Our Similar Miserable Lives

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Hey guys! So I've been asked to do this A LOT ever since A Dragon's Burning Love, but I wanna ask for the final time: should I make one-shot book? Write down in the comments if I should. If I do a one-shot, it'll probably  be for Gruvia, Nalu, Jerza, and Gale. If I do a one-shot, I will take any scenarios from you! Anyhoo, here's Chapter6, ENJOOOOOOOOY!!!


Gajeel P.O.V

Do you want me to tell you all the amazing things about the first day of high school after you've been in juvie for five years? Well, there aren't any. All day I was starred at, being the main topic in a field of whispers floating in the halls. For once, I was actually listening to my therapist by keeping my cool and not beating the crap out of everyone who talked about me in vain. Even in class, the teachers would stumbler on my name, calling me "Delinquent" instead of my actual name. Gee, this is such a delight, I thought sourly.

Just when I thought I was breaking free of the prison-like gates of the school, I was approached by the blue-haired girl. She gave me that displeasing grumpy look, as if trying to intimidate me. But lets just face it; her small baby face wasnt scaring  anybody. "Im here to give you your tutoring schedule."

"Oh goodie, how delightful. Is there a unicorn somewhere drawn on it too," I said.

She growled to herself, narrowing her eyes at mine. "On Mondays and Fridays, we'll be at the library  from 3:15 to 4:14. On Wednesdays, we'll be at my house from 4 to 6."

"So I guess that principal was serious about the tutoring, huh," I groaned.

"Im not happy to do this either, so lets just try and make these few months fly by quickly, got it?"

I shrugged. "Whatever you say, pipsqueak."

"ITS LEVY!" She yelled, stomping her feet with fury. She shoved a piece of paper against my chest and walked away, mumbling words  to herself.  I scoffed at her anger. "I know you're name, stupid." I looked over at the schedule and groaned. I stuffed it in my pocket and started my way to my apartment.

I stared at the entrance to my apartment. I haven't seen father in six years,  and I had no enthusiasm to see him now. To me, he was still the killer who still walked free instead of rotting in a cell. He was still the killer of my innocent mother. I took one more deep breath and walked into the apartment.

Everything looked so....modern . Instead of our wooden kitchen set, everything was made of marble and had modern art at every corner. There was now a flat screen TV on the wall, and a shiny white couch was placed against the wall. "What the hell..," I muttered. Suddenly, I heard the sound of heels clicking against the wooden floor from the hallway. My heart stopped for a moment, and everything around me froze. "....Mom?"

Instead of my mom, there was a red-headed woman in a designer white dress walked into the living room in expensive looking heels. She smiled at my existence, but I was confused by hers. "You must be Gajeel, Nathan son, am I right?"

I slowly nodded, squeezing the handle of my black book bag. "Yup, that's right. Who the hell are you?"

The woman laughed softly, batting her eyelashes at me. "I'm Agatha. Nathan's second wife." I stared at her with shock. Second wife? That man had the nerve to marry again after what he did to his wife; my mother! I clenched my fists in anger, but kept my cool when speaking. "So where's my old man?"

"At work. He promised he'd be home before supper, so unpack and relax until then. We've made your room ready," she told me.

"Um..alright then." Just before I left the room, Agatha had one more thing to tell me. "I know the whole story; about that day years ago."

I froze in the middle of the hallway and slowly turned to Agatha's direction. Her eyes were now cold and hard, almost venomous. "Don't try do anything funny, alright?"

I stared at her with angry eyes, not willing to hide my anger this time. I turned around and walked into my bedroom, throwing my bag into the corner. I looked around my room and noticed that it was still the same as it was years ago. Posters of bands and super heroes hanged on my wall, as well as a banner that read: "Gajeel's Lair."  My bookshelf was still standing, filled with hundreds of comic books and very few novels. The only difference was that my twin bed was now a queen-sized bed, making the room a little smaller. "Home sweet home," I scoffed, unbuttoning the buttons from my white polo. As I took off my shirt, I noticed something on my brand new desk. A small box with a red ribbon tied on it was placed by the lamp. Curious, I took box off the desk and examined it on my bed. I pulled the red ribbon and opened the box. Inside was a shiny new cell phone, the latest of its kind. I chuckled with amusement. "So that's the game you're playing, Dad. A gift for forgiveness." I wasn't going to play that game. Not in a million years.

"Honey, you're home!" I heard Agatha squeal with excitement from the living room. I sighed.

It's show time.

I walked our of my room and into the living room, seeing my father for the first time.

To my dismay, he looked great. Better than great, he looked successful. He was hearing a classy suit with loafers, holding a black leather suitcase. He no longer had blood-shot eyes, which showed that he was drinking, but now they were crisp white, showing his dark eyes. His hair was gelled back, making him look like a rich buck. His eyes wandered from his wife's to mine. I showed no emotion. I wanted to see his expression first.

It was joy.

"Gajeel, my boy! Welcome home," he exclaimed, embracing me in a hug. I didn't know what to do but awkwardly hug him back. Agatha clapped her hands and squealed in a chirpy way. "Aw, how heartwarming! Come on, lets go eat dinner!"

After throwing on a plain white tee and jeans, we sat at the dinner table. I kept on staring at the dining room corner. That was where she died. Where she was shot by that man. Agatha and Dad began to chow dow on their plate of linguini, I just stared down upon it, playing with it with my fork. "So, Gajeel, how was your first day of school?" Agatha asked, probably pretending that she actually cares.

I decided to mess with them. "Oh, it was perfect! I have two nicknames at school: 'Delinquent' and 'Murder'! Isn't that just great!"

They stopped eating and looked at me.  I began to eat my food in amusement. I had the upper hand. "You know," I said with my mouth full, "I noticed there isn't a single thing Mom owned in the apartment. I wonder why?"

My dad cleared his voice. "Well, it would be a little awkward for Agatha, don't you  think?"

"Sure, thats the reason," I muttered. Suddenly, I felt the aura in the room shift. I looked at my father, who was  now staring at me with those same eyes he had when Mom was still alive. He put his fork dow and took a sip from his glass of wine. He suddenly did something that I never thought he would do.

He smirked.

"Well,  you think you're so high and mighty, huh? You think that you can get me to feel guilty about what you....What I did to your mother?"

I sat there speechless. He hasn't changed one bit. He was still the soulless bastard he was six years ago. But apparently, he wasn't done talking yet. "Well, let me tell you one thing, kid: I have no regrets. That bitch got what she deserved."

I stood up from my chair, ready to whack a punch at my old man. But before I could, he lifted just one finger. "Might I remind you that you're on parole. One complaint, and you're back in juvie," my father reminded me. I cursed under my breath. I couldn't go back to the slammer again. Despite my macho and tough attitude, it was actually...quite scary. I walked away in fury, opening the apartment door. "And where do you think you're going, young man?" Agatha asked with a cold tone.

I wanted to get out. I wanted to run away, but my parole was stopping me. I wanted to run back into my mother's arms and take back the childhood I lost. But instead of saying all that, I answered, "I'm going out."

Levy P.O.V

"Are you serious! Gajeel Redfox!" Jet screamed on the other line. I held my cell phone away from my ear as he continued to scream in surprise. When he finally finished, I gingerly put the phone by my ear again. "Yeah, him, whoever he is. According to Principal Grandine, I have to tutor him until Exams"

"Dude, make sure you have, like, bodyguards all around you or something!" He warned.

"What? Why? He was just in juvie," I said.

"Don't you know how he GOT in juvie?!" I thought about it. I've heard some different things about Gajeel in the halls, but you never know who could be lying. "No, not really. But enlighten me."

"He killed his mom and almost killed his dad! It was all over the news, dude!" I froze. I was going to tutor a killer? Why wasn't I notified of this! I slowly began to panic. "What should I do, Speedy! I can't get out of this!"

"Just keep your distance, Levs. If anything happens, just call and I'll give him a piece of my mind!"

"Aw, thanks Jet! Hey, gotta go!" Jet said goodbye, and it was I who hung up. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. I had to relax in order to forget about Gajeel. I was going to tutoring a freaking psychopath! What the hell was I going to do! "Ugh, I need something to take my mind off this." I stalked my way to the other side of my room and pressed my hand against the wall. There was a loose piece of wood on my wall, and in the walls were my secret collection of fiction novels. I slowly took out The Lightning Thief and fell on my bed. "Only you can get all this mess out of my mind, Percy," I sighed, opening it to the first page.

Suddenly, my door flew wide open, and it was my mother who walked in. I quickly put the book under my pillow and said, "Um, hi Mother....what brings you here?"

"I just got a call from the principal. You're tutoring Mr. Gajeel Redfox?"

I looked away from my mother. "I had no choice. I tried to get out of it, but Principal Grandine said I had to..."

My mother sighed. She undid her bun so that her blue hair would fall on her back. That meant she was serious. She tilted her glasses and gave me a stern look. "If this guy interferes with your grades, you will be in a heap of trouble."

"Yes, Mother," I gulped. Her eyes suddenly left mine and to my pillow. "What are you hiding?"

My heart stopped. "What?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Levy! I saw you hide something under your pillow!" I avoided her eyes, sliding my body towards my pillow. My mother walked up to me and pushed me aside, throwing my pillow up in the air. When she saw the book, she was silent. I thought I was in the clear for the moment.

Then, she began to freak out. "What the hell is this!"

"It's....it's just a book," I muttered.

"IT'S A FICTION BOOK!" She grabbed my book and began to rip the pages off the spine. I watched in horror, but knew better than to interfere. Pages were flying from the sky, words separated and torn from one another. I never knew such a person could do such a horrible thing! After finishing killing my book, she panted like a wild animal. She took a deep breath and said to me in a eerie voice, "Dinner is on the table. Be downstairs in five ."

I said nothing, looking away from my mother. That angered her. "Do you hear me loud and clear, Levy?"

"Yes, Mother," I whispered, trying not to cry. She strutted out of my room, slamming the door and making the house quake.

I gently touched the torn pages of the book in sorrow. I've already read the series over five times, but I hated seeing a book like this. I fell in love with Percy and Annabeth, especially their slowly formed romance. I wanted something like that. "I wanted to read your story again, Percy," I muttered. "I'm sorry I had to put you in so much pain."

When I got downstairs, I sat down at the dinner table with Mother and Father. Rice and tofu with a fruit bowl, just like any other day of the year. My father was reading the paper while writing something down on his notepad, just like always. My mother was planning her teach schedule for the next day like always. It was a quiet dinner; something I hated. "So Father...have you heard anything from Lucas?"

"I believe right now he's somewhere down south in Labora curing the blind," he said with a hint of pride.

"Lucas has grown up to be such a brilliant man! He never shied away from his studies nor  did anything reckless. You should learn something from him, darling," Mother said. I just continued to eat my tofu in silence. I missed my brother ever since he left to cure diseases all around the world last year. Ever since he found the cure for cancer, my parents have been comparing me to him. Dont get me wrong, I love my brother will all my heart, but it was just getting to tiring. "Levy, I heard that you'll  be tutoring Gajeel Redfox," my father said.

"You heard right," I said.

"He's in my AP Ancient History class. It seemed in his placement test, he got a perfect score in that part of the test." I coughed with shock. Gajeel was in an AP class? I thought he was behind in school because of juvie? "I expect you to be successful in this, Levy. Just like your brother."

"Just like your brother," my mother repeated. I nodded, munching on my fruit. I always had to make my parents proud; it was one of the duties of being a McGarden. But sometimes I wondered what it was like to be....a normal teenage girl. One that could go out at night with her friends, or could read whatever I desired.

If only.....If only I could find someone that was having the same experience as me. Someone who felt...different from the world as well.

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