Hatred and Determination

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Hey, Readers! Well, I'm here in sunny San Diego, California. It's summer, I'm eating In-And-Out Burger as much as I can, and I'm thinking up some good ideas for this chapter. This may get published a little later than I anticipate, but oh well :/. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 5, ENJOYYYYYY!


Lucy P.O.V

As the final bell finally rang, I quickly rushed over to my locker. My mission: to avoid Natsu as much possible. I had no interest in talking to him after all these years, and I wasn't going to start now. When I arrived at my locker, I quickly grabbed all my text books that I needed for homework and went straight for the door. Just when I thought I was feeling the sweet taste of freedom, my freedom was blocked by a familiar muscular body. I looked up, and to my dismay, it was the Natsu. "You've been running away from me all day! Can we at least talk!"

"I'm sorry, but you've got the wrong person," I muttered, trying to go past him. He continued to block my path. "I know who you are, princess."

I stopped when he used my nickname. No one has called me that since the accident, and I was not opened to it. "Please, just leave me alone!"

"How long have you been awake? Where have you been all these years? Why haven't you called?"

"Please!" I yelled, startling him. "I have no reason to talk to you!" As I walked away from the school gate, I saw Mira waving her hands from her car. "Lisanna has to stay after school for her activities," I told her.

"Ah, that's right, it's already..." Mira's voice trailed off as her eyes went somewhere else. Her eyes widened and suddenly beamed. "NATSU! IS THAT YOU!" Mira suddenly. I froze, cursing in my head. I forgot that Mira was Natsu's godmother. Mira ran out of her car and tackled Natsu with a hug. "Ah, my boy's grown up!"

"It's good to see you too, Mira," Natsu chuckled.

"Look at you! You're practically a man now. And a senior too! Aw, you'll be off to college soon," Mira rambled.

"Yeah," was all he said.

"Lucy! You didn't tell me Natsu goes to FTA!" Mira cried.

"Well, I wanted to surprise you," I said through my teeth, forcing a smile.

"Well, I think I'll let you too catch up! Natsu, you remember where my apartment is, right? Good. I've got to go to work, bye!" She drove off, leaving the both of us behind. I screamed out her name, but it was too late. I groaned with annoyance and began to walk my way back home. I could hear the sound of Natsu's feet walk behind me. "You don't have to follow me," I told him.

"Hey, I gotta obey your aunt's wishes. Remember the last time I didn't?" I did, but I didn't want to talk about it. I could suddenly see Natsu walking backwards in front of me, his hands behind his head. "So...how long were you in the hospital?"

"Why do you ask?" I whispered.

"Well, because I want to know," Natsu said. "After the accident, I visited you everyday for about three months. But my parents thought it was unhealthy for me to keep on visiting you, because they thought..."

"They thought I was dead," I muttered.

"So, how long were you at the hospital? Four months? Five?"

I couldn't handle it anymore. "Five years!" I stopped walking and just clenched my fists together. I turned around and saw his shocked face. "I missed five years of my life because of you!"

Natsu was still speechless, his eyes softening. "Luce, I didn't know..."

"Exactly! You didn't know! You never knew how I felt then, and you'll never understand me now!" I screamed. I took a deep breath, exhausted from all that screaming. He stared at me with mixed emotions. I didn't care how he felt. "Lucy.....?" I turned around and saw Len behind me, looking a little scared. "What's happening?"

I hid my frustration in a smile. "Ah, nothing Len. Come on, lets go home."

"But...who's that guy?" I looked back at Natsu, whose eyes were now covered by his hair, a frown covering his whole face. Instead of revealing his identity, I simply said, "Just some guy."

And with that, I took my brother's hand and walked away from Natsu, not even saying goodbye.

Natsu P.O.V

As I watched Lucy walk away with the little blue-haired boy, I felt so....depressed. I never knew she was asleep for that long. I thought our reunion would be more....I don't know, a little more cheerful. At least a hug, I mean, come on!

As I walked home in sorrow, I noticed Elfman's and Gray's bikes on my driveway. I walked inside the house, announcing that I was home. "Natsu! Cam you come in the kitchen for a minute!"

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mother plus principal in my kitchen, making dinner. I kissed her on the cheek with greeting. "Hey...I saw Lucy at school today," she told me.

I froze, listening to what she was saying. "She looks nice after....you know."

"Really? I didn't see her," I lied.

"When you do see her, invite her for old times sake." Geez, why does my mom act like a saint at home, but at school she's always on my ass. I went up the stairs and noticed my little sister playing with our two cats, Happy and Carla. "Watcha doing, Wendy?"

"I'm trying to put a stupid bow on Carla's head, but she won't stand still," she grunted, struggling greatly.

"Good luck with that," was all I said, not really in the mood to joke around with her. When I walked into my room, I noticed the guys laying on my bed, chatting it up. "There you are, dude!" Gray exclaimed. "What the hell happened today! After that calculus class, you were no where to be seen!"

"Uh...Something happened, actually...involving that new junior," I said.

"Damn, she was mighty fine. But she looked so...familiar...,"Elfman muttered, scratching his head.

"You guys...that was Lucy....the girl from six years ago," I muttered sadly. At first the guys looked at me with confusion, but the memory slowly began to sink in as their faces fell. "Oh God.....how is she?" Gray asked.

"Apparently, she was in a coma for five years. Oh, and she wants absolutely nothing to do with me," I groaned, rubbing my head with my pointer fingers.

"That's rough...where's she staying? Didn't her parents die around that time?" Elfman asked.

"I think she's staying with my godmother and Lisanna...Man,I don't know what to do," I groaned even more.

"Well, while you think about it, Elfman and I will be checking out your playboys. Where are they?"

"Um, in the bookshelf, shelf number 3, between the cop books and the FBI mangas." As they grabbed the playboys, I changed out of my shirt. I threw my shirt in the closet, and that's when I saw her.


I don't know why I've kept her all these years, but now she's given me a whole new motive.

To rekindle my friendship with Lucy. I smirked a little and muttered, "Look out, princess. I'm coming to get you."

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