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Hey Fred.

You'd never guess what happened today.

It was your birthday.

You were supposed to be 21 today, what happened?

I guess I need to stop wall-owing in my self-pity. Sorry, that was an awful pun. And pretty bad humour.

George genuinely looked broken. The way that he went to go for your tradition of opening presents at the same time, looking in the direction you should have been... only to realise that you weren't there.

We both do that. Just the other day, I went to go and ask you for a bit of advice, only to have the owl return to me because it couldn't find the addressee.

Nothing is as much of a reality check than turning to one of your best friends, only to realise that they're gone forever. It strikes you hard, makes you take in the fact that life is an actual thing. We walk and talk, laugh, cry and grow old.

But for what reason?

Why is it that some of us can lead such long lives, happy and content, and others don't even reach their potential before they are cut off from this world in the cruelest way possible?

Some people do not suffer the pain of loss.

Some have fears of death.

Others have fears of spiders or the darkness.

Yet, in the end, none of it matters because we will all die.

It is inevitable, yet we still yearn for it to last long.

Sorry, a little off topic.

What I mean to say is stop being so lazy, you've got the rest of your death to lie around in your coffin.

You had the chance to come back as a ghost, haunt people and create havoc even when you're dead. In some ways, I'm surprised you didn't take it.

In others, I understand; being able to see George and your family members, speak to them and yet never be able to fully interact... that would be torture for everyone.

I know that I should have written sooner. I just couldn't bring myself to.

But I will try to again. Perhaps make them a little more frequent.

- Lee.

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