44. United by Love

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"Your mind is like water, my friend. When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see. But if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear."


"Chase me," All the fake Bees chuckled loudly as Bee found herself encircled by them. "If you can."

The fierce expression on Bee's features was being replaced by one of nervousness when she averted her gaze in every possible direction, and it annoyed her. She hated those disgusting laughs all around, each one of which seemingly mocking her. She just simply hated that feeling.

Ironical for the optical illusion power holder, she found herself caught up in a situation that was a bit difficult to cut through the illusion being played upon herself.

At first, she tried to figure a way of differentiating between those multiple Bees but she couldn't. Their looks, the way they all spoke in conjunction, their vicious laughs, everything was identical.

Focus. Think Think Think, Closing her eyes, and stressing her mind, Bee buried her face in her palms.

At the moment, her eyes fluttered open with a new golden shine, a smirk now playing on her lips as she faced her replicas.

It was getting dark as it was past the time of sunset. Brilliant sunshine glow held in Bee's orbs when she opened her embrace widely as she started summoning the ambiance. The surroundings began to change drastically and eventually, it was daytime again, a perfect bright sun hung in the sky.

Before the fake Bees could take an action, the ultraviolet rays of the sun cast upon them and as soon as they did, her illusion took a troll. Just as Bee planned, not multiple but only a single dark shadow formed on the ground right next to one of the forms.

And that was it. Bee filtered out her real fake one when the others which didn't have any shadows attached to their forms vanished into the thin air.

"Bee!" Hoseok was panting as he came running towards her and immediately secured her in his arms with a jolt.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt somewhere? Does it hurt a lot?" Hoseok's eyes were out of focus, his voice dripping with concern as he checked Bee from head to toe.

"Relax, Hoseok!" Bee looked into his almond orbs as she gently rubbed her thumb over his knuckles in assurance. "I'm completely fine."

Hoseok sighed deeply, his long lashes blinking away the tiredness.

Amid everything, they had almost forgotten that both of their replicas were now standing right in front of them.

"Hey, look at them," Fake Hoseok who stood beside fake Bee spoke as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Is it just me, or they do look pitiful to you as well?"

"Oh," Bee's replica scrutinized her gaze at Hoseok's fake as if she was amused. "You're right!"

"Especially, her." Fake Bee had a wide grin on her face as she pointed at Bee. "If anyone who looks the most pathetic to me right now, it is her."

"How ridiculously she waited and begged for his love." Bee's clone tilted her head as fake Hoseok glanced at her with a smirk. "In fact, she would have nearly been imposing herself on him if he hadn't accepted her out of sympathy."

Bee's eyes widened with shock as she took in her replica's 'not so decent' words. She didn't know why but tears started dwelling in her eyes. She shouldn't be affected by her words, right?

"Button up your lip!" Hoseok hissed roughly, his irises radiating orange as blazing flames wrapped around his veined arms.

"Why?" Hoseok gulped out of habit when fake Hoseok progressed towards him. "Because she is just spilling the truth and you're not willing to hear it?"

"That's not true," Hoseok opposed through gritted teeth as he sensed Bee's trembling hand which was intertwined with his own.

"Oh, really?" Fake Hoseok chuckled darkly, leaning forward as he eyed him. "Poor memory, Hoseok. You can hide everything from anyone but me."

If he hadn't accepted her out of sympathy. Bee stood frozen on her spot as she couldn't help but remember her replica's words. Out of sympathy?

His love, was it a lie?

All those words he had said to her, he had promised her, was it all just a lie?

A lone tear escaped from Bee's eyes as she opened her mouth to reprimand but no words really could come out. She couldn't accept the fact that she had that much darkness filled inside herself.

"Listen, listen to me, Bee! Don't let their words get to you," Hoseok turned towards Bee as he slightly shook her, bringing her back from all the negative thoughts she could possibly be getting in the very back of her mind. "No matter what they're saying, it couldn't change my feelings for you."

"And I know yours too, yeah?" Hoseok's gaze was demanding an answer as he gently cupped her face, wiping away her tears.

For a moment, all went silent as Bee looked void of any expressions or emotions, she seemed...numb.

Bee sighed as she approached her replica and placed her hands on her shoulders. Her fake didn't react to her touch, instead, she just snickered.

"Regardless of how much you try to convince me," Bee spoke as she mirrored her fake's figure. "It's not worthy enough to change my feelings for him and I bet, it will never be."

Contrary to Hoseok's replica whose expressions were seemingly wavering, Hoseok's face brightened up hearing Bee's words as he quickly reached out for her and pulled her into a tight hug straight away. A warm smile spread onto her face as she returned the hug. "Uh, Hoseok, actually I'm not finished with her yet."

"So, what were you saying, sympathy, huh?" Bee folded her arms over her chest as she crooked an eyebrow at her replica. "Why would he confess me out of 'sympathy'? Besides I don't see a reason for me to be seen as someone anything but pitiful."

Hoseok watched with furrowed eyebrows as he started back and forth between the two Bees who were still pursuing intense eye contact.

"And you're right, I did want him in my life since the day we've first met," Bee continued as she glanced behind at Hoseok with a soft smile, her eyes already explaining it all, the answers he wanted to hear. "But that doesn't prove that I've forced my feelings on him and that he was forced to love me. Because I saw, I saw the purity in his eyes when he said those three words to me, if it wasn't the most beautiful thing ever then I'm not sure if anything else is."

"Stupid girl." Hoseok's replica crackled harshly as his dark, piercing glare bore into her skull.

"I swear on my love that I will protect her," Hoseok's eyes flickered reddish-orange as he stepped in front of Bee in a protective stance, interlacing his fingers with her's as he gawked at both Bee's and his own replica.

"And though I already do, I will continue to love her and only her for the rest of my life."

"I love you, Hoseok." Bee couldn't help herself from getting drippy as teardrops shined in her eyes. She was suddenly feeling a surge of emotions all at a time.

Hoseok smiled sweetly, his tiny dimples on display as he took Bee's hands in his own, and gently placed a soft kiss over her knuckles. "I love you too, Bee!"

"You surely do love each other, don't you?" Hoseok got startled when both of their replicas uttered synchronously.

With their hands entwined, eyes dazzling with respective golden and orange hues, Bee and Hoseok faced their fakes as they spoke in a monotone. "Of course, we do!"

In a fraction of seconds, both the replicas dissipated into a mixture of golden and orange mist, which looked graceful for some reason.


Thinking of Jungkook's advice, Yoongi had already pretty much assumed what was he about to witness but little did he know it will be that difficult, more of, awkward to face.

But here he was at present, standing opposite to his replica, who was literally fizzing with fury, sickening bolts of electricity crackling around his form as his eyes held a bright yellow color.

Yoongi was sure about what to do next would be an understatement as he seemed everything but sure, still, he managed not to lose the stern expression on his face as he balled his hands into fists. He instinctively glanced around and saw Namjoon and Jin who stood at some distance with worry written on their faces.

The electricity power holder shot out lightning bolts from his fingertips, his eyes glowing powerful yellow. But his confidence soon faded when the other him prevented his attacks by applying the same technique as him, by producing the same energy as him, generating charring sounds all around.

"Do you know something?" Yoongi was taken aback when his replica started to talk. "Well, I bet you don't."

"What are you trying to say?!" Yoongi shrilled through his gritted teeth as he launched a sharp beam of electricity which was effortlessly dodged by his fake and caused the smoking debris to be piled up which once used to be a wall.

"It is impossible to find someone more idiotic than you." Fake Yoongi jeered as he grinned at the former.

"Oh, cut the crap!" Yoongi hissed as electricity intensified around him, sending blisters at his own face. "And just come to the point!"

"My point? It's very simple, what I'm trying to say is," Yoongi's replica folded his hands in a clasping manner as he slowly moved towards the real Yoongi. "Don't you think you can dominate over all your friends?"

The fierce expression on Yoongi's face shifted to terrified one within a snap, deciphering his clone's words.

"That's bullshit!" Yoongi whisper-shouted as absolute rage was dripping from his voice.

"Oh c'mon, Yoongi." Fake Yoongi scoffed darkly as a smirk was consistent on his lips. "I know you better than you've ever known yourself."

Yoongi couldn't come to think of anything at the moment so he just crackled his wrist, a wave of electricity erupted from the ground which sent the electricity power holder flinging up above the clouds.

While Hoseok and Bee who had just arrived at the spot found Namjoon and the invisibility power bearer with their mouths agape in utter shock as they witnessed the scene of Yoongi looking no different from a bright shooting star.

Yoongi felt dread starting to pool at the pit of his stomach when he saw his fake landing right in front of him as he floated in the clouds, just like him.

"You can't escape from reality," Lighting crackled in the sky as fake Yoongi rebuked, his eyes having that dark glint. "Because somewhere deep inside, you know that too. You alone are much more powerful and capable than all your friends combined are and could ever be."

"Shut that damn mouth of yours!" Yoongi clenched his jaw, his gaze sending daggers at his fake as his replica's each word was getting onto his nerves.

"You've blurted out all the nonsense that you wanted." A smug look was plastered on Yoongi's face as he eyed his opponent. "Now it's my turn."

The smile that fake Yoongi had put on was starting to fade as he observed even the slightest movement made by Yoongi.

"Listen, you selfish ungrateful brat!" With his teeth gritted, Yoongi progressed forward. "Everything you said was completely wrong, my friends are a lot more capable and worthy than you think. If someone who is vulnerable without them, it's me."

Fake Yoongi's calm demeanor shattering in a split second as he watched in horror.

Electricity surged through Yoongi's veins, his eyes glowing to the brightest shade of yellow as he summoned up all the charge carriers possible around the sky. He then stretched out his palm, a sharp sword electrocuted up of pure lightning energy dropped right at his palm from the thunderstorm that circled high above them.

"The truth is that, they make me complete." Yoongi snapped at his replica as he struck the crackling sword straight through his heart. "With all our flaws, we all make each other complete."

"And your overbearing pride is just too trivial to reverse that!"

"Well done." Yoongi caught a smile on his fake's lips as he spoke for one last time before fading into a thin yellow mist.

Author's Note:

Gosh! I love writing the conversations between the power bearers and their clones. I'm so excited for the few upcoming chapters that are left.

I 💜 you!

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