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Cheater!Levi x Singer!Reader
Word Count: 1706 words
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Singing, Music, they were a great escape for you.

In your early years your parents forced you to study. If one percentage on your GPA lowered you would be punished.

Stressing on exams, your escape was music. You met a person through your escape. Your wonderful boyfriend of 4 years Levi Ackerman.

His grey eyes, and how his raven hair fitted his face perfectly drew you to him.

He got your mind off things and made you who you were today.

Now you're 21 and a big singer. Living the high life, not worrying about what people thought about you all thanks to your boyfriend.

Currently your on your biggest tour. Levi being the great boyfriend also showed his support.

Lately your 'oh so special' boyfriend has been distant.

"Hey babe give me a good luck kiss" you asked.

"Not now (Y/N) I got something to do"

"Oh okay well see you later"

"Uh yeah what ever" he said slamming the door making you jump in fright.

'Maybe he's cheating. What no that can't be Levi do that right?'

These same actions began to occur frequently. Especially on tour concerts.

Today was the opening for your grand world tour.

Many fans came to see you in the spotlight doing what you love. Singing.

Like a tradition, you would go around before going on stage, wishing your back up singers good luck leaving flowers for them.

Rushing into Mikasa's and Sasha's make-up room you left roses and a note that read 'good luck wish you the best'.

'Okay one more to go, Petra'

Petra was your bestfriend and brought her on tour with you. She was well aware of your relationship with Levi as you were aware of her feelings for him.

"Hey Pet~ it's (Y/N) open up" you knocked. Hearing slight noises you placed your ear into the door.

"Petra are you okay I'm coming in"

You opened the door slightly so just incase she was changing.

"Hey Pe-"

"Mm Levi harder~" an all to familiar female voice moaned.

Petra was on the vanity with her legs opened and Levi in between them thrusting and moaning Petra's name.

"Fuck Petra you feel so good"

You dropped the roses onto the carpet and covered your face with your hands.

'N-no this this c-can't be'

The noise of the flowers falling caught
the two's attention.

When your gaze met the ones of gray eyes.

You ran off to your room not caring if anyone was watching, passing and bumping people in your way.

You slammed the door and fell to the floor.

"Why does it hurt so much, why Mom I though you said love was something that would never hurt you"

"Why why what did I do to deserve this." Tears brimming from you (e/c).

Levi came to the room noticing your sad form as you were hugging your knees tightly and embraced you.

"(Y/n) it's not what it seems"

"Don't touch me you disgusting pig, really fucking my bestfriend isn't what it seems Levi"

"Come on babe listen to m-"

"No no I'm done with your bullshit, we're done, get out I have a show to do I said GET OUT"

He left and you pulled off another yet great performance.

Slowly you forgot about Levi but forgave Petra.

You met a guy named Eren in a tour with a couple other bands in Germany .

He became a very supportive person being fully aware of your situation.

You've become fairly acquainted and comfortably close to Eren.

Currently Eren was at your house just having a laid back day before your album signing tomorrow.

"Hey (Y/N) wanna watch a movie"

"Sure lets watch (F/M) (favorite movie) I love it, I'll go make some popcorn be right back"

You grabbed the popcorn and placed it in the microwave waiting for it to finish.

"Eren did you find it on Netflix" you shouted.

"Huh.. oh yeah hurry it's about to start"

Quickly grabbing a bowl, popcorn you sprinted onto the couch, you sat down placing the bowl onto the coffee table.

*ring ring*
Picking up your phone you looked at the caller id 'Petra'.

You turned to Eren mouthing to pause the movie as he mouthed back 'who is it'

"Hey what's up Petra"

"Oh look (Y/n) I just wanted to say I'm super super sorry for the entire Levi thing I was just not in the right set of mind I hope yo-"

"It's fine I forgave you long ago. I can't get between love. That isn't right for me to do, I hope your having a good time with him, well I got to go I'm busy bye"

You hung up the phone and gently laid your head into Eren's lap.

"Who was that, was it you know who" the brunette asked looking into your (E/C) eyes.

"Yeah asking me to say sorry"

Jokes were exchanged in the duration of the movie. You were actually smiling genuinely again.

'Levi never treated me like this.'

You calmly watched the movie slowly falling asleep on Eren's lap while he was running his hand through your soft (H/c) hair.

(Y/N)'s POV-

"(Y/N), (Y/N) come on wake up we have to go to the signing"

Someone was shaking me.

"What mom five more minutes"

A slight chuckle was heard from the owner of the voice

"It's not you mom (Y/N) it's Eren, now get up and get ready I'm making breakfast downstairs"

I swung my legs over the soft king sized bed and slipped on my fuzzy (F/c) bunny slippers.

Walking to the bathroom, turning I turned on the radio and Eren's new single came on "Want to want me".

Turning the water to the right temperature I slipped in and washed myself.

"And if you want, hey girl, you got me~"

"Nice singing but my voice is better" Eren shouted from the outside the bathroom

"Shut up baka"

The song ended and I got changed and made my way downstairs

"What smells so go Mr. Jaeger"

"Your favorite Ms.(L/N)" Eren replied with a smile.

After breakfast and a car ride to the Music store you were impatiently waiting to meet your fans.

"Alright let everyone in" you said.

After an hour or two your hand was giving out.

"How many more Eren" you asked laying your head on the cold table.

"Um about 100 more"

Internally groaning you saw your cd album slip in front of you.

"Hello nice to meet you, who do I make this out to" you exclaimed with a smile.

"To Levi Ackerman"

"What a nice nam-" I looked up and met gazes with gray eyes and a sharply dressed Levi.

"How's it going (Y/N) long time no see huh" Levi stated placing white flowers nto the table.

'Why is he here'

"Y-yeah I guess"

"Can we talk please"

I looked at Eren and he lifted his hands as if surrendering.

"Yeah well you have to wait till I'm done stand to the side" I ordered.


After closing time Eren left early over some meeting with his band.

"So what did you need to talk about Ackerman"

He grabbed my hands and held them.
I pulled them away and crossed them over my chest.

"I am so sorry for cheating on you. I was so stupid, I didn't know what I was doing."

"You're still stupid and it's always that same excuse"

"It was an idiotic thing, that shitty brat made me do it" Levi begged.

I closed my eyes shaking my head trying to not let tears come out.

"Levi look I can't deal with this. You don't understand how much it pained me to see you with a another woman. Especially my best friend." I cried not being able to hold back the tears any longer .

"Why Levi what did she have that I didn't. I gave you everything, including my virginity and it just seemed as if you threw it all away"

"(Y/N) you were so caught up into your work, that my male needs weren't satisfied. Every time I tried be with you you were tired or just busy. She was just there at the right time" he replied tears brimming in his gray eyes.

He ran up to you and pulled you into a warm embrace. Something that you greatly missed.

"I won't ever do anything stupid like that ever again I promise (Y/N) "

"I don't know Levi, I don't knew if I should believe you. If you did it once you can do it. Your an idiot, I hate you, but at the same time don't. Why do you make feel like this" you cried beating in his toned chest.

He chuckled and lifted your chin to face him.

"You're the same (Y/N) I fell in love with. Your gorgeous (H/L) (H/c), your perfect skin, and your forever enticing (e/c) eyes. The girl who doesn't take shit from anyone, the most beautiful girl in the Universe inside and out"

He smashed his lips onto yours. Not being able from to hold your emotion back any longer you melted into the kiss.

He gave you his all, through a passionate kiss.

He wrapped his arms around you slender waist pulling you closer towards him.

And you snaked your arms around his neck. Since you were shorter than him he smirked noticing you on your toes.

He pulled away and looked into your (e/c) eyes and gently smiled.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you. I will never do anything like that anymore, if I hurt you and lose you I don't know what I'll do" Levi said wiping away your stray tears.

"Will you forgive me"

"Yes, but if you ever cheat on my i'll cut your penis off got it" you joked

"Tch got it my beautiful brat" he smiled placing a kiss on your forehead

I'm sorry if I made Levi OOC
I actually like this one but I have other ones coming.
Hope you enjoyed
Request are open~

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