6. First Fight

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The loud growling sound echoed. Taehyung and Moon turned their heads getting startled by the sound effect. There appeared a huge monster like creature. It was making a thumping sound by stomping it's huge feet on the ground. Their eyes got widened in shock as if they were gonna pop out of their cavities anytime. 

It was big as a two-storied building with spikes on it's back and head. It's eyes were red as blood. It has long, sharp fangs. It's tail was sharp as a knife. It's feet as big as it can crash ten people at a time. The saliva dropping down from its mouth showing it's big sharp zig-zag teeth. 

"W-What the heck is this?" Taehyung freaked out.

The monster slowly headed towards them, stamping it's big steps. Taehyung got blank for a moment as he was shocked as hell. 

"What are you waiting for?!" Moon yelled, shaking him up. 

"H-huh!" he muddled. They both dashed out as fast as they could. 

The monster was chasing after them. They were running like crazy holding each other's hand.

Taehyung abruptly tripped over a rock which he didn't noticed and fell down on the ground. 

"Oh Taehyung! are you okay? Hurry! try to stand up, it's right behind us." Moon said, holding his arm. 

"But I can't, I think my ankle got twisted." 

"But we have to hurry, otherwise we'll end up being it's meal." she tried to help in standing him up. The monster was now only at some distance from them as it growled.

They heard a familiar voice all of a sudden.

"Jimin-ah!" Taehyung got bewildered. 

Not only Jimin but all of them including Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoseok and Bee came at the site out of nowhere. Jimin and Moon supported Taehyung and stood him up. 

"Are you alright, Taehyung-ah?" Namjoon asked getting worried. 

"Yee, I'm fine, hyung." he responded.

"What the hell is going on here? We heard the growling sound." Jin yelped. 

"W-we are trying to figure out the same." Taehyung stuttered.

They all were gathered when a massive fireball dropped down near them, leaving the portion burned. 

They got alarmed and observed in the direction from where it came. It was the monster that was launching them from it's big creepy mouth. It shot an another one which also luckily missed them. 

Everyone split up in different directions without looking at where they were going as all they knew at that time was to run only and somehow save themselves from getting hit. 

The monster continued to emit the balls of fire aimlessly. All of them were hastening here and there. Then the monster flipped it's sharp tail due to which Hoseok got hit in his stomach and knocked-down on the ground. 

Yoongi reached out his hand to him and straightened him up. Now, he got angered, his cheeks heated up as he clenched his fists.

Suddenly, the sound of an immense thunderstorm and lightning thumped their ears. 

Yoongi's eyes turned bright yellow. He approached to the sky due to which he was now at eye level to the monster. His body looked like it was emitting some kind of sparks. He stretched his arm upwards, towards the sky and the sky turned all black. A huge cloud like formation containing lightning currents and sparks formed in the sky. It seemed like he was gathering some kind of powers or electric discharge. 

Their eyeballs almost popped out, mouths wide-opened at the sight they were watching. Yoongi pulled out his hand and threw the balls of currents he gathered at the monster's head due to which it roared and started tumbling and collapsed on the ground with a 'thud'.

The sky became normal. Yoongi came down, his eyes also came back to their original color. Everyone ran to him and glanced at him in amazement. 

"Yoongi, w-what was that?" Jin stuttered out in surprise. 

"Was that a movie scene or what! Huh?" Hoseok spoke getting amazed. 

"Woahhh hyung! That was so cool." Jungkook said with his dazzling eyes. Everyone flooded him with the questions which got them speechless. 

"Everyone quiet! I'll explain." he said firmly. 

By the way, how you all got here? Taehyung and Moon asked simultaneously, interrupting him.

"We all got here on that night when the thunderstorm occurred." Namjoon answered. 

"Oh, that means you all are also trapped here because of that stupid game." Taehyung said.

 "Yeah, I think everyone who played that game got trapped here." Jimin replied him. 

"Alright, so I'll explain." Yoongi drew out everyone's attention. 

"When I was sitting on the ground, worried about how to get out of here. I hit the rock out of frustration with my bare fist and I was so shocked when that happened, a little spark emitted from my hand and the rock slashed into two halves. I was so stunned that I wondered, Do I have some kind of electric power? But then denied, thinking how can it be possible. Then we heard you two screaming and came here and saw that you were getting attacked by that monster. And I got angered when that damn monster attacked Hoseok and then all this happened."

 "Daebak!!" Taehyung spoke in amazement. 

"Now we have to find out a way of getting out of here." Yoongi said. 

"First of all, it's getting dark now so let's find a place where we can spend the night." Namjoon said. Everyone followed him. 

After few minutes, they reached to a place. 

"I think, this place seems safe to spend our night." Moon suggested. 

"Yeah, and the lake is also near from here. So I think this is okay." Hoseok agreed with her. 

"We have to gather some essential things before it gets completely dark." Jin said. 

"I, Jimin and Jungkook will go and search for some food. Taehyung and Moon, you two bring water from the lake. Yoongi and Namjoon, you'll collect some woods for the fire because it's getting cold. Lastly, Hoseok and Bee, you gather some straw and the stuff to sleep." he distributed the tasks. 

"Hm..okay!" all left for their respective works. 

After an hour, they all gathered the things at the same place. Taehyung placed the woods and rubbed two stones together, trying to lit the fire and surprisingly it worked. They all settled themselves on the ground and started discussing about how to get out from here. 

"Ah I'm so tired, let's talk about it tomorrow." Yoongi said already yawning. 

"Ha...he will never change, the discussion ended up without being started." Jin sighed.

"But will it be safe to sleep here?" Bee spoke with a concerned look. 

"I think one person should stay awake and take care of everything." Namjoon said. 

"Don't worry, I will take care of everything hyung, you all can sleep." Jungkook assured them.

"Okay, then I'll accompany Jungkook." Taehyung said. 

"No hyung, it's not needed...you can also sleep, I'm alone enough." Jungkook replied. 

"No Jungkook! Taehyung is right, it will be better if two people will remain awake." Hoseok said interrupting him. 

"Fine, hyung." Jungkook hummed. Everyone else laid down on the sheets made of straws and slept.

Author's Note:

Hola beautiful people!! How are ya'll doing? Sorry for the late update. Btw, how was the chapter? How you like it? tell me in the comments and also please do vote if you like it. It keeps my motivation up. Thank you for reading.

I hope you all have a lovely day/night!!! Take care and Stay safe

Don't lose your smile! I purple you all 💜💜💜

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