5. In the Woods

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There was dark everywhere. The air was stuffy. The trees were bladder-brown. They were stretched away from the crinkly floor. They looks like centuries-old with sprawling limbs guarded the darkness, blotting out any sunlight. Gloomy scrubs hid dangerous creatures. It was teeming with animals and insects, a concert of humming, buzzing, chirping and thrumming can be heard. There was a jewel-blue stream gushing over the rocks. It was thundering down into the river like a gigantic water spout. 

Taehyung gently opened his eyes. The view of dark woods with a gloomy atmosphere appeared in front of his eyes. He got blank for a moment.

"Huh! Where I am? 

What is this place?" he looked around him in surprise. 

"It seems like that I have seen this place before somewhere. But where?" he spoke to himself as he stressed his mind, to remind it. "And how my clothes get changed? How am I wearing these clothes which looks like of a player or something?" he scanned his clothes with a puzzled look.

As he was in a state of turmoil, suddenly a sound could be heard from behind the bushes. He followed it. There was a wildcat slinking away. It was looking scary and harmful. He started to drag his steps back. But he didn't realize and his feet slipped and he fell down from a cliff right into the water. 

Thank God! he knew how to swim, otherwise he would surely get drained away in those vigorous water currents. He came out of the water pulling out his body upwards by taking the help of the ground and brushed off his clothes which were completely wet now. 

Someone's convulsive sobs could be heard as he stood up. He went near. There was a girl sitting on the ground, her arms squeezing her knees close to her chest, whimpering. He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" 

His eyes wide-opened in shock and as she turned her face to him in between her cries. 

"Huh?...Moon!!, How did you get here?" he had the most surprised look on his face. Moon asked the same question having exactly the same expressions as of Taehyung. 

"I don't know...I was in my room, then something splashed in my eyes and my eyes got shut from then I don't remember anything." Taehyung explained. 

"I don't know either, I was also in my room, sitting on my bed then all the lights went off and after that I also don't remember anything, how I got here?" Moon replied. They gazed at each other in confusion. 

"Honestly, this place looks familiar to me." Moon said, glancing around. 

"W-what, really?? To me also!!" Taehyung responded, getting surprised. They again tried to remember when Taehyung yelped all of a sudden. 

"Ah! It was in the game that we played yesterday, Level 1- The Jungle" he spoke out. 

"What?!.. oh yes you're right!!" Moon answered as she examined the place once again. 

"T-That means we..." They both shouted at the same time as they were left dazed, having a dumbfounded expression on their faces. Their jaws dropped as the reality hits them. 

"No no, that can't be! How the hell is it possible?!! How can we-" the words refused to came out of their mouths because of the utter shock. They both rubbed their eyes, hoping that it all was a dream as they couldn't believe what was even happened to them. But it was useless, as everything was still the same because what their eyes were showing them was absolutely real, not just a 'dream'. 

"Arghhh, how can it be!!!" Taehyung yelled, still denying the reality. 

"Now I remember...these outfits are the same as of those players which we chose as us when we played the game." she said, getting astounded.

"Oh no! What do we do now? 

What's the way to get out of here? 

Will we be trapped here forever? 

Will we have to spend our rest of the life here...being trapped?" Moon concerned as the fear was spreading in her voice. 

Taehyung tried to shush her as she began to cry. He cupped her cheeks in his hands, making an eye contact with her. 

"Don't cry, we will find out a way to get out of here. I promise, I'll take you out from here, okay??" he assured her while wiping out her tears. 

"Um...okay." she nodded at him in between her faint sobs.

"But how?" 

"For now, I really don't know! But I will...somehow. So for the time being, all we can do is to try finding out a way to escape from here." Taehyung said. 

As they were walking on the crinkly grasses, thinking about it, Taehyung suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"I'm sorry, Moon." 

"Sorry?, for what?" 

"For speaking with you so rudely before, for treating you like that, for making you cry, I'm really sorry." Taehyung took her hands in his. 

"Actually, I was so pissed off because of all the things that were happening to me. So all my frustration got released on you, I didn't mean a single word I said at that time." he continued further with the most gentle eyes. 

"But I'm still angry about that, how can you talk to me like that?!" Moon turned out her face from him. 

"Ah, I'm really really sorry Moon...what I have to do for it? Okay if you want to hit me, then do it and release your temper on me." Taehyung said flinching, preparing himself to get hit.

She turned to him and slapped on his arm him playfully and hugged him tightly, surprising him as he stood still, closing his eyes supposing to get hit instead. 

"Don't you dare do that ever again, you don't know how bad I felt after that!" she mumbled while crying, her chin placed on his shoulder as she was still hugging him. Taehyung also wrapped his arms around her. 

"Never again." he caressed her silky, long hair. 

They broke out the hug as a weird sound came which was nothing else but his growling stomach because he didn't ate anything from the whole day.

"I'm so hungry. First of all, let's search for some food" Taehyung pouted. 

"Alright" she let out a chuckle.  

"There!...I guess there are some fruits." he pointed towards a big tree. They went near and picked some fruits and berries. They had a sweet smell and were rich and luscious in taste. 

"Um, it's tasty.", Taehyung said with a pleased tone.

As they finished eating, a loud growling and threatening sound resonated in the air all of a sudden, startling them. They slowly turned their heads back while gulping down their own saliva. 

Their eyes got wide opened with shock as they saw...

Author's note:

Hello guys!! How ya'll are doing? How was the chapter? I hope this chapter braked some of your curiosity. Thank you for being patient till now. I'm really thankful to each and every person who gives their precious time in reading it. Please do vote and comment if you like it and anticipate in the next chapter also. 

Have a wonderful day/night!! Take care and Stay safe~

Borrrahae 💜💜💜

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