Let's Play Resident Evil 3 (RE) - Chapter 1: The adventure begins.

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Location: Racoon Subway Station.

The group enters the Subway Station leading underground as Carlos stops to look around.

Carlos: Okay... I think we're in the clear.

Noire looked at Carlos and looked around their surroundings.

Noire: Better hope so. Because I still don't trust you.

Feeling he could stand, Soejammy tapped Carlos' shoulder to give a thumbs up and stop supporting him. Carlos nodded and carefully made sure Soejammy could stand on his feet.

Carlos: Don't worry on your high-horse. We've been bringing survivors here. Turning some subway cars into shelters to keep people calm for now.

Carlos went to look at the stairs and check to see if nothing was following them. After reassuring his case, he looked at the group to give his confirmation.

Carlos: We're good.

Carlos went to Soejammy to see if he needed help still to walk as he held up a hand.

Soejammy: I'm good dude... Just need to walk it off for right now.

Carlos: I can respect that. Now, it's not much farther now. Let's go.

Carlos walked ahead of the group while Blanc looked at Soejammy.

Blanc: You sure you're okay?

Soejammy: Yeah... I'm good... Just trying to get used to the physical motions video game characters take... Though you four would know mostly on how this goes.

Noire: Considering we are video game characters, it's a good package deal.

Soejammy: Wish something like that existed in real life... Ugh...

Blanc thinks back to what happened when the Nemesis was chasing the group and saw how worried Soejammy was.

Blanc: Jammy... What happened earlier?

Soejammy looked at Blanc and was confused by what she meant.

Soejammy: What do you mean?

Blanc: The Nemesis. Something scared you... You were trying to talk to it earlier.

Soejammy was quiet for a moment and Noire looked at him.

Noire: What happened that got you so scared?

Soejammy was about to say something, but Carlos walked up to the group.

Carlos: Some idiot blocked the passage down. Got to take a side entrance here. C'mon.

Heading to a door, Carlos began to get the door open while Soejammy looked at the group.

Soejammy: I can't explain right now... I don't have anything I can be sure about just yet. What I need you girls to do, is be careful... That's all I'm asking you four to do. Okay?

The CPUs looked at Soejammy while Neptune gave a nod and thumbs up.

Neptune: You're the boss, Boss! Commander Neptune reporting for duty!

Vert: If you have reasons, you'll tell us when you can. No need to rush for now, right girls?

Blanc and Noire looked at their friends and then at Soejammy.

Blanc: If time is what you need to explain to us, I'll allow it for now.

Noire: But this doesn't mean you are off the hook on the question, got it?

Soejammy: *sighs* Yeah, yeah. I hear ya Princess.

Soejammy began to walk off again as Carlos opened the door and made Noire blush hard.

Noire: Stop calling me Princess!

Soejammy: Stop dressing like one then.

Noire: These are my regular clothes!

Soejammy: Not my problem Princess.

Noire growled again as the other sweat at how annoyed Noire can get.

Vert: Now I can see why you like to tease Noire, Neptune.

Neptune: It's fun when needing to have a new change of pace!

Blanc: Not my way of trying to change the subject, but effective...

The group began to follow Carlos down further into the subways to seek a place to take a rest. Soejammy switched the pistol he had to safety, took the clip of the gun out and began to fill it with 7 bullets.

Soejammy: (Had to use the five I had back at the parking garage... Now I only have 7 left for now... Must be careful with my shots... But then again... I do have that other gun...)

Once the bullets were inserted, Soejammy twirls the gun for a few flips before inserting the clip back into the gun. Soejammy pulls the slide to load the next bullet into the chamber and have it prepared and loaded for next use.

Uni (Outside TV): Okay, even though I hardly seen you use a gun... That was impressive.

Soejammy presses the button to his coms device and speaks to Uni.

Soejammy: When you have a BB gun that almost looks like a real gun, you test things out with it.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Guess you and Jammy have something in common now too. For me, I love the machine he built.

Outside the TV the group could see Nepgear hugging the device Soejammy had built and wanting to examine it thoroughly.

Soejammy: You can test it out to your heart's content AFTER we get out of here, Gears.

Neptune looks at Soejammy while snickering at the nickname Soejammy gave to Nepgear.

Neptune: Nep Jr. and Jammy~ Sittin' in a tree~ K-i-s-s-i-n-

Soejammy slaps a Harisen Fan over Neptune's head at hearing her say that to him. For Nepgear, she was hearing everything her sister was saying and was blushing profusely from Neptune's shenanigans.

Soejammy: When will you learn to not say stuff like that?! Teasing Noire I can agree on, but doing it to Nepgear and myself is out of the question!!


Noire punches Soejammy and sends him flying into Carlos, knocking both of them down to the floor.

Noire: Honestly! I am not going to be part of anyone's jokes while in this living nightmare of a game!!

Neptune: Again with the foreshadowing. I swear I can feel it.

Noire: NO YOU DON'T!!

Soejammy was seeing stars while Carlos pushed Soejammy off him.

Carlos: Great friends you have here, buddy. They're real fun to talk to.

Soejammy shakes his head and rubs his cheek that Noire had punched. He got up and looked at Carlos.

Soejammy: I wouldn't take them for granted. When push comes to shove, they can do anything if they have the will and heart to get stuff done. I should know.

Carlos: Heh. Well, the shorty and twin-tails are duking it out right now. Not much help when that's happening.

Noire and Neptune could be seen in a dust scuffle as Blanc and Vert stayed off to the side.

Vert: Let's try and make a proper example in not fighting in this post-apocalyptic world...

Blanc: As long as you said it, I'll be okay with that.

Soejammy sweats as Carlos begins moving again further down the hall while Soejammy catches up to him.

Soejammy: I mean what I say about them. There's no one else you can count on to help you do something than them.

Carlos: Whatever you say pal.

Blanc noticed Soejammy and Carlos were continuing on and saw them talking to each other and nudged Vert to gain her attention. Blanc points down the hall to show where Soejammy and Carlos were.

Blanc: We should catch up. We're being left behind here.

Vert: *sees where Soejammy is* So it would seem. Shall we?

Blanc nods her head to continue on with the game as Noire and Neptune stopped in their skirmish with Noire on top of Neptune.

Noire: Say uncle! SAY IT!!

Neptune: N-Never!

Noire was about to apply more pressure to pinning Neptune down when noticing that the others were moving on.

Noire: Now look what you did, we're falling behind.

Neptune: But... I didn't do anything.

Noire: Getting me annoyed is what you did!

Noire gets up and begins to follow where the group went as Neptune jogged to catch up. With the group together again, Carlos looked at the group.

Carlos: So, what's the story with your group? Looking after one another?

Soejammy: Yeah. Basically.

Vert: Been a hectic night...

Carlos chuckled at their responses.

Carlos: Well, have to say. For teenagers like yourselves, you all do fairly well.

Soejammy froze for a second while the CPUs began stifling a laugh. In truth, if Soejammy didn't shave his beard, he would look younger than what he actually was while his voice would make people think he sounded younger. In this case, he had shaved his beard before going into the game.

Soejammy: (Once again... My beardless face has assumed people of my age, including my voice... Every time this happens... Every time...)

Carlos looked back and could see Soejammy had stopped in place while the CPUs chuckled still.

Carlos: Hey. You alright kid?

Soejammy got onto his hands and knees as a feeling of despair loomed over him. The CPUs and Candidates begin to laugh when Soejammy reacts to Carlos' words as he begins to mutter.

Soejammy: *muttering* IambeinghumiliatedonlivecameraandIambeingagedassumedbyavideogamecharacter... Thisissuchacruel,cruelworld...

In translation to the muttering, he says this: "I am being humiliated on live camera and I am being assumed by a video game character... This is such a cruel, cruel world..." Vert and Noire pick Soejammy up and support his weight.

Vert: D-Don't worry, Carlos. *giggles* Soejammy is just light headed is all.

Noire: Yeah. Pffft. *chuckles* Not like his pride was hurt.

Soejammy's head hangs as he falls into more despair. The CPUs began laughing as Soejammy gained a red glowing eye when raising his head.

Soejammy: I curse you all with the deepest of my rage... I will have my revenge... Mostly you two, Vert and Noire...

The threat looms over their heads as they shook off the feeling for now.

Vert: Then we just have to be extra careful then...

Noire: Fine with me. I can handle ANYTHING what Soejammy has planned.

Blanc: Moving on with the subject... Got any idea what was the deal with that zombie, Carlos?

Carlos looked at Blanc and shrugged his shoulders.

Carlos: That THING, is no zombie that I've ever seen. Looking at that thing looked more of a monster than a zombie. First time I'm seeing something like that. But from how it seemed to move, it knows what it wants and won't stop till it gets it.

Neptune: Don't you find that attractive in women, Jammy? I think I remember correctly

Soejammy: NO!! I absolutely do NOT!! Never speak of this.

Vert cleared her throat and decided to keep the conversation going.

Vert: Carlos, was it? Why are you here? Surely a STRONG, HANDSOME man like you has a reason?

Noire, Blanc, Neptune and Soejammy looked at Vert based on how she described Carlos. Soejammy facepalms after a thought.

Soejammy: (Bring the CPU with an "attractive man obsession." "It'll be a good idea" I thought... Oh how horribly wrong I was...)

Carlos: Well, uh... I'm with the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service. U.B.C.S. for short. We're here to deal with any kind of terrorist threat that did this mess.

Noire stops after hearing that and looks at Carlos. Hearing the word "Umbrella" caught her attention after the explanation Soejammy gave about the game. When realizing who they were with, Noire quickly took the gun from Soejammy's hand and quickly charged at Carlos.

Soejammy: NOIRE! STOP!!

Carlos looked back and got punched in the face by Noire. The force of the hit knocked Carlos to the ground as Noire pointed the gun at Carlos.

Noire: We are NOT working with this guy!! This guy's corporate leaders are the reason the city is infected!!

Carlos had his hands up in not wanting to set Noire off as Soejammy came up to restrain Noire.

Soejammy: Get the gun!!

Carlos gets up and quickly gets the gun away from Noire.

Noire: Let. Me. Go!

Soejammy: Calm down, Noire!!

The other CPUs rushed to help Soejammy hold Noire in place as Carlos checked the gun. Carlos becomes surprised when checking the clip of the gun and chamber.

Carlos: Hey, the gun wasn't even loaded.

The group stops as Noire becomes surprised by hearing that.

Noire: Not loaded?? But-

Soejammy: I switched the guns when you weren't looking.

The group looked at Soejammy from what he said.

Soejammy: The real loaded gun is in my holster, but with you rushing to conclusions, you didn't even THINK about checking it.

Carlos: Not only that, but the safety was still on. Wouldn't fire if that switch was still up.

Noire looked from both Soejammy and Carlos in not knowing what to do. Noire looked towards Soejammy as he gave a look to her.

Soejammy: Noire. You have your reasons on why you acted like that. But jumping to conclusions is the WORST mistake anyone can make, and you did just that. You always assume that nothing bad can happen as you think you're perfect.

Noire: Hey! That's crossing some-

Soejammy: DON'T even speak. I'm the one talking right now.

Noire took a step back from Soejammy when he cut her off from talking.

Soejammy: EVERYONE, makes mistakes Noire. You are no exception and neither am I. I admit to my mistakes when they happen and have to live with guilt when it happens.

Soejammy walks past Noire and goes to Carlos to take the gun back, to which Carlos gives it to him.

Soejammy: Because of your actions, it makes me less trustful with you on using weapons.

Soejammy turned his back to Noire as he kept talking.

Soejammy: Now you'll have to earn that trust back before I can give you a gun now. Next time...

Soejammy looks at Noire with a glare of how serious he is being right now.

Soejammy: ...Learn to listen with your ears more than using brute force. You'll get yourself killed because of it.

Soejammy begins to walk and turns the corner of the hall to continue moving forward. Carlos was right behind him in not wanting to linger any longer.

Neptune: Um... Let's go...

Blanc and Vert: Agreed...

Neptune, Blanc and Vert follow where Soejammy and Carlos go as Noire stood there with her hand balled into a fist.

Noire: (Just what does he know?! I mean he's-)

Realizing what she was thinking about, Noire groaned at the mistake she made.

Noire: Jammy played the game... So he knows who are friends and who are the enemies... Ugh... This is why I don't play games like this OR enter them in the first place... All of this is too confusing...

Beginning to follow the group, Noire walked down the stairs to see Soejammy was waiting for her as the others had continued forward to their destination. Noire was about to walk past Soejammy when he took her wrist softly. Noire looked at Soejammy as his hold was soft and not meant to be rough.

Soejammy: Just let it go and move on. Letting this hang over your head is NOT going to be a good thing for you.

Noire: But-

Soejammy: You had your reasons. That's why I told you off. Even when it hurts that you did something wrong, making mistakes is what helps you grow to BE better. Remember this.

Noire looked at Soejammy from what he said. Soejammy began to keep going forward as Noire was left to be confused by Soejammy's sudden change of attitude.

Noire: (One thing to the next... Just wish he would make up his mind about what he wants to convey and stick with it.)

Noire catches up with the others as the group is sitting down to take a breather and rest their legs. The train cars had been made to accommodate as shelters with equipment and supplies located on the platforms of the station.

Neptune: Phew... All this running around is very tiring... Got any pudding on you Jammy?

Soejammy: Neptune... You do realize we're in an apocalyptic world, right? Where am I going to get you pudding from??

Neptune looked at Soejammy and pointed at him. This caught Soejammy off guard from her way of answering.

Soejammy: What do you mean me?!

Neptune: You know what I mean.

Soejammy: Why would I be carrying pudding?!

Neptune jumped up and placed her hands on her hips.

Neptune: Because you know that I do anything for pudding and that I wouldn't be here right now unless you have pudding!

Soejammy looked at Neptune based on her choice of words.

Soejammy: "Anything"?

Neptune: Anything!

Soejammy: Would that mean eating Eggplant?

Neptune jumped back in surprise and shook her head.

Neptune: Hey! Eggplants are disgusting! I wouldn't eat that!!

Soejammy: You said anything though.

Neptune: Anything BUT that!!

Seeing Neptune getting herself into this, Noire chipped in.

Noire: Would you stop making fun of me if I gave you one?

Neptune looked at Noire and pointed at her.

Neptune: No. Why would I? Our fans get major laughs when we goof around and argue with each other! I can't let that shtick end, especially not here, you Loner~

Noire gains a tick mark on her head at being called a loner. Vert and Blanc decide to chip in their own ideas.

Vert: Then would you possibly give Nepgear to me if I gave you pudding?

Blanc: Or maybe stop being lazy to take your job more responsibly?

Neptune falls to the ground in shock by the ridiculous requirements and looks at her friends.

Neptune: What kind of tasks are those for a protagonist?! Protagonists don't do boring stuff! And hands off my Nep. Jr, Vert! I wouldn't give her away even if you gave me 50 pudding cups!

Vert: Would you do it for 150?

Neptune was about to say something when she stopped and put a hand on her chin.

Neptune: Hmm...

Surprised by Neptune's actions, a voice came in from the coms device.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Neptune! I am not a bargaining chip to get more pudding!!

Neptune: But the pudding though...

Soejammy: That's a horrible deal and you know it!! It's just like me taking advantage of computers in Monopoly! I played with a friend that goes by the name Najee, and he raged about it! Plus he had the worst luck of landing on income tax in that game. Many times he landed on it. Shout out to you buddy, NajeeFireFox!

The group began to talk to each other about different conversations while they had time to relax. Carlos and another man looked at the group and talked to each other. The man Carlos was with had on the same type of clothes like Carlos, but wore a red beret with Umbrella's logo on his head. He looked to be around his forties and had a beard. When he spoke, he had an accent of being Russian.

???: *whispers* Where did you find these people...?

Carlos: *whispers* They were being chased, Captain... Though they seem to do this often, I don't know why?

???: *whispers* Questions for later I guess...

Carlos: *whispers* Yeah.

Once the group settled down, Carlos' Captain began to talk to them.


???: So, who are all of you?

Soejammy: Wouldn't it be more common courtesy for you to tell us who you are first? My friends and myself HAVE been brought here by Carlos here.

Thinking for a moment, the Captain nodded his head at the claim.

???: Yes, I believe you're right on that. You're a sharp thinker. I like it.

Soejammy: Thank you sir. Have to be smart even in times of crisis. Especially when meeting people you don't know. Even ones with guns.

???: Heh. Even sharper. Okay then... My name is Mikhail Victor, U.B.C.S. Platoon Leader. You've already met Carlos, so that takes care of introductions for now. We would introduce the whole team, but they're currently completing orders given to them to save civilians.

Soejammy: Nice to meet you, Mikhail.

Noire: So you're the leader of your squad?

Mikhail looked towards Noire and nodded his head.

Mikhail: Yes, little Miss. Though it doesn't seem like it with my comrades away for the moment... But with time they'll be back and- Ugh...

Mikhail groaned when feeling sharp pain to his abdomen. What his hand was covering was a wound he got from a battle recently as he was trying to recover.

Neptune: You're hurt...

Mikhail: Eh... The pain means nothing... Having to be here while others are in danger is what hurts the most.

Mikhail gets in a more comfortable position before he begins to keep explaining.

Mikhail: My platoon was brought here to help evacuate civilians from the city. We thought we could handle the situation...but a hoard of zombies manages to wipe out my platoon.

Mikhail looks towards Carlos as he keeps explaining.

Mikhail: Just trying to manage what's left of my team is hard enough as it is.

Vert: So, why not just evacuate now?

Mikhail: We would try, but to do that we need to get this train working again. All the power in the city is shut down. No power, no way out.

Noire: Figures. Great place to evacuate people when you can't get the power started.

Mikhail sighs as he looks to the ceiling of the train car.

Mikhail: We are trying all that we can. I WOULD try to do something about the power, but I'm not in fighting condition to even try.

The entire group was silent until a sigh could be heard.

Blanc: You need help, right?

Mikhail: That would be the case.

Blanc looked towards her friends as Neptune caught on what Blanc was doing.

Neptune: Well, we have a solution! A solution you can't pass up!

Carlos: And what's that? Make jokes to lighten the mood?

Neptune: Close, but I do that when the world isn't in danger.

Soejammy glanced at Neptune when knowing how she usually acts.

Soejammy: Yeah... 'Cause you don't make jokes even when the situation is bad enough as it is.

Neptune: I don't need sarcasm from you, Jammy.

Soejammy: Sarcasm is what you'll get!

Clearing her throat, Vert speaks up next to divert any distractions away.

Vert: You're short on available people to help, but maybe we can help?

Mikhail raised an eyebrow alone with Carlos in being confused as to why the group was volunteering. Noire stood up and looked at both Carlos and Mikhail.

Noire: If there's one thing we can't stand for, is seeing others unable to defend themselves. And don't get the wrong idea of us HELPING you. But if we're getting involved, it's to help the civilians.

Carlos chuckled at hearing that as he was happy about her goals.

Carlos: Hey, we want the same thing. But whatever you want to think, go ahead. Just glad we have some help.

Noire: Hmph.

Noire walks away to exit the train to separate away from being near Carlos and Mikhail. Soejammy looks at both of them and sighs.

Soejammy: Uh... Sorry about our friend here... It...takes some time for her to understand and not discriminate based on what she's heard. I promise that she'll open up on seeing you two as our allies in this mess.

Mikhail: *chuckles* Boy. When you've seen shit in your life, you learn to take what you can get. For us, just gaining whatever kind of help is appreciated here. There is no need to apologize on her behalf.

Soejammy smiled as he nodded his head.

Soejammy: Thank you for understanding, Mikhail.

Soejammy stood up and stretched his arms to get himself prepared for the long haul of the game.

Soejammy: Do you possibly have any spare guns and ammo by chance? If not, we'll take some holsters for pistols if that's all you have.

Mikhail sighed as he pointed to the crates outside in some storage.

Mikhail: We were saving some gear in case we got the nerve to go back out. But maybe you five need it more with having to help us.

Soejammy: Thank you. We promise we'll make great use of the gear as possible.

Carlos: There's some gear up top also, make sure you get those too.

Soejammy nodded his head as he began to walk to the crate Mikhail was talking about. But at the same time, a thought came to him based on his interaction.

Soejammy: (Even the conversation was different here. Had Jill Valentine not been taken out, the stuff would be the same... Those with dialogue choices can vary based on the specific words... But the Nemesis... Is a different matter in the equation...)

30 minutes later...

After gearing the CPUs up, they were given holsters to accommodate what they could carry based on what they found along with Soejammy. Along with searching for the right gear, Soejammy was able to find a manual on making bullets and even a package of handgun ammo. The package contained up to 15 bullets. Soejammy decided to reload the rest of the bullets to fill the clip of the gun loaded to 15, while loading the extra pistol with 7.

Carlos: Okay. That should do it for the most part. Make use of those extra bullets we were able to find for the guns. That'll be the deciding factor in fending off those undead bastards.

Soejammy: Sure thing Carlos. Thanks for helping us prepare.

Carlos: Hey. Got to be ready for anything, right? Wouldn't be right sending all of you to do something without being prepared.

Neptune: Thanks buddy! Hopefully the Loner will warm up to you soon enough!

Neptune stood there with a bright smile on her face as she got clobbered by Noire.

Noire: Stop calling me that!! I have friends!! Above all, I will NEVER trust anyone that's from Umbrella!! They're the reason that caused all of this in the first place!!

Carlos quickly got in-between Neptune and Noire to keep them from hurting each other.

Carlos: Hey! Will both of you calm down?!

Carlos looked at Noire at the claim she made earlier as he was confused.

Carlos: Look, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. But I came here to help people just like you are doing right now. If we start fighting each other, we're only going to worry whoever is left alive.

Carlos looked towards the survivors who were seeing the arguments between the group and backed away from Noire.

Carlos: I'm not your enemy. And I can't convince you that I'm someone good enough of your trust. But swear that I am not your enemy. Okay?

Noire didn't look at Carlos and just began to walk to the stairs that led up out of the subway and didn't speak to Carlos.

Soejammy: Carlos-

Carlos: Don't apologize for her sake kid.

Soejammy froze when hearing Carlos say this.

Carlos: It just means I really have to earn her trust is all. You're all survivors and all. I get it. Just earning some of your trusts is enough for me.

Soejammy, Neptune, Blanc and Vert looked at Carlos and nodded their heads to acknowledge what was said.

Soejammy: If you say so Carlos. Hopefully she will find out that she had you wrong soon enough.

Carlos: Thanks kid. Now, you do have a communications device on you. We'll keep in contact with that.

Soejammy: Gotcha. We're heading up to regroup with the Loner.

Neptune giggles at being caught off-guard by Soejammy's words that she had to wipe a tear from her eye.

Neptune: Okay! I wasn't expecting that from you Jammy! Pffft hahahahahaha!

Blanc: Everything is a joke to you, huh...?

Neptune: Basically!

Vert looked at Carlos and smiled at him.

Vert: We'll do our best to get the trains back up and running. Just keep us updated if anything changes. *winks*

Carlos blushed slightly at seeing Vert wink at him and sweats.

Carlos: Uh... Yeah. I'll do that.

Soejammy and the others began to head up the stairs as Soejammy looked at Vert.

Soejammy: Did you just wink at him earlier??

Vert: Yes~ Who can pass up a man with those muscles~

Soejammy, Blanc and Neptune sweat at hearing Vert fawn over Carlos.

Soejammy: If we all really think about it... Resident Evil is basically anime-esque with the amount of bullshit plot and all. Like in RE 5 when Chris Redfield is able to LITERALLY punch a boulder into the lava. If that isn't anime, I don't know what.

Blanc: Sounds like something that would be in JoJo honestly.

Neptune: Isn't our animation-

Soejammy and Blanc: Yes. Neptunia's anime animation is done by David Productions.

Soejammy: Everyone knows it by now.

Neptune giggled and stuck her tongue out.

Neptune: Hey, got to spread the word. Need to get more views.

Soejammy: Stop trying to advertise my content by force.

Once the group catches up to Noire, she was reading a news article to pass the time while waiting for the others.

Noire: About time you get here.

Soejammy: Hey, there's literally no rush to even blast through this whole place. Sure I may know what happens, but-

Uni (Outside TV): Jammy called you a "Loner" earlier, Noire.

Soejammy looked towards the screen that showed the outside world and rushed to it. We take the perspective outside the TV for a moment.


Soejammy (Inside TV): WHAT THE HELL UNI!?

Uni: What? I'm allowed to make comments.

Soejammy (Inside TV): You're such a nark!!

Ram: And what's that?

Soejammy (Inside TV): It's just another term that people call snitches when they decide to-

When Soejammy began to talk about the term, the CPUs began to pick on him.

CPUs (Inside TV) and Candidates: Neerrrrrrrrrrrrd/Neerrrrrrrrrrrrd.

Soejammy yelled when he realized he was pranked into doing what was set up.

Soejammy (Inside TV): God damn that Piccolo reference!! Furthermore, why did you nark on me?!

Uni: Hey, Noire's my sister. I look out for her. Mess with her, you deal with me too.

Soejammy was about to say something when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Noire (Inside TV): Jammy.

Soejammy (Inside TV): Sh-Shit!! Ack!!

Soejammy was being pulled by his hair out of screen as Neptune, Vert and Blanc looked to see where Noire was taking Soejammy. Off to the side, punches and kicks could be heard as Soejammy grunted with each hit dealt to him.

Noire (Inside TV): So you think you're tough say those words behind my back?!

A punch could be heard connecting as the CPUs cringed at hearing it.

Soejammy (Inside TV): Guack!

Noire (Inside TV): Must have a big nerve saying that when you're in here all alone with us!

Another hit could be heard landing on Soejammy as the camera shakes.

Soejammy (Inside TV): Oof! N-Noire! Let's be reasonable!

Noire (Inside TV): Shut up!

More hits could be heard landing on Soejammy as he made more grunts and sounds of pain with each hit dealt to him.

Soejammy (Inside TV): You're above violence and torturing people! How can we not make fun of you when you get embarrassed by what Neptune does to you or even (Y/n)!

Noire was blushing off-screen as that set her off. Multitude of hits could be heard landing on Soejammy.

Soejammy (Inside TV): Owowowowowowow! Stop kicking me to hide your embarrassment!

A loud thwack could be heard as Soejammy was sent flying across the screen.

Noire (Inside TV): It's because you wrote all those things!! Writing all that embarrassing stuff!! Honestly!!

Soejammy (Inside TV): *in pain* Maybe if you weren't embarrassed by all those things often, maybe I wouldn't be enjoying seeing your blushing face...

Noire (Inside TV): ALRIGHT!! YOU ASKED FOR IT!!!

Dashing past the screen Noire and Soejammy began getting into a scuffle that led them back into the screen of the TV. Soejammy was screaming and yelling for help as he would appear after a few seconds each time, before getting pulled back in by Noire. Neptune appeared in front of the camera and looked at the Candidates.

Neptune (Inside TV): Everyone enjoying the show?

Uni: Very much. I have no objections to seeing this.

Nepgear: Don't usually get to see Jammy get beat up... But he took the time to take each of our personalities and take them to heart. Shows commitment to know what we might say... Makes me feel sad for him now honestly...

Ram: *giggles* This is hilarious!

Rom was giggling with Ram in enjoying the show while Blanc and Vert came onto the screen too.

Blanc (Inside TV): At least it isn't some of us as the comic relief.

Vert (Inside TV): Though, shouldn't we stop this before Jammy seriously gets hurt...? He is still human after all...

Nepgear thought about it and agreed with Vert.

Nepgear: Yeah... Jammy isn't like us that can take damage to certain degrees...

Nepgear looked at Uni and caught her off-guard from being looked at.

Uni: *sighs* Oh... Alright...

Going back into the TV, Noire places a foot over Soejammy's head while pulling his arm up into the air. It was his left arm that was dislocated over a year ago.

Soejammy: N-Noire! Not that arm!!

Noire: You caused this!! I'm so furious with you right now!!

Soejammy: You're not furious! You're embarrassed!!

Noire began pulling on Soejammy's arm and caused him to squirm with pain.

Soejammy: NNNNNNggggggggghhhhhh!! HELP ME!! OH MY GOOOOOD!!

The CPUs rushed in to begin restraining Noire to talk some sense into her.

Neptune: Noire, I know he's loveable and punchable... But breaking bones is not okay!

Blanc: He LITERALLY writes our stories for the fan fiction he writes and decides what happens in them! We can't go on hiatus!!

Vert: You'll lose shares if you inflict damaging pain that will take much time to heal!

Noire for the most part tries to break free, but lets the information sink in after taking what was said to her for truth. Noire calmed down while Soejammy got up slowly and was in pain.

Soejammy: Ow... I really hate that I don't get pain reduction... I could feel ALL of those attacks... Ugh...

Neptune walks over to see if Soejammy was okay.

Neptune: Hey buddy. You okay?

Soejammy: Let's see... My solar plexus is smashed... My back feels like breaking... My perfect jawline is ruined... And I think I have a slight dislocation in my left shoulder again... This never happens to the characters in the games... They're able to just brush off the pain like it hardly affected them... Reminds me of the time back in RE6 where myself and a good friend of mine named futuresilver13. We would have so much fun on that game regardless of the short game play there would be no matter how repetitive. We would do the hardest difficulty, or go guns blazing with infinite ammo.

Neptune: What would you two do in that game?

Soejammy: Weeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll...



A flashback begins as Soejammy and futuresilver13 were currently playing Chris' story as Soejammy was Chris and Silver was Piers. They were currently on the last chapter where they were in a monster spawn room and had to wait for a timer to end for a door to open, or defeat EVERY monster in the room.

Silver (Piers): Okay, Jammy, listen up.

Soejammy (Chris): *coughs* H-Huh? What??

Silver (Piers): Listen will you? We're going to start this thing. A timer will play when it begins right?

Soejammy was picking his nose and looked at Silver.

Soejammy (Chris): What?

Silver goes to Soejammy and slaps him in the face hard.

Silver (Piers): Focus will you!! A timer starts to play when we begin, right??

Soejammy looked around the room and nodded his head.

Soejammy (Chris): Yeah. It does.

Silver (Piers): We can kill these assholes faster than the timer. We just need to keep those monster spawns from activating and-

Clunking noises could be heard as Silver looked to see Soejammy pulling each lever one by one.


Soejammy looked at Silver and answered him.

Soejammy (Piers): Activating the levers to kill the enemies.

Silver (Piers): YOU IDIOT!!

What began to be a firefight with Soejammy and Silver covering each other's backs as brutes and enemies with guns would appear. Some even being bug enemies that slowly walked towards you menacingly.

Silver (Piers): Okay! We're doing great! If we just keep this up we can-

Soejammy (Chris): Friendly fire time!

Silver (Piers): WHAT?!

Silver gets blasted in the back by a shotgun and sent flying a few meters.

Silver (Piers): AUGH!!

Silver kept trying to get back up, but Soejammy wouldn't let him.

Silver (Piers): SOEJAMMY!! LET ME UP!!

Soejammy (Chris): Nope. Friendly fire time.

Silver (Piers): SOEJAMMY!! YOU IDIOT!!

Bullets from enemies were beginning to connect to Silver as he was taking damage.


An explosion goes off as Silver loses a ton of health. This was because of a grenade launcher Soejammy used to fire at Silver.

Silver (Piers): SON OF A BITCH!! YOU ASSHOLE!!!

Soejammy was going to fire another round when he heard noises behind him. This was the many enemies they were supposed to be facing when he began to fire at Silver instead.

Soejammy (Chris): On second thought, I'm gonna just walk away and let them have you.


Silver began to fire at the enemies slowly approaching him as he began to fire.

Silver (Piers): Jammmmmy! Jammmmmy!! JAMMY!!!

Silver gets hit and his character dies by a swarm of bugs around him.


Silver was twisting and turning to try and shake the bugs off as he went limp. Soejammy just stood there and raised his thumb and gave a cheeky smile at his actions.

Soejammy (Chris): Mission accomplished.

Silver (Piers): This is going to be a thing... Isn't it?


At other locations in the game, Soejammy and Silver were at a mountain collecting Intel in Jake's story. Soejammy was Jake, the son of Albert Wesker and Silver as Sherry Birkin. Soejammy currently got on a ski mobile and saw Silver was running across the bridge. Seeing this, Soejammy grew a big evil smile at a single thought of what to do. Silver stopped and saw Soejammy was on a ski mobile and was positioning it to be on the bridge.

Silver (Sherry): Jaaaammmmyyyy...

Soejammy (Jake): Silver.

Silver began to back up on the bridge at knowing what Soejammy was thinking.

Silver (Sherry): Jammy, we can talk about this.

Soejammy (Jake): No.

Just as Silver was about to run away to get to safety, he got run over by the ski mobile and put into a dying state on the bridge.


Soejammy lines up the ski again and revs the vehicle up.

Silver (Sherry): Soejammy! You don't want to do this!!

Soejammy (Jake): I very much do.

Silver (Sherry): No you don't!

Soejammy (Jake): Yes I do.

Silver (Sherry): No you don't!! Now get me up and-!

Soejammy ran over Silver again as Sherry's dying animation began and Silver screamed in fright.

Silver (Sherry): REALLY SOEJAMMY!?!?

Soejammy (Jake): *giggles*

Next transitions to Leon's story where Soejammy and Silver were in China. Soejammy being Leon and Silver being Helana. They were currently trying to find keys to try and escape from the area of Regenerators that can throw their limbs and put themselves together again. Soejammy was using dual pistols while Silver used shotguns.

Silver (Helena): Will you use shotguns already?!

Soejammy (Leon): No dumbass!! Dual pistols rule!!

Silver (Helena): We are being cornered here and your infinite pistols are doing shit!! Shotguns have more power!!

Soejammy (Leon): Don't care. Leon is the best character in the series. He gets dual pistols, I use them.


Soejammy was going to argue more when he had a bad sensing feeling going off and ducks down. What goes over his is a hand from a Regenerator.


Silver (Helena): "Tactical hand"?? What the hell do you-??

When turning around, Silver was met with a hand to the face! Silver screams in fright and pulls the hand from his face and throws it back at the Regenerators.


Soejammy (Leon): My bad feeling went off. You know I get those things. Not my fault I get them 3 seconds before they happen.


Soejammy (Leon): Silver?

Silver points his shotgun at Soejammy and fires at him to knock him down. While doing so, a Regenerator jumps Silver and puts him into a struggle state.


Silver looks over to Soejammy as he was just lying down and relaxing as he watched at Silver's own mistake. Once failing at the struggle, the Regenerator produces a tube and plunges it into Silver's skull. Pumping in a substance that goes to his stomach as Silver flailed. When Silver's body goes limp, the Regenerator gets off Silver and walks off. Moments later, a Baby Regenerator bursts from Silver's stomach.

Soejammy (Leon): Yay! You created a baby girl!

Silver (Helena): I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!

Once at the submarine in Ada's story, Soejammy was playing Ada while Silver was the Agent as they approached a security scanner. Silver looked at Soejammy to get his attention.

Silver (Agent): Be sneaky.

Soejammy (Ada): Okay.

Silver (Agent): I mean it. No guns blazing, or "Leroy Jenkins", or any stupid shit.

Soejammy (Ada): Okay.

Silver (Agent): No, give me something other than okay that you understand, idiot.

Soejammy looked at Silver as he gave a thumbs up.

Soejammy (Ada): Okay.

Silver (Agent): Are you going to keep saying that for the rest of the time?!

Soejammy blinked his eyes as he scratched his cheek.

Soejammy (Ada): Okay.

Silver (Agent): You're retarded.

Turning his back to Soejammy, Silver began to walk away to begin sneaking when Soejammy loaded a bomb arrow and fired it at Silver. The arrow connects to Silver's back and is sent flying from the blast.

Silver (Agent): F**KING ASSHOLE!!

Silver was propelled through the scanner as every enemy was on Silver. Silver looked towards Soejammy as he gave only five words.

Silver (Agent): I hate you... SOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!

Soejammy (Ada): I know you mean love.

Silver then proceeds to get shot by every enemy there as Soejammy ate some popcorn and laughed at every moment that happened to Silver until the story ends.

(End of Flashback)

Once the flashback ended, Soejammy had a peaceful look on his face with a smile as he took a deep breath in and released it in a happy sigh.

Soejammy: Haaaaaaa. Happy memories.

The CPUs looked at Soejammy, along with the CPU Candidates from the story he and Silver shared.

Vert: So... It was just mainly you... Torturing your friend in getting him killed...? Every time...?

Soejammy: Yup.

Blanc: With no remorse to how he could get back at you for it?

Soejammy: Yup.

Noire: Even when you still do it now by talking smack to us??

Soejammy: Yup.

Neptune looked at Soejammy and thought about her question to test something.

Neptune: And you're going to say "Yup" again, aren't you?

Soejammy: Yup.

The CPU Candidates looked at each other on the other side of the TV as one thought came to them in their heads. Thinking the same thing with each other.

CPU Candidates: (This was a horrible idea to begin with.)

Snapping out of his thoughts down memory lane, Soejammy looked at the group.

Soejammy: Buuuuuuuuuut! I don't have infinite ammo. So I'm all about keeping spare ammo and not wasting them for stupid things.

Soejammy gave a thumbs up and a bright smile to his friends on his claim while they looked at him.

CPUs: We don't believe you for a second...

Soejammy became shocked and held up a white flag to wave it in the air.

Soejammy: My feelings... Why must you hurt them?

Noire grab's Soejammy's collar and pulls him close to her. Noire begins to smack Soejammy with her hand repeatedly over and over on his face. Alternating each side of his face to smack some sense into him.


Letting Soejammy go, he began to walk sideways with a dizzy expression on his face before falling to the ground.

Soejammy: Ngh... I con't fell ma facth... Translation: Ngh... I can't feel my face...

Noire crossed her arms and didn't look at Soejammy in his current state.

Noire: Hmph.

Neptune went over and began to poke Soejammy in the head.

Neptune: So... Are you going to get up now?

A sound began to go off as the others took notice of it quickly.

Vert: What's that sound?

Blanc: I don't know.

The earpieces the group had went off as Vert answered it.

Vert: This is Vert.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Soejammy got a radio from Carlos earlier. That's most likely him calling you all.

Vert: Carlos you say? Hmm.

Vert goes over to Soejammy and takes the radio from him to answer it.

Vert: Hello?

Carlos (Radio): V-Vert? That you? I thought Jammy was going to pick up?

Vert: He's...

Vert looked at Soejammy as Blanc lifted Soejammy up and shook him up softly to shake some sense into him. But it didn't work.

Vert: ...let's say he's out of it for the moment... Anyway, you were calling because you wanted to check up on us. Right?

Carlos (Radio): Uh, yeah. I was checking to see if you all made it topside yet?

Vert: Not yet, but we'll be there quite soon. Any objectives you want us to focus on?

The others looked at Vert as Neptune talked with Blanc.

Neptune: Vert seems to be getting attached to that nice guy that helped us.

Blanc: Attached? Or simply blind love?

Neptune: Eh, in the end, this is a game. Anything to get me from doing work Histy makes me do, I'll take that hands down!

Soejammy: *dazed* You're pathetic, Neptune...

Neptune smacks Soejammy in the face as he grunts in pain. Vert continues her talk with Carlos.

Carlos (Radio): Find a way to get the power on at the substation and the power to the whole city will be back online. Simple as that.

Vert: I see. I'll go tell the others the plan. Talk to you later, cutie~

Carlos (Radio): Wait. What did you-??

Vert hangs up with a smile on her face as she faces the group.

Vert: So, our objective is just to find a way to the substation and turn it on. Carlos will give us instructions if we need help finding a route there.

Noire: *sighs* Fine. As long as he's out of our way, I'm okay with this. Let's just hurry and get the train started so we can get out of here.

Once Soejammy recovered, the group went up the stairs to find a few supplies lying around. The items consisted of a Red Herb, two Gunpowders, and two Green Herbs.

Soejammy: Okay. First rule when playing this game. Do NOT just mix Green Herbs when you get the first chance with each other.

Neptune: Why?

Soejammy: Mixing two together doesn't give much health back as much as a red and green combined do. If you do for emergency reasons, try to make a combination of three greens together. Much higher output for health regain, but a waste for future healing supplies for combos with red. Always mix a red and green when you find herbs.

Blanc: Okay. Seems easy enough.

Soejammy: For gunpowder combos, there are many reasons why this must be explained. You can combine gunpower with each other for Handgun Bullets, but they give you 15 ammo each. Combos with a High-grade gunpowder create 5 shotgun shells each. Reason being the shotgun deals huge damage up close. Closer the enemy, the bigger the damage.

Vert nods her head and then thinks about something to Soejammy.

Vert: So, if mixing two regular gunpowders make handgun ammo. What do two high-grades do?

Soejammy: So glad you picked that up Vert. Because that's the most important combo there is.

Noire: What does that combo make?

Soejammy: Combining two together creates the magnum ammo for the Lightning Hawk you get later in the game. The gun is located in a Courtyard at the Hospital in the game that you get after crawling through a short passageway as Jill and jumping down to the Courtyard below. From there, a dead corpse of a soldier will be next to a metal case as it contains the powerful handgun I mentioned.

Neptune's eyes sparkle at hearing "powerful" to her.

Neptune: Oooooo~ I want to go shooting it with EVERY zombie I face! That should teach those undead zombos who's boss!

Soejammy held a hand up to stop Neptune where she's at.

Soejammy: Yeah... You're not getting it.

Neptune: Awwwww! What?! Why not?!

Soejammy: Because the gun is SO powerful, making the ammo and even CREATING it are rare to come by. Thing is, there may be tons of regular gunpowders, but the high-grade ones are the ONLY ones able to create spares if needed.

Upon having to explain the reasons to Neptune on why the magnum will not be used by Neptune, Uni begins to help explain.

Uni (Outside TV): And with how rare and powerful magnums are, that's why it's rare to come by resources to make ammo and even find any in the game?

Soejammy looked at Uni from the otherside of the TV.

Soejammy: Thank you Uni, for the reason why the magnum is powerful in video games. That's the EXACT reason why.

Uni (Outside TV): Might as well be the guns expert out here if I can't shoot any in there. Just make sure to let me see each gun in action with the various guns at least.

Soejammy: Yeah, I'll definitely make sure you get to see each gun Uni. It's the least I can do for you.

Uni gave a thumbs up at the alternative way for her to see each gun in action. Going to the next room the group could see a type of mechanism of certain slots that can be inserted with a typewriter and a metal box next to it.

Soejammy: Okay, ten points, goes to what these two objects are used for mostly in the game... Go!

Playing along, the group tried to raise their hands up quick, but Neptune beat them to the punch.

Soejammy: Okay, Neptune. What are the two objects here used for?

Neptune: Well... Since we're in a video game. The producers would know that trying to pick up important items. Meaning they would probably be blocked from being put into inventory slots if there was no room, right?

Soejammy: Correct.

Neptune then points to the metal box as she knows what that is.

Neptune: So there has to be a storage system to put your items away if you decide to go for every item picked up in the game. And right here is the storage container that's going to be used everywhere we go.

Neptune then points to the typewriter in knowing what it's used for also.

Neptune: And because people want to save their games with manual saves, the typewriter is the save point!

Soejammy: And that's why you play so many games, Nep. As Neptune mentioned, this box and typewriter will appear EVERYWHERE we go when finding a safe room. This is to avoid loss of progress and make sure you always have space in the inventory.

Blanc: Hmm, it's effective to say the least.

Noire: At least we have more people right now actually. Since there's five of us, we each can carry items as needed if the other doesn't have room.

Vert looked to her right and saw a Hip Pouch nearby.

Vert: What's that?

Soejammy looked in the direction to where Vert was looking and smiled.

Soejammy: That's a Hip Pouch I bought in the game store before coming in here. Insurance wise.

Neptune: So we're playing a game where you bought stuff? Can't you-

Soejammy: I would if I could, but I couldn't. But there are TWO other items I will claim before anyone else gets.

Soejammy opens the storage crate and pulls out a coin and a handgun. Soejammy takes the gun he has and the gun in the holster to hand one of each to Vert and Blanc. Uni noticed the gun Soejammy pulled out of the box and looked special just by a glance.

Uni (Outside TV): That gun looks like it shouldn't have been in there. You bought that too?

Soejammy: Yeah, and even the Recovery Coin. The coin acts as an auto-healing when carried. The gun I have though-

Soejammy lifts the gun up for the others to be able to examine it. The gun on it had a brown handgrip, the logo of S.T.A.R.S. was located on the side of where the gun is held at and the barrel of the gun was dark and had the word "Kendo" on it.

Soejammy: This here ladies is the state of the art: Samurai Edge. Accuracy and firepower in this gun was fine tuned to be fit towards Jill Valentine's standards in the best way possible. No attachments can be put on this gun as any other attachments might make it OP as hell.

A thumping sound could be heard as Uni tried to get as close to the gun as possible from the otherside of the TV.

Uni (Outside): You all get to use that gun while I'm out here?! This is LITERALLY torture at this point!!

Soejammy: Wait until you see the magnum like I mentioned and even any other weapons in this game. There's one SPECIAL gun that I will not mention at all.

Uni lightly hit the glass of the TV to show how frustrated she was.

Uni (Outside TV): I should have never agreed to be the aimer and just stood in the group if I knew this would happen!!

Nepgear (Outside TV): Uni! You will get a chance once the others are done! Soejammy promises!

Ram (Outside TV): Yeah! Calm down!

Rom just nodded her head to agree with the others as Uni tries to control her actions and gets back to the couch.

Uni (Outside TV): If I do not get a chance, I will make him my personal target practice for an entire day.

Soejammy sweats at hearing Uni say that again as he knew that she was being quite serious this time.

Soejammy: R-Right... I promise that once we are done, I'll let you try this to your heart's content... No matter what kind of game it is...

Looking at Uni, she had her arms crossed as she gave a "Hmph" sound. Meaning she was content with the answer. Soejammy sighed as he felt safe for now. Once equipping the proper gear, Soejammy looked at the exit the group needed to go through in order to begin.

Soejammy: Ready?

Vert: Well, our options are to either wait until something happens, or take action and see what happens. I would take being able to do something.

Neptune: You think I want to sit down and do nothing in a video game?? As if! I'm gonna nep those zombies up and send them back 6ft under!

Noire: Let's just get this done. The faster we get this game done, the faster we can stop playing this game.

Blanc only nodded her head as no other words needed to be said. Soejammy nodded his head too as he faced the door.

Soejammy: I'll take point. Follow my lead.

Location: Racoon Streets.

Soejammy: Samurai Edge - 15 bullets

Blanc: G19 Handgun - 7 bullets

Vert: G19 Handgun - 15 bullets

Once outside, the team could see some civilians running down the street. They were in terror as they ran away from any danger that would pose a threat to them.

Noire: There's still people alive in this apocalypse??

Soejammy: Yup. Even though we JUST came out of the subway, they don't see us and just keep running.

Neptune: Common for NPCs in games honestly. They just run and go off to who knows where.

The group sees a zombie walking out of an alley and turns towards the group.

Soejammy: Ah. Shooting practice has arrived early. Great.

Looking towards Vert and Blanc, Soejammy walks over to them.

Soejammy: Okay, pull your guns out you two.

Vert and Blanc nod as they pull out the pistols they were given and wait for further orders.

Soejammy: Now. When you aim the guns, there should be a crosshair that appears for you when you want to shoot.

Lifting their guns up, Vert and Blanc could see their own crosshairs but not each other. While they aimed, the crosshairs closed in and then all met in the middle.

Soejammy: The most opportune moment to fire is when the crosshair is in the middle. Once you do, it'll fire right in the middle area. It may not increase damage, but you'll hit right on point.

Blanc: And like all tropes to killing zombies...

Blanc and Vert both shot the zombie in the head as the zombie froze in place before falling backwards onto the ground. Smoke radiated from the holes the two shot from. Soejammy stepped closer to the zombie that went down and gave a whistle.

Soejammy: Nice shootin.

Before walking away from the zombie however, Soejammy pulled out the Samurai Edge and shot a bullet in the zombie's head. This caused a reaction to happen as the zombie made it's dying animation.

Blanc: What the?!

Vert: But we shot it in the head! How in the world-?!

Soejammy: Resident Evil games are not like your average zombie game now. Even IF you shoot them in the head, they still have a chance to get up. Many gamers don't attempt this as they like saving ammo. But double tapping the enemies is the only best way to check if the enemy is dead in this game. REMEMBER THIS.

Taking note of the info Soejammy gave, the team made sure to make sure the enemy is for sure dead before moving on. On the way, they found more handgun ammo as it contained 15 bullets. 1 bullet went to Soejammy's gun while another went to Vert and then whatever was left went to refilling Blanc's handgun to full. Making a total of 45 shots each from the three of them with 4 bullets left to spare. The group deals with more zombies on the way while Soejammy taught them his tactics of aiming and keeping distance from the enemies. To save bullets, Soejammy would use the knife when the enemy was knocked down and stab them in the heads. Once making their way to the next street, they come across a barricade that has zombies behind them with a wall of fire. Past them, is the substation where they need to be heading to. Looking down an alley, more fire could be seen as it was sustained due to some oil being on the floor.

Noire: Great. The place we need to head to is blocked. What now??

Soejammy: Next phase of the story.

Noire: What does that suppose to-

On cue Soejammy's radio went off as he picked it up, but Vert took the radio from him.

Soejammy: Vert!

Once answering the radio, Vert spoke into it.

Vert: Hello Carlos~

Carlos on the other end was confused and then spoke.

Carlos (Radio): Vert?? I thought I radioed Soejammy??

Vert: You did, but I thought I would answer for him and talk to you.

Carlos (Radio): O...kay...? Well, have you all reached above?

Vert looks around to examine her surroundings before answering back to Carlos.

Vert: We have, but ran into a complication.

Carlos (Radio): What's wrong??

Vert: A barricade keeping zombies back blocks a direct passage to the substation, while an alternative alley is scorching with fire. I see a fire hydrant as we could use a fire hose to put the fire out.

Carlos laughed as he began to speak into the radio again.

Carlos (Radio): Well, shouldn't be a problem for a tall glass of water such as yourself.

Vert blushed as she giggled shyly. The others just watched in annoyance as Vert spoke back into the radio to Carlos.

Vert: Oh my~ Are you trying to flirt with me~?

Carlos (Radio): Who knows. But try checking around and see to that you all can keep advancing.

Vert: Roger. Over and out, Carlos. See you soon~

Hanging up the call, Soejammy walked on over to Vert and put his hand out.

Soejammy: My radio please?

Vert hands Soejammy his radio while Blanc walked up to her.

Blanc: Falling in love with another video game character, Thunder Tits?

Vert: How can I not~? Those muscles~

Vert began to nosebleed while the others sighed. Soejammy looked at Noire and Neptune based on Vert's actions.

Soejammy: Think bringing her into this game was a mistake?

Noire and Neptune: Yes.

Soejammy: That makes me the third to agree. Now...

Soejammy takes a few steps before jumping up and landing on the ground. Hearing some scraping noise, the barricade holding another group of zombies back begins to come down from them pushing on it.

Noire: And as if we didn't have enough zombies yet...

Soejammy: This is Resident Evil. You're gonna see zombies left and right. Now... Just follow my lead, we're NOT going to- What are they doing?

Noire and Neptune look at Vert and Blanc as both were in a heated conversation.

Blanc: And I'm telling you that Carlos is just a video game character! We may be the same as him, but we have knowledge of the 4th wall!

Vert: Yet, I still see a possibility. Just ask the audience.

Blanc: When this book, they may disagree with you...

Vert: You don't know that. You weren't graciously gifted with beauty like I was.

A tick mark appears on Blanc's head by the mention of Vert's breasts.

Blanc: What did you just say??

Vert: Well, you could stand to have a chance of growing a pair, but... I don't think that would help honestly.


Soejammy's eyes popped out of his head and mouth went wide and began to yell when Vert said that and rushed over to her.

CPU Candidates (Outside TV): Oh no...

Soejammy: VERT! What have you done?!

Vert: Just talking to Blanc.

Soejammy: AND?! Blanc may have a small chest! But FLAT IS JUSTICE!!

CPU Candidates (Outside TV): Not again...!

Catching what he had just said, Soejammy looked behind him and he could see the fury in Blanc's anger as he screamed more.


Soejammy: The damage has been done!! RUN!!!

Running away from where Blanc was, he and Vert ran past Neptune and Noire and they could see Blanc begin to stampede after them.

Neptune and Noire: SON OF A BITCH!!

The two began to run with Soejammy and Vert as the group ran past groups of zombies no matter where they went. When Blanc came past each zombie, her punches obliterated each zombie as she paved a way to chase after Soejammy and Vert.


Soejammy had a look of fright on his face as he was being chased by Blanc.

Soejammy: Of all things! Why did I HAVE to say that in front of her!?

Neptune: You did say on Wattpad that she was your favorite.

Noire: And have a thing mostly for people like Blanc.

Soejammy looked at both of them and yelled at Noire and Neptune.


Vert: I don't know about you, but I'm alternating from my course.

Vert begins to run down a different path as Noire and Neptune follow.

Noire and Neptune: Us too.

Soejammy looked at the three as they went away from him.

Soejammy: Hey! Where does that leave me?!

Blanc: I'm going to kick your ass!!

Looking behind him, he could see Blanc chasing after him still as he yelled to the heavens.


Getting tackled into Moon's Donuts, the donut shop in the game, as Blanc begins to punch Soejammy repeatedly. The others poked their heads in to see about the situation as the three could see how badly Soejammy was getting beaten.

Vert: To think that would set her off... Although... I did accidentally break our agreement... Oops.

Noire: Habits die hard Vert...

Neptune: Like your cosplay?

Noire: Quiet!!

The beatdown Soejammy was getting as it took an hour to finish. Soejammy was beaten as he had some damages being regenerated to fix him up, thanks to the Recovery Coin.

Neptune: Hmm... I didn't think Blanc would beat him down that much...

Noire: Yeah...

Vert: I don't think I wanna know what would happen if that was me...

Soejammy: Oooooh... The pain...

Blanc pats her hands and then shakes her fist at Soejammy.

Blanc: That'll teach you!

Blanc then looks behind her to see Vert, Noire and Neptune freeze up in fright.

Blanc: Any of you say another word, I will beat you to hell just like I did with Jammy!!

Feeling a bone or two pop into place, Soejammy grunts with each repair the Recovery Coin was fixing.

Soejammy: Now I know how f**king Wolverine feels when he's healing his body. Jesus Christ...

Soejammy began to get up slowly as he could still feel the pain dealt to him.

Soejammy: I may have the coin... But it is no excuse to just beat me up whenever you want...

Blanc: Then don't get me angry. All I would just need to do would just beat you down to near death and you'll still be okay.

Soejammy: That doesn't make me a Saiyan...

Blanc: I know. And it'll show just how human you are.

Soejammy hung his head down at being told that with a sweat mark showing.

Soejammy: Not cool Blanc... Not cool...

Looking down a hall, Soejammy begins to walk towards it and opens a door.

Soejammy: Ah, and here is the Save Room in this area.

Location: Moon's Donuts, Save Room.

Soejammy: Samurai Edge - 15 bullets

Blanc: G19 Handgun - 15 bullets

Vert: G19 Handgun - 15 bullets

Spare Handgun bullets - 4

The others began to follow as they entered a small room and found a box. Neptune took it into her hands and opened it. Inside was a red gem that looked to be diamond shaped.

Neptune: Treasure~!

Soejammy: No, that is a key item.

Soejammy tries to reach for the gem as Neptune punches him in the face.

Neptune: Precious!

Soejammy: OW!!

Soejammy walked backwards and held his face. There showed a red circle where Neptune had punched him as it healed quickly. Soejammy quickly turned towards Neptune as she was laughing from the interaction.


Neptune: Ha! Had to make a Gollum reference.

Soejammy: If I wasn't in such a teamwork attitude, I would suplex you.

Neptune laughed as she looked at Soejammy.

Neptune: And then I would return the favor by doing it right back at you.

Soejammy: Of course you would...

The team decided to rest a little bit in the Save Room so that they weren't constantly moving.

Soejammy: So... After Blanc gave us a chase... Some of the zombies died because of her. Good thing, but not how the game was meant to be played.

Blanc: At least the area we pass by is clear from zombies.

Soejammy: But bullets are meant to be what helps end them... Not the emotions of-

Blanc began to crack her knuckles based on what was being said.

Blanc: Talk carefully if I were you.

Soejammy took a gulp and looked away from Blanc.

Soejammy: Fists may be powerful, but not recommended when facing against a moving enemy...

Noire: Stop complaining already. At least it saves some bullets from having to be fired.

Vert: Especially since the zombies seem to eat them up like caviar.

The group decided to take a break in the Save Room to think about where to go next. Soejammy pulls out the map of the area and takes a look over it. Neptune and Blanc walk over to where he was and look at the map with him.

Neptune: Map of the area?

Soejammy: Yup.

Blanc: Planning on where we should go to next?

Soejammy: Correct.

Neptune: Would there be any secrets and power-ups along the way.

Soejammy: Secrets, maybe due to easter eggs as references. But there are some places we should go to before getting the objective. But I know where that is like the back of my head.

Neptune got an idea and to which Soejammy looked at Neptune.

Soejammy: That doesn't entail that there is anything on the back of my head. It's an expression.

Neptune: Oh. I knew that.

Soejammy: No you didn't.

Checking his wrist, Soejammy sees his vitals being a dark green as all damage has been restored back to normal.

Soejammy: Okay. I think we rested long enough. Let's store the red jem away to keep any unnecessary items on us. The jem is only useful back at the subway. What we should focus on next is-

Before Soejammy could finish his sentence, some noise could be heard outside the Safe Room. This causes the group to get alarmed by the sudden noise. Nepgear comes in on the com to check on the group.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Did some enemies spawn outside the room?

Soejammy shook his head and placed two fingers on his ear to respond to Nepgear.

Soejammy: No. I never had to face any zombies inside the donut shop here.

Soejammy looked at the CPUs and gave a serious look to them.

Soejammy: Stay here. I'm going to check the situation out.

Blanc: We're coming with you.

Soejammy: No. The Safe Room is the only safe place if danger is outside. No enemies ever enter here. With the Recovery Coin I have, I stand a better chance at tanking damage.

Walking to the door, Soejammy pulls out the Samurai Edge to have it ready as he slowly opens the door and exits the room. He aims the gun down the hall and walks slowly to the previous room. He checks the room around him for any signs of movement as Soejammy moves slowly still. Soejammy turns on the flashlight equipped to him to help illuminate the areas in front of him. But even with the light, he couldn't find anything.

Soejammy: (Where's the enemy...? But yet... There shouldn't be... I know this after playing twice... The only other enemy that could enter here-)

The coms began to come in once more as Nepgear was worried about something.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Jammy! Be careful! You're in a cutscene moment!

Soejammy became shocked by hearing that and responded to Nepgear quickly.

Soejammy: WHAT?!

Bursting through the left doorway, the Nemesis appears before Soejammy as he roars.


This surprises the CPU Candidates watching the scene and catches the CPUs in the Safe Room's attention at hearing it past the wall.

Soejammy: SHIT!!!

Rushing out the other door, the Nemesis begins to chase after Soejammy. Soejammy looks behind him to see the Nemesis hurrying through the door as to keep up with him.

Soejammy: What the hell is going on?! The Nemesis wasn't supposed to appear until later!

Once the Nemesis is through, he glares at Soejammy as he looks back at the Nemesis. Nepgear answers Soejammy based on what is going on as she was worried.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Jammy! It called you "Author"! Did you change the game in some way and didn't tell us?!

Soejammy: No! I don't know how to hack or mod a game! The Nemesis was supposed to appear again AFTER getting our objective done! The game is supposed to play to the script! I fear something has happened!!

CPU Candidates (Outside TV): WHAT?!

Once getting through, the Nemesis tries to charge towards Soejammy to catch him. But Soejammy shoots an electrical box that was sparking and stuns the Nemesis for a short time. The CPUs come through the doors where Soejammy is and are shocked.

Noire: That thing isn't dead?! It took a rocket dead on!

Vert: Must be a special kind of enemy then.

Soejamme sees the CPUs and is afraid of the current situation.

Soejammy: (Shit! We don't have the firepower to take this thing on!) Girls!! Get to the main building for the Subways!! There's a fire hose in there that will help put the fire out! Once you get to the next place, there will be bolt cutters to help gain access to a shotgun and another gem!

Blanc: What about you?!

Soejammy gave a serious look towards Blanc as it surprised her how serious Soejammy was getting.

Soejammy: Don't WORRY about me! Just get going already!!

The Nemesis began to get up slowly and look behind to see the CPUs and was about to walk to them when a bullet was shot to the side of the Nemesis' head. The person responsible for this was Soejammy as he gave it a death stare.


Soejammy: You lay so much as a hand on them... I will f**k you up so bad, you won't dare show yourself again.

The Nemesis roared and began to charge towards Soejammy and readied itself to punch down towards the ground with it's right arm. Soejammy waited until it was closer and dodged to the side as the Nemesis crushed the ground with its strength. Soejammy kept his eyes on his enemy as the CPUs were still watching.

Soejammy: GET GOING!! I'm not keeping this thing busy for the fun of it!!

Getting snapped out of their stupor, the CPUs began to head the other way away from where the fight was happening, but Neptune didn't follow. Instead, she charged towards where Soejammy was.

Soejammy: Neptune?! I said get out of here! Not get INTO the fight!!

Neptune: Since when was I one for listening here? Running away or fighting is my choice buddy!

Soejammy: Ugh!!

Looking to where the Nemesis was, Soejammy shot the electrical box again to stun the Nemesis once more. Soejammy took Neptune's hand and began to run with her up the metal steps behind them. Checking his bullet count, Soejammy had about 12 shots left in his gun. The two turn right as they hear the Nemesis roar in anger that it had recovered in time. Soejammy and Neptune head up another set of stairs and turn right as they were on a small roof. Soejammy fires his gun at a barrel that was on the roof with them as it surprised Neptune.

Neptune: NEPU! Don't scare me like that!

Soejammy: Had to do it to kill two zombies with one explosive barrel. Now quit complaining and keep running!

Pushing Neptune ahead, the two kept going as the sound of the Nemesis was getting closer and closer to them. The two get to a ladder as Soejammy kicks it to activate a shortcut down back to the street they were at before. Neptune was the first to go down the ladder due to her not having a weapon equipped to defend herself. When Soejammy was about to climb down the ladder, the Nemesis appeared from around the corner and reached for Soejammy.

Soejammy: Whoa!

Soejammy dodges in time as he does a roll under the Nemesis' grab and stands up quickly behind it. The Nemesis turns around and tries to swing right and left in trying to attack him, but Soejammy ducked under each attack. When the Nemesis was about to throw a right punch, Soejammy was focused on that as he was blindsided by a left punch aimed at his gut. The punch caused him to cough up blood and make his eyes go wide in shock.

Soejammy: GUAH!!

The Nemesis reached Soejammy and lifted him up with one hand. Soon beginning to tighten its grip on Soejammy.


Neptune looks back up where Soejammy was and could hear he was in danger.

Neptune: JAMMY!!

The Nemesis glared at Soejammy as it tightened its grip on him in beginning to crush him.

Soejammy: Ngh! AAAAHHHH!!

Aiming his gun, Soejammy fired a few shots into the face of the Nemesis and was able to stun it somewhat. Soejammy got past the Nemesis and went straight to the ladder to quickly and slide down it. When reaching the bottom, Soejammy turned quickly and felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as it felt to have been broken from being grabbed and in his chest from being punched. Neptune hurried to Soejammy's side and helped support his weight to move.

Neptune: You okay?!

Soejammy: I have a broken shoulder... And maybe a few ribs broken again...

Neptune: Left side?

Soejammy nods his head as the Nemesis lands down on the ground in front of both of them. The force of the landing pushes both Soejammy and Neptune backwards and onto the ground.


The Nemesis begins to materialize a rocket launcher made specifically for it as a laser line aimed towards Soejammy in the head. Soejammy takes some breaths due to his life being in danger as he watched the Nemesis begin to pull the trigger slowly. But before the Nemesis could fire though, the rocket vanishes as the Nemesis twitches. It falls to its knees as it disappears, as if it wasn't even there to begin with. Soejammy took some deep breaths as he looked at wondering what had just happened. He looked towards Neptune as she was in the same kind of confusion like he was.

Neptune: What... Just happened...?

Soejammy: If I knew... I would answer it... But I don't.

Soejammy fell onto his back as he took some deep breaths. Neptune did the same as the sound of zombies and fire crackling could be heard in the background. Neptune looked up at the sky as some faint stars could be seen in the night sky of the game. Neptune looked towards Soejammy as she had a question on her mind about what they just experienced.

Neptune: Jammy?

Soejammy: Yeah?

Neptune: The enemy said "Author"... Right? We... We didn't imagine it... Right??

Soejammy looked towards Neptune and nodded softly.

Soejammy: It did... As to how or WHY... I'm honestly stumped...

Neptune: Oh... Okay...

The two just looked up at the sky for now. As Neptune had one more question.

Neptune: Jammy?

Soejammy: Yes?

Neptune: Can we just rest here for now? Since there's no enemies?

Soejammy: I... Wasn't planning on moving anyway...

Time Skip...

After some time passes, Blanc, Noire and Vert rush up from the road leading to Moon's Donuts and could see Jammy and Neptune lying on the ground.

Vert: Neptune! Jammy!

The others rushed to where the two were as Vert lifted Soejammy up while Noire went to Neptune's side.

Noire: Hey! You two okay?!

Noire shook Neptune roughly as Neptune opened her eyes.

Neptune: N-Noire...?

Noire: Yeah! It's me! Are you and Jammy okay?!

Neptune: Please... Come closer...

Noire didn't question Neptune's request as she leaned in to let Neptune whisper into her ear.

Neptune: *whispers* D-Do you have any pudding on you...?

Noire made a face before getting up and picked Neptune up from the ground. Noire proceeded to shake Neptune eractically as Neptune laughed at Noire's reaction.

Noire: We're here worried about you two, AND YOU'RE REQUESTING PUDDING!!

Neptune: Would I be me if I didn't~?

Noire looked at Neptune and dropped her. Resulting in Neptune landing on her ass.

Neptune: Owie! Now that hurt...

Blanc: What about Jammy?

The others looked at Soejammy as he opened his eyes. He looked around and saw that Noire, Blanc and Vert had returned.

Soejammy: Oh... Hey... Glad to see you three again...

Vert: You okay?

Soejammy looked at Vert and nodded his head softly.

Soejammy: While I was asleep, the coin I'm holding helped heal any damage I took from the Nemesis... *coughs* Oh, but it hurts...

Blanc: But what happened to it? Where did the Nemesis go??

The coms came in for the whole group as Nepgear began to speak through it.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Well, this is gonna sound strange...

Neptune: How strange are we talking Nep. Jr.? Weird weird? Or strange weird?

Nepgear (Outside TV): Weird weird.

Uni (Outside TV): From what Nepgear was able to pull from the set of data and explained it to us... The Nemesis seemed to like... spawn in due to a command code.

This caught Soejammy and Noire's attention as Noire was the first to speak it.

Noire: You mean... someone was controlling that... THING??

Uni (Outside TV): Seems like it.

Soejammy: But... That isn't a thing in this game...

Soejammy gasps at piecing something together.

Soejammy: Nepgear. Run a diagnostic on this game and see if there is a connection to another.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Which game?

Soejammy: A game that was for free when getting the Remake or RE 3. Resident Evil: Operation Resistance.

Waiting a moment for Nepgear to complete a request given to her. She returns to the coms to discuss what she found.

Nepgear (Outside TV): You're right. There seems to be a connection line from the game you're all in with another in Soejammy's game system. And the strangest part yet... The Nemesis data that we saw is FROM that game.

This seemed to surprise the 4 CPUs, except for Soejammy due to his speculation.

Soejammy: I thought that Nemesis was different...

Vert: "Different"? Does it have to do with how it spoke earlier??

Soejammy: I would believe so. Mainly the fact that it didn't say "S.T.A.R.S.". That's what the usual Nemesis would normally say.

Ram (Outside TV): So... What does this mean...?

Soejammy got up slowly with Vert's help as the last of the pain disappeared from his body.

Soejammy: That means there's definitely something wrong. The Nemesis we encountered is a clear identification of that.

Noire: Then we should get out of here! If this game has been hacked, we're putting ourselves at danger here!

Soejammy: No. Leaving the game at this point is too risky.

Noire got ticked and grabbed Soejammy by his shoulders.

Noire: What's that supposed to mean?! This isn't a GAME anymore!!

Soejammy knocked Noire's hands away from him and stared at Noire with a serious look in his eyes.

Soejammy: I'm saying that we can't leave this game until we figure out the person behind this.


Soejammy: THINK ABOUT IT WILL YOU!? If we leave the game right now, the person could summon the Nemesis and follow us out! We would have an unstoppable monstrocity on our hands as it raveges my stories left and right!

This catches the CPUs' attention as they listen to what Soejammy had to say.

Soejammy: This story, my other stories, ALL of them could potentially be attacked!! With this story being connected to my Wattpad, my imaginations can go haywired with what could happen! The Nemesis could attack Akira in the Naruto fanfiction I made, or Logan in Astral Chain! My mind comprises anything imaginable and can make ANYTHING happen here! What do you think will happen if that monster is released into YOUR WORLD?!

This frightens at the thought of what the Nemesis is capable of if this created copy was released into the other worlds if it left the game.

Soejammy: That's why we can't leave this game until we somehow beat it, or get rid of the coding.

Nepgear (Outside TV): Plus, there was something else when I was going through the coding. Something I didn't want to mention until the thought was brought up.

Vert: What is it Nepgear?

Nepgear (Outside TV): Whoever planned for this to happen, made an extention way of trying to make sure that the controllable Nemesis would be released if a portal was opened. There's an extra command for when activating the portal that it won't close until the Nemesis exits. By that, leaving the game...

This frightens the group for what Soejammy was fearing would be true.

Soejammy: I knew it. Summoning the controlled Nemesis was a ploy to try and get us scared to open a portal early. If we let whoever has their way with us, we'll be playing into their hands. All the more reason to not open the portal back home.

Blanc: Then... What do we do?

Soejammy: Well, you should know the answer to that already. Beat the game, erase the data and escape. No data, means no escape for the creature. That also means no world for it to sustain its form and raw power/intellect.

Neptune: Man... Just when I thought I was going to get away from work... I'm still having to save the world...

Through some camera's the group was being watched as a person watched from the otherside of where they were.

???: So, I found out huh? Should've expected that coming from him. Always on top of the game on thinking out of the box. But... Will that be enough to surpass MY intellect from the shadows though?

The person began to laugh slowly as it builds up to that of a bellowed laughter. With how the situation unfolds, the team's battle is just beginning on whether they can outplay the mysterious mastermind or be forced to do what the mastermind wants.

Chapter 1. End.

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