Chapter 49: Phase 2: Dragonic Musclehead

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Sento: "Last time on Let the experiment begin Akira was on the verge of death but that was when Ryu fought Evolto but what he didn't know was that it was all a trap and caused Evolto to possess him and for him to reach phase two."

Akira: He coughs blood "Wow that took guts."

Sento: "Rest up son you nearly died also your girlfriend was really worried about you."

Akira; "Geez like I did- wait how did you know Ravel was my girlfriend?"

Sento: "She told me."

Akira: "Well damn. Whatever. What will happen next?"

Starting off with Evolto already taken possession of Ryu to which was a surprise to everyone but Sento

Akeno: "Ryu..." She went up to Evolto but that was more of a mistake as with the power of possessing Ryu Evolto was able to use  his ability to shoot out fire and then Akira pushed her out of the way but he received a burn mark on his hand in the shape of the build symbol

Akira: "Grr..." He was getting up slowly and tries his best to keep calm but then Evolto takes the suitcase of every bottle from Touto

Evolto: "I will rise victorious." Then he walks his way to the building and burned through the steel door and find the Pandora Box left unguarded and was about to grab it until Akira appears at the door

Akira: "I will not let you bring destruction upon this earth."

Evolto: "Oh so you'll fight me in the condition you're in?"

Akira: "Shut up!" He pulls out the driver and puts it on and then the hazard trigger and press the button

Max hazard on!

Then he shakes the fullfull bottle and shakes it and twist the gold part for rabbit


He inserts in onto the driver

Rabbit and Rabbit!

Akira: "Henshin!" He twist the crank

Overflow! Kurenai no Speedy Jumper! RabbitRabbit! Yabei! Haei!

Akira: He then goes for a punch which was blocked "How were you able to possess Ryu?"

Evolto: "Oh I never told you. You see he and I are one and the same. Two halves of the same entity." Then he kicks him "You see years ago after a drone that landed on mars I had to find a way to get off that planet and find another one to destroy. So I tried possessing Ryu's mother but the result didn't go as planned." He continues kicking him "Instead of the mother it ended up possessing the child she was pregnant with." Then it turned into a fist to fist fight which Evolto had the advantage "When she gave birth to the child it lost all of its memories and was a mere human." Then they both continue fighting

Akira: "So basically the reason you possessed him was be into one?!" He deliver a hard punch

Evolto: "Exactly so in order to be one I had to take possession of someone so I first took possession of Soichi Isurugi but when he was no use of me I then took possession of your father Sento Kiryu." Then Akira tries to grab the box but Evolto twist the crank and his fist was in flame

Ready go! Evoltec finish! Ciao!

Then he delievered the punch and Akira's armor disappears and him laying on the ground

Evolto: "When I took possession of Soichi I was unable to open the Pandora Box so I tried again with Sento but the same result happened. Plus I had to use the memories of Sento to repair the Evol driver but then he somehow regained control and asked someone to hide it away from me and to give someone the build driver and some of the bottles."

Akira: "No wonder why I got the driver..."

Evolto: "Then I had to let Ryu go through many trials just to raise his hazard level. And when he reached hazard level 5.0 this was my chance to take possession of him. Understood? Now i'll take the Pandora Box." He was about to grab the box until Akira grabbed him by the leg which was the most reckless move he has ever done

Akira: "I'm not gonna let you take it!"

Evolto: "Why do you think I got rid of the poison that was in your system?" Then he kicked him in the face "It's because you have a role to preform." Then he grabs the box and suitcase "Ciao." Then he disappears as Akira was to tired and passed out

The next day

Akira was at the lab of Nascita and asleep trying rest up as Ravel was right beside him and then Saji, Kazumi was there just looking at Akira but then he wakes up

Ravel: "Akira!" He tries to get up and leave "Don't you need to rest up."

Akira: "No I need to fight."

Ravel: "But even so you think you can fight Evolto who already possessed Ryu?"

Akira: "I know but when I was poisoned I felt like he was telling me to fight on. Take down Evolto.

Ravel: "But.."

Akira: "Plus i'm the one that can save him."

Ravel: "Akira..."

Saji: "But what are you gonna do?"

Akira: "If the tower hasn't changed then that means he doesn't have all the bottles."

Saji: "We gave all of Touto's." Then Akira then calls someone

Akira: "Hello? I need to talk to you."

Mini Timeskip

Azaze and Gentoku was at Nascita where he was holding the robot fullbottle while Ravel was holding onto the Phoenix fullbottle

Azazel: "This is the one you want."

Akira: "We don't need it. We just want you to keep it so that the Pandora's Box won't open. Will you work with us?"

Azazel: "Sure

Then suddenly they hear Evolto

Evolto: "Oh you gathered for a pity party?"

Misora: "Ryu."

Saji: "No it's Evolto."

Evolto: "Correct. I want to invite you all to the ceremony. Oh but no queen martians allowed." Then he knocks out Misora

Saji: "Kazumi."

Kazumi: "Miitan." Then Evolto takes everyone but Misora to an empty field with the Pandora's Box stands

Evolto: "Now then." He insert a fullbottle from Seito with a best match results and to fill up the panel and then it was placed to the box and where a bright red light appears as the tower changes "Now then I shall take the Phoenix and Robot Bottle." Then he pulls out his driver and the evolbottles

Cobra! Rider system! Evolution

Then he twist the crank

Are you ready!

Evolto: "Henshin!"

Cobra! Cobra! Evol Cobra! Fuhahahahahahahaha!

And then the others prepare for their transformation

Rabbit and Rabbit!

Saji, Akira, Kazumi,Gentoku, Azazel: "Henshin." Then they all transform as they fight while Itsuki and Namba were watching the fight

Then Saji and Kazumi jumps up in the air and pulls the wrench

Scrap finish!

Then the two goes for a kick but Evolto blocks them and was able to throw them aside and then the two gets up and goes after them

Akira: "We need to grab the fullbottles."

Gentoku: "Roger that." Then he and Azazel pulls the wrench

Crack up finish!

Evolto falls down as he drops a panel of fullbottles and then Akira runs for the panel but Evolto use the transteam gun to stop him from getting closer but Saji and Kazumi tries to stop him from grabbing the panel by grabbing him together to stop him from moving

Kazumi: "Akira now!"

Evolto: "Both of you stay out of my way!" Then he throws them down as he fires a blast from the transteam gun powerful enough to send Kazumi and Saji flying

Akira: "Kazumi! Saji!" Then Gentoku kicks the panel closer to Akira

Gentoku: "Hurry!" Then Azazel comes in helping out Gentoku as he disarms Evolto

Evolto: "Still trying to play the hero. Azazel? You know no matter what your sins will follow you." Then he pulls the crank

Ready go! Evoltec finish! Ciao!

He punches Azazel and Gentoku together and they were sent flying

Akira: "Gentoku! Azazel!" Then he pulls out the Kaizoku and Ressya fullbottles with still the hazard trigger on

Kaizoku! Ressya! Super best match!

Then Akira twist the crank

Are you ready!

Akira: "Build up!"

Black hazard! Yabei!

Evolto: He getting shot at by Akira "Going to your old hazard forms to your old fighting style." They both still kept fighting "No matter what I know what moves you'll use." Then he swap the cobra evolbottle with the gatling fullbottle and then twist the crank and then he has the hawkgatlinger

Ready go! Autocannon finish

Then Evolto spins the part of the hawgatlinger as Akira hold onto the part of the Kaizoku Hassyar

Kakueki Densya!

Kyuukou Densya!

Kaisoku Densya!

Kaizoku Densya!


Then Evolto fires multiple bullets at Akira as Akira fires one shot that blocks all of the one hundred bullets which resulted in a big explosion. Then Akira swap fullbottles with dragon and lock. If your asking how he got those he took them from Ryu while using the cross-z magma form

Dragon! Lock! Super best match

He twist the crank

Are you ready!

Akira: "Build up!"

Black hazard! Yabei!

Then Akira summons the beat closer and then they continue fighting

Evolto: "Using Ryu's dragon?  That was a terrible thing to do! Whatever i'll use the bottle that I create to end this." He pulls out the dragon evolbottle

Dragon! Rider system! Evolution!

Then he twist the crank

Are you ready!

Evolto: "Henshin!."

Dragon! Dragon! Evol Dragon! Fuhahahahahahahaha!

Then he summons a beat closer and then they had a sword fight

Evolto: "You think by combining the power of Ryu you can stand a chance?" Then Akira was having a headache

Akira: "Crap it's the limit of my hazard form." Then Evolto slashes him and disarms him "Then i'll continue to use this." Then he pulls out the fullfull bottle and shakes it to tank

Tank and tank!

Gata Gata Gotton! Zuttan Zutan!

Are you ready!

Akira: "Build up!" Then the tank parts fired at Evolto and for Akira to gain them as armor

TankTank! Yabei! Tuei!

Then he fires at Evolto

Evolto: "This world is done for!"

Akira: "Shut up!"

Evolto: "I'm impressed but then again you and your father's invention were made for war. What a shame."

Akira: "It was because of you!" Then he turns to its blade form as he disarms Evolto "If it wasn't for you then this country wouldn't have been split in three! There wouldn't have been a war!"

Evolto: "You believe that? Even if I didn't came to Earth you would have caused another war heck Kokabiel could have started another great war between the three factions!"

Akira: "Don't compare humans to them we have the power to change but it takes everyone to cause a war."

Evolto: "Now what do you think of advancement of science then?"

Akira: "Science was meant for the evolution of humanity, for people to not worry about war. To bring peace!" Then he continues slashing him until he got him to the ground until he hears a familiar voice

Ryu: "Akira... it's me... Help me..."

Akira: "Ryu?" Then Evolto took the advantage as he inserts the dragon evolbottle onto the beat closer

Special Tune

Evolto: "Gotcha!" he then pulls on the sword


Smash slash!

Then he slashes Akira causing his armor to disappear

Evolto: "Nice impression of him right?"

Akira: "Bastard!" Then he grabs all the reaming bottle Akira had

Evolto: "Now then i'll be going to take possession of you." Then as he was about to separate himself from Ryu he goes for Akira but suddenly someone stepped in and intercepted "Huh?" That was when he sees that his hands were a bit feminine until that's when he realized that he took possession over Ravel but she was trying to reagin control but it was too late

Akira: "...BASTARD!"

To be continued

Next time on Let the experiment

Evolto: "Akira you have witness someone you loved being possessed what will you do?"

Ryu: "You freakin bastard!"

Akira: "I'm gonna save her! Even if I die!!!"

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