A New Acquaintence

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Hey Readers! So yeah, I'm obsessed with something that has amazed my eyes so much: Attack On Titan. I am in love with that anime sooo much!! It has bumped Naruto and Bleach away and is tied for number  1 with Fairy Tail!! I just love it all~! The music, the animation, the plot, and best of all: LEVI!!!!!! I LOOOOOOOVE LEVI! If you guys haven't heard of it, you can watch it on crunchyroll, animefreak, and other anime sites! YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 20, ENJOOOOY!


Natsu P.O.V

I'd never really been to a hospital before, but never did I realize that it could be so much fun.

"Natsu!" Lucy was screaming. "Stop it!" I was pushing her bed in full speed throughout the hospital. Nurses and doctors were yelling at us to stop, but I didn't want the fun to end. Papers were flying everywhere as we bumped into random nurses and attendings. Lucy continued to scream to the top of her lungs, "Natsu!" 

After a whole half hour of riding, I finally rolled her back to her room. She glared at me viciously. Her hair was all over the place, and she was still shaking. "Are you out of your mind!"

I laughed. "I'm just trying to make being hospitalized a little bit more fun." I sat down on a mobile chair and sat close to her. I touched her hand and said, "It pains me to see you look so bored."

Lucy looked at me, her eyes softening. She sighed and placed her hand over her heart. "You know, I thought my pacemaker was going to burst. Then you'd have to give me your heart."

I smiled. "Don't you already have it?"

She smiled. "Yeah, I guess." I grinned wider and slowly pressed my lips against Lucy's. She gently kissed me back. I got up and cupped her face, kissing her even more. Suddenly, we were interrupted by an awkward cough. I pulled away and saw Mirajane standing by the door, her face completely flushed. "You guys sure have created quite a...commotion in the main hall."

"Natsu was just trying to show me a great time," Lucy sighed.

"Does showing a great time include wreaking havoc in an enviornment of healing," Mira asked, raising an eyebrow. I half-heartedly laughed and aplogized. "It won't happen next time, I promise."

"Good, other wise I'll be telling your mother," Mira winked. "Natsu, can I speak to you outside for a minute."

I nodded. I gave Lucy a quick peck on the cheek and followed her outside of Lucy's room. The minute she closed the door behind her, Mira's facial expression changed to a more worried look. "What's wrong?"

"It's Lucy's CT scans. We think their might be something threatening Lucy's pacemaker." 

My eyes widened. "What? What could it be? Is it life threatening? Will she need another surgery?"

"Calm down, Natsu. We think their might be something there. To have a better look, we'll take her in for an MRI scan next week when the machine's ready." I took a deep breath to calm my paniced heart. Mira chuckled. "You really care about her, don't you?"

I nodded and looked through the window. Lucy was slowly beginning to drift to sleep, her head begining to cushion against her pillow. I smiled at her sleepy face. "I don't want to lose her again." I felt Mira's hand on my shoulder. She sighed, "Look at you, acting like her husband at the age of eighteen! I'm twenty-eight and I don't even have a boyfriend yet!"

"What about that one doctor that's always talking to you? Doctor Lagy?"

"It's Doctor Laxus," she growled. "And no, I don't have a thing with him. He's a neurosurgeon; a cruel, mean, manipulative, heartless person."

"What are you saying about me?" A man behind her growled. By the sound of his harsh tone and familiar spiked up blond tone, this must've been Dr. Laxus. Mira squeaked with fear and slowly turned around. "Crap...," Mira muttered.

"Who are you calling cold and heartless," Dr. Laxus hissed. 

"Um, she wasn't talking abouy you!" I exclaimed, trying to help my godmother. "She was talking about a different doctor."

"Oh? Which doctor would that be?" Laxus asked, his face getting closer to Mira's.

"Um...Dr. WIlbur!" 

"I've never heard of Dr. Wilbur," Dr. Laxus smirked.

"He's a doctor in the....orthopedic department! You know how far away that is from peds and neuro," she laughed awkwardly. Dr. Laxus smiled and suddenly wrapped his arm aroud her shoulders. "How about we take a stroll to the ortho department. Just the two of us."

Mira gulped. "Just the...two of us?" He began to make her move with him. "Have fun, kid!" The doctor called out as they walked away. I chuckled. Looks like you'll be getting a boyfriend soon enough, I thought in my head. I slowly walked into the room and sat down next to the sleeping Lucy. I gently brushed my finger against her forehead where extra strands of hair laid. "Promise me you won't leave me again," I whispered.

"I won't," Lucy suddenly whispered back. She snapped her eyes open and planted a kiss on my cheek. "I won't if you don't."

I smiled and squeezed her hand tightly. "I promise."

Lucy P.O.V

Natsu left a few hours later so that I could rest more. I spent the rest of the day watching re-runs of Doctor Who  and Awkward while eating cups of chocolate pudding. Natsu would text me ever once in a while if I was doing okay, and so would Levy and Erza. My brother visited with Lisanna a little bit later after Natsu left. While Lisanna was constantly apologizing about how she should've been watching me and stuff, Len showed me a pretty little picture Wendy and he made in school. 

Later in the evening, I took a little stroll around the hospital to get a little exercise. In my opinion, the hosptial was creepier when there wasn't anything happening. The lights would sometimes randomly flicker on and off like something from a cheap horror movie. It would be even creepier when a random doctor would walk across the halls. "Can this hospital get any creepier?" I asked myself.

Suddenly, I heard something fall on the floor, making me jump and squeal with fright. I turned around and saw a pile of books on the floor, and a flustered girl trying to pick it up. "Oh no," I heard her mutter. "Untidy, untidy!" I quickly walked over to the girl's aid, picking up all her books. "Are you okay?"

"Who, me? Why, of course! I just clumsily dropped my books like the idiot I am," she scolded herself.

"Hey, everyone make mistakes," I assured her. By the look at the IV attatched to her arm, she must've been a patient as well. I looked at her books and saw that they were sheet music; music from various musicals such as Annie and Beauty and the Beast. "You must really like music," I smiled.

"Yeah," she said. "I've always loved the arts. Especially singing."

"Yeah, me too." The girl began to violently cough. Worried, I asked, "Are you alright?" 

"Oh yeah, sure. Just one of the symptoms of Glottic cancer."

I gasped. Glottic cancer was a cancer that was directly upon the vocal cords that made it almost impossible to sing. The girl noticed my surprise and attempted to laugh. "I know, it's silly. A girl with Stage 3 Glottic cancer carrying around sheet music like she's going to be on Broadway or something."

I tried to make my smile a little more enthusiastic, but instead it turned sad. "You must've been admitted here for a while then."

"The minute they found HPV 16 and 18 in my system, they rushed me here . I've been here for about five months."

"Really? Why haven't I seen you then?"

"I've been staying at the Cancer ward for four of those months, and I just moved to pediatrics."

"Is the cancer..you know...?"

"No," she laughed, "it's not terminal. I just can't sing for a while...more like forever." She looked at me and examined me from head to toe. "What's your damage?"

I smiled at her relaxed question. I pointed to my chest and said, "My heart got whacked up after an accident, so I'm using a pacemaker until I get my transplant."

"Wanna trade illnesses?"

I smiled. "Sorry, I don't think I could live without singing. I am part of the Fiore Troupe."

Her eyes sparkled. "The Fiore Troupe! That's an elite troupe! Only the best of the best get in!"

"I guess I'm one of them," I laughed. I brought out my hand forward and said, "I don't think I introduced myself. I'm Lucy Heartfilia, 17."

"I-I'm Acasia Mercinco, 13. I think I saw you're proformances  a couple months ago. Were you in  Cinderella?"

I nodded. "I played the fairy god mother."

"Thats right!" She exclaimed. "You were so beautiful. I wish I could be in a musical." I examined the girl from head to toe, and I knew autimatically that her condition wasn't as simple as she made it.  She barely looked ninety pounds. Her skin was very pale and her fingers so frail and bony. An idea then popped in my head. "Hey I have an idea. How about you stay in my room and we could watch old classic musicals. How does West Side Story sound?"

Before she answered, Acasia coughed violently again. "I would love that."

For the rest of the night, Acasia and I watched old classic movies in my room. In the middle of Phantom of the Opera, Natsu texted me:

Hey babe. Do you need any company?

I replied:

It's alrite. I have a friend over.

After the movies ended, I looked over at Acasia, who fell asleep on the other bed. I smiled and tucked her in so that she was comfortable, turned off the lights, and went into a deep slumber in my bed.

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