Hospitals and Noodles

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Hey Guys! So I've decided to do something weird. Well, I wanted to do it now, but it's too late, and I was really inspired by Cryptic_Eyes to do so! So here's my FIRST announcement: Next year, I'll be submitting A Dragon's Burning Love to the Watty Awards...I don't know why, so don't ask. I just feel like it might actually win since it has over 150,000 views! So, yeah, don't forget to vote? Lol now for my second announcement: remember that preview I gave you guys? Well, I got an A on that and I'll be posting it to Wattpad starting next Friday. And because it's all prewritten, ya'll won't have to bother me with the "PLEASE UPDATE OR DIE" stuff and thaaangs. LOL Anyhoo, here's Chapter 18, ENJOOOOY!!!! :3


Levy P.O.V

I immediately texted Erza and rushed to the hospital when I heard about Lucy. My heart was beating terribly as I thought about my friend in the hospital. I ran through the automatic doors and looked around. I noticed Natsu sitting on the chair, his face buried in his hands. I quickly walked up to him and asked, "What the hell is going on?"

When he lifted his head from his hands, they were wet with tears. My face fell with shock. "They're not telling me anything. She's in the O.R, and they're not giving me a single update." I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I sat next to him and asked, "Did you call her brother?"

He nodded, sniffing a little. "His teacher is bringing him to the hospital as we speak." I could tell by the sound of his breathing that he's been crying. He was trying to hide them, but he wasn't doing any good. I hesitated for a moment, but finally rested my hand on his shoulder. A tear slowly fell from my eye. "She's going to be okay," I assured him. "She's going to be okay."

Erza and a little boy who might've been her brother came rushing in. The little boy looked over at Natsu with big wet tears. He ran up to him and asked, "Where is she! Where's Lucy!"

"Hey, she's alright," Natsu told him. "She's just getting stitched up, that's all. You're Aunt Mira is doing the best she can." The little boy embraced Natsu and began to cry in his arms. Natsu looked up at the ceiling, trying not to lose his cool once again. I got up and walked towards Erza, who was also freaking out. "How is she! Is she alright?"

I shrugged. "I just got here. So far, Natsu hasn't been updated. He's pretty shaken up."

"I just hope she's okay," Erza prayed. "She's too good for this." We embrassed each other in a hug. We sat down for hours, waiting for the results of Lucy. Natsu couldn't sit down and paced back and forth. I told Natsu to sit, but he just ignored me. Suddenly, my phone began to buzz. I looked and saw that Gajeel texted me. Hey, where r u? My tutoring session should've started an hour ago? I cursed myself for forgetting. I texted him back. I'm at the hospital. Lucy was just admitted. Almost immediately, he replied. Stay put, I'll meet you there. I slightly smiled. It was nice how he cared. Suddenly, a women came out through the doors wearing light blue scrubs and bloody plactic gloves. She walked over to us, making us stand. The little boy ran up to her and grabbed her scrubs. "Aunt Mira, where is she! Where is Lucy!"

The woman smiled. "It was tricky, but we were able to restore the frequency in her pacemaker. She's going to be just fine."

"Can I see her?" The little boy asked.

Mira nodded. "Nurse Tay, can you take Len to see Lucy? She's in her usual room." The nurse took Len away, leaving just the four of us. She looked at Natsu, her face turning serious. "Natsu, what excactly happened?"

Natsu took a deep breath to calm down. "Lucy and I were together, when all of a sudden she finds a box in her locker. Then, she begins to cry out, know the rest."

"Do you have the box?"

Natsu nodded, taking the box out of his backpack. Mira examined it, opening the drawer of the box repeatedly. "There's nothing that could've triggered the frequency. I don't see how this all could've happened."

Then, my brain clicked.

"Can I see the box please?" I asked. Mira gave me the box, and I quickly removed the nob of the drawer. I looked at the inside of the wood itself and found an answer. I showed it to everyone and explained, "Someone made this box with a magnet center inside the wood. By the color and weight, it could've been enough to really damage Lucy."

"So are you saying this was diliberate?" Natsu asked. I nodded. "But the question is who? Who would have a grudge against Lucy to do something this terrible?"

"Well, this changes things completely," Mira sighed. "I'm going to have to report this to the police. I want the three of you to stay here until they arrive. No one leaves, got it?" We all did. She left us in the waiting room. We all sat down and sighed. Natsu looked the most flustered. He suddenly banged his fist against the coffee table, startling  Erza and me. "Why? Why would anyone want to hurt her?"

I looked at Natsu and arched my eyebrow. "You."

He gave me a strange look. "Me?"

"Well, it's obvious, isn't it? She had a crush on you, you obviously had feelings fo rher. Someone might've wanted to drive you two apart, and this was the only way."

"But...who would do something that cruel?" Erza asked. I thought about it for a while, but then remembered the conversation Lucy and I had a month ago. I looked at Natsu and asked, "Could it be Eloise?"

"Eloise? No, that's not possible."

"How can you be so sure? She's your ex, and you're the one who ended it, so-."

"I know it wasn't her because she's not even in Fiore," Natsu snapped. That threw me back in my logic. "What do you mean she's not in Fiore."

"The girls basketball team has an all week game in Saubre. They left on Saturday."

"And we stopped by at Lucy's locker several times at school today," Erza added. "So that means the box was placed thirty and two fifteen."

"So, to be frank, we've got nothing," Natsu growled. Then, Len came running from the halls and said, "Lucy wants to see you Natsu."

Natsu immediately stood up and followed Len, and we followed him. We found Lucy's room, we see her in a bed, tubes in her nose, barely awake. Erza and I stayed by the doorway, while Natsu proceeded. He grabbed the nearest chair and brought it close to her bed. She weakily raised her hand and touched Natsu's hair. He chuckled as a tear fell from his face. "I'm...sorry I...made you worry."

"Yeah, you sure made me worry," Natsu chuckled. He touched Lucy's hair and said, "Don't you ever do that to me again."

Lucy smiled. "I promise." Erza and I smiled. We slowly backed away from the door and whispered, "We can let them have their alone time, right?"

"Oh yeah," Erza chuckled. "She needs it." I heard Erza yawn. It was getting pretty late. I offered to get the three of us coffee. As I walked down the hall, I notice somone at the front automatic doors.


"There you are, Pipsqueak!" Gajeel gruffed. "I almost thought you'd left without me for a second."

I smiled. I was exhausted. I was exhibiting signs of exhausten. Yawning, drowsiness, heavy eyes, the sort of stuff. Gajeel must've noticed, because in his hand was a cup of coffee from the nearest coffee shop. I smiled and took it away from him. "So where's Lucy? Is she doing fine?"

"Yeah. Turns out this was all foul play," I sighed. "I have to wait until the police arrives until I leave, so I may be here a while."

"It's okay, I'll wait," Gajeel sighed.

I gave him a crazy look. "But that could take hours, plus interrogation!"

He shrugged. "I don't really mind. You'll keep me company, won't you?" I couldn't help but to continue to smile. Gajeel was a really nice person. It killed me that most people didn't see it. I nodded and answered, "Of course."

I walked him to Lucy's room, but he stopped halfway. I looked back, and he shoved his fists into his pockets, looking at the ground. "I don't think she'd want to see me. Why don't you just go ahead." I sighed at how shy and conceited he was. I walked up to him and grabbed one of his hands inside his pocket. He looked up at me with confusion. "Believe me, she'll want to see you." I dragged him to Lucy's room, where everyone was sitting around her bed. She noticed me at first and smiled, but when she looked at Gajeel, her smile didn't fade. "Gajeel...I'm so're here."

Gajeel blushed. He looked away from Lucy and stuttered, "I-I-I hope you're fe-fe-feeling better."

Natsu laughed. "Hey Gajeel, what're you so worried about? Cat got your tongue?" Natsu walked up to him and patted his back. "Thanks for being here, man."

Gajeel looked shocked. I smiled even more. Gajeel must've not been used to this much positive attention, because he was acting like a shy dog. I squeezed his hand harder and whispered, "See? They like you." Gajeel responded with a tighter squeeze. Suddenly, Lucy chuckled and asked, ""

My face burned a hundred degrees. "L-Lucy!"

"Oh ho ho, so you are," Erza smirked. Everyone laughed as they continued to pick on the two of us. I wanted to let go of Gajeel's hand, but his grip was too tight. 

He didn't want to let go.

That made me happier.

Then, a man in a police uniform came walking into the room with a stern look on his face. Everyone quieted down. "Are you Miss Lucy Heartfilia?"

"Yes, she is," Natsu answered for her.

"I'm Officer Bogi. I'll be the person in charge of this case. Each and everyone of you shall be questioined. Once you've been questioned, you'll be released. Got it?" We all gave each other nervous looks.

This was all too real.

Gajeel P.O.V

I waited for Levy for about two hours. It was already eleven at night, The hospital looked more like ghost town than an actual hospital. I wasn't sure whether to sleep or not depending on whether a ghost would come out and attack me. Suddenly, I felt a light tap on my forehead. It was Levy. "I told you could go home after your interrogation."

"How would you get home then?" I asked.

"I could've taken the bus!"

"There are weirdoes on the bus. You can just hop a ride on my motorcycle."  Then, I heard a growling noise coming from Levy's stomach. She blushed and laughed awkwardly. "Um...I haven't eaten anything since lunch..."

I groaned. "There's a 24 hours noodle shop just a few blocks from here."


"Don't tell me you've never tried noodles before as well!"

"Strict family, remember!" I grabbed her arm and took her outside to my motorcycle. I grabbed the extra helmet and squeezed it onto her head. "Hey, where are we going!"

"Where else! To get you some food!" I hopped on my motorcycle and turned on the ignition on. She stares at me for a moment, but fiinally starts to climb on back. I smirked as we drove off from the hosptial parking lot and onto the streets.

We reached Po's Noodle Shop in a  matter of three minutes. We walked in, where the main cooked yelled, "Welcome!"

Levy looked frightened by the way he yelled. She flinched and grabbed on to my arm. "Hey, don't be a baby."

"I'm not a baby," Levy grumbled. "He just scared me, that's all." I found us a small table and sat on the pillows that were given. Levy, who didn't take her seat, gave me a strange look. "Where are the chaires? And why is the table so small?"

"It's a simple custom from the East. Just sit down." She did as I ordered. She looked at the table with a confused look and asked, "Where are the menues?"

"Table number five! You may get your food!" The main cook said.

"Oh, that's our cue." I got up and grabbed Levy's arm. I dragged her to a big food tray with dry noodles. She gave me yet another strange look. "Just do what I do." First I went over to the meats, I put in ham, beef, and chicken, just the way I liked it. Levy did the same thing. With vegetables, I put in just a little carrot and ginger, and when I got to spices, I put in shreded peppers. I grabbed Levy's bowl and handed the both of our bowls and gave it to the cook. In under three minutes, our noodles were done. We sat back at our table, were we broke out chopsticks apart. I took the first bite, and immediately I was in heaven. Levy slowly took a bite of the noodles and exclaimed, "Hot! Hot! Hot!"

"You have to stir it a little first!" I told her. I grabed her chopsticks and began to stir her food around. I picked up a chunk of noodles with meat and gestured it to her. "Now take a bite." She hesitated, but instead of taking the chopsticks, she just took a bite directly from the chopsticks. She chewed for a while, and then squealed. "It's good!"

"See! It's not that bad!" She laughed as we continued to eat our noodles together. Then Levy began to speak. "Looks like Lucy and the others really like you."

I looked up at her and asked, "Do you really think so?"

She nodded. Thinking back at the hospital, I guess she was right. Natsu treated me right after the interrogation, and Lucy looked like she was really glad to see me. That red-headed chick and I talked about sports and stuff, so I guess she was pretty cool. I looked up at Levy, and couldn't help myself but to feel sorry for her. Ever since Levy stuck for me, she's been shunned by almost everybody at school. I knew it was my fault. I was being selfish. I looked up at Levy and asked, "Don't you think it's time to go hang out with your friends again? Like Jet?"

She didn't look at me. She said, "No. I have all the friends I need. Including you."


"Can we just forget about it?" Levy spatted. She took a piece of my chicken and said, "You just lost some of your food." 

I slightly smiled. I took a piece of her pork and said, "You just lost your food as well."

By the time I dropped her off home, it was one in the morning. I knew she would get in trouble, and I think she did as well. She hopped off my motorcycle and muttered, "Thanks for taking me out."

I smiled. "It's no problem. I couldn't stand you going home hungry." I noticed a piece of chicken stuck on the corner of Levy's cheek. I told her, "You have food on your cheek."

"Where?!" She asked. I got up and did something that I'd never though I'd do.

I took the piece of chicken using my mouth, which gently touched her skin. She looked at me with a shocked look. She gently touched her skin and whispered, "Thanks."

I looked away turned on the ignition once again. "I'll see you tomorrow, teach."

"See you...," she muttered.

And with that, I rode away from her home, my face burning up with embarrassment. Why, I thought to myself. Why on earth did I do something so stupid! 

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