Neko! Levi x Reader

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Requested by Unknown_pet

There will be an Author's Note at the end of this one shot (fyi)

(Y/N)'s POV

It was just another normal day in the Survey Corps............well not really. Everyone hasn't been miserable with Levi's training not going on, they all seem relaxed and easygoing.

It's weird without hearing or seeing Levi shouting at the soldiers, I wonder where he is. I started walking over to Eren and Armin talking to each other.

"Hey guys, have you seen Levi?"

Eren thought about the question for a minute and said, "No, I haven't seen him at all."

"He wasn't even at breakfast this morning." Armin added.

"Huh, that's weird, I'm going to look for him." I smile and wave bye to Eren and Armin and head into the Survey Corps building.

Levi's POV

I haven't left my room all day....but I had a good reason not too. I have cat ears, and I can't let anyone see me like this...... especially (Y/N). What would she think if she saw me with these ears, she'll probably see me as a monster and never speak to me again.

I haven't told anyone this but, I've had a a huge crush on her, I don't know what it is about her that drew me to her but I don't care, she means everything to me and I don't want to lose her because of this fiasco.

I sigh as I continue to do paperwork at my desk and I subconsciously move my hand up to my ear and touch it only to let out a purr. Then I quickly retract my hand back onto my desk sighing.

"What am I going to do?" I whisper to myself.

I was lost in thought for too long because i didn't realise that someone was staring at me in the door way.

(Y/N)'s POV

As I was walking down the hall of the building I got to thinking.

' Duh he is in his room, stupid' I slap my hand in my forehead for not thinking of it before, so with that in mind I started walking to his room.

I walked up to his door and knocked. I didn't hear a reply so I knocked again. With no reply for the second time I just opened the door, I know it's wrong but I'm really worried about him. No one knows this but I really love Levi and I hate to see something wrong with him.

As I opened the door, I saw Levi at his desk looking like he was in thought , I walked up to the desk and I poked his cheek which seemed to freak him out because he fell from his chair into he floor.

I covered my mouth trying to muffle my laughs. He got up off the floor and glared at me with is hands over his head.

"What are doing in here?" He still glares at me.

I uncover my mouth and I cleared my throat, "Well sir, I haven't seen you all day and I was worried something bad happened to you."

I could have sworn I saw a dust of pink appear on his cheek but it quickly went away before I could react to it.

"Well I'm fine, you can go now." He said as he sits back in his chair.

His comment made my heart sink, I placed my hand over my heart as I look at him with sad eyes. Then I saw how he still has his hands over his head.

"Um sir?"

"What is it (Y/N)?"

"Why do you still have your hands on your head?, You don't have a headache do you?"

Levi looks at me and widens his eyes, "U-Um"

I approach to his side and try to pry his hands away.

"W-what are you doing?"

"I'm worried Levi, I just want to make sure you're ok."

I kept trying to get his hands off his head but his hands must be made of steel because the were hard to pull. Levi then pushes my hands away and stands up.

"You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine."

"Levi, please" I look at him with pleading eyes putting my hands on my heart, "please don't shut me out, I just want to help you, I care so much about you."

He widens his eyes then he sighs.

Levi's POV

I look at her in surprise, she....cares about me? Does this mean she might like me too?

I sigh and look at her again.

"A-alright, I'll remove my hands."

She looks at me with a small smile on her face. "Thank you Levi"

I slowly remove my hands revealing my cat ears.

"You want to know why I have been stuck her, well it's because of these," I point to my ears, "I was afraid that everyone will look at me like I was a monster."

I close my eyes as tears run down  my cheeks.

' There I said it, I want to hear how you must think of me now'

Moments pass and I heard a squeal coming from (Y/N). I look up at her and she had the biggest smile on her face.

She comes over and hugs me tight to her chest, which made me blush hard. She keeps petting my head and cuddling me to her chest.

"Aw Levi, why didn't you tell me before?"

I muffled (since my face was in her chest) "I thought you would see me as a monster."

She gasps and pulls me away from her, which was a good thing I couldn't breathe.

"I would never see you as a monster Levi, you are adorable with these ears," She touches them and smiles more, "even with your past, you'll never be a monster to me, you'll always be the man I fell in love with."

I widen my eyes and I look at her, "you love me?"

She smiles that heart warming smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

"Of course Levi, I'll love you no matter what." She leans in and kissed me on the lips.

In my mind I was screaming out in pure joy, I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her back. We pull away and for once I smiled and she giggles. She begins to play with my ears again, which made me purr. She began cuddling with me playing with them.

"Will you ever stop playing with my cat ears?"

She said in a demonic voice, "NO", then she went back to smiling and and began petting my head. I widen my eyes, for once scared of someone, her, but I love her.

Author's Note

Hey guys here's another update, and I'm sorry I haven't been updating ive been playing Xenoverse 2 for the Switch amd it had been taking up majority of my time, it's addicting to me but I love the game even though at some points it makes me want to throw my controller at my TV and scream for 30 minutes but I haven't yet so that good, but any way I have been thinking of doing another one shot book bit about Zamasu from Dragon Ball Super, because Zamasu is bae , but I might be starting on that sometime maybe this month but yea I hope you guys enjoy this update :)

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