45. Trust Issues

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Deadly winds in the atmosphere advanced as Jimin's eyes sparkled with a magnificent magenta hue, the one that could easily captivate anyone at the moment.

Here the super speed bearer stood, with his jaw clenched as he faced his replica who looked as mischievous as possible.

"Do you seriously call yourself a friend?" Jimin's replica spoke in a mocking tone, his arms crossed over his chest. "And if you do then how can you be so blind to not see what is going on around you?"

"What the hell do you mean?"

With that, Jimin propelled himself through the air in a short dash as he created a violent whirlwind which eventually engulfed both of them within, and sent the things flying around.

"Can't you see? The way he looks at her every single time," Fake Jimin scowled as he was twirling between the intense winds and so did Jimin. "Even an idiot can tell, that he's in love with her. Taehyung is in love with Moon!"

All went silent. No sound apart from the one created by the winds could be heard.

There levitated Jimin, seemed to lost his speech all of a sudden.

"N-No. That is not true," Jimin's voice came small as he couldn't believe what he just heard.

"Want to believe it or not but it is true. It. is. true, Jimin, and somewhere deep down, you are aware of that too." Surprisingly, fake Jimin's tone held a pain, a pain that seemed 'oh so real' to Jimin, who was in denial. "So don't pretend, at least in front of me because—"

"I'm you and you're me."

Jimin's replica's each word was sending daggers at his heart as he was trying hard to battle with his emotions.

Nonetheless, fake Jimin continued. "They both are best friends since childhood and have known each other better than you have and that's what makes it a lot deeper bond than her's and yours. You don't stand a chance against him."

"No, no, no!" Jimin's eyes shone brighter magenta as fury was evident on his features, the winds intensified even more as the whirlwind had now turned into an extreme hurricane. "This is all bullshit!"

"Fine. Just answer my one question," Jimin's clone had now placed his hands on Jimin's shoulders in a comforting manner. "Is it friendship or love for you?"

"Both equally matter to me." Jimin blurted out in a breath as he stared into his replica's overly sympathetic eyes.

"But I don't think the same goes for Taehyung because he has chosen one over the other."

Jimin was facing a loss of words once again as he suddenly thought of all the scenarios in his head.

How Taehyung had actually never shared his feelings about Moon. Does he think of her just as a good friend or something more than that?

Now Jimin started to figure it all, why does Taehyung didn't say anything for a good few minutes after Jimin had confessed what he feels about Moon. Why did he looked...hurt when he should be the opposite.

But the one thing that Jimin couldn't figure out was that- why did Taehyung put him in the dark? Why did he didn't tell him? Was he trying to portray himself as a victim, a sacrificer, an overgenerous?

"You have to make a decision before it gets too late. It is now or never, Jimin." Fake Jimin made piercing eye contact which somehow ended up making the super speed bearer look vulnerable.

"The first love of your life or the deceiving friendship," A dark glint was held in fake Jimin's eyes as a small smirk swept up to his lips.

"The choice is yours."


"How stupid you are," Fake Moon scoffed as she stood across a completely bewildered Moon, her eyes now gleaming ice-blue. "Getting swayed by his words so easily?"

"Who are you talking about?" Moon scowled as her blue eyes glared at her replica.

"Of course, it's Taehyung, who else." Duplicate Moon jeered as a vicious smirk danced on her lips.

Moon's eyes slightly widened as she had least expected her replica to bring up his name in their conversation out of nowhere.

"You have forgiven him, didn't you?" Fake Moon chuckled harshly as she stepped forward with her glowing ice-blue orbs. "Seriously? After what he had done to that poor peasant, after how he had behaved with you."

Moon didn't say a word. She just stood with tightly balled fists, pure rage evident on her features.

"Argh," With gritted teeth, Moon charged at her replica almost startlingly. She glided through the ice, stabbing the razor-sharp ice spikes in various parts of her clone's body, completely knocking her down.

"No matter how much you try to convince yourself, how much you try to persuade your heart, it won't make him different than a criminal." Despite blood flowing out of every inch of her body, fake Moon didn't look fazed at all.

"He's just a murderer. A murderer!"

"Shut up! You have spoken enough and I have had enough." Moon reprimanded, fury was literally dripping from her voice as she harshly held her replica by her bloody chin. "And it doesn't mean that I'm gonna let you keep doing that."

Fake Moon didn't react to that, instead, she just flashed a malicious grin.

"You're right. He shouldn't have done that. He did hurt my feelings." Moon averted her gaze out of instincts as she sighed deeply. "I've already thought a lot about it and concluded that no one will be more stupid than me if I doubt our fifteen years-long friendship just like that.

Moon kept her fierce stare at her clone, who looked a bit taken aback by her words.

"All the time that I've spent with him, I'm sure of one thing," Moon was slowly sealing the distance between them as she was snapping at her replica's face. "The last thing he would do is to purposely hurt me or my feelings."

Fake Moon was silenced by that as she stood frozen on her spot, her chapped lips had turned blue by now.

"A friend like Taehyung is precious. He's someone I can do anything and nothing with and still have the best time." A soft smile spread onto Moon's lips as she probably had a flashback of their moments in the very back of her mind.

"In fact, he's someone more than a friend to me." The ice power bearer continued as she stood tall and determined, right in front of her clone, who on the other hand looked anxious.

"And you are no one," Moon advanced, and held her fake by her shoulders as she gawked at her. "Do you hear me? You. Are. No. One. who can change that!"

Surprisingly, a small smile crept up to fake Moon's lips as she started to fade. "You lived up to my expectations." With that, she vanished into sprinkling icy mist.


"Playing the hero, huh?" Magenta glint was literally floating in Jimin's eyes as he faced Taehyung. "When you should be the...villain."

"What's the matter, Jimin?" Taehyung asked as he found himself getting confused at the moment. "W-Why are you talking like that?"

"Oh, seriously?" Jimin scoffed as he approached the mystical power bearer. "Like you don't know anything."

While Taehyung's brain cells were still trying to figure out what Jimin was trying to say, the former had a grim expression.

"You love her, don't you?"

Taehyung's eyes widened, he was greatly taken aback as he took in his words.

"W-What a-are y-you trying to say," Taehyung stuttered, he felt like all the blood had rushed, and settled upon his cheeks. "I don't under—"

"Oh please, how long are you going to pretend?!" Jimin snapped through his gritted teeth, his hands balling into fists.

Knowing the gravity of the situation, Taehyung slowly reached out as he placed his hands on Jimin's shoulder. "Jimin, l-listen,"

"No!" Jimin reprimanded as he ripped off the former's hands from his shoulder, his gaze sending plain bitterness. Truthfully, Jimin was frustrated. "I don't want to listen to anything, I only want a clear answer, Yes or No?"

"I—" Before any words could come out of Taehyung's mouth, he was thrown away as a strong twister of wind struck him. There stood Jimin with his glowing eyes, his expressions were totally unfazed.

Grunting in pain and taking the support of the ground, Taehyung barely managed to regain his composure. Dread began to fill in Taehyung's system as never in his lifetime, he had seen Jimin this angry.

"J-Jimin," Taehyung ended up falling on his ass harshly as he received another attack, which was much more intense than the previous one.

"Enough!" Taehyung shouted. His chest heaved heavily as he took deep breaths. "You want an answer, right?"

"Yes. I do love her."

Although Jimin was already expecting the same response, still his opponent's words hit him like an arrow in his heart.

"I love her more than anyone or anything in this world!" Taehyung's gaze was full of determination as he spoke confidently. "And I think, sometimes it's better to be selfish."

Taehyung's eyes glittered powerful purple as he shot an equally strong purple beam which caused the super-speed power bearer to groan in agony as it hit him right at his chest.

Both the great power bearers now stood, facing each other as they exchanged deathly glares. Their irises shone with marvelous purple and magenta shade respectively.

No more words were spoken as both the power holders leaped into the air almost unnervingly, reddish-purple energy beams clashed in the mid-air, producing brightest sparks ever with a sizzling sound.

Everything happened in slow motion as both of them fell onto the ground on their face first.

Fresh blood spurted out of Jimin's nose as he rose to his feet getting a hold of himself.

"Argh!" Both grunted with pure rage as they charged at each other almost with the speed of light.

Crackling his knuckles, Taehyung got himself into the enormous storm created by Jimin as he confronted him within the parameters of those violent winds. Countless punches and kicks were exchanged as both held a murderous glint in their eyes.

However, a sudden shriek tugged them out of their craziness.

"Guys!" Bee screamed on the top of her lungs as her concerned voice demanded everyone's attention.

"Moon is gone!"

Author's Note:

Ooh, the things got spiced up finally!! How do you like it? *smirks*

I 💜 You!

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