9 - Media Stir

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As she continued to read, Yua felt a pang of empathy for her co-star. She knew all too well the sting of criticism, the feeling of being unfairly judged by those who couldn't possibly understand the complexities of the acting craft.

"I am pretty sure Nova had a reason to call this girl out."

"She is good in acting in my eyes atleast but I wonder what she did for the director to call her out like that."

"Check her behind the scenes cuts guys. She is a complete nuisance."

"Wow this girl is a complete weirdo. I see she thinks Wubin is actually all over her."

"I hate people who are so boastful. I mean be proud, don't be an irritating dump."

"She has a beef with Yua guys. Apparently this girl knew Yua since their school years."

↪️ "So you are telling me she is ignoring Yua? Why?

As Yua scrolled through the comments, her heart sank as she witnessed the relentless criticism directed at Shia. The tone of the comments grew increasingly hostile, with some even questioning Shia's character and integrity.

In a desperate attempt to make sense of the situation, Yua reached for her phone, her fingers trembling with anticipation as she navigated to the entertainment news section. It didn't take long for her to stumble upon the hot topic that had set tongues wagging across the industry.

According to the reports, Nova, the esteemed director of their drama, had called Shia to her room, where the paparazzi had been waiting to capture the scene. The atmosphere had been tense, with Nova's frustration palpable as she slammed her coffee cup on the table, her expression one of unmistakable disdain.

In front of the gathered reporters, Nova didn't mince her words, delivering a scathing critique of Shia's acting abilities. She labeled Shia as an amateur actress, accusing her of merely reciting lines without embodying the essence of her character. It was a brutal assessment, one that cut deep into the core of Shia's self-esteem.

Nova's words reverberated through the industry like a thunderclap, casting a shadow of doubt over Shia's future in the industry. The implications of Nova's harsh criticism were clear: if Shia didn't step up her game, she risked being replaced altogether.

Yua delved deeper into the unfolding drama surrounding Shia and Nova as mentioned in the covers. The reports detailing Nova's scathing criticism of Shia painted a bleak picture.

The main reason behind Nova's harsh words, it seemed, stemmed from a single incident during the shooting of the second scene. Yua's mind raced as she tried to piece together the events that had led to such a drastic turn of events.

According to the reports, Shia had inadvertently enacted the second line instead of the first, sending Nova into a fury. The director had shut down the camera immediately, forcing the crew to reenact the entire scene from scratch. It was a minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things, but Nova's temper had cast a dark shadow over the set.

Nova had also stated that being as Shia was, she wouldn't hesitate to let a crew member play the of Lieri. This statement was a huge blow in the grandeur of things.

Yua couldn't shake the niggling doubt that lingered at the back of her mind. "I'm sure director Nova is not the one being difficult. Shia must have done something," she muttered to herself, her frustration evident in the tilt of her head and the furrow of her brow.

With a heavy sigh, Yua allowed exhaustion to wash over her, her eyelids growing heavy as sleep beckoned. Despite the tumultuous events of the day, she knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges and opportunities to set things right. But for now, she would allow herself the luxury of rest, trusting that she would find a way to navigate the stormy seas that lay ahead.

Yua's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the familiar sight of her bedroom ceiling. A sense of disorientation washed over her as she struggled to recall the events of the previous night. It didn't take long for the pieces to fall into place, and she realized that she must have been brought back to her room by Yunjin while she was asleep.

With a jolt of panic, Yua glanced at the clock on her bedside table, her heart skipping a beat when she saw that it was already fifteen minutes past nine. "Shit," she muttered under her breath, her mind racing as she scrambled to untangle herself from the blanket that had wound itself around her in the night.

Knowing that she was already late, Yua wasted no time in leaping out of bed and darting towards the washroom. Her movements were hurried and frantic as she hastily went about her morning routine, barely sparing a thought for anything other than getting out the door as quickly as possible.

Despite the company being just a stone's throw away from her apartment, Yua couldn't shake the feeling of urgency that gripped her. She raced around her apartment, grabbing her essentials and stuffing them into her bag with reckless abandon.

Finally, with her belongings in tow, Yua dashed down the stairs and across the hallway, her footsteps echoing in the empty corridor. As she burst out the door, she barely paused to catch her breath, tossing her bag and other items into the car through the open window before diving in herself.

Yunjin, who was already seated behind the wheel, wasted no time in starting the engine and pulling away from the curb. The car lurched forward with a jolt, and Yua could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins as they sped off towards their destination.

As they navigated through the bustling streets, Yua couldn't help but marvel at the chaos of the morning rush hour. Despite her late start, she knew that she would make it to the office in time, thanks to Yunjin's expert driving skills.

With a grateful smile, Yua settled back into her seat, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

2nd July

Stara Entertainment
Second day of shooting

As Yua stepped through the glass doors of the company, a strange sense of unease settled over her. Glancing around at the staff members bustling about, she couldn't help but notice the tension that hung in the air like a heavy cloud. Despite their smiles and polite bows, there was an underlying sense of stress and gloom that permeated the atmosphere.

Each staff member she passed wore a facade of professionalism, but Yua could see the strain etched into their expressions. Behind the veneer of politeness, she could sense the weight of responsibility they carried, particularly in light of the recent comments surrounding Shia Kwon.

As she made her way through the corridors, Yua couldn't escape the palpable sense of nervousness that seemed to emanate from every corner. The comments on various channels were a constant source of concern, casting a shadow of doubt over the success of the drama.

While some comments praised the attractiveness of the cast and expressed excitement over their collaboration, there was an underlying apprehension regarding the criticism directed at Shia. As the lead actress, she held the fate of the drama in her hands, and the potential backlash from negative comments could have far-reaching consequences.

Yua knew that the comments could either catapult Shia to fame or spell disaster for the drama as a whole. The stakes were high, and the pressure on everyone involved was palpable.

Yua made her way through the bustling set to find Wubin and Junhyeok already dressed in their school uniforms, rehearsing their lines with their respective managers. Despite the tension hanging in the air, they seemed focused and determined, their dedication to their craft evident in every word they spoke.

As Yua's eyes scanned the set, she couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment when she failed to find any mention of Shia, a crucial part of the latest online buzz. With a resigned sigh, she settled into one of the chairs, patiently awaiting the arrival of her costume and makeup artist.

However, before she could fully immerse herself in her thoughts, a loud bang echoed through the set, causing heads to turn in unison. The arrival of Nova commanded attention, much like it had during the first table read.

Nova strode purposefully towards the actors, who stood in a horizontal line, waiting to greet her. Her presence was imposing, her demeanor exuding authority and confidence. "I hope you all rested well. Let's have a good shooting today as well," she declared, her words a rallying cry for the cast and crew.

Just as Nova turned to make her way to the director's seat, Yua felt a surge of courage welling up within her. With determination in her voice, she spoke up, addressing Nova directly. "Ma'am," she called out, her voice cutting through the din of the set.

Nova paused in her tracks, her attention immediately drawn to Yua. With a graceful turn, she faced Yua, her expression expectant as she waited for her to speak. All eyes were on Yua now, the weight of her words hanging in the air like a palpable force.

As Yua gathered her courage to address Nova directly, the atmosphere on the set grew palpably tense. All eyes turned to her, awaiting her words with bated breath. With a deep breath to steady herself, Yua began to speak, her voice clear and unwavering.

"Kwon Shia is an amazing actress," Yua declared, her words ringing out with conviction. However, her declaration was met with an unexpected interruption as Shia herself entered the room, her eyes swollen with tears and her expression somber. She was accompanied by Baeji who radiated an aura of simmering anger.

Despite Shia's disheartened appearance, Yua pressed on, determined to make her voice heard. "She is great at delivering her dialogues if not the entire character," Yua continued, her words hanging heavy in the air. The tension in the room was palpable, as everyone present braced themselves for the potential repercussions of Yua's bold statement.

Yua's words seemed to strike a chord with those gathered in the room, causing a ripple of unease to spread through the crowd. They knew all too well the consequences of opposing Nova's judgments, and the thought of facing her wrath was enough to send shivers down their spines.

Despite the risk, Yua forged ahead, undeterred by the weight of her words. "She can be a great asset to the drama," she asserted, her voice carrying a note of conviction. "I am sure you all know this already and are treating her like an elite actress."

Nova, who had been observing the exchange with keen interest, leaned in attentively, her gaze fixed on Yua. She listened intently as Yua continued to express her views, her expression inscrutable as she processed the implications of Yua's words.

"You see her as an elite actress who can achieve being an A-list contender," Yua continued, her tone measured yet impassioned. "And that's why you gave her elite advice about lifting the soul of the character itself. While me and my co-casts, along with the managers, know this is what your intentions are, the public and our very own crew might think differently."

Yua's words hung in the air, a testament to her courage and conviction. She had spoken her truth, knowing full well the risks involved, but refusing to stay silent in the face of injustice. Now, all that remained was to wait and see how Nova would respond to her impassioned plea for understanding the need to save this drama from falling.

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