Teens rant on Bullies 😠 😒

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Bullies 😒

We have all heard about them, and most of us must have been bullied in one way or another. Physically, cyber, verbally, it comes in many forms and they are all wrong.

Anyone can be susceptible to bullying because it varies from situation to situation. There is no one type of kid that gets bullied despite what may be generally portrayed in movies and on TV. I came to understand it's not always a "nerdy," "antisocial," or "scrawny" kid that gets targeted. Similarly, there is no stereotype for a bully and many people can become one without anyone else even noticing.

Bullying in Real Life is Not Like the Movies

Very rarely is there someone slamming down books, shoving heads in toilets, or starting fistfights after class. Most kids today are bullied through more silent methods such as exclusion or being talked about behind their backs. Cyberbullying also tends to be more prominent today as it is more accessible thanks to group chats, apps that allow text or pictures to disappear, comments, and screenshots.

Tao - Well🌚 they still shove heads in toilets sha... In boarding schools🚶‍♀️
But yeah, Cyberbullying 😔

Akin - That cyber bullying ehn💔‼️
I heard one time that a babe killed herself because of it.

We all sit behind our phones every day, typing words, doing certain things and we don't care how it can affect the other person.

Tao - Lmao. Made me remember when Amina sent the screenshot of a girl telling the other not to type in the group again, because she types like a retard or something...
Like guyyyyy... Tf?!

Rita - Same here, I wanted to go to that group and insult that Bisola. I shall never forget that name

If your name is Bisola, no offence.

I crossed an argument that was going on in a comment section on Facebook, and a young girl of about 15 was insulting a woman old enough to be a mother. She won't do that if she was to be face to face with her, but she has her phone and she feels she can throw words at anyone.

And this is really wrong.

The rise of cyberbullying shouldn't lead to you banning your social media use, but there is definitely the need for you to have a conversation about it. Youth and teens of all ages need to fully understand how what they are typing and how posting can hurt the feeling of others. They also have to understand that almost nothing on the internet is truly private, and whatever you post doesn't ever fully disappear, even if an app makes it seem like it does. Just because you intend for one person to see it, doesn't mean it won't reach the eyes of others.

To break the cycle of bullying, it takes one person to step up and speak out. We are always taught about the bystander effect and how saying nothing can be just as bad as doing the action itself. Instead of standing by and hoping the problem will be fixed by someone else, teach your teen to stand up for their friends whether it be by telling a trusted adult, making someone feel included, or by not condoning the actions taking place.

I hate bullies, but how do I know someone doesn't see me as a bully?

Are there people that are intimidated by me or that my words are knifes in their heart everytime? Does this make me a bully?

Amba - Many ppl are intimidated by me, maybe it's my voice

Tao - Well I don't think so sha🌚
I'm sort of an adviser for people on my CL, and they tend to always come back for advice or refer new people who also refer new people. So I don't think I am👀 and if I am... Ah🚶‍

Do you feel that way at times, share your thoughts here ------>>>

Amba - My cousin was being bullied👀. She was called ugly and worthless. I went up to that bully i almost sweared for her self😒

Rita - why would someone even say words like that?!

Amba - The girl is foolish of you now see her, epitome of ugliness😒

Queen - You're also insulting the person which is not a good way to settle such things. Just say something like, "She's not too easy on the eyes herself"😊

Rita - You're too nice 😂😂

Tao -  Lol
Bodyshaming too...
That shit has caused depression to lotta people.
Bodyshaming from people they've not even met oh... online stuff.

Rita - Exactly, I have seen situation of a girl who hardly post her pics, she only does that when she is on heavy make-up and almost unrecognizable.

All because someone said she has a big nose *double sniff* big nose ain't that bad, it's a part of you that you can't change.

Tao - O ga😹 but tbh too🌚 some people's self esteem affect them too sha. Like maybe I told you something you need to adjust on without saying it harshly, some people will still take it as an insult.. so😚🚶‍

Rita - It's true, and that's because it's a weak point for them, something they are always self conscious of

Tao - See🚶‍♀️
This life no balance

Rita - 😂😂 someone has called me a snub.
I don't understand how I am a snub, I am the friendliest person I know.

Queen - You are🌚

Thank you Queen 🌝

Tao - Wo.. that snub thing nah general something oh😹😹 no matter how nice, you will proud to some people and a snub to some people🚶‍♀️

Rita - And it's not like they approached you and you ignored them, some people are quick to judge.

Tao - Tbh😹 it might even be people you don't know and have never talked to😹 you'll hear... She looks proud. What's the meaning of that one?😒

Dark rose - My dad always tells me I'm not good enough and can never be good enough.
He always compares me with people, which made me stop expressing myself.
Untill recently,
I kept telling myself that I'm more than enough and I'm one of a kind.

Bigby wolf -  I think a lot of African kids can relate on this to some extent

Queen - That's it.... Go girl (or boy)‼️‼️

Tao - That's the spirit

Rita - that's wrong of him.
My father does that too, comparing me with other kids who can speak their native language fluently 😒
Is it my fault that I can't speak Igbo? 😒😂😂

Bigby wolf - Funny enough only thing I know how to speak is English
Small Japanese 🌚

Queen -  Why do all boys think that because of anime you understand Japanese😂

Dark rose - Tell me about it
They just feel that we must be perfect

Do we agree that even our parents can be bullies at times, comparing their kids to other children.
Share your views here -------->>

Amba - I'm bullied about my weight alot but it's not always direct🤸🏾‍♀️. But i learnt to deal with it by living with it

Rita - Own your size girl! Flaunt it 😎

Queen - Yessssssssssss I'm all for that

So, we talked and talked and almost deviated from the topic, till...

Rita - Ok, so before we deviate from the topic totally, can we all drop a small piece of writing on bullying and a sentence or advice for bullied teens.

Queen - Stay alive😊

Tao - Don't listen to anyone😩 and if any online bullying gets to you, talk to a caring adult. And don't ever take suicide as an option.

Everyday that goes by is you surviving, you're a warrior, don't let anyone put you down, no one is perfect.

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