The Colors of the Wings

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It didn't take too long for the trio of dragonets to arrive at the Color of the Wings headquarters. But as they approached the supposed entrance to the mountain, two Rainwings faded into view and eyed them suspiciously. Parch and Teal jumped as they appeared.

"Glory sent a couple guards to help them out." Prism explained.

"Who are you, and what is your business here?" One of the Rainwings demanded.

"I'm Princess Prism of the rainforest," Prism said calmly. "Daughter of Ember and Apple. These are my friends- Prince Teal and Prince Parch. Parch is Boysen's son. We're here to visit my aunt, her name is Hopeseeker."

The guards exchanged a glance.

"Oh! And I also have this." Prims dug through the pouch around her neck and then held up an engraved chakram. The guards looked at it and then stepped aside.

"Welcome to the Colors of the Wings," One of them offered. Prism grinned, and they headed inside.

"Woah," Parch commented as they entered the mountain. Prism smiled.

"It's quite a sight, isn't it?" She offered. "My dad worked here for years, sorting weapons for them during the war and such. He's good friends with the leader's younger sister."

"Crimson," Parch supplied. "Her I know. She visits the Stronghold occasionally to talk with Thorn and visit my parents."

"She comes to the rainforest too," Teal went on. "But Cinder rarely leaves here." 

They wandered around the mountain, searching.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Parch questioned. He had never met Fiji or Hope before, so he had no idea what they looked like.

"A Nightwing, or a brown dragon with no wings." Prism supplied. They glanced around.

"There!" Teal called, pointing over at a dark dragon he vaguely recognized. It had been a long time since Hope had visited the rainforest, but Teal had a good memory. Prism ran over instantly.

"Aunt Hope!" She shouted, barreling into the dragon.

"Prism?" Hope questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"Ummmmm," Prism offered. She glanced back at Parch and Teal, and Hope followed her gaze.

"Who's this?" 

"This is Parch," Prism supplied. "He's the prince of the Sandwing Kingdom."

"Of course, Boysen's son," Hope smiled. "I'd recognize those eyes anywhere." Parch smiled.

"And you remember Teal, right?" Prism went on. Hope nodded.

"Of course. The smart one. It's been a while." She offered. "I heard you have a younger brother now."

"Yep." Teal confirmed. "His name is Mako."

"Cute," Hope grinned. "So, what can I do for you all?"

"Well, you see," Prism began. "There's a problem at JMA."

"This weird symbol keeps popping up, and we think it's related to the fact that students have started disappearing," Parch explained. "We know the symbol relates to the Hybrid War somehow, but my dad refuses to talk about it."

"We were hoping Fiji might know something." Prism insisted. Hope paused.

"Maybe." She admitted. "Fiji spent years here during the war, and he heard everything. But I should warn you, there are some touchy subjects that it would be best not to bring up."

"Understood," Teal agreed. "We just want to see if he even recognizes the symbol."

"Can I see it?" Hope asked. "I don't have as much knowledge as Fiji, but Crimson shared a lot about the war with me." Parch took out the paper with the symbol on it and handed it to her. Hope frowned.

"Anything?" Prism asked hopefully.

"It looks familiar," She admitted. "I think I may have seen it on some papers in Cinder's office before, but I don't know what it means." 

"Well then, if Fiji doesn't know, then maybe we could ask Cinder." Parch suggested. Hope snorted.

"Cinder doesn't talk to just anyone." She offered. "And it would be easier to get information out of a hermit crab then her. I suggest you start with Fiji. If he knows anything that might help you, he'll tell."

Hope lead them back to a small cave, where a wingless dragon was sitting at a table, examining a scroll.

"Fiji?" Hope offered. He glanced up. "We have visitors." She stepped aside and let Parch, Teal, and Prism into the room.

"Hi Uncle Fiji!!" Prism declared, running over and hugging the dragon.

"Hi Prism," Fiji grinned. "Who's your friends?"

"That's Parch and Teal." She explained.

"Parch," Fiji echoed. "You must be Boysen's son."

"Yes sir." Parch confirmed.

"He talks so much about you in his letters," Fiji remarked. "You're quite the troublemaker."

"Just a tad." He admitted with a sly smile.

"What can I do for you?" He asked.

"We were hoping you would be able to answer some questions for us." Teal admitted. "You see, this strange symbol showed up at JMA, and now students are disappearing."

"We think someone's taking them somewhere, but we don't know where or why." Parch went on. He held out the paper. "Does this mean anything to you?"

Fiji looked at the symbol and froze. The color drained from his face.

"The missing students," He whispered. "Are any of them hybrids?"

"Yes." Parch confirmed. "All of them."

"No no no." Fiji shook his head. "Not again."

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