Save Me I Beg Of You

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Self Harmed! PTSD!Levi x Reader
    Word Count: 789 words
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Warning may contain triggering content

Once again, in the lonesome and lonely abyss of his depression. Levi's pale and cold fingers pressed against the cold surface of the metallic blade. Ever since the victory of the Scout Regiment and finishing the Titans off his mind seemed to wonder towards the gruesome past.

Isabel, Farlan, Oulou, Petra, Eld. The ones he considered family, the memories of Isabel and Farlan, the ones made by his squad, the flashing memories of the fallen seemed to weigh upon his broad shoulders heavily

The thing that made his forget about such horror, the voices in his head, was the pain he inflicted upon himself. As the empty, silent tears flowed from his sunken eyes stared at the oh so familiar sharp object .

This was his secret. He didn't want to you to worry about him, his nightmare was to one day make you worry about him. That rainy day he mistook the idea of closing the door. You were suppose to be with your comrades celebrating such success for humanity.

As you opened the wooden slowly, you're feather like steps pressed against the wooden floor. Your mentality made you think he was sound asleep. You believed that it was late, and you didn't enjoy being away from Levi much, call it clingy if you'd like but that was you.

Walking through the halls of the quiet home you shed the heavy coat upon the couch, your shoes at the front entrance, the hair tie upon the table as you heard the low sobbing through Levi's room where he would stay for endless hours.

The sharpened blade danced against his scarred wrist as his eyes closed seeing the crimson liquid falling to the floor, he heaved a relieved sigh from the pain

"Levi?" Your hand pressed upon the door knob twisting it slightly open in it ajar.

His eyes widened dropping the blade turning around to face you. "Levi!" You called rushing to his side after taking a look at his features. Pale face even more than ever, his eyes deep, cheeks tear stained to see the least the red droplet falling agains the floor

"Levi please no don't this to yourself".

You looked at the wounds using the end of your shirt to clean the blood seeping out. Your eyes observed the past scars along his skin. "Why Levi?" You croaked as you bit your lip

"Their deaths are all my fault (Y/N), everything is my fault" his voice ragged as his eyes adverted to his eyes. Your warm hand pressed the cloth against his fresh cuts as the other landed against his cold cheek

"Levi it's not your fault, I love you don't hurt yourself please. Think about how it would be without you at my side"

Standing up, your arms warmly and lovingly embraced his figure after wrapping up his wound. "Don't this to yourself. I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to. I'm your girlfriend and you should know I'm here for you" you whispered running your hands to cup his face.

"They come back (Y/N), the monsters, the voices"  His hands pressed against the plain of your back squeezing slightly "save me please (Y/N) I beg of you" he whispered burying his head against your should.

"The monster in your head, I won't let it surface again." You smiled, kissing his forehead softly "I'll wash away your sins, hold you by your name"

Levi looked up to meet your (e/c) orbs "thank you (Y/N)" he smiled solemnly as he gently pressed his lips against your soft ones

"I'll hold you till the end~"


I know this one is depressing, sad and lonely. But uv found out that by hurting yourself isn't the way to go. Someone is always there for you no matter what. The past isn't your fault, don't put such pressure upon yourself. Self harm is a fragile topic, I've done it and trust me that small spark of feeling as if everything is okay will only make it worse

The voices, your demons, your monsters will be hard to defeat. But remember that in order to defeat them you'll need help, your friends and family, will be at your side. If you ever need anyone to talk to in here, message me, ask for my kik, anything please. Need help let me know I'm here. If you need to talk to someone for problems, or just to talk about anything I'm here for you

And one more thing

I love you, I love you all ☆彡\(^.^)

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