Drunk Levi x reader

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Requested by HarmonyRose711
It's happening

It's the end if the world all because of one thing......Levi is drunk (dun dun duuuuunn).

I mean it might as well be the end of the world cause this is Levi we are talking about here, the Corporal, Humanities strongest, getting drunk out of all people!!!! Who would have known, well not you dear reader, let us see how this will turn out shall we?? Ten bucks on he will make a complete ass of himself who's in???

(Y/N)'s POV
Tonight was just a normal night at the HQ all until you know who came and brought in alcohol aka Crazy Titan Obsessed Hanji herself!!! Out of all the people in HQ I would have never thought that Levi Ackerman aka my boyfriend would have gotten drunk, but turned out he did......*smirks* this will be interesting, but in the end I'll have to care of him but let's just see where this will go.

While i was drinking water like a normal person instead of getting drunk because hey someone has to be the responsible one here and apparently it's not Levi cause he's gone bat shit crazy, anyway while i was drinking water I was wondering where Levi had gone to and just then I heard thumps coming from the roof that can only mean one thing.......SANTA!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Haha wait it's not Christmas yet.....I put Levi missing and the noises together and oh my god he is on the roof.......i jumped out of my seat and went out side and looked on the roof and surprise surprise there he is. The weird thing is he had all his gear on.

"Levi what are u doing up there?"

He looked down at me and started to run on the roof,
"I'm going on an adventure!!!!!"
(Get the reference???)

I started to shake my head,
"Oh my god Levi your drunk."

I started to chase him on the roof to get him down but he eventually fell off.....sad but he looked unharmed, well he is Humanities strongest after all hahaha.

After that whole fiasco, I brought Levi inside to calm him down but he was still drunk cause he had, from what he told me, 3 beers, he only held up 2 fingers....yea really drunk when u do that but anyway, Eren was sitting close by us, and when I turned my back for ONE SECOND to talk to Hanji Levi had left to talk to Eren. I turned back around and found Levi talking to Eren.

"Uggghhhhhhhhhh Levi your going to make me lose my freaking mind, honestly it's like taking care of a freaking child."

Levi said, "Hey Eren is your face killing you?"

Eren gives him a 'wtf' face, "um, no sir."

Levi smirks, "cause it's sure killing me!" Laughs alittle

Eren has this look of pure sadness on his face with a tear falling out, ' i'm fine'

Levi asked Eren another question ,

"Hey Eren do you want to come to my room and see my Titan???"

Me in the background, ' boi' (this is still in (Y/N)'s POV)

Eren had that look of utter disgust, "um, no sir I don't."

"Why not?"

"Because I just don't see that way sir."

"Fine I don't give a frog's fatass."

Levi then kicks Eren in the back making Eren fall, "You whore!!!!"
(Get that reference???)

Eren's face is of pure regret, ' why did this happen?' , 'i wasn't ready for this'.

I walk up to Levi and put my hands on his shoulder.

"Levi you are drunk, let's get you to bed."

Levi says, "I swear to drunk I'm not God!"

Thinks, ' Your a god in the bedroom though oh yea (imaginary dabs)'

I giggle, "ok Levi let's get you to your room."

As we were walking down the hall to Levi's room, we walked pass Erwin and Levi decided to say, in Erwin's face.....

"If you die in the game, you die for real!!!"
Then walks off. Erwin's face = WTF?!?!?!

I giggles some more, "ok Mr. Comedic let's go to bed now!"

As we entered Levi's room, I placed him on his bed and went into the bathroom for a quick second then came out what I didn't expect was this.

"Who the hell are you?!"

I looked over at Levi and saw him staring at me.

"I live here!"

"No you don't!"

"Yes I do!"

"No the hell you don't!!"

I sighed and walked over to the other side of the bed and sat on the bed bringing my hands up to Levi's cheek.

"Levi you need rest you'll have a bad hangover in the morning so you need rest." I tell him in a gentle voice.

He seems to calm down because his eyes are fluttering close.

"(Y/N) I don't feel so good."

"You're fine Levi"

"(Y/N) I don't want to go!"
I look at him in utter confusion
He then falls on the bed and passes out. (Who gets this reference??)

I sigh again and smile brushing his hair from his face kissing his cheek. Then I pat his chest with my hand, " You are so going to have a huge hangover tomorrow morning, but don't worry I'll take care of you." Then I close my eyes and fall asleep thinking ' we have to apologize to Eren tomorrow'

Levi's POV

'ugh, I have much a hangover, what happened last night?'

I looked over and saw (Y/N) asleep next to me, I tried to remember what happened last night but it's all a blur in my mind. Then I felt the bed shift and I looked over and saw (Y/N) waking up.

She smiles, "Good morning Levi."

"Morning babe, ugh what happened?"

"Oh you mean last night?"

I nod, "yes last night."

She smiles and laughs, " Well alot of things happened, especially funny things that you did." She looks over at me.

"Like what?"

"I'll just let you figure it out for yourself but first since you have a headache you are going to have to stay in bed and don't worry I'll take care of you honey." She smiles and kisses me.

"Thanks babe." I smile alittle

"She smiles back and was about to go get me down water but then she turns her head around and smirks at me,

"Let's just say that what you did last night, I can blackmail you now!" She then dabs and walks out.

I have this look upon my fave of regret and despair.

The End

So what did you guys think? And sorry I updated this a little to early but the idea for this request came to me while I was asleep but I hope you guys like it and the references I put in there i was going to put more but I'll put them in another request. And I have some news....I'm graduating Friday!!!! Finally free from school!!!!! I'm happy :) And also while i was gone I went and saw Avengers Infinity War and it was amazing!!!!! I loved it!!!!! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this and I'll make more :) Also I have a DeviantArt, and I would appreciate it if you guys would check it out I drew anime, Legend of Zelda characters and posted them on it, my name on there is katluvsanime and if you check it out it would make me happy :) thanks

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