One Sided

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[Modern AU?]
Crush!Levi x Petra x Reader
Word Count: 1200 words
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-Flash Back-

"Petra you look fine I bet he'll love it" (Y/N) told the young hinder standing along the white platform, tugging on the lace adorned dress and veil.

"You sure (Y/N)? I mean maybe I look fat..." Petra mumbled as she looked at the mirror before her.

The young (h/c)-nette stood up and made her way towards the soon to be bride "Levi loves you, he loves every form and shape of you. So don't worry you look perfect~"

-Flash back over-

(Y/N) sighed as she looked at herself in the rearview mirror adjusting the small hairs the protruded from her fancy bun. The small,'royal blue box laid on her lap as her hands fumbled the item.

"Just go in there and just leave it, that's all" the girl told herself as she groaned and leaned her head back into he black leather car seats.

Today was his wedding. The day she wouldn't had to quit her feelings for him. (Y/N) but the inside of her lip as she exited the car, tugging on her (f/c) dress, smiling at Eren and Hanji.

Everyone made their way into the reception area, pastel greens, pinks and blues decorated the white setting. Her eyes have off a solemn look as the minutes inches by.

"Everyone please take your seats accordingly, we will be starting. The bride is on her way" the priest announced as everyone scattered into the aisles.

(Y/N) decided to take a seat in the back, her tears wouldn't be able to distract anyone at least that's what she thought.

Levi made his way into the alter, fixing his cuff link and tie as for once a smile graced his thin lips. He stood before the priest, hands crossed over his legs as the bridesmaids and groomsmen stood in position.

(Y/N)'s heart quickened, her stomach fluttering, all the damn feelings he gave to her every time she saw him. Oh how she wished the short, stoic man belonged to her.

How she dreamed of this day to be her instead of her friend. Oh how she pleaded, that for once, Levi would notice her. As much as just saying her name would just make life easier

(Y/N) looked back as everyone 'awwed' at Petra with a smile along her lips as the dress she wore was the one (Y/N) picked out. Sighing, (Y/N) lowered her head, clenching her jaw as she clutched the small box in her hands.

Levi's eyes gleamed watching his soon to be wife walking down the aisle. She looked like an angel, someone who saved him from himself but something wasn't right.

The girl that always helped Petra get things right for their dates, the girl who would go out of her way to help plan the perfect dates for him and Petra, the girl who always seemed to have a smile adorning her face, he could've sworn she was invited

"Levi..Levi?" A soft voice called out as Petra stood before him. Everyone was quiet as the priest began his speech.

(Y/N) lowered her gaze hoping he would object knowing that it would tear her friends heart but maybe just maybe Petra would understand.

She decided to block out the vows, each word he spoke seemed as if her heart was being pricked with a poisoned needle.

"Does anyone hold any objections towards jointing these people in holy matrimony?"

Swallowing the lump in her throat, her legs seemed weak as she wanted to scream out saying the way she always felt for him. But no, her self confidence and conscious told her no.

"Very well then, Petra Ral do you take Levi Ackerman as you lawfully wedded husband?" The older mm asked holding the bible in between his hands as the couple linked their hands together

Petra grinned brightly, that stupid, perfect smile of hers. "I do" she nodded as Levi inhaled sharply knowing it was his turn.

"Levi Ackerman, do you take Petra Ral as your lawfully wedded wife?" The man asked as Levi clenched his jaw, tension through the air as he nodded "I do"

That was it for (Y/N), her heart that's been beaten and battered before seemed to turn into nothing but ash.

Tears pricked out of the corners of her (e/c) eyes as her hands clutched into fists.

"You may now kiss the bride." Levi removed the veil, lacing it behind Petra's head as he gently cupped her face leaning towards as everyone cheered.

"I object!" The petite (h/c)ette shouted. "I object the marriage!"

Levi and Petra stoked as they both stared wide eyed watching the girl that's led them to present day hold a small box and tears against her face.

"Ma'am your opinion doesn't mat-"

"I'm tired of pushing my opinions back. I-I object the marriage. I know I'm being selfish and self centered but I don't...want this marriage to happen. I love Levi, I can't get him out of my damn head, it's strange how he makes me feel, light on my feet, nervous and my stomach gets butterflies like some type of kindergarten love but the thing is he's never spoken to me, nor does he know my name."
(Y/N) gulped shrinking in self-conscious

"I highly doubt he even knows I exist. But I don't think him and Petra belong. I've done so much for this relationship out of kindness, the date ideas, the things to tell him, advice on how to please him, tips on ways to comfort him...they were all mine. Even the wedding dress and the reception of this fucking weeding..all mine" (Y/N) points out as she sniffles "of it wasn't for me this wouldn't have happened. Petra knew my feelings yet she continued to block them out but you know what forget it's a waste of my time"

The girl got off the wooden seat as she have a sad smile "but good luck to you too, I wish you the best here's my parting gift" she left it along the gift table and exited. The once heavy feeling seemed to fly off her shoulders as she entered her car and not her lip. It was the best thing to do.

Levi looked at the small box as he listened carefully. Bits he knew about others he was oblivious to the fact of how much thought the girl would place to perfect everything.

Petra sighed "I'm sorry for inviting her let's continue" Petra kissed Levi's soft cheek as she grabbed the side of her dress and Levi's hand walking with him down the aisle outside into the white limousine.

Maybe she was right, or maybe things didn't change like she hoped


Hello guys! What's up, nothing much well swag biscuits!

Should I continue this as a book? Hm hm? Give me your opinions down below and I'll see.

You think Levi does something? What happens to (Y/N)? Petra is still Petra xD

Well thanks for reading..goodnight cadets see you around the wall!

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