An Encounter

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Hey, Readers!! So, I have no idea, but I've been too excited for this whole book. A little too excited actually...HAHAHAHAHXD. Now it's time Jellal and Erza's chapter! Anyhoo, here's Chapter 3, ENJOOYY!


Erza P.O.V

 I walk through the halls in silence. I held my book bag tightly as I walked over to my locker. To my annoyance, I could hear the sound of giggling from the girls two lockers away from me. "O.M.G did you guys read the latest issue of Fairy Tail Inquiorer!" The pink haired girl, Samantha, squealled. 

"Yeah!" The green haired girl, Nania, squealed with her. "There's a new teacher for our history class! I heard he was a hunk!"

"But I also heard he was pretty cold," The light blue haired girl, Mimi, squeaked. I groaned as they continued to talk about the new teacher. This new teacher had nothing to do with me other than my education. Samantha must've noticed me groaning about their conversation, because she walked up to me with her crew. "So Erza, did you read the latest issue of Fairy Tail Inquiroer?"

"I think you know I don't read any kind of magazine," I sighed.

Samantha snickered. "That's right, I forgot you're not even a girl. I bet those breasts are implants."

I gave her one of my death glares and hissed, "Can you please move out of the way?" Scared out of her mind, she mercilessly moved away from my locker. The bell rang on cue, and I headed to my first class, which was English. As I walked through the ahlls, I heard whispers through the halls. "Hey bro, who's the red-headed hottie?"

"Gaah! You don't want to get at her?"

"Huh? Why not?"

"Because she has zero feminine genes in her whole body! She's so strong she could break you like a twig! But because of her amazing beauty, she's given the name 'Titania'."

"Yikes! Thanks for the warning!" 

More and more whispers continued to fly through the halls. Annoyance continued to fill my head. "Lord, it's already November. Shouldn't the whispering have stopped by now?"

 I went on with the day like I usually do; in silence. I never talk to anyone when I'm at school. Grandma thought it would distract me from my education. At lunch, I would sit by the fountain and just eat alone. Don't get me wrong, I like eating alone. The sound of the water from the fountain is very relaxing. It reminds me of Grandpa tending to the garden in the summer while I sat on the porch eating a slice of watermelon.

I missed Grandpa.

Suddenly, my cellphone began to ring. I grabbed it out of my pocket and looked at the caller I.D. Great, it's Grandma, I groaned in my head. I answered the phone with annoyance. "Hello?"

"Erza, dear! Thank God, you answered. I want you to come home straight from school. There's a dinner with an agency that I must get their partnership. They have a son your age."

"Do I have to? I was gonna train after," I told her.

"You're still doing that weird karate stuff, aren't you? I told you to stop that immediately!"

"I know, but-!"

"No buts! Get home immediately!"

I sighed. "Alright, alright!" Without even saying goodbye, she hung up on me. Filled with anger, I ate my last piece of chicken. I threw away my lunch bag and stormed back to my locker. I looked at my schedule and sighed. 


Jellal P.O.V

I hate teaching. What's the point of teaching these kids if they aren't interested? I mean, most of them were either texting, talking, or just plain asleep. Did this ever happen when I was at school? No, we would get our asses kicked by the teachers.

I heard a knock on my classroom door and see Principal Grandine smiling in the doorway. Besides me, was one of the youngest staff members, probably 20 or 21. "How's the teaching going?"

I groaned as I removed my reading glasses. "Define teaching."

"As in are the students still awake during your sessions?" 

"Then no, the teaching isn't going well." She giggled at my response. She walked towards me, squeezing her arms against her breasts suddenly. She walked towards me, placing a hand on my arm. "So a few of the staff members are going drinking tonight? You wanna come?" Usually, I wouldn't agree to go, but her big puppy-dog eyes were so big they were blinding. I sighed. "Alright, but only for a few  drinks."

Principal Grandine smiled. "I'll text you the adress after this class!' And with that, she skipped out of my classroom. The bell chimed, and students began to walk in my class. The sound of girls whispering and squealing annoyed the hell out of me. Last class, I thought to myself. Just one more class.  I turned to the class and began to introduce myself. "Hello class and welcome to Honors HIstory. I'm your new teacher, Mr. Fernandez."

"Oh, tell us about yourself!" One of the girls asked. Some of the other girls squealed in agreement. I sighed and gave in. "Well, I went to this school here when I was your age-,"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" A blue haired girl asked.

"That is a little too personal," I said. "How about I learn something about you guys." I pointed to a  boy with multi-colored hair and asked, "What's your name?"

"Shirley," he gruffed. 

Shirley, really? I sighed in my head. "Tell us one interesting thing about yourself."

"Uh, I can skateboard pretty well."

"Alright then," I searched through the herd of kids and chose a pink-haired girl. 'What's your name?"

The girl squealed with excitement, but cooled down. "The name's Samantha. Samantha Barel. I'm one of the fastest shoppers in the whole school, and the richest if I may add."

Great, a spoiled rich girl,  I sighed in my head. I decided to pick one more student. As all eyes were on me, I noticed a pair of eyes that weren't on me. I saw a red-headed girl reading a book. "You there? With the red hair reading a book."

The girl looked up, having no expression on her face. "Must I?"

I smirked at her resistance. "Yes, you must." I could hear her sigh under her breath as she stood up  from her seat. "The name's Erza Scarlet."

"What's your biggest talent?" 

 "I...I'm a Martial Arts prodigy..or at least, my grandpa used to tell me."

"Don't get ahead of yourself,  Burly," Samantha chuckled. Everyone laughed out loud along with her, yelling out the same name over and over. She didn't look phased by their taunting and just went back to reading her book. She seems like the only mature one, I thought in my head. "Settle down, class!" I hollered.  "Time to actually start learning something."

Everyone groaned as they began to take out their texts books. I taught class like I normally do without all the whining or sleeping or snoring. This class was quite peaceful despite the fact that ever girl was staring at me.

Well, almost every girl.

I noticed that there were five more minutes until the bell rings, so I gave out the assignment. "Your assingment from me is to give me a role model from history. I want five facts about the person and why you chose them as your role model. All due tomorrow."

The class groaned some more as the bell rang loudly. Everyone packed their stuff and headed out of my classroom. As I cleared my desk, I felt a strange presence in the room. I looked up and noticed that Erza was still here, writing down something onto her notebook. "Ms. Scarlet, you can go leave now. Class is dismissed."

She must've been in a trance, because she was writing down some kind of material so quickly with such a face that I couldn't even describe. I walked over to her desk and peered behind her, looking at what she wrote. Role Models for History Class: Fu Hao, Queen Boudica, Joan of Arc, Mulan, Tomoe Gozen.... As she finished writing, she stared at the words for a moment and sighed. Her face looked so...relaxed, at least compared to the other students. She looks up and is startled by me looking at her notebook. "What are you-?!"

"Calm down, Erza. I called your name a few times but you didn't respond."

She stared at me for a  moment, but then looked away, holding on to her notebook. She began to pack all her things, but as I watched her walk away, I asked her, "Why women?"

Startled, she froze between the doorway. "Huh?"

"I noticed that all your options were women. Why?" 

I could hear a sigh coming from her body. She turned and looked at me, her eyes filled with both confidence and fear. "Because they are who I want to be. Not who I am in this lifetime."

And with that, she walked away,leaving away a different type of aura than most girls usually leave me. I smirked to myself with amusement. "Well...she's different."

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