Our Casual Affair

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Hey Readers!!! So, yeah, feeling really inspired through music today!!And who do I have to thank of course? BRENDAN URIE!!!! Listening to his music helps me get inspired. Vote and Comment if you're a big PANIC AT THE DISCO fan! I'll also accept Falling in Reverse, All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, and my number one, MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!!!!!! Lol Anyhoo, here's Chapter 19, ENJOOOOOY!

P.S: sorry this wasn't a GREAT chapter: I'm tired, exhausted, and just watched Catching Fire last night....So yeah...sorry.


Jellal P.O.V

It was time for the class presentations. Erza was in this class. I took a giant gulp of coffee, trying to calm down. Last time I had seen Erza, I almost lost control of my sanity. I could still feel her skin brushing against my fingertips. As my students began to file in the classroom, I kept my eye out for Erza. I impatiently tapped my fingers against my desk, waiting for her appearence. The bell rang, which was our cue for class to start.

She still wasn't here.

To my surprise, I sighed with disappointment. "Alright class, as you know, today is-."

Suddenly, it was Erza who ran through the doors, wheezing after running. We all looked at her, but it was I who asked, "Miss Scarlet, why are you late?"

"I'm sorry," she panted. "I was at the hospital all night. My friend was admitted."

"Alright, take your seat." This made me happy suddenly. God damn it, get a hold of yourself! "As I was saying, your projects were due today. I can see many of you in recognizable costumes. I can't wait to here your presentations. First off is...Ms.Barel."

She squealed, and four other girls are clapping with excitement. Samantha was wearing a white toga with a yellow wreath in her hair. She cleared her voice. "Because Mr. Fernandez wouldn't let me be Kim Kardashian," she hissed, giving me the stick eye, "I'm going as Aphrodite. She was so beautiful that she caused a war between Greeks and Trojans. She was married to some ugly god named Hephititus or something, but left him for the hunky and muscular Ares. That's my presentation; you can give me my A now." She skipped along to her seat. I rubbed my forehead with exhausten and wrote a C+ by her name. This is gonna take a while.

One by one, so many students presented the strangest people as their role historic role models. I saw Cher, Michael Jackson, Anne Frank, and even a Miley Cyrus (before her utter transformation). Erza was last. When I called her name, she immediately came rushing in front of the class. She wore a white robe over her body and a hat on her head, but I could see the kimono from underneath. "What the hell are you supposed to be, the old lady who swallowed a fly?" Samantha laughed. The whole class began to erupt in laughter. I hissed at them to quite down. Erza looked at me and nodded in what I suppose was a thank you. She slowly began to remove the hat and stripped down from the robe. Everyone quited down the minute they saw Erza.

My heart was beating faster than it has ever before.

"My role model, or at least one of them, is Mulan. She took her father's place and transformed herself from a woman to a man just so that she could fight for the sake of her country. She recieved a high merit, but refused any kind of reward and just retired to her hometown. That is why she's my inspiration." She walked away to her seat, but not before sending me a warm smile. I smiled to myself and wrote down an A by her name.

Later that day, I was grading papers from my other periods when all of a sudden, there was a knock on my door. It was Samantha, of all people. I sighed with frustration and asked, "What is it, Ms.Barl?"

She smirked at me and said, "I saw you staring at me today. You must've really liked my toga."

"I kind of had to stare at your toga: to evaluate you for a grade," I explained. She sighed and climbed on my desk. "That's what they all say."

"Ms. Barel, did we not have this exact conversation just a few weeks ago."

"Look, let's just get something clear: you like me, I like you. Even if you don't like me, that doesn't mean we can't fool around once in a while."

"Ms. Barel, please!" I growled. "You're acting lewd."

She crawled closer to me, whispering to my ear, "Lewd is my middle name."

And with that, she suddenly pressed her lips against mine. I was so shocked I couldn't do anything. I tried to push her away, but damn this girl was so strong. She forced her tongue into my mouth, sitting herself on my lap. Finally, using all my might, I pushed her off my lao, which went her flying to the ground. I wiped her saliva out of my mouth and hissed, "What the hell is wrong with you!"

She smirked and said, "You know you liked it."

"What the hell made you think that-." I was interrupted by the sound of the door moving. I snapped my head back and my sanity dropped.

In the verge of tears, was Erza, holding a box of cigarettes.

"Um...Sorry...I was just getting you something...Sorry for disturbing you," she muttered, running off. I wanted to call her out, but Samantha was keeping me from doing so. I looked at her and and hissed, "You are a horrible girl."

She looked confused and terrified. "Don't talk to me outside of school," I muttered.

And with that, I desperately ran out the door, not caring what Samantha was thinking about.

I sprinted everywhere to find Erza only to see her on top of the school building by the cage wall. I walked up behind her and began to hear the sound of crying. I tried to hide my compassionate side by saying, "Miss Scarlet, is something the matter?"

"Miss Scarlet," she sniffled, "what a laugh."

She wasn't cooperating. I decided to stop with the formalities. I walked up to her and said, "Erza, look, about what happened down there," I started out, but she didn't let me finish. "Shut up! Just shut up, shut up, shut up!"

I was startled by her reaction. She was angrier than usual. I reached out for her shoulder, but she violently pushed it away. "Don't touch me!"

I definetley wasn't ready for this. "Erza, what's-."

She slapped me. Full on face slap.

Erza P.O.V

I had enough.

This was becoming too much for me.

When I slapped him, I felt pleasure in it. Tears were streaming down my eyes. That was the most humility I've ever had. Me, crying in front of my teacher, who I had a petty crush on. I began to complain like any woman should. "I'm tired of you treating me like I'm just a student! What are you, bipolar? One day, you treat me like I'm the best woman in the world, and then I see you kissing another student! Do you have a fetish for girls in a uniform? Is your cool attitude just a joke!"

I'd never screamed that much before. I could already feel my voice getting hoarse. I turned around so that I didn't have to look at his face. "When you picked out this dress that I'm wearing, I ironed it almost five times so that it would look great for you. Ever since I met you, I've suddenly become self- conscious! I debate in the morning whether I should leave my hair up or down, and by the end of the day, I completely regret it. When you drive me to Mystogan-sensei's dojo, I enjoy your scholor-type talk about so many diffreent events that I don't even know about.

"I know what happens to students who like their teachers: framed as sluts or or gold-diggers or whatever...but these feelings won't go away." Tears continued to stream down my face. I covered my mouth to keep my weeps from becoming loud. I felt a presence behind me too close to not see. I saw a pair of big hands that were clutching the bars just a few inches above mine. "You think you're the only one who's had to deal with all these feelings," he hissed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I hissed back.

"You think it's worse that a student is dating a teacher? Think about it in my shoes. I could go to jail for even looking at you the way I did when I picked out that kimono. When I put that flower in your hair, I felt bless that I got to even touch it. Never have I ever felt that way towards a student! You think it's easier for me, well it's not!"

"What are you trying to say," I muttered.

Suddenly, he flipped me around, his face looking at mine. I looked away, not having the courage to look at him in the eye. He grabbed my chin so that I could stare at his face. "I'm saying that I have feelings too! Feelings that just won't go away!" I stopped and stared. Was he...for real? No, he couldn't have been telling the truth. Maybe he was just trying to spare my feelings.

Then, he touched my cheek.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I whispered, looking deeper into his eyes. "How do I know you're not just toying with my feelings?"

He chuckled softly. "By doing this." He slowly brushed his lips against mine, getting me completely stunned. My lips were so tensed up I didn't even bother to kiss him back. He pulled away and laughed even more. "You're new at this, aren't you?"

I glared at him. "Who gave you permission to do that!"

"I did," he smiled. I knew my face was blushing from that kiss. It was my first kiss. He suddenly pinched my cheeks and whispered, "You're late for the dojo."

I nodded, and together, we walked out of the school roof and down to his car. But just as he was driving to the dojo, he did something that I couldn't help but smile.

He held my hand.

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