Breaking Through The Ice

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Leyland Adventures Chapter Thirteen: Part Twenty-Two

"Amubki, is Abliss doing well?" Aradressa asked, looking forward to good news.

"Once she was conscious, she stormed out the village without a thank you. I assume she went back to her castle."

"As expected. Thank you for tending to her. I'll have a little chat with her."

Amubki prayed for her safety, who knows how Abliss would take her comments.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Aradressa stood at the doorstep of Abliss's castle. Her hair flew with the wind as she knocked, silenced ensued before she got an answer.

"Who is it?" Aradressa heard from behind the door.

"It's me, Abliss. I would like to have a small chat with you. I'd also like to receive the final shard."

"You can have the shard, but you're not speaking to me."


"Listen up, princess. You want the shard? Fine, you can have it. But once I drop it off, my eyes better not see anyone outside." She spoke, with fuming aggression in her voice.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot comply with that. I wish to communicate with you. As the crown princess of the Kula Region, I demand that you speak with me." Putting authority in her tone, she spoke clearly and loudly.

Abliss paused for a moment before she could respond. She sensed Aradressa's rise in tone, taking it as a challenge, and refusing to let down.

"Do you really think you being the crown princess has any value to me? Why should I have to obey to your demands?"

"Because if you don't, you'll lose your position. You wouldn't want to discard your title over your stubbornness, correct?"

Abliss scoffed, taking another moment to herself. Her wings rose up and down gradually as she pondered her next move. Aradressa had her backed into a corner, and no matter what Abliss did, the ending result was futile. Eventually, the princess got her way.

"F- fine. You get five minutes, then you're gone. Clear?"


The doors opened, allowing her inside. Just as expected, everything was sculptured out of ice. The main floor, as spacious as it is, was only decorated with minimal furniture. A glittering chandelier looked down upon them, making slight movement.

Abliss proceeded to create two chairs, of course, hers was more detailed. Now that the two were seated, the talk could begin.

"Abliss, I talked to Amubki earlier, he mentioned your lack of appreciation. Why didn't you present any gratitude?"

"I'm the goddess of ice; they should be the ones showing gratitude for treating me. While we're on that note, I didn't need any help from you or them."

"I see. So Abliss, I'd like to revisit a topic discussed during the conclusion of our battle. I asked why you strive to overpower me, but never received an answer. Please, tell me the truth."

Abliss retreated to her mind, closing her eyes as she organized an answer. With a sigh, she spoke.

"Do you recall the multitude of battles we've had?"

"Yes, of course."

"During my younger years, few people stood a chance against me. My ice magic was beyond anything anyone had ever witnessed. Not many Fire-Types could melt it; they could barely compete. My mere presence alone would send lines of pathetic fairies into a state of immobility. Nobody refused my requests; they simply carried them out. The addictive sensation of such power coursed through my veins, and I savored every second for a long time. That's until your growing strength caused commotion around town. When we clashed, you prevailed against me. That loss sunk a permanent dagger in my heart, and yet I dug it deeper by continuously battling you. At some point, I had enough and went to better myself. I trained without a pause. I trained until I was satisfied with myself. Soon enough, I was offered the position of a Gemstone Wielder. A bit later, and then I unlocked my Supreme Order form. But even then, I still haven't learned how to properly control it. As long as I haven't defeated you, I won't stop pushing myself to my very limit. Even if it costs my well-being."

"Abliss..." Aradressa was truly at a loss of words. Suddenly, Abliss seemed different in her eyes. Despite her nasty demeanor, her persistence proved to be remarkable.

Abliss picked up on Aradressa's gaze, growing irritated at her silence.

"Abliss, thank you."

"W- what? T- thank you? Explain yourself right now!" Her words caught Abliss off-guard, curious to understand the meaning behind her statement.

"After my victory, you gained an insatiable appetite for power, blinded by it even. Your demeanor suggested that you were only interested in winning. You strive to dominate me, and for the longest, the reason has been clouded. But now, I realize a fundamental part of your character that's been hidden. You took yourself beyond your limits, pushed yourself to become stronger, and never allowed your losses to weigh your dreams down. Not even an elemental disadvantage can make you surrender. Not even in your most fractured state would you surrender. One could diagnose it as powerful motivation or preserving dignity. And to think I'm the driving force for it. I feel rather honored to be the person you hope to surpass."

Just then, a feeling of gentle warmth rushed through her body. Such positive messages coming from the one she considers as a rival. And for what? Did she feel bad, or was it genuine? In any case, Abliss struggled to communicate.

"Stop searching for some deep meaning. I'd like you to know I don't hate you; I simply dislike being beneath you in terms of power. Nothing more, nothing less."

"I understand. Abliss, I'm pleased to have had this talk with you. Though, I'd like to ask this. If I wasn't a princess, would your feelings change?"

"Somewhat. The fact you're a princess strengthens my desires to claim victory against you."

"I see. Well, I believe my five minutes is up. Thank you for the enthralling discussion. I'll be on my way now."

As Aradressa walked towards the door, Abliss just couldn't let the princess leave so easily. Aradressa's interpretation of Abliss's goal spoke to her, changing the way she perceived her.

"Hold on, princess. You're forgetting this."

Aradressa turned to see the final shard presented to her. Frozen by Abliss's actions, she hesitated before claiming the shard. Aradressa thanked her, Abliss accepted her thanks, but passed it off immediately. Leaving the castle, she went to catch up with Fayemi and Tysashi, praying Fayemi wasn't being too rough the boy.

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