Tag Thingamabob #2

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So, I got tagged again...
Thank you GinnyPotter4life.

It's the whole "13" questions/facts again, but I won't repeat the facts.

• You must post the rules.
• You have to tag 13 people.
• You can tag back.
• You have to post 13 facts about yourself.
• You must answer the 13 questions posed to you by the person you were tagged by.
• "I don't like tags" is not an acceptable excuse.
• You will be reminded after 1 week if it has not been completed.

1. I am a Grade 1 violinist.

2. I am a Grade 2 fencer.

3. I/My family have so many mugs that there isn't enough room for them all... despite having two cupboards, a drawer, and a couple of boxes in the attic filled with them.

4. I own a cat called Percy, who is really odd but also super affectionate.

5. Our cat is trained, so he can sit, stand, and/or turn around on command.

6. I should be revising for the trial tests I have next week... oops...

7. I'm currently learning Gujarati with my grandma.

8. I have been called heartless by many people, many times. The only time I have ever cried at a film was when I was two or three years old and consequently was terrified of Voldemort's face sticking out of the back of Quirrel's head.

9. I once tried to make Butterbeer, but the end result both looked like and tasted of custard.

10. I enjoy baking.

11. My family is very creative. I like D.T, my sister does art, my mum does photography (something my other sister particularly enjoys) and my dad designs websites.

12. I despise mushrooms. They are the spawn of Tartarus himself.

13. I have no clue what I'd like to have as a job when I'm older. Apparently this happened between a four-year-old me and my aunt, once:
Aunt: So, what do you want to be when you're older?
Me: *sighs* Well an adult, of course!

The 13 questions I was asked:

1. Tablet or computer?
Idk. I use both.

2. What are your ships?
TenRose, CaptainSwan, Hinny, Jily, Romione, Scorose, Blackinnon, Ronks/Temus, Percabeth, Frazel, Jiper, Caleo, Gruniper, Solangelo, Merthur, Johnlock... Need I go on...?

3. What is your favourite car brand?
I don't have one. Not that interested in cars, to be honest.

4. What is your favourite Ice cream flavour?
Mint choc chip, coffee, chocolate or strawberry.

5. What is your favourite class?
Product design (Design and Technology).

6. What is your favourite Wattpad story?
I'm not sure. That's too hard, I can't pick just one.

7. What is your favourite candy?
It chocolate counts, then Dairy Milk ftw. If not, skittles, jelly tots or mint imperials.

8. What is your favourite food?
I like soup. Particularly carrot and coriander soup.

9. How many siblings do you have?
3 - 2 sisters and a brother.

10. What is your favourite song?
Erm... how do you pick just one song? Tiptoe, Gold, or Polaroid by Imagine Dragons, or Fire by Kasabian. Sorry, I'm pretty indecisive...

11. What is a name you've always wanted?
There's not one, actually. I mean, Alice is my penname, but that's not really one I've always wanted. I'm happy with my actual name.

12. What is your favourite quote?
Hmm... "We could have been killed! Or worse, expelled..." is one that I particularly like because in some ways being expelled could be worse than death.
"Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." I just like this one.
Or... "One can never have too many socks.". It's true.

13. What is your favourite TV show/Channel? (You can answer either or)
Merlin (need I say any more...?)
BBC 1 or 2 (it depends on what's on).

The questions in asking:
1. How many posters do you have?

2. What do you really want to eat, right now?

3. Skittles or Jelly tots?

4. Least favourite artificial sweet flavour (e.g. banana, strawberry, apple).

5. What is the maximum amount of money that you'd pay for merchandise (any fandom)?

6. On a scale of 1-10, how messy is your room right now?

7. Favourite number?

8. Favourite drink?

9. Oldest Teddy/toy? (Name and/or age)

10. Would you genuinely trust Hagrid with your life?

11. Have you ever held a snake?

12. Have you got any ideas as to what you'd like to do in the future?

13. Would you ever burn a book?

I tag:

BVBEviePTV / PTVEvieBVB (I can't remember which is your active account... sorry...)
Anyone reading this, you are my thirteenth nominee.

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