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"Prism!" Teal declared as he and Parch came running up to the small dragonet in the Art Cave. "We gotta talk to you."

"Okay," Prism agreed, setting down her paintbrush. "Talk." Parch glanced over at Cyan and eyed him warily.

"Alone." Teal specified. Prism shrugged.

"Anything you wanna say to me, you can say in front of Cyan too." She insisted.

"Yeah." Cyan agreed. "I'm harmless."

"And so are cacti." Parch said sarcastically. "Please, Prism?"

"No." She said stubbornly. "Either say it in front of me AND Cyan or leave." She was very stubborn about getting everyone to like Cyan, but the more time everyone spent around the Seawing, the more they all got the impression that something was.... off with him. That something wasn't quite right, but they didn't know what it was yet.

"Fine," Teal said with a sigh. He explained the plan to her.

"....So you want me to join your super secret mission?" Prism concluded.

"Pretty much, yeah." Parch agreed.

"And you're gonna talk to Fiji?" She questioned. "That's unlikely. Fiji doesn't talk about things if he doesn't want to talk about them."

"So you know Fiji," Parch declared.

"Of course I know him!" Prism insisted. "He's my uncle."

"Wait what?" Teal frowned.

"He's Aunt Hope's husband." She explained. "He doesn't have wings, either. That's why Hope lives in the Headquarters with him. He hasn't really left there since he was brought there near the end of the Hybrid War."

"Interesting." Parch commented. It was interesting. Why didn't Fiji have wings? Could something have happened to them, or was it simply an irregularity, like a Sandwing without a tailbarb, or a Rainwing who couldn't change their scale color?

"Alright," Prism agreed. "I'm in."

"Wait," Cyan started. "You're just gonna go traveling across the continent with two random dragons?" Prism blinked.

"He's my cousin," She began, pointing at Teal. "And he's dating my cousin." She pointed at Parch. "So they're not random dragons, and besides, we're just going to visit my aunt and uncle. No big deal." Cyan still looked uneasy.

"What if I came too?" He offered. "Just to make sure you were safe." Parch and Teal looked lightly offended.

"I'm pretty sure we can take care of a three year old dragonet," Teal commented.

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure she can take care of herself better then Teal can." Parch went on. Teal shot a glare at him. Prism hesitated and then smiled apologetically at Cyan.

"Sorry," She insisted. "It's not that I don't want you to come- because that would be really cool. But, it's just...."

"What?" Cyan questioned.

"The Headquarters location is kind of a secret." She offered. "I can't show it to just anyone."

"But you're bringing them to it without a second thought!"

"Yeah, but Parch is Byosen's son." Prism explained. "So he's allowed to be there, and Teal is my cousin, so he's family. And they're both royalty, soooooo....."

"Well....." Cyan sighed. "Fine. Just be careful."

"We will be," Prism smiled. "You're the best, Cyan."

"If by best you mean completely evil," Teal muttered.

"Agreed." Parch nodded. 


So, that night, Parch, Teal, and Prism headed for the entrance of the school.

"Nope," A stern voice declared, stopping them.

"Oh, come on Deathbringer," Parch insisted. "We'll be right back."

"Nope." Deathbringer repeated, crossing his arms. "I'm in enough trouble as it is. If you three disappear, Glory will force me back to the rainforest."

"So?" Parch questioned.

"SO, I have to be here!" He declared. "Glory needs my protection! Oh, and the rest of the school too."

"But how can the school stay safe if there's someone kidnapping students?" Teal asked.

"Well... We'll stop them."

"That's what we're trying to do." Parch explained. "Teal and I have a lead that could crack open this whole mystery, but we need you to let us out of the school so that we can explore it." Deathbringer paused.

"Then what do you need Prism for?" He asked.

"They need me in order to talk to someone," Prism explained. "They can't get in on there own."

"...And you're positive this will help whatever's going on?" Deathbringer questioned.

"Positive." Parch proclaimed. "Something big is being hidden, and it has something to do with why Rosella disappeared, and we're going to figure it out."

"And Sage." Teal reminded the prince. "Sage, Pax, Rosella, Raven, and that Sandwing-Skywing hybrid."

"Yeah, them too." Parch waved him off.

"And you're not going anywhere dangerous?" Deathbringer pressed.

"Define dangerous." Prism insisted.

"Somewhere where you could end up in a jail cell, tortured, or dead."

"Nope! Nowhere dangerous."

"And you'll come right back?"

"We promise." Teal declared. Deathbringer hesitated.

"If anything goes wrong," He began. "Or I lose my job, I am blaming all of you."

"Understood." Parch agreed. Deathbringer sighed and shut his eyes.

"Alright, go. If I don't see you leave, maybe Glory won't kill me as bad."

"Good luck with that," Teal offered, and they slipped past the Nightwing and into the sky.

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