Ron #2

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I need to ask you something.

I really need to ask it to you, because none of the others can answer it as well as you'd be able to.

But now, even you can't answer it as well as you would've been able to.

I guess I never quite realised how much I relied on you, nor how lucky I was to have you as a brother.

Percy is a git, yes, but there are people who are much worse out there, and instead I got landed with someone on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. When you think about it, it's pretty amazing that within our family we have most - if not all - of the stereotypical family members.

Mum is the one who fusses over everything, is brilliant at cooking, and makes a house a home.

Dad is the hardworking husband, who wants nothing more than for his family to be happy.

Bill is the eldest child, responsible and yet also messes around.

Charlie is the one who rebels against mum, works with the dangerous creatures and that sort of stuff.

Percy is the uptight pain-in-the-arse.

I'm the average one - not that amazing at anything other that chess.

Ginny is the girl who doesn't let anyone boss her around, stands up for herself, and has a temper and a half.

When it was the two of you, you and George were the pair who saw life as a joke. Anything could be turned funny is you have the guts. Leaving education early, but getting incredibly far in a small amount of time.

Now that it's just George, however, he's the one that isn't depressed, but often wonders about death, and how no matter how far you come, life is cruel but death is... well, who knows?

Back to that question though... actually, it doesn't matter. It'll look stupid if any of the others are looking through my stuff and find out what I've written down.

Do you remember when we were younger and we played the Auror game?

One person would be the Auror, and the rest of us would have to sneak into one another's room and steal stuff. You had to remember exactly what was where, and if any of your stuff was missing your repeat it to the "Auror". They'd have to catch the their and return your stuff.

It seems so odd and trivial now, so pointless that that's what we spent our childhoods doing.

One time, you stuck a moving picture of a spider on my poster whilst pretending to nick a quill or something.

It scared the living daylights out of me when I went to bed, rolled to the side and saw a spider moving.

You got your broom confiscated for a whole week because of that.

Not that you didn't steal it back.

With the amount of siblings we have, I always thought of you guys as annoyances, to be completely honest. Always there, mucking stuff up and turning my possessions into spiders.

Even if you are gone, I'll never forgive you for turning my Teddy into a spider.

You'll probably be glad to hear that Filch is gone, and according to Hermione, the list of banned items now consists of things such as danger frisbees, and "Every Weasley's Wizard Wheezes product".

Which, naturally, only further encourages students to get them.

The shop you and George were going to open up in Hogsmeade is also up and running. I tend to work there, whilst George mostly stays at the main one on Diagon Alley.

Mum is proud of the two of you.

I thin she just wishes that she got the chance to say it one last time.

- Ron.

P.S. Sorry about the length of this; Hermione tends to send mini-essays to me and there's so much that she says that my replies tend to be around the same length. It's now just a habit to write long letters.

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