speaking about the men in suits of armor... Why are they living here??

Nepgear: It's so that way they have something to do besides wait for Jammy's next chapter in his Guardian book. They're currently racing the Warthogs on the race track here in Planeptune.

Changing the television to take in camera feeds where it showed Grif, Simmons, Tucker and Caboose racing in individual Warthogs made by Nepgear. Grif was in the lead with Tucker being in second, Simmons being in third and Caboose... There was no camera feed currently playing for him.

Tucker (Camera 3): Caboose!! You crashed ANOTHER Warthog?!

Simmons (Camera 2): That's the HUNDREDTH TIME!! STOP RACING IN THEM!!

Grif (Camera 1): You're speaking about the same guy... Who drove off the cliff back when escaping the Freelancer facility. Why haven't we stop him from driving!?

Simmons (Camera 2): Was that during the fight with the Meta? Or when rescuing Church with Carolina??

Grif (Camera 1): The Meta of course!! Ugh... This is almost as bad as when Donut set the waterpark on fire...

Caboose (No Camera Feed): Yeah uh... I decided that I should not touch another vehicle. Again. Ever. I'll tell Wash to explain to the mechanical lady about the car this time...

The television switched back to Soejammy's group as Nepgear, Uni, Rom and Ram had the same expression about what they saw and had one thought amongst them.

Nepgear, Uni, Rom and Ram: (This day cannot get any weirder...)

Back in the TV, Soejammy's group had come across another U.B.C.S Soldier in the alley way as there was a written book next to the body. It was stated about the horrors he saw during the incident here before taking his own life. What was also next to the body of the soldier was a box of spare Handgun Bullets that contained 4 in them.

Soejammy: Well... Even if he committed suicide... He won't be coming back from a head shot...

Noire: That sounded all wrong in many ways...

Soejammy: I care about NPCs, but I care about the safety of my friends above all right now. In fact, if I could drag Dario Rosso here, I would consider him man meat for the zombies.

Noire: WOOOOOOOOW that's harsh.

Soejammy: Hey, I said IF. Not that I can actually do that, but he was an ass.

Neptune and Noire couldn't find a way to contradict Soejammy in a way as Dario Rosso was in fact quite mean to them after meeting for a few seconds.

Neptune: Uh... I have nothing to say about any of this...

Noire: But he was a jerk overall... Even Blanc was offended by that man...

Soejammy: And I rest my case about this. If we're done talking, I think we should focus the creepy, dank, dark alley we have come across.

Soejammy points as Neptune and Noire look to see a long dark alley that had rubble down the path way. There was a short-circuiting generator that had sparks lighting up at times. Soejammy brought the attention of both Neptune and Noire to a piece of paper on a wall that talks about the generators as any impact made by gunfire, anyone or anything nearby could get electrocuted. On the back of the note, a handwritten message was added about how to stay safe and even left the name of who it was.

Neptune: Hey! Isn't that-


Noire: What? It's just a name...


Neptune and Noire looked at each other and shrugged based on what Soejammy was thinking. Taking out his gun, Soejammy crouched down and aimed down the sights of the Samurai Edge.

Soejammy: Let me handle this part... Noire, back me up if needed.

Noire: Why...?

Soejammy: Because we're about to put down some dogs...

Neptune: WHAT?! Not puppies!! This is animal violence!!

Ram and Rom's voices come in over the coms as they protest against what Soejammy had said.

Ram (Outside TV): How can you be cruel?!

Rom (Outside TV): Meanie...!

Soejammy: Are you sure about that? I'm the one who played this game after all... Blame the developers.

Taking a deep breath, Soejammy takes a couple steps into the alley before sounds of howling could be heard in the distance. Soejammy takes a few steps back and crouches down onto one knee to stabilize his aiming. Breathing in and out softly to keep control of his heart beat.

Noire: Jammy? What was that?

Soejammy: Dogs. The ones that are not cute and cuddly kind.

Rounding the corner of the end of the alley, two dogs began to race towards where Soejammy, Noire and Neptune's location was. Neptune was excited to see some dogs in the game, but upon closer inspection, the dogs had mutated into being zombie dogs.

Neptune: Oh... That's what you meant by having to put the dogs down... Zombie dogs.

Ram (Outside TV): Okay... Now that makes more sense...

Noire: This is ridiculous!! Shoot them!!

Soejammy: Not yet. Need to wait a few more seconds...

Noire: In seven seconds, we'll be dog chow!!

At seeing the dogs go around the last rubble in the alley, the two dogs were close to the generator as Soejammy shot a bullet at the machine. Upon impact, the generator explodes in electrocuting the two dogs and stunning them. Soejammy got up to walk to one of the dogs and stab it in the head with his knife and then follow up by shooting the other one in the head. When he turns around, he could see Neptune and Noire holding each other tightly in fear. Soejammy clears his throat in gaining both girl's attention.

Soejammy: Any problem I can help, ladies?

Looking at the enemies taken out by Soejammy, Neptune and Noire soon look at each other as Noire quickly separated from Neptune in embarrassment. Soejammy chuckled at having seen Noire act the way she was.

Soejammy: It's okay to be scared. Unless you wanted to hold onto me for help?

Noire looked at Soejammy and began to blush more from how he phrased that.

Noire: Sh-Shut up!! A-As if I would hold onto you from being scared!

Soejammy walked up to where Neptune and Noire was as he chuckled.

Soejammy: Everyone has their moments when they get scared and- LOOK OUT!! Nemesis behind you!!

Noire: AHHHHHHH!!!

Noire soon began to hold onto Soejammy as she had her eyes closed in being spooked. When Noire opened her eye, she looked around for the Nemesis as Neptune was holding back a laugh. Noire could feel Soejammy shake softly and him holding back a laugh with Uni's voice coming in over the earpiece.

Uni (Outside TV): Jammy...

Soejammy: *chuckles* Yeah?

Uni (Outside TV): When you make it out alive, I'm going to use you for target practice for pulling that stunt.

Soejammy sweats softly as he could see an angry Uni looking at him.

Soejammy: I have no regrets, and I can understand you wanting to do that.

Noire recomposed herself as she looked at Soejammy in an irritating way.

Soejammy: Yes, Noire? You're looking at me as if I irritated you.

Noire didn't hesitate as she slapped Soejammy hard in the face, earning Neptune to begin laughing hard at the red handprint made on the left side of Soejammy's face. Feeling the sting on Noire's slap, Soejammy hissed in pain as he leaned against the wall.

Soejammy: Ahhhh ha ha... Okay... I DEFINITELY deserved that... Ow....


Soejammy: Oh pffft... Don't give me that. Besides... Look.

Soejammy points towards Neptune as she was laughing her butt off in the display she was shown. Noire raised an eyebrow from why Neptune was laughing as Soejammy placed a hand on her shoulder.

Soejammy: I may be an ass... But I care about my friends and their mental states... If I have to be a punching bag to help lighten our spirits... So be it...

Soejammy and Noire looked at Neptune as she calmed down from having laughed so much as she wiped a tear away.

Neptune: OOOOOOOhhhh... That was so funny. Hahahahahaha!

Outside the TV, the CPU Candidates watched the group as Nepgear smiled.

Nepgear: Sis seemed to enjoy that. Even though the Nemesis is a big problem for them...

Ram: But he got them stop worrying over a couple of dogs.

Rom: It was funny to see a good fake-out scare happen to Noire. *giggles*

Looking at Nepgear, Rom and Ram before looking back at the TV. Uni could see the smile Soejammy had in having brought the attention from the situation around them towards himself to be picked on. Uni crossed her arms and sighed to herself with a thought going through her head.

Uni: (Hmm... Maybe I can forgive him for doing that... If I think about it... Jammy is having to struggle in having to not only get himself out... But get Noire and the others out... They would be getting stuck with having to figure out where to go without a navigator...)

Location: Subway Power Substation

Current gear/weapons-

Soejammy: Samurai Edge: 15 Bullets

Noire: G19 Handgun: 15 Bullets

Neptune: No Weapon

Spare Handgun Ammo: 16 Bullets

Shotgun Shells: 4 Shells

Back in the game, Soejammy, Neptune and Noire find no resistance as they made it through the alley and find a breakable box containing a Green Herb. The three soon enter the substation as Soejammy carefully opened the door to see a zombie in sight. Soejammy thought for a moment before facing towards Noire.

Soejammy: Okay. Time to practice some shots you two.

Noire: What??

Soejammy: Neptune.

Neptune looks at Soejammy as he carefully places the gun in her hands and looks at both of them.

Soejammy: There is a zombie standing in there. But there is another one around the corner at the bottom of the stairs and one that will walk down the stairs shortly after.

Noire: Why are you telling us?

Soejammy: I need you all to be ready to defend yourselves if things go wrong and something ever happens to me.

Neptune: Hey. I don't like that kind of talk.

Soejammy: Just stop with your thinking. Nothing bad is going to happen to me, I just want us all on the same skill level as we progress through this game. Okay??

Looking at each other, Neptune and Noire looked back at Soejammy and nodded their heads.

Soejammy: When firing a gun, you don't want the finger on the trigger UNLESS you are going to shoot. This will help in lowering any misfiring and wasting ammo. Another tip is to always count how many shots you fire, verses what you loaded with. That helps keep track of how many shots you got before needing to reload.

Neptune: Oh man... I'm bad at counting... I can only count to 10 on my hands.

Soejammy: Quit with the jokes! You know you can count more than 10!!

Neptune playfully stuck her tongue out while making Soejammy groan. He looks at Noire and wants to begin practicing.

Soejammy: Okay Noire, get into a firing stance.

Noire looked at Soejammy in being confused as Uni explained over the earpiece.

Uni (Outside TV): That means lifting the gun and holding it as if you were going to fire a shot.

Noire: O-Oh.

Noire soon lifted the gun up as she was stiff in her muscles and the gun was shaking softly. Soejammy examined how Noire was standing and sighed.

Soejammy: One look at this stance, and you'll be missing most of your shots.

Noire: Hey! I never used a gun before!! Give me some slack!!

Soejammy: And that's why I'm evaluating how your stance is right now. Your gun is shaking like from when Nikolai showed up. Mind if I help in adjusting your stance?

Noire: Um... Sure...

Soejammy: Okay. Neptune, open the door. We'll need a clear target of the zombie to practice.

Neptune: Roger doger!!

Neptune went to the door and pushed it open to show the zombie inside as it wheezed and moved softly.

Soejammy: Don't worry if it gets too close. All you need to do is focus on where you aim.

Noire: O-Okay... D-Do I fire now...?

Soejammy: No. Not yet.

Soejammy went to go behind Noire and got close to her as he lightly touched Noire's elbows. This caused Noire to blush from feeling him touch her as she looked at Soejammy.

Noire: H-Hey...! Just what are you doing...?!

Soejammy: Trying to help you in your stance. I can't explain with only just words. I need to help you learn through muscle memory. That's the only way I can help. Do you want me to show you how to shoot a gun, or not?

Noire weighed her odds based on how she would handle in needing to use it as she gave in on needing help.

Noire: Okay... You can help, but don't you dare try anything funny...

Nodding his head, Soejammy placed his hands onto Noire's elbows once more as he gently guided them.

Soejammy: When holding a gun, you don't want to be too stiff when firing it. The recoil of the gun is nasty to anyone not ready when it fires. Keep your arms loose slightly when aiming as having a relaxed body and mind will give you greater results. Think of the gun as if it was your sword. Stiff movements would yield to less effectiveness on how you attack.

Noire: O-Okay... I think I get what you mean...

Soejammy looked at the grip Noire was holding her gun as it was shaking softly.

Soejammy: Relax your hands a little as if it was glass and could break from holding it too hard. You do want to keep a firm hold of the gun, but not in a vice grip if you fire. The recoil can hurt your wrists too if you are not ready for the recoil. Think about when you're going to shoot and have your body sync with firing.

Soejammy reached as he explained all that as to hold Noire's hands softly in his. Noire blushed from how close Soejammy was as her back was pressed against his chest.

Noire: (Oh my god... This is so embarrassing...!)

Soejammy: Pull your arms back slightly as you don't need them to be straight out in front of you. No matter where you fire from, the bullet will fire in the direction you shoot, but only if you have the patience and timing to control it.

Noire could hear how subtle Soejammy was being in guiding Noire as she just listened to any instructions given to her. Hearing his voice softly in her ear as she still blushed.

Soejammy: Balance plays into a crucial role when firing as the recoil can throw you off balance if your footing is off. Move the leg you start off from the most as to give you support in the back if the recoil throws you off.

Noire: (Stop talking like that idiot...! You're making me nervous from just doing all of this...!)

Noire nodded her head as she moved her legs in a proper position to as Soejammy kept observing. Feeling Soejammy shift with her movements as he placed a hand on her shoulder as to keep his own balance.

Soejammy: Almost done... When aiming, you want to line up the sights as much as you can when not having any extra attachments. Dotted sights like the gun Vert had gives an easier time on aiming do to having a liner if you are not used to doing from the regular sights of the gun.

Holding the gun in Noire's hands a little more, he helps begin to guide them towards the zombie shown in the room.

Soejammy: Keep your breathing calm and your focus on nothing but what you want to hit. The greater the distance, the harder it is to shoot the target. Never take the shot unless you can hit it or unless you can afford to make mistakes. Bullets are the difference between survival and death in many cases, depending on how they are used, it can change everything.

Noire tried to focus, but with how nervous she was with having to shoot the gun and how close Soejammy was to her, it was hard to focus. Soejammy helped aim the gun at the zombie from how they were standing as he continued to speak.

Soejammy: For the first shot, I'll help line up and whenever you're ready, you shoot. Shift the gun in based on where the zombie moves. If you are careful enough, you'll land true to your target.

Noire focused down the sights of the gun as she waited to line up her target of the gun. Noire waits for some time while Soejammy held her hands in keeping her aim steady. Neptune's arm was getting tired from holding the door as she looked at the two.

Neptune: Um... You going to fire or-

Firing a shot, Noire saw the zombie get shot in the head while the recoil pushed her against Soejammy's chest more. The zombie growled in having been attacked as she blinked with how she landed the shot. The CPU Candidates were surprised that Noire shot the zombie in her first attempt.

Noire: I-I hit it??

Soejammy: Yup. You did that. Now, try again. This time without my help and remember what I said while altering what went wrong slightly.

Noire got into a stance, this time a little more confident as she lined up the sights of the gun to the zombie once more and fired again. The shot hit the zombie in the head once more and stuns it for a moment. With feeling how strong the recoil and how to make adjustments to the weight of the gun, Noire fired once more as she lands a critical hit on the zombie. The head of the zombie explodes as she was surprised.

Neptune: Whoa! Talk about a headshot!!

Noire: I-I can't believe I did that!!

Soejammy: Yup. You did that.

Soejammy smiled at his work as Noire was happy in turning around to jump up and turn to hug him around his neck. Neptune giggled softly as it caught Noire's attention.

Noire: Huh? What's so funny?? I just shot an actual zombie for the first time.

Neptune: Not that. Look who you're hugging~

Noire was confused as she looked back and saw how close she was to Soejammy being face to face.

Soejammy: Having fun yet, Princess?

Noire looked at Soejammy before her face went all red in being embarrassed as she jumped away from him. Soejammy chuckled softly as Noire pointed a finger at him.

Noire: H-H-How long were you going to wait in telling me how close we were?!

Soejammy: Eh. I didn't want to spoil the mood in you shooting. If I said anything, you would become a nervous wreck in like you are right now. Though, it was cute when you celebrated. That's a memory worth saving.

Noire blushed even more from Soejammy's words as she covered her face and thought to herself. Noire crouched towards the ground in trying to hide her embarrassment as she tried to calm down her racing heart.


Neptune: My turn now!!

Training took Neptune a little longer as she had to use six shots just to land her target before the zombie would go down. 3 that had been misses and 3 landing the shots on her target. With having to reload both guns, that would be a total of 9 Handgun Ammo being used. Leaving the group with 7 Bullets to spare. As the three made their way around they found a locked locker and Gunpowder in one of them. Heading up the stairs, Soejammy decides to take out the zombie with the knife as to save ammo they found a Red Herb while approaching the control room that turns on the power for the city. In the room, they found a storage chest and a Hip Pouch that once collected, increased everyone's carrying capacity by 2.

Neptune: Awesome! We got 2 more spaces!

Noire: Not like we really needed it... We aren't even carrying that much.

Soejammy: Not to worry, that's why I had Blanc and Vert go on a scavenge hunt for items.

Noire: Don't we need to just turn the power on?? It shouldn't be- Oh my god what the hell is that...

Looking out the window above the control panels, Noire could see a big blob of unidentified substance as it would move slightly if breathing. The whole substation inside was covered in a type of substance as Neptune opened the door and caught a whiff of a horrible smell.

Neptune: UGH!! It's like someone let out a big fart in here!

Soejammy: Yeah... It's pretty bad...

Noire: Okay, can we just turn the power on and go already??

Soejammy: Not that simple... We have to ACTUALLY go in there...

Noire: WHAT?!

Soejammy showed a document of a note that someone left.

Soejammy: Before the town could be evacuated, the substation members had to shut the power down here. That's why the trains have no power.

Neptune: You mean we have to manually turn the power back on?? While smelling farts?!

Noire: Those are not fart smells!!

Soejammy: Yeah. Now, let's get that lock pick. We'll need it to unlock the door and whatever else here so that we can give it to Blanc and Vert. Speaking of them...

Soejammy placed a finger to the earpiece as he began to radio Blanc and Vert.

Soejammy: Blanc, Vert, do you read?

Blanc (Coms): Yeah?

Vert (Coms): Everything going okay? Neptune and Noire aren't causing any trouble right?

Noire: We can hear you too!!

Vert giggled as she continued to speak.

Vert (Coms): Just making sure you both were alive.

Neptune: Way to think the protagonist is dead...

Soejammy: Focus. Are you two almost done and ready to receive the lock pick?

Blanc (Coms): Yes. We're now just heading back to the save room in Moon's Donuts. We found the second jewel for the device back in the subway. We decided to put both in and wait here until you gave us the lock pick.

Soejammy: Excelente. I take it that you acquired a shotgun part? A stock?

Vert (Coms): Yes. And when Blanc tested it with a zombie, she enjoyed killing a zombie with it.

The sound of the shotgun being pumped could be heard as Blanc giggled.

Blanc (Coms): I can get used to this~

Soejammy: Glad you like it. But we need you to transfer the weapon and shells over to us. And possibly some ammo for the pistols.

Blanc (Coms): WHAT?!

Blanc had yelled into the coms as it hurt everyone's ears.


Soejammy: And you will get it back, AFTER we get through this next part. We really need it if things get dicy in here.

Blanc thought to herself over on her end before sighing.

Blanc (Coms): Fine. But once you get that done, I want it transferred back.

Soejammy: Deal. And uh, make sure to leave a grenade in the chest? Please do not use it under any circumstance. It is important you don't use it.

Vert (Coms): Okay. Just use the lock pick for what you need to do if there is any and hand it over so we can continue on our end.

The coms hang up as Soejammy looked towards Noire and Neptune.

Soejammy: We have our objective. Let's go.

Heading into the room, the smell only got worse as they got closer and longer they were in there.

Noire: Ugh... This is making me sick...

Neptune: Pudding... Stay down... You're not meant to be coming out of my mouth...

Soejammy: Focus.

When getting closer, they found some Green Herbs and a note that Soejammy quickly took hold of.

Soejammy: Yeah... You two aren't going to like this place one bit... I'm already going to say this.

Noire: Trust me... I've seen all kinds of weird from this place.

Neptune: Foreshadowing...

Noire: SHUT UP!!

Soejammy: Both of you need to be quiet...

Looking down an area, the three could see a dead body with a box in its hands and around the corner, a box that contained 10 Handgun Ammo. Soejammy crouched down in front of the dead body as he took the box from the corpse. But when doing so, the belly exploded as bugs crawled out of the exposed hole in the corpse. Neptune and Noire were grossed out as Neptune tried to keep herself from throwing up.

Neptune: If this isn't a puking moment... I don't know what...!

Noire: What in the HELL happened to him?!

Soejammy: Hell happened.

Noire: Not funny Jammy!!

Going to the door, Soejammy opened the box to which holds the lock pick they need. Soejammy was about to touch the lock pick, but soon looked at Noire.

Soejammy: Want to try it? Probably the only time you're going to use it?

Noire looked at Soejammy skeptically as she then took it. She then went to the lock and began to get it open.

Noire: Whatever. The faster we get out of here, the faster we don't have to see anything weird.

When Noire got the lock undone, she looked at Soejammy with a smile before pushing on the door slightly.

Soejammy: Uh...

Skittering sounds could be heard as Noire quickly turned around and see nothing. Noire looked at Soejammy who stood calmly as Neptune had a shocked look on her face.

Noire: What?

Soejammy: Nothing...

Noire: What??

Neptune: Um...

Noire was about to ask again when she saw a substance drop down in front of her as she looked up. Hanging from a ceiling, a large bug looking creature swung down and roared at Noire.

The shock of seeing something suddenly caused Noire to yell loudly. The creature soon had its pincer-like arms and grabbed hold of her neck.


Noire tried to struggle in getting free, but the hold of the creature was too strong. Looking at the creature, it produced a tube from its mouth as Noire looked at it.

Noire: Ewwwwww... That's disgusting...

The creature roared more, but gun fire could be heard as Soejammy had taken his Samurai Edge back as he fired 3 shots into the creature. The impacts caused the creature to let go of Noire and fall in an angle from where it was shot from. It got up and roared, beginning to charge agains towards Noire as she fired 2 shots and killing it. Noire looked at Soejammy as she was pissed.


Soejammy: Drain Deimos. The ONLY enemy you will ever face here and nowhere else.

Noire: And WHAT was that THING going to do just now?!

Soejammy: Stick it's tube down your throat and eventually do what happen to that guy, to you.

Soejammy pointed towards the corpse behind him as an example of what would have happened. Noire grabbed hold of Soejammy and brought him closer to her.


Soejammy: I admit that, but if it had, I would have given you a Green Herb to get those bugs out.


Soejammy: The note here says otherwise as these bugs instantly search for a way out as they were puked out from whoever wrote this.

Neptune went over to the wall and puked just from hearing the disgusting examples told in front of her.

Neptune: And now I lost my lunch... Bleh...

Noire: That's it!! I'm not going in there!!

Soejammy: So what? You're quitting??


Soejammy: You're right.

Noire looked at Soejammy weirdly as he didn't even complain about her objecting to the idea of going in the area ahead.

Soejammy: That's why I'm going in there by myself to turn the switches on. All I need is the shotgun and I can do this without worrying about both of you.

Neptune: Um... Won't that leave you without help...?

Soejammy: Being scared shitless won't get us out faster. I was hoping once you experienced what these things could do, you would want to kill them. But I can see that you two aren't brave enough to handle the grotesque of what is in here. That's why I'm going in while you two flip the power on once I get the last switch activated.

Heading back to the control room, Soejammy could see the M3 Shotgun equipped with the Stock as it  would increase the accuracy of each shot made by the shotgun along with 20 Shotgun Shells making a count of 24 with what he had already. Blanc and Vert had previously put in 40 Bullets to add to his 12 making it a total of 52 Handgun Ammo. Soejammy is currently carrying 2 Green Herbs and a Survival Knife as he then hands Noire the Recovery Coin.

Noire: Huh?? Why are you handing me this??

Soejammy: If I get those switches on, you're going to need to make a hard decision.

Noire: What??

Soejammy: If the game has been altered to generate twice the amount of enemies inside there, I may not come out of this.

Noire: Then you need this more than I do!!

Soejammy held up a hand and looked at her.

Soejammy: If I can make it that you girls can survive through this, I'll give every fiber that it takes.

Soejammy flips the Samurai Edge as to hold it by the barrel of the gun to hand it to Noire as he took the G19 Handgun to use. Soejammy took the clip out as to reload 2 Bullets in it as to properly prepare for the difficult challenge ahead. Leaving him with only 50 Handgun Ammo left.

Neptune: You're going in there?? Alone??

Soejammy: I'm the one with the most experience... If anyone is going to tango with these freaks, it should be me... Use the lock pick and go to the locker to gain some ammo downstairs before giving it to Blanc and Vert. I need to go take care of some business.

Soejammy pats Neptune on the head as he then begins to head into the substation to begin navigating the infestation.

Location: Subway Power Station - Infestation Area

Current Party Gear/Weapons:

Soejammy: M3 Shotgun - 4 Shells, G19 Handgun - 15 Bullets, Survival Knife.

Ammo: Handgun Ammo - 50, Shotgun Shells - 24 Shells

Heading into the infested area of the Substation, Soejammy has the M3 Shotgun strapped to his back while having the Survival Knife equipped into his left hand and G19 Handgun equipped to his right. Nepgear came in over the earpiece as she sounded worried for Soejammy.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Are you sure you can handle the inside of this place by yourself??

Soejammy: It's not a matter IF I can... It is either I get it done, or we all become stuck here for all eternity.

Uni (Outside TV): Jammy, this is suicide. You're not a machine.

Soejammy: I know. I'm just only handling the tougher parts that I think could be a death trap myself... And before anyone says a word, this part is like a maze and a LITERAL death trap. These bugs are everywhere and can come out from the walls. It doesn't matter how many I kill, all I ever did in this section was shoot anything in my way as I completed the objectives.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Then... Having a group to who could get separated would make it worse...

Soejammy: Precisely. All I have to do is just go the shortest path and work my way back to the front and hit any switch I come across first. I don't plan on being in here long as I want all of us out of this game.

From Soejammy's perspective, the CPU Candidates can see the infested area as Soejammy coughed from how bad it smelled.

Soejammy: Ugh... It's so much worse than what the game described... It's like there's a bunch of corpses in here...

Hearing noises above him, Soejammy swung around and fired 5 shots as they all landed on the Drain Deimos. When it fell to the ground, it shriveled up and melted into goo.

Ram (Outside TV): EEEEEEwwwww... That's so gross...

Rom (Outside TV): Yeah... Why did it turn into goo...?

Soejammy: Mutations from the virus... Probably needed to stay alive if it wished to hold a form or something. Upon death, it leaves no trace of its physical form... Now be quiet, I need total focus or-

Soejammy didn't get another word in as he is attacked in his side by a ramming attack by the enemy. He gets pushed into the wall as Soejammy quickly switched to the shotgun and fired a shot pointblank. Causing the Drain Deimos to instantly explode from the strength it holds.

Soejammy: Ahhhh... And this is the reason why I hate these things... Acts like Velociraptors... Distracts you as another comes out of nowhere...

Soejammy touched his side as he felt a sharp pain to find that he had a cut on his side.

Soejammy: Ugh... Can't waste time here... Need to keep trying to find the switches. Luckily... I should remember the layout...

Soejammy went down the corridor as he could see light in a specific area. Soejammy walks around the area and finds the first breaker to flip the switch. When he does, Noire on her end sees a green light go on as 1 of 4 switches have been activated. Seeing a door, Soejammy walks to it slowly as enemies round the corner. This forced him to quickly go through the fenced door and close it. Where he was at had a ladder as he could go up it. Soejammy was about to go up as an enemy jumped down from above.

Soejammy: Shit!!

Taking his knife out, Soejammy dodged to the side and flipped the knife into a backhanded stance to counter the Drain Deimos. Soejammy soon pulled his pistol out and fired 3 shots into it.

Soejammy: 7 in the gun... 7 in the gun...

Soejammy soon climbed up the ladder and saw another corpse. This corpse seems to have been here longer as it was covered in the same goop as the area was.

Uni (Outside TV): Yuck... What in the world happened to him??

Soejammy: Drain Deimos happened... Unlucky sap didn't know that Green Herbs could save his life...

Nepgear (Outside TV): Oh my goodness...

Soejammy walked around the area as he reloaded his gun and broke a box open to find 12 Handgun Ammo. Finding the next pathway to go, Soejammy jumped down as he landed on his feet. He got up slowly as to look around and saw that there were a few of the Drain Deimos wondering around on the walls or ceiling.

Soejammy: Shit... I was right... This part was altered to have more of these assholes...

Uni (Outside TV): What are you going to do?

Soejammy: Take this Doom style, and go balls to the wall. Hope to pray I don't screw up. That's what.

Nepgear (Outside TV): That... Sounds like what my sis would do...

Soejammy: And she would be right for once on this.

Soejammy crept to the wall and could see three of the Drain Deimos just waiting for something. Soejammy took a deep breath as he talked to Nepgear.

Soejammy: Nepgear, when you tell me to go, I'll charge in.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Why are you wanting me to cue you to go??

Soejammy: Because I need motivation to do this. I may be brave, but I'm also scared. I have a responsibility to take care of and I need help to push through this.

Nepgear (Outside TV): O-Oh Okay... 1... 2... 3... GO!!

Hearing Nepgear give him the signal, Soejammy yells as he goes around the corner and uses the shotgun to blast one of the enemies up and switch to his pistol to finish off another by unloading his clip. The other Drain Deimos pounced towards Soejammy as he leans back to see the creature sail over him. Once it landed, the creature climbs the wall and heads back for Soejammy again as he spun the shotgun twice to reload it and then fire to kill the creature.

Soejammy: Stay out of my way.

Soejammy to his time to reload the shells into the shotgun and quickly hit the release on his pistol to begin changing clips. Soejammy walked to the next breaker as he pushed to flip the switch. When he does, Noire saw the next light turn on. 2 of 4 switches remain to be flipped. When Soejammy began to walk back, a wall that used to be there breaks down as five Drain Deimos' began to charge towards him quickly.

Soejammy: SHIT!!

Taking the shotgun, Soejammy aimed it towards the closest enemy to him first as he shot to kill the first of five. Soejammy jumped back to dodge a swipe from the next one while reloading as to kill the next one with ease. One flipped down from the ceiling as it slashed at Soejammy's arm. The attack caused him to bleed as he used the momentum from being hit to swing his shotgun at its side. Taking his gun as he unloaded 7 Bullets into it in desperation.


Uni (Outside TV): Holy...

Ram (Outside TV): Jammy is going nuts against these things.

Rom (Outside TV): It's like he's a different person...

Nepgear (Outside TV): With what's at stake... There's pressure on Jammy to survive...

Soejammy used his shotgun to block one of the attacks the enemy tried to make on him as he pumps the gun to fire it in the face. One enemy was left that he was encountering as the Drain Deimos began to attack aggressively at Soejammy. He grunts with each attack blocked as he flips it in between hits from the enemy to pump the gun, before dodging to the side and shoot it.

Soejammy: You're not stopping me.

Soejammy turned around and began to jog to the third one while reloading the shotgun. As one was blended into the shadows and pounced towards him. Soejammy raised his shotgun to block it and lean back to use the momentum to kick it away. Soejammy got up quickly as he ran to the fence as the enemy chased him when ariving at the fence he could see, he jumps and kicks from it to jump over the enemy. Using his knife as he slashed across the top of it all the way to its back. Soejammy quickly reloads his pistol as he then flips the third switch. 3 of 4 switches have been flipped. Soejammy was getting tired of the constant assault he was meeting as he began to rush for the last one.

Soejammy: Come on... Almost done... Just one more switch, and you can get out... But... I can't shake this feeling something's wrong...

Soejammy rushed to the last switch without thinking as he began to flip it. Once he was done, that was the last breaker he needed. 4 of 4 switches have been flipped. The substation was ready to be activated to give power back to the subway station. Soejammy breathed as he chuckled at being able to handle the odds stacked against him.

Soejammy: YES!! Now it's time to-

Hearing a noise of a wall breaking, Soejammy turns around as to see a large fist had broken through the wall. Soejammy's eyes widen at knowing what fist that belonged to as he grits his teeth.

Soejammy: Oh this is ridiculous!! IN A PLACE LIKE THIS!?

Noire (Coms): Jammy?! What was that just now?! The whole building shook!!

Soejammy hear Noire over the coms as he began to answer back quickly.

Soejammy: It's the fake Nemesis!! It just broke through a wall in here and is trying to get in!!

Noire (Coms): WHAT?!

The fake Nemesis breaks the wall more as it began to pull it away piece by piece.

Soejammy: Crap...! I knew I felt something while I rushed over here...! My vibe went off and I didn't realize it until now...!

Neptune (Coms): You mean like how you told us from your story about Silver?


The fake Nemesis (F. Nemesis) breaks through as it enters the area. Soejammy stood on guard as the it turned to face towards Soejammy.

F. Nemesis: Author...

Soejammy: Hello again... Faker... You seem to be having a hardball in wanting to stop me... Guess that means you want us to be stuck here. But what I don't get is, "Why not go after Blanc and Vert?" That's the big question.

The F. Nemesis charged towards Soejammy as it winded up a punch as to aim it for Soejammy's head. Soejammy reacts in time as to duck under it and get out from where he was cut off from.

Soejammy: But you?? You are fixated on me like a sick puppy that caught rabies. And something tells me that I prove a MUCH greater threat to you than even the Goddesses. Well, I'm happily obliged by your willingness to just show yourself.

Soejammy: As Dante once said to the mad scientist, Agnus, "Though I encourage! For an opportunity to battle a being of such grand delusion as you, is a sweet fortune."

Soejammy bowed towards the F. Nemesis as he was almost attacked by his enemy, dodging out of the way at the last second as he shot the shotgun once and then again at the grey mechanical piece on its chest after pumping it. The F. Nemesis roared as it crouched down to build up power giving Soejammy vibes to begin running down the hall. The F. Nemesis roared once more as it began to chase after Soejammy. The thudding footsteps sounded off how fast it was going as it was gaining on Soejammy quickly.

Soejammy: Not fast enough, fat man!

Soejammy jumped to the wall and launched off it to turn down the area he went from previously. Soejammy landed on the ground as he reached for his gun and fired a few shots as to damage the Nemesis a little more. Soejammy placed a finger on the earpiece as he radioed Noire.

Soejammy: Noire! Do you read?

Noire (Coms): Jammy! The whole place is shaking in there from that thing!

Soejammy: Tell me something I DON'T know already! Listen. You need to turn the power on and crank the systems to full power.

Noire (Coms): And what about you?!

Soejammy: This son of a bitch is chasing me! Not you girls! It won't leave unless I do and I can't afford to get you girls caught in the mix!

Soejammy quickly turned to head for the ladder as he began to climb up it. The F. Nemesis walked around the corner and was about to grab Soejammy before he became out of reach.

Noire (Coms): If we turn the power on in here, the electrical equipment will begin to fry anything inside! Including YOU!!

Soejammy: Yeah. Why else do you think I'm suggesting this?

Noire (Coms): You are THE reckless man I will ever know!!

Soejammy: And yet you don't stop hanging out with me.

Noire (Coms): When we get out of here, I'm going to strangle you in your sleep. You are driving me NUTS!!

Soejammy chuckled as he found enjoyment in driving his friends nuts.

Soejammy: And I enjoy your reactions as I bring you to your destination there.

Noire (Coms): I hate you.

Soejammy: And the translation for that is: "I love you."

Noire (Coms): SHUT UP!!! Look, get outside of that thing and I'll fry the stupid thing once you are out. We don't know where you are in there. You're on your own...

Soejammy: Thanks for worrying about my safety. Now, if you excuse me, I have a rodent problem to avoid.

The coms go out suddenly after Noire hangs up as the F. Nemesis jumped up to get onto the same platform with him.

Soejammy: Hey, Macho Man! Glad you can join me up here! The fireworks are about to start soon and YOU are the main attraction. Why? Let's find out.

The F. Nemesis punched at the floor Soejammy was at as he jumped back before it landed. Soejammy fired more shots with the pistol until it was empty and reloaded more into the gun. The F. Nemesis raised an arm up as to block the shots from hitting the mechanical part as Soejammy smiled to jump down. Soejammy quickly ran through the fenced door just as the F. Nemesis jumped down. It roared as it tried to punch at Soejammy through the door, but misses from Soejammy keeping his distance.

Soejammy: Come on man! I'm right here!! Your aim sucks just as how you look! Ha!

Soejammy began to run again as the F. Nemesis gave chase. With how close Soejammy was from exiting the infested area, Soejammy suddenly felt something wrap around his leg. He looked down and saw that the tentacle of the F. Nemesis was what he felt as it caused him to trip.

Soejammy: Not this again...!

Soejammy was pulled by the F. Nemesis as it used the tentacle to slam Soejammy into the walls around them. Soejammy yelled in pain with each impact as the F. Nemesis tossed Soejammy down the hall back to where they started from. Soejammy was on his stomach as he coughed to get back on his feet.

Soejammy: Ugh... You are not one to give an easy time... I'll give you that much... But it's a real pain in the ass.

The F. Nemesis roared loudly as it punched the ground and sent a shockwave towards where Soejammy was as the force of the attack sent him flying into the fence behind him.

Soejammy: *coughs* Okay... Now that's just cheating...

Noire (Coms): Jammy! What is taking so long?! What is going on in there?!

Soejammy: Working on it... Our hacker must've upgraded his contraption... Because it is doing things I don't remember the original Nemesis having...

Noire (Coms): Well hurry and get out of there! I can't turn this thing on unless YOU get out!

Soejammy chuckled as he pushed off from the fence as to regain his balance.

Soejammy: I said I'm working on it... Keep your stripe panties from brunching up...

Noire (Coms): AUGH!!! You're making me second think about not waiting for you!!!

Soejammy: I have that effect.

Neptune (Coms): I have that same ability when annoying Noire and Histy. But I'm told I have that effect on everyone.


Soejammy looked at the F. Nemesis as it tried using the tentacle again as it reached for Soejammy. This time however, Soejammy was ready for it as he dodged out of the way and used his knife to cut it off. Soejammy was taking breaths as to regain some stamina. He was already getting tired from running around, but now he had to run and fight the F. Nemesis to get out of his current situation.

Soejammy: Want to take five buddy? I could use it. If not, that's cool too.

The F. Nemesis roared as it charged towards Soejammy, causing Soejammy to run again. Although, the F. Nemesis was adapting to allow turns when getting close to a wall and push off from it to keep some momentum.

Soejammy: And you just keep pulling new tricks from your ass! You sure you weren't made from a dog?! You sure learn fast!

F. Nemesis: Destroy... Kill...

Soejammy: Even new words... You're full of surprises today... What?? Baby take it's first steps before speaking or something??

Looking up, Soejammy had to be creative as to throw the F. Nemesis off it's game. Soejammy remembered seeing a generator when going back into that one area as he jumped to the wall like last time. But to change it up, he bounced to the next wall and towards the Nemesis to slide under the feet. The F. Nemesis had to slow down and turn around as it began to continue its pursuit after Soejammy. When rounding the corner, Soejammy held his gun up to reload as his enemy could be seen turning the corner.

Soejammy: Jackpot!

Soejammy fired the gun as the bullet flew towards where the F. Nemesis was. But the bullet did not connect against the F. Nemesis, but the generator behind it. The electrical field sent out a burst of energy as it froze Soejammy's target.

Soejammy: Send my regards to your creator after you're done burning in the shame of my skills.

Soejammy turned around to quickly run down the hall and make his way to the entrance of the infestation area and goes through it.


Hearing Soejammy through the glass, Noire was about to press the button to turn on the power, but Neptune beat her to it.


Noire: Hey! That was meant for me!

Neptune: Too slow~

Noire growled in anger from Neptune doing that as the generators light up and burn the big infectious blob that created the Drain Deimos. Soejammy could smell the horrible stench of the area burning as he held his nose.

Soejammy: Something tells me... That wasn't the fake farting... Ugh... Nasty.

With the Substation power being activated, the group could now focus on getting the subway back on and soon get the trains going for Mikhail and the citizens left alive. But what created the F. Nemesis? Who wants Soejammy dead no matter the cause?

Chapter 2. END.

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