8 - Media Talk

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As everyone returned to their cherished abode, Yua gracefully sank into the plush comfort of her pristine white couch, the very heart of her living room sanctuary. With a gentle flick of her hand, she activated the television, seamlessly connected to her mobile phone courtesy of Yunjin's technical prowess. As the screen transitioned from inert blackness to a vibrant spectrum of colors, Yua leisurely brushed her hair, the soft white towel draped effortlessly around her neck.

With the rhythmic hum of the television filling the room, Yua began her journey through a myriad of videos, each one offering a glimpse into different worlds and narratives. Yet amidst the array of choices, her gaze alighted upon a particular offering, a behind-the-scenes glimpse into a beloved production.

A flicker of recognition danced in her eyes as she pondered the familiar scenes unfolding before her. "Isn't this the behind-the-scenes?" she mused aloud, the query hanging in the air as she gently set the remote control down, fully captivated by the unfolding narrative before her.

The title of the video proclaimed boldly: "Cast of the New Upcoming Drama Under Director Nova: Behind the Cameras." With eager anticipation, Yua settled deeper into the cushions of her couch, her attention fully captured by the unfolding scenes.

The footage began with Wubin, the charismatic lead of the upcoming drama, taking center stage. As the first shoot concluded, a palpable sense of relief washed over him, evident in the hearty sigh that escaped his lips. With a friendly slap on the back of his manager, also known to the entertainment word as Jake, he shared a moment of camaraderie, their laughter echoing in the studio.

Yet, the perspective shifted as the screen split, revealing a more intimate glimpse into Wubin's world. In the dimly lit confines of his dressing room, he paced nervously, his lips moving silently as he rehearsed his lines. The makeup artists fluttered around him, their patience tested by his restless energy.

Caught in the midst of the chaos, one makeup artist couldn't contain her frustration, her voice tinged with exasperation as she pleaded, "Wubin-ssi, please just stay still, will you?" Wubin's response was a plaintive whine, his puppy-dog eyes pleading for understanding. "I can't remember anything, Noona," he confessed, his vulnerability endearing him to the hearts of viewers.

Yua couldn't help but be drawn into the spectacle, her curiosity piqued by the comments scrolling incessantly below the video. Words of adoration poured forth, each one a testament to Wubin's undeniable charm.

"He is the embodiment of cute."

"Sign me up to be his makeup artist anytime."

"Wubin is soo cute <3"

"He has such pretty features."

"Lol, look at that contrast in both the videos, he is a real cutie~"

But amidst the sea of admiration, one dissenting voice stood out, sparking a flicker of amusement in Yua's eyes. "They are all blind, really. How on earth is that cute?" she muttered to herself, a playful grin tugging at the corners of her lips as she observed the ongoing discourse surrounding Wubin's undeniable allure.

The scene shifted once more, this time focusing on Junhyeok, another prominent member of the drama's cast. Before the commencement of the first scene, Junhyeok was depicted in a quiet moment, murmuring his lines to himself with a furrowed brow. His manager, known to the industry as Nancy, ever the supportive presence, stood by his side, assisting him in perfecting each syllable until the dialogue flowed effortlessly between them, crisp and well-rehearsed.

Gratitude filled Junhyeok's heart as he entered the shoot, a slice of cake in hand, a token of appreciation for Nancy's unwavering dedication. With a grateful smile, he extended the sweet treat, a simple gesture of thanks for her tireless efforts.

The subsequent scene unveiled Junhyeok in character as Helios, a stark departure from his usual timid demeanor showcased in the preceding videos. The transformation was nothing short of remarkable, his portrayal of the enigmatic character commanding attention and respect.

Intrigued by the unfolding drama both on and off-screen, Yua delved into the comments section, her eyes widening in disbelief at the outpouring of admiration for Junhyeok's talent and humility.

"Why is Junhyeok such a good actor, man?"

"Hands down, he literally fooled me. Who would have thought the actor Helios would, in real, be such a softie?"

"Look at him. So humble and grounded. His manager is also so pretty."

"Hats off to the manager for helping him out so much when he was struggling."

"A lady who helps her artist instead of breaking their self-esteem? A man who is a complete package of perfection? Sign me up, guys."

"This drama will be worth watching."

Yua sat on the edge of her seat, her gaze fixed on the screen before her. As her own face appeared, illuminated by the glow of the television, she couldn't help but feel a surge of apprehension. Each frame felt like a scrutinizing lens, magnifying her every expression and movement.With a critical eye, Yua observed the footage of herself, her posture rigid with tension. She was acutely aware of the weight of expectation resting upon her shoulders. While the accolades showered upon her male co-stars were well-deserved, she couldn't shake the feeling of being overlooked, her contributions dismissed in comparison.

The scenes showcased her portrayal of Louise, a character she had poured her heart and soul into bringing to life. Yet, as the footage played out, she couldn't shake the nagging fear that her performance would pale in comparison to that of her male counterparts.

The first and second shoots were seamlessly compiled, her lines alone echoing through the room. Each word spoken carried with it a depth of emotion, a testament to her dedication to her craft.

The scene shifted, and Yua found herself depicted as a professional actress, poised and self-reliant. As her blazer slipped from her shoulders, she didn't hesitate to rectify the situation herself, lifting it back into place with a practiced ease. It was a subtle moment, but one that spoke volumes about her independence and competence.

Next, the footage revealed a more relaxed side of Yua, as she sat with her trusty assistant and manager, Yunjin, enjoying a small snack of gimbap. Their conversation drifted effortlessly between topics, from the latest fashion trends to their personal preferences in clothing styles.

Yua's eyes sparkled with mischief as she playfully teased Yunjin about her fashion choices, shaking a friendly slap on her shoulder. "Oh, come on. A-line skirts are beautiful," she exclaimed with a grin. Yunjin responded with an elegant smile, wiggling her eyebrows in playful retaliation. Yua couldn't contain her laughter, the sound echoing through the room in a devious, infectious burst.

In that moment, the dynamic between Yua and Yunjin was palpable, a perfect blend of professionalism and camaraderie. Despite the pressures of their industry, they shared a genuine bond that transcended their roles as actress and manager.

The scene shifted once again, and Yua found herself portrayed in a moment of frustration and anger. A paper plate lay discarded on the floor, a glaring reminder of someone's negligence. With determination etched on her features, Yua stooped to pick up the offending item, her movements purposeful as she marched towards a nearby table.

With a sharp exhale, she slammed the paper plate onto the surface, her eyes flashing with indignation as she addressed the unseen culprits. "At least throw your trash in the trash can," she admonished, her voice laced with bitterness. There was a raw edge to her tone, a reflection of her commitment to maintaining order and respect in her environment.

As she turned away, her hair swayed behind her in an involuntary gesture, mirroring the turbulent emotions swirling within her. It was a fleeting moment, but one that spoke volumes about Yua's unwavering dedication to her principles.

The next cut revealed a lighter side of Yua, as she playfully slapped Wubin with the script to wake him up from his reverie. The action was accompanied by a mischievous grin, a playful reminder of the camaraderie shared between castmates.

Yet, it was the subsequent scene that truly captured Yua's essence. As Junhyeok took his time to review his lines, Yua waited patiently by his side, a picture of grace and poise. There was no impatience in her demeanor, no hint of frustration at the delay. Instead, she offered her support and encouragement, a silent reminder that they were all in this together.

"Why did they have to add that laugh, gosh..." she muttered to herself, a faint flush of embarrassment coloring her cheeks. With a self-conscious glance around the room, she instinctively raised her right hand to cover her face, as if shielding herself from the unwanted sound.

But even as she sought refuge behind her hand, her left hand was already in motion, deftly operating the remote control to access the comment section. It was a reflexive action, born out of a desire to gauge the reaction of her fans, to see if they shared her discomfort with the moment captured onscreen.

As the comments scrolled by, Yua braced herself for the inevitable backlash, expecting to see a flood of criticism directed at her laugh. But to her surprise, the responses were overwhelmingly positive, filled with praise and admiration for her authenticity and unabashed joy.

"She has such understanding and chemistry towards her fellow casts. Yua is a real queen."

"We stan an understanding and bold queen."

"Look at Wubin get it haha. Yua is truly the boss alright."

"I knew Yua Han was an A list actress but man seeing her like this actually gives me so much solace."

"Beauty, brains and talent. God's just unfair sometimes."

"Did you know this girl can sing as well? Someone even caught her learning boxing as a passion. There is nothing this girl can't do."

"Proud of our queen for showing the trash their rightful place."

"You can't be serious right? Yunjin and Yua together are such IT girls gosh."

"Look at our queen laugh like no care in the world. I need the confidence to laugh loudly like that and still look beautiful."

"Even their managers are beautiful. Shows just right about birds of a feather flock together."

"Yua is such a great actress it's scary to see. I mean look. If I didn't know any better I'd think this Louise person was real, man."

"The director literally forgot the budget with this one!"

"Wow...their reactions..." Yua couldn't help but exhale in a proud rise. It was a moment of validation, a reassurance that her fans appreciated her authenticity and spirit. With a renewed sense of confidence, she continued to navigate through the array of videos, eager to explore more of the captivating world of the drama's cast and crew.

As she scrolled through the footage, Yua came across a compilation featuring the entire main cast together. The scene depicted the moment when Helios, portrayed by Kang Junhyeok, had first captured the hearts of viewers. His expression, plain and dark, had resonated deeply with audiences, sparking a new topic of discussion: the allure of Kang Junhyeok.

Despite being a rookie, Junhyeok had quickly risen to fame, his enigmatic portrayal of Helios captivating audiences worldwide. His ascent to stardom was nothing short of meteoric, a testament to his talent and charisma.

The next popular scene that captivated viewers' attention featured Yua's dramatic skid towards the floor from the beginning of the staircase. As the footage unfolded, audiences were left in awe of her agility and physical prowess. The scene showcased Yua's remarkable talent as she executed the maneuver with precision and finesse, all without the aid of a stunt double.

With bated breath, viewers watched as Yua leaped and slid over the handrail, her movements fluid and seamless. There was a palpable sense of admiration in the air as people marveled at her skill, realizing that she possessed not only acting talent but also a remarkable level of physical prowess.

As the scene gained traction, it quickly became a new trend to brag about knowing Yua and her incredible abilities. Fans couldn't help but boast about their admiration for her, praising her for her fearless approach to stunts and her unwavering dedication to her craft.

For Yua, the newfound attention was both exhilarating and humbling. She had always prided herself on her physical abilities, but to see them recognized and celebrated by her fans was truly gratifying. It was a testament to her hard work and commitment to pushing herself to new heights, both figuratively and literally.

The third popular and striking scene that captured the audience's attention depicted the interaction between Shia and Wubin's characters, Rufford and Lieri, respectively. As the scene unfolded, viewers were drawn into the palpable chemistry between the two characters, particularly during a moment of tension when Rufford grabbed Lieri's hand to save her from falling.

For many, the scene was a romantic highlight, a heartwarming display of Rufford's gallantry and Lieri's vulnerability. The playful banter between the characters added to the charm, creating a dynamic that resonated with audiences on a deep and emotional level.

However, amidst the praise for the scene, there were also voices of criticism directed at Shia, the actress portraying Lieri. In the comments section, some viewers questioned her performance, expressing doubts about her ability to convincingly portray the character.

"What do they mean...?" Yua asked herself, her brows furrowing in confusion as she scrolled through the comments. She couldn't understand the criticism directed at Shia, knowing firsthand the dedication and talent she brought to her role.

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