Chapter 48: Best match dissolved

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Sento: "Last time on Let the experiment begin. After witnessing a fallen angel death and Evolto to disappear. My son and his friends decided to find him without my permission."

Ryuga: "No you let them split up to find Evolto."

Sento: "That's-"

Kazumi: "And I question if you are a good father."

Sento: "Well-"

Gentoku: "Even I agree with him."

Sento: "Enough!"

Ryu: "Anyways Evolto has injected Akira with poison and had three days to liv-" Then he hears Ravel crying

Ravel: "Akira..."

Ryu: "Oh god help me. Oh wait he's dead. Quick what will happen next?"

It starts off with Akira and everyone else at the hospital with Akira at the emergency room

Akira: "Gah!!!" He was screaming in pain

Ravel: "I hope he's ok..."

Sento: "Well I don't think he will."

Akeno: "What do you mean?"

Sento: "I talked to the doctor and they said that there isn't a cure for this..." This was when he realized it

Sento: "Oh no...."

Ryuga: "What?"

Sento: "No no no..."

Ryuga: "Sento wrong the hell is wrong?!

Sento: "Ryuga this is a repeat."

Everyone else: "A what?"

Sento: "A repeat! We are living multiple similar scenarios that we've been through."

Ryuga: "Yeah that does make sense because you also were infected by Evolto when he injected you poison."

Sento: "Yeah so that means... we have to change the course of this time we gotta try to stop it from continuing."

Ryuga: "Ok so what happened after the poison."

Sento: "Let's see you get posses by Evolto, open the box, then I get possessed, yada yada yada death, yada yada yada, another person is dead..."

Gentoku & Kazumi: "What?!"

Sento: "Nothing." Then Akira's phone rang and it was from Soichi and so Sento answers it "Hello?"

Soichi (Under control of Evolto): "Ahh if it isn't... um whose this?"

Sento: "This is the father of Akira, Sento."

Soichi: "Oh yeah I remember now I know how worried you are about your son."

Sento: "Dam you."

Soichi: "Anyways I want you to meet me at Nascita and bring Misora." He hangs up


Sento, Ryuga, Ryu, Ravel, and Misora made it to the lab of Nascita and sees papers and stuff thrown to the ground

Ryuga: "What the hell are you doing?!"

Soichi: "I thought you would have kept the Pandora Box here."

Sento: "Dam you..." He was about to go and punch him but Ryuga and Ryu held him down

Ryu: "Look what do you want."

Evolto: "I came to make a deal..."

Sento: He calms down "And that's?"

Evolto: "Hand me the Pandora Box and the bottles from a Touto and I'll cure your son."

Sento: "No deal..."

Evolto: "Oh so you would let your own son die?" Everyone went quiet "You have no options."

Misora: "Bastard... how dare you possess my own father?" Things went sour as Ravel steps in

Ravel: "And not only that you're the reason why were in this situation... poisoning the one I love... you heartless bastard." Then Misora grabs Evolto

Misora: "You bastard give me back my father!" Then suddenly her eyes turned green meaning Vernage was taking over

Ryu: "Oh crap." Then suddenly a force of energy pushed everyone but Vernage and Evolto

Evolto: "Your powers are fading." Then he uses his powers to make Vernage let go of him and pushed her back

Sento & Ryuga: "Misora!" They both went up and check on her

Evolto: "So do we have a deal?"

The next day

Ryu and Evolto were at a building where the Box was held

Evolto: "So that's where it's held. Now about the bottles."

Ryu: "Just wait the others are here to pick them up."

Evolto: "So remember how you were an alien but to find out you are a part of me"

Ryu: "Yeah and?"

Evolto: "I have my reason why. You see I had to take possession of someone so I thought of taking a part of you before you were born. Long story short if we combined that would be the true Evolto."

Then an ambulance comes as it opens to find Kazumi carrying a box of bottles from Touto, and Akeno, Ravel, Saji, Itsuki, Ryuga And Hygami with Akira who is barley able to stay alive and the driver being Sento

Kazumi: "Are you sure we should trust him?"

Ryu: "We have no choice." Then Kazumi hands the box to Ryu and Ryu walks up to Evolto but they were at a far distance "Alright heal Akira and I'll hand you the bottles." Then he laughs "What's so funny?!"

Evolto: "If you want the poison extracted from Akira then you have to defeat me.Once i'm destroyed then the poison from Akira will be gone" Then the heart monitor started beeping little slow "Now then let's fight with the bottles and Akira's life on the line." Then Sento, Ryuga, Saji, Hygami, and Itsuki steps out and joins the fight

Bottle Burn!

Robot Jelly!

Max hazard on!


Rabbit and Rabbit!

Gear engine! Gear remocon! Funky match!

Gear remocon! Gear engine! Funky match!

Wake up!

Akira, Ryu, Ryuga, Kazumi, Saji, Itsuki, Hygami: "Henshin/Hopeful mystify!"

Cross-Z Magma! Are you ready? Gokunetsu kinniku! Cross-Z Magma! Achachachachachacha Acha!

Cross-Z Dragon! Are you ready? Wake up burning! Get Cross-Z Dragon! Yeah!

Are you ready? Overflow! Kurenai no Speedy Jumper! RabbitRabbit! Yabei! Haei!

Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! Robot in Grease! Buraa!

Fever! Perfect!

Evolto: "It doesn't matter the six of you come at me Then he pulls out the evol bottle

Cobra! Rider system! Evolution!

Then he twist the crank

Are you ready!

Evolto: "Henshin."

Cobra! Cobra! Evol Cobra! Fuhahahahahahahaha!

Sento: "Remember he isn't a pushover we have to beat him together."

Team build: "Yeah!" Then they all charged at him and for Evolto he first went first with the gear bros. because he knew how much their skills were so he pulls out the steam blade and charges at Hygami rather than Itsuki

Evolto: "Now you're skills were great but it doesn't matter how much you use Hellbros as i'll be the one to shatter you apart!" Then he kicks him aside as Saji and Kazumi goes after him "Even I can't tell you two apart but no matter what." He throws Saji at Kazumi "It'll fail as always."

Ryu: "BASTARD!!!" Then he kept punching him as it became a struggle for these two and then everyone pulls on the wrench, twist the crank, and for the last two to go for a kick

Ready go! Hazard finish! RabbitRabbit finish!

Ready go! Draconic finish!

Ready go! Volcanic finish!

Scrap finish!

Funky kick! Hellbros! Funky kick!

Funky kick! BiKaiser! Funky kick!

Then the collision made Evolto to fall

Evolto: "I see then... i'll take you out one by one." Then he up and then pulls out the steam blade and the nebulastream gun and fires at Hygami and slashes and Itsuki to which they do the same at Evolto and then Evolto combines his weapons

Rifle mode!

Electric steam!

He inserts the cobra bottle


Then he fires

Steam shot!

He shot Hygami as the energy blast reqoshet and hits Itsuki causing their armor to disappear

Hygami/Itsuki: "Gah!" They went back to the ambulance to protect Akira, Ravel, and Akeno just in case but they knew they could fight

Then Evolto twist the crank

Ready go! Evoltec finish! Ciao!

Then he kicks Kazumi and Saji and blasted them with Hygami and Itsuki causing their armor to disappear as well

Evolto: "Now to deal with you two." Sento then grabs the FullFull bottle and shakes it and for it to go to tank


then he inserts it onto his driver

Tank and Tank!

He twist the crank

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!

Sento: "Build up!"

Overflow! Kōtetsu no Blue Warrior! TankTank! Yabei! Tuei!

Then they continue fighting one another until it Blood Stalk went and increased his powers and fires to which he twist the crank once more

Ready go! Evoltec finish! Ciao!

He kicks Sento and then roundhouse kicks Ryuga causing their armor to disappear

Sento/Ryuga: "Gah!!" He fell to his ground "

Ryu: "Dam you!" He started to fight against Evolto and to which these two were still close enough to beat him but meanwhile Akira's heart monitor started to increase as the poison was getting worse

Evolto: "Why would even try to save humanity and the devils."

Ryu: "All lives were meant to be protected!"

Evolto: "Hazard level 4.7? You can do better than that right partner."

Ryu: "My only partner is Akira Kiryu." He kept getting angry as he kept striking harder

Evolto: "And yet you say that all lives were meant to be protected but you had to help kill a fallen angel."

Ryu: "SHUT UP!" He still kept punch harder and harder

Evolto: "But don't you think that this war was started out by humanity? Overall why fight to protect humanity who fights each other?"

Ryu: "Don't talk like you know them! They fight to rise up to protect the people!"

Then Evolto once more twist the crank

Ready go! Evoltec finish! Ciao!

Then Ryu's armor disappears as he was kicked by Evolto

Ryu: "Dam you." He was about to go and transform

Sento: "Don't it'll kill you."

Evolto: "So what will you do? Will you let Akira die or will you give yourself up to save your friend?" Then Akira was screaming in pain as he breaths heavily

Ryu: "I would never quit as that's what would everyone would do."

Ryu: "I'm the hero here..." Then he grabs the bottle and insert it to the magma knuckles

Bottle burn!

Then he insert in onto his driver

Cross-Z Magma!

He twist the crank

Are you ready!

Ryu: "Henshin!"

Gokunetsu kinniku! Cross-Z Magma! Achachachachachacha Acha!

Then it became night as Ryu was glowing bright red and as fire was on the ground mostly from Cross-Z magma and a bit on his hands from him but he was burning

Saji: "Ryu your body won't be able to take it!"

Ryu: "I don't care." Then they both fight as Akira was in a terrible state

Ravel: "Akira don't die!"

Evolto: "Perfect keep on fighting me. Hazard level 4.9. Almost there!" They both fight each other as Ryu kept fighting with anger

Ryu: "My flame, soul, and magma is burning brighter than before!" Then this was his power was even stronger

Evolto: "Perfect! Hazard level 5.0!" Then Ryu pulls out the magma knuckles as takes out and puts back the bottle

Bottle burn!

Then Evolto twist the crank again as Akira got up and then hears the heart monitor to slowly beeps as his heart beating really slowly

Ravel: "Akira...AKIRA!" She was shaking him to try to get him up

Ready go! Evoltec finish ciao!

Ready go! Volcanic finish!

Then both Evolto and Ryu charges with a punch towards one another as they punch each other which resulted in a huge bright light and a great amount of energy bursted and when it was over only Ryu stand there but something wasn't right

Akeno: "Ryu..." She went up to him and then suddenly Ryu somehow cured Akira of the poison and he wakes up with his heart beating normal

Ravel: "Akira!" She hugged him as she started to cry uncontrollably

Saji: "Ryu how did you cure him?"

Evolto: He possessed Ryu "I just did it because I was nice for once." This shocked everyone including Akeno as she wanted Ryu back

Akeno: "What the hell did you do?!"

Evolto: "I possessed him he and I were meant to be one." He pulls out the the evol driver

Evol driver!

Then he pulls out the rider system and one new evol bottle

Dragon! Rider system! Evolution!

He twist the crank

Are you ready!

Evolto: "Henshin!"

Dragon! Dragon! Evol Dragon Fuhahahahahahahaha

This have everyone shocked on his next form

Evolto: "Phase 2: Complete"

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment begin

Evolto: "I will rise victorious."

Akira: "I will not let you bring destruction upon this earth."

Evolto: "This world is done for!"

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