Chapter 47: Holding it together

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Akira: "Previously on Let the experiment begin. After witnessing the death of the prime minister of Touto we all try our best to stop Evol and his plan but he has reached phase one of his plan when took possession of the Evol Driver and become Kamen Rider Evol."

Rias: "Hey question why does Itsuki acted weird when he murdered Freed."

Akira: "I don't know. But after Evolto backstabbed and killed Kokabiel he tries to escape an unknown person in white armor challenges up to him. Also wow that barrier sucked as if it takes Evolto to break it then I swear to god- oh wait I forgot Kokabiel said god is dead before he died."

Sento: "Hey can we just get on with the chapter. What will happen next?"

Akira: "Dad can you let me try to explain to the readers."

Sento: "Nope."


Rias: "So I guess god was dead..." Everyone but the riders (Except Saji) were shocked about how god was dead

Itsuki: "Yeah what a shame. What a shame but be glad that Kokabiel is dead."

Xenovia: "True. Wow that's probably the first time I agree with you."

Itsuki: "Yeah well that's one enemy down and one more to go."

Akeno: "What do you mean?"

Ryu: "We still have Evolto."

Issei: "What about him. He just helped us plus he doesn't look like a problem for us."

Akira: "Issei he killed a Fallen angel capable of doing massive destruction compare to you he can beat you up and that's not even his final form."

Issei: He was shocked "Are you joking?"

Sento: "Nope unfortunately he's not joking what happened here we barley survived but if we were to go up against Evol we would be dead if we don't surpass our limits."

Xenovia: "Basically we're screwed."

Itsuki: "Yep-umm guys look over there." Then they all see Evol and The unknown white armor (Vali) in a mexican standoff

Evolto: "Got a name stranger."

Vali: "My name is Vali and the armor you see is Albion also known as the white dragon emperor."

Evolto: "Ooh you have an interesting weapon but I'm assuming your not here for me."

Vali: "I just wanted to see how powerful you really are but from my perspective this isn't your true form?"

Evolto: "Aww you know me."

Vali: "Very well I shall beat you and end your life."

Evolto: "Those who stands in my way shall perish."

Vali "I will eliminate you." Then Evol just laughs

Evolto: "So you dare challenge me? Very well but let's meet another time." Then Akira faces up against Evol

Akira: "Dam you!" Then he goes for attacks but Evol dodges and then he disappears but not before saying his last words

Evolto: "Ciao." He disappears

Akira: "Well we are screwed also for some reason there's a music stuck in my head."

Ryuga: "So what we go and find Evol and stop him?"

Team Build: "Of course."

The next day

Team Build we're deciding on what's thier next plan and they decided to just drink some coffee that Akira made which was better than Soichi

Sento: "For once I can drink homemade coffee that doesn't drink like crap."

Ryuga: "Agree. Though what's the next step?"

Ryu: "Find him and defeat him- ow!" He got hit in the head

Akira: "Yeah and how are we gonna find him is the problem."

Ryuga: "What If we split up and find him."

Sento: "I guess it would. You with me, Akira with Ryu and Saji, And Gentoku with Itsuki and Hygami."

Team Build: "Got it."


As the trio were finding Evolto and they were at the harbor until they hear a whistling

Evolto: "Hello I see you came to me?"

Akira: "Evolto we'll be defeating you once and for all." Then the three pulls out their drivers and Ryu takes out his magma Knuckle, Akira with the FullFull bottle with the hazard trigger and Saji with the robot jelly

Bottle burn!

Cross-Z magma!

Max hazard on!


Rabbit and Rabbit

Robot jelly!

Then Ryu and Akira twist the crank as Saji pulls the wrench

Are you ready!

Akira/Ryu/Saji: "Henshin!"

Overflow! Kurenai no Speedy Jumper! RabbitRabbit! Yabei! Haei!

Gokunetsu kinniku! Cross-Z Magma! Achachachachachacha Acha!

Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! Robot in Grease! Buraa!

Akira/Ryu/Saji: "Ha!!!!" They all charged in at Evolto to which Evolto just kept blocking their attacks like nothing

Evolto: "Still nothing. Oh Saji how does it feel to know about how God is dead?"

Saji: "Shut up!" Then he kept attacking him with the twin breaker but Evolto fell and got up

Evolto: "It's been a while since I used the Rider system."

Ryu: "Stalk, Evolto, Evol... make up your mind!" He then pulls out the best closer and insert the dragon magma Fullbottle

Special tune! Hiparre! Mega hit!

Then Ryu charges at Evolto which resulted for Evolto to collided and stand his ground

Ryu: "What the?!"

Evolto: "This is merely 2% of my power." Then he pushes him away as he pulls out the nebulasteam gun and then he fires a theme "I will continue to grow stronger but in order to do so I have to get rid of you." He charges at Akira and Akira thought he was prepared but Evolto was so fast that he was behind him and fired at him and then Akira's armor disappeared quickly and then that's when the other members of Team Build arrive to see the fight "Ahh more company perfect."

Akira: "Gah..." Then he sees Ravel and Akeno

Ravel: "Akira!"

Evolto: "Now time to finis two you off." He charges at Ryu and Saji and then fires an energy blast which then was powerful enough for their armor to disappear

Ryu: "Dam he's strong..." Then everyone but Ryu, Saji, And Evolto went to check on Akira to find that he felt like he was being choked as black stuff was around his neck

Ravel: "Akira!"

Ryu: "What did you do?!"

Evolto: "I injected him with extraterrestrial poison to his body." Then he grabs two Fullbottle that Akira dropped to the ground and placed them onto a red Pandora Box panel "He'll have about three days to live."

Ravel: "No..."

Evolto: "Ciao." Then he disappears in a cloud of smoke

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin

Akira: "Gah!!!" He was screaming in pain

Evolto: "I came to make a deal..."

Ryu: "BASTARD!!!"

Evolto: "Why would even try to save humanity and the devils."

Ryu: "My only partner is Akira Kiryu."

Ryu: "I'm the hero here..."

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